172 resultados para Stable angina
We present precise iron stable isotope ratios measured by multicollector-ICP mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) of human red blood cells (erythrocytes) and blood plasma from 12 healthy male adults taken during a clinical study. The accurate determination of stable isotope ratios in plasma first required substantial method development work, as minor iron amounts in plasma had to be separated from a large organic matrix prior to mass-spectrometric analysis to avoid spectroscopic interferences and shifts in the mass spectrometer's mass-bias. The 56Fe/54Fe ratio in erythrocytes, expressed as permil difference from the “IRMM-014” iron reference standard (δ56/54Fe), ranges from −3.1‰ to −2.2‰, a range typical for male Caucasian adults. The individual subject erythrocyte iron isotope composition can be regarded as uniform over the 21 days investigated, as variations (±0.059 to ±0.15‰) are mostly within the analytical precision of reference materials. In plasma, δ56/54Fe values measured in two different laboratories range from −3.0‰ to −2.0‰, and are on average 0.24‰ higher than those in erythrocytes. However, this difference is barely resolvable within one standard deviation of the differences (0.22‰). Taking into account the possible contamination due to hemolysis (iron concentrations are only 0.4 to 2 ppm in plasma compared to approx. 480 ppm in erythrocytes), we model the pure plasma δ56/54Fe to be on average 0.4‰ higher than that in erythrocytes. Hence, the plasma iron isotope signature lies between that of the liver and that of erythrocytes. This difference can be explained by redox processes involved during cycling of iron between transferrin and ferritin.
In several forms of beta-thalassemia, mutations in the second intron of the beta-globin gene create aberrant 5' splice sites and activate a common cryptic 3' splice site upstream. As a result, the thalassemic beta-globin pre-mRNAs are spliced almost exclusively via the aberrant splice sites leading to a deficiency of correctly spliced beta-globin mRNA and, consequently, beta-globin. We have designed a series of vectors that express modified U7 snRNAs containing sequences antisense to either the aberrant 5' or 3' splice sites in the IVS2-705 thalassemic pre-mRNA. Transient expression of modified U7 snRNAs in a HeLa cell line stably expressing the IVS2-705 beta-globin gene restored up to 65% of correct splicing in a sequence-specific and dose-dependent manner. Cell lines that stably coexpressed IVS2-705 pre-mRNA and appropriately modified U7 snRNA exhibited up to 55% of permanent restoration of correct splicing and expression of full-length beta-globin protein. This novel approach provides a potential alternative to gene replacement therapies.
The 220 abundantly equipped burials from the Late Iron Age cemetery of Münsingen (420 – 240 BC) marked a milestone for Iron Age research. The evident horizontal spread throughout the time of occupancy laid the foundation for the chronology system of the Late Iron Age. Today the skulls of 77 individuals and some postcranial bones are still preserved. The aim was to obtain information about nutrition, social stratification and migration of the individuals from Münsingen. Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur were analysed. The results of 63 individuals show that all consumed C3 plants as staple food with significant differences between males and females in δ13C and δ15N values. The results indicate a gender restriction in access to animal protein. Stable isotope values of one male buried with weapons and meat as grave goods suggest a diet with more animal proteins than the other individuals. It is possible that he was privileged due to high status. Furthermore, the δ34S values indicate minor mobility. Assuming that the subadults represent the local signal of δ34S it is very likely that adults with enriched δ34S could have migrated to Münsingen at some point during their lives. This study presents stable isotope values of one of the most important Late Iron Age burial sites in Central Europe. The presented data provide new insight into diet, migration and social stratification of the population from Münsingen.
Infant burials in Roman settlements are a common observation. Even though ancient authors provide information many questions remain uncertain. For instance, the burial ritual for stillbirth and infanticide neonates is not specifically mentioned. This study therefore aimed to investigate the application of stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes from neonatal bone collagen in differentiating between a breastfeeding signal and stillbirth or a short survival of less than ten days. For this purpose collagen of 11 human and 14 non-human bones from the Roman settlement Petinesca (1st - 3rd century AD, Switzerland) was extracted and analysed for δ15N and δ13C. Tooth histology was performed for the central incisor and canine of the right mandible in order to investigate the presence of a neonatal line. According to the length of the long bones the age varied between 8.5 lunar months to 2 months ex utero. The stable isotope results provided a breastfeeding signal for all except one individual where the breastfeeding signal was absent. The tooth histological analysis of this individual exhibited no neonatal line. It is concluded that stable isotope analysis could indicate stillbirth or a short survival after birth. The tooth histology confirmed the stable isotope results. Furthermore, this might indicate that the burial ritual did not differentiate between stillbirth and neonates, who died within the time span stated by ancient authors of up to 40 days of age or the appearance of teeth. However, for further justifications additional research is going to be conducted.
Foliar samples were harvested from two oaks, a beech, and a yew at the same site in order to trace the development of the leaves over an entire vegetation season. Cellulose yield and stable isotopic compositions (δ13C, δ18O, and δD) were analyzed on leaf cellulose. All parameters unequivocally define a juvenile and a mature period in the foliar expansion of each species. The accompanying shifts of the δ13C-values are in agreement with the transition from remobilized carbohydrates (juvenile period), to current photosynthates (mature phase). While the opponent seasonal trends of δ18O of blade and vein cellulose are in perfect agreement with the state-of-art mechanistic understanding, the lack of this discrepancy for δD, documented for the first time, is unexpected. For example, the offset range of 18 permil (oak veins) to 57 permil (oak blades) in δD may represent a process driven shift from autotrophic to heterotrophic processes. The shared pattern between blade and vein found for both oak and beech suggests an overwhelming metabolic isotope effect on δD that might be accompanied by proton transfer linked to the Calvin-cycle. These results provide strong evidence that hydrogen and oxygen are under different biochemical controls even at the leaf level.
We explored the extent to which δ13C and δD values of freshwater bryozoan statoblasts can provide information about the isotopic composition of zooids, bryozoan food and surrounding water. Bryozoan samples were collected from 23 sites and encompassed ranges of nearly 30‰ for δ13C and 100‰ for δD values. δ13C offsets between zooids and statoblasts generally ranged from −3 to +4.5‰, with larger offsets observed in four samples. However, a laboratory study with Plumatella emarginata and Lophopus crystallinus demonstrated that, in controlled settings, zooids had only 0–1.2‰ higher δ13C values than statoblasts, and 1.7‰ higher values than their food. At our field sites, we observed a strong positive correlation between median δ13C values of zooids and median δ13C values of corresponding statoblasts. We also observed a positive correlation between median δD values of zooids and statoblasts for Plumatella, and a positive correlation between median δD values of statoblasts and δD values of lake water for Plumatella and when all bryozoan taxa were examined together. Our results suggest that isotope measurements on statoblasts collected from flotsam or sediment samples can provide information on the feeding ecology of bryozoans and the H isotopic composition of lake water.
PURPOSE To compare the initial stability and stability after fatigue of three different locking systems (Synthes(®), Stryker(®) and Medartis(®)) for mandibular fixation and reconstruction. METHOD Standard mandible locking plates with identical profile height (1,5 mm), comparable length and screws with identical diameter (2,0 mm) were used. Plates were fixed with six screws according a preparation protocol. Four point bending tests were then performed using artificial bone material to compare their initial stability and failure limit under realistic loading conditions. Loading of the plates was performed using of a servo hydraulic driven testing machine. The stiffness of the implant/bone construct was calculated using a linear regression on the experimental data included in a range of applied moment between 2 Nm and 6 Nm. RESULTS No statistical difference in the elastic stiffness was visible between the three types of plate. However, differences were observed between the systems concerning the maximal load supported. The Stryker and Synthes systems were able to support a significantly higher moment. CONCLUSION For clinical application all systems show good and reliable results. Practical aspects such as handling, possible angulation of screw fixation, possibility of screw/plate removal, etc. may favour one or the other plating system.
Stable coronary artery disease is the most common clinical manifestation of ischaemic heart disease and a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Myocardial revascularisation is a mainstay in the treatment of symptomatic patients or those with ischaemia-producing coronary lesions, and reduces ischaemia to a greater extent than medical treatment. Documentation of ischaemia and plaque burden is fundamental in the risk stratification of patients with stable coronary artery disease, and several invasive and non-invasive techniques are available (eg, fractional flow reserve or intravascular ultrasound) or being validated (eg, instantaneous wave-free ratio and optical coherence tomography). The use of new-generation drug-eluting stents and arterial conduits greatly improve clinical outcome in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). PCI is feasible, safe, and effective in many patients with stable coronary artery disease who remain symptomatic despite medical treatment. In patients with multivessel and left main coronary artery disease, the decision between PCI or CABG is guided by the local Heart Team (team of different cardiovascular specialists, including non-invasive and invasive cardiologists, and cardiac surgeons), who carefully judge the possible benefits and risks inherent to PCI and CABG. In specific subsets, such as patients with diabetes and advanced, multivessel coronary artery disease, CABG remains the standard of care in view of improved protection against recurrent ischaemic adverse events.
BACKGROUND The distribution of thrombus-containing lesions (TCLs) in an all-comer population admitted with a heterogeneous clinical presentation (stable, ustable angina, or an acute coronary syndrome) and treated with percutaneous coronary intervention is yet unclear, and the long-term prognostic implications are still disputed. This study sought to assess the distribution and prognostic implications of coronary thrombus, detected by coronary angiography, in a population recruited in all-comer percutaneous coronary intervention trials. METHODS AND RESULTS Patient-level data from 3 contemporary coronary stent trials were pooled by an independent academic research organization (Cardialysis, Rotterdam, the Netherlands). Clinical outcomes in terms of major adverse cardiac events (major adverse cardiac events, a composite of death, myocardial infarction, and repeat revascularization), death, myocardial infarction, and repeated revascularization were compared between patients with and without angiographic TCL. Preprocedural TCL was present in 257 patients (5.8%) and absent in 4193 (94.2%) patients. At 3-year follow-up, there was no difference for major adverse cardiac events (25.3 versus 25.4%; P=0.683); all-cause death (7.4 versus 6.8%; P=0.683); myocardial infarction (5.8 versus 6.0%; P=0.962), and any revascularizations (17.5 versus 17.7%; P=0.822) between patients with and without TCL. The comparison of outcomes in groups weighing the jeopardized myocardial by TCL also did not show a significant difference. TCL were seen more often in the first 2 segments of the right (43.6%) and left anterior descending (36.8%) coronary arteries. The association of TCL and bifurcation lesions was present in 40.1% of the prespecified segments. CONCLUSIONS TCL involved mainly the proximal coronary segments and did not have any effect on clinical outcomes. A more detailed thrombus burden quantification is required to investigate its prognostic implications. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifiers: NCT00114972, NCT01443104, NCT00617084.
Close relationships exist between presence of adiponectin (APN) within vascular tissue and expression of T-cadherin (T-cad) on vascular cells. APN and T-cad are also present in the circulation but here their relationships are unknown. This study investigates associations between circulating levels of high molecular weight APN (HMW-APN) and T-cad in a population comprising 66 women and 181 men with angiographically proven stable coronary artery disease (CAD). Plasma HMW-APN and T-cad were measured by ELISA and analysed for associations with baseline clinical characteristics and with each other. In multivariable analysis BMI and HDL were independently associated with HMW-APN in both genders, while diabetes and extent of coronary stenosis were independently associated with T-cad in males only. Regression analysis showed no significant association between HMW-APN and T-cad in the overall study population. However, there was a negative association between HMW-APN and T-cad (P=0.037) in a subgroup of young men (age <60 years, had no diabetes and no or 1-vessel CAD) which persisted after multivariable analysis with adjustment for all potentially influential variables (P=0.021). In the corresponding subgroup of women there was a positive association between HMW-APN and T-cad (P=0.013) which disappeared after adjustment for HDL. After exclusion of the young men, a positive association (P=0.008) between HMW-APN and T-cad was found for the remaining participants of the overall population which disappeared after adjustment for HDL and BMI. The existence of opposing correlations between circulating HMW-APN and T-cad in male and female patient populations underscores the necessity to consider gender as a confounding variable when evaluating biomarker potentials of APN and T-cad.
OBJECTIVE Glycerophospholipids and sphingolipids are structurally heterogeneous due to differences in the O- and N-linked fatty acids and head groups. Sphingolipids also show a heterogeneity in their sphingoid base composition which up to now has been little appreciated. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of certain glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI). METHODS The lipid profile in plasma from patients with stable CAD (n = 18) or AMI (n = 17) was compared to healthy subjects (n = 14). Sixty five glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species were quantified by LC-MS. The relative distribution of these lipids into lipoprotein fractions was analyzed. RESULTS In the CAD cohort, 45 glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species were significantly lower compared to healthy controls. In the AMI group, 42 glycerophospholipid and sphingolipid species were reduced. Four PC plasmalogens (PC33:1, PC33:2, PC33:3 and PC35:3) showed the most significant difference. Out of eleven analyzed sphingoid bases, four were lower in the CAD and six in the AMI group. Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) levels were reduced in the AMI group whereas an atypical C16:1 S1P was lower in both groups. Phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin species were exclusively present in lipoprotein particles, whereas lysophosphatidylcholines were mainly found in the lipoprotein-free fraction. The observed differences were not explained by the use of statins as confirmed in a second, independent cohort. CONCLUSIONS Reduced levels of four PC plasmalogens (PC33:1, PC33:2, PC33:3 and PC35:3) were identified as a putatively novel lipid signature for CAD and AMI.