158 resultados para Salakari, Anita


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1. Einleitung 2. Die SVP und ihre Wählerschaft 3. Wer wählt die SVP? Ein Vergleich der Wahlen 2003 und 2011 4. Einstellungen gegenüber Immigranten und die Wahrscheinlichkeit, die SVP zu wählen – eine vertiefte Analyse der Wahlen von 2011 5. Schlussbetrachtungen


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Rund ein Viertel der Personen über 15 Jahren engagiert sich in der Schweiz unentgeltlich in einer Organisation, zehn Prozent besetzen ein gewähltes Ehrenamt. Und fast 40 Prozent wirken als Freiwillige ausserhalb von Vereinen. Insgesamt leisten die Menschen in der Schweiz etwa 700 Millionen Stunden Freiwilligenarbeit pro Jahr. Dies entspricht etwa neun Prozent der geleisteten 7700 Millionen Stunden Erwerbsarbeit. Die Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner der Schweiz sind aber je nach Geschlecht, Alter, Region, Grösse des Wohnorts, Religionszugehörigkeit, Bildungsniveau, Einkommen, Zivilstand und beruflicher Stellung unterschiedlich stark freiwillig engagiert. Nach 2007 und 2010 wurde das freiwillige Engagement in der Schweiz mit diesem Monitor zum dritten Mal erforscht. Neben Analysen zum Verlauf und zu den Beweggründen wie möglichen Anreizen unbezahlter Arbeit liefert die Studie auch erstmalig Informationen zum freiwilligen Engagement im Internet und untersucht spezifisch die Situation junger Erwachsener und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Zudem werden Einsichten zum Persönlichkeitsprofil von Freiwilligen und deren politischen und sozialen Einstellungen präsentiert.


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Background Several indicators of heightened vulnerability to psychosis and relevant stressors have been identified. However, it has rarely been studied prospectively to what extent these vulnerability factors are in fact more frequently present in individuals with an at-risk mental state for psychosis. Moreover, it remains unknown whether any of these contribute to the prediction of psychosis onset in at-risk mental state individuals. Methods There were 28 healthy controls, 86 first-episode psychosis patients and 127 at-risk mental state individuals recruited within the Basel “Früherkennung von Psychosen” project. Relative frequencies of selected vulnerability factors for psychosis were compared between healthy controls, psychosis patients, those at-risk mental state individuals with subsequent psychosis onset (n = 31) and those without subsequent psychosis onset (n = 55). Survival analyses were applied to determine associations between time to transition to psychosis and vulnerability factors in all 127 at-risk mental state individuals. Results The vulnerability factors/indicators such as “difficulties during school education or vocational training”, “difficulties during employment”, “being single”, “difficulties with intimate relationships” and “being burdened with specific stressful situations” were more commonly found in the at-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis group than in healthy controls. Conclusions At-risk mental state and first-episode psychosis individuals more frequently present with vulnerability factors. Individual vulnerability factors appear, however, not to be predictive for an onset of psychosis.


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Noise peaks are powerful distractors. This study focuses on the impact of noise peaks on surgical teams' communication during 109 long abdominal surgeries. We related measured noise peaks during 5-min intervals to the amount of observed communication during the same interval. Results show that noise peaks are associated with less case-relevant communication; this effect is moderated by the level of surgical experience; case-relevant communications decrease under high noise peak conditions among junior, but not among senior surgeons. However, case-irrelevant communication did not decrease under high noise level conditions, rather there was a trend to more case-irrelevant communication under high noise peaks. The results support the hypothesis that noise peaks impair communication because they draw on attentional resources rather than impairing understanding of communication. As case-relevant communication is important for surgical performance, exposure to high noise peaks in the OR should be minimised especially for less experienced surgeons. Practitioner Summary: This study investigated whether noise during surgeries influenced the communication within surgical teams. During abdominal surgeries, noise levels were measured and communication was observed. Results showed that high noise peaks reduced the frequency of patient-related communication, but did not reduce patient-irrelevant communication. Noise may negatively affect team coordination in surgeries.