231 resultados para berne
La société économique de Berne est considérée comme une zone de contact à portée européenne des Lumières économiques. C´est dans cette perspective que son organe de publication paraissant dans deux langues, son premier catalogue de bibliothèque, tout comme les membres d´honneur qui y sont nommés feront l´objet d´une étude. Cette analyse vise aussi bien aux aspects fonctionnels du transfert des savoirs et de leur organisation, qu´à la culture de réputation et de reconnaissance. Seule l´association de ces deux aspects permet de constituer le caractère international de la société bernoise
The research on which this text is based has been financially supported by the Berne University Research Foundation (2009–2011) as well as by an Ambizione Research Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation (2012–2014). During my stays in South Africa, the Departments of Anthropology at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, and the University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, provided me with welcoming and inspiring research environments. This article benefitted greatly from engaged discussions around its presentation at various occasions, notably our ECAS 2011 panel Transition and Justice: Negotiating the Terms of New Beginnings in Africa, held in Uppsala. I am particularly grateful to my co-convener and co-editor Gerhard Anders as well as Laurens Bakker, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Ben Cousins, Julia Eckert, Marion Fresia, Vinodh Jaichand, Steffen Jensen, Tim Kelsall, Hanri Mostert, Johanna Mugler, David O'Kane, Julia Pauli, Mats Utas, Julia Zenker and the anonymous referees of Development and Change for their critical engagements.
1. BMC Clin Pathol. 2014 May 1;14:19. doi: 10.1186/1472-6890-14-19. eCollection 2014. A case of EDTA-dependent pseudothrombocytopenia: simple recognition of an underdiagnosed and misleading phenomenon. Nagler M, Keller P, Siegrist D, Alberio L. Author information: Department of Hematology and Central Hematology Laboratory, Inselspital University Hospital and University of Berne, CH-3010 Berne, Switzerland. BACKGROUND: EDTA-dependent pseudothrombocytopenia (EDTA-PTCP) is a common laboratory phenomenon with a prevalence ranging from 0.1-2% in hospitalized patients to 15-17% in outpatients evaluated for isolated thrombocytopenia. Despite its harmlessness, EDTA-PTCP frequently leads to time-consuming, costly and even invasive diagnostic investigations. EDTA-PTCP is often overlooked because blood smears are not evaluated visually in routine practice and histograms as well as warning flags of hematology analyzers are not interpreted correctly. Nonetheless, EDTA-PTCP may be diagnosed easily even by general practitioners without any experiences in blood film examinations. This is the first report illustrating the typical patterns of a platelet (PLT) and white blood cell (WBC) histograms of hematology analyzers. CASE PRESENTATION: A 37-year-old female patient of Caucasian origin was referred with suspected acute leukemia and the crew of the emergency unit arranged extensive investigations for work-up. However, examination of EDTA blood sample revealed atypical lymphocytes and an isolated thrombocytopenia together with typical patterns of WBC and PLT histograms: a serrated curve of the platelet histogram and a peculiar peak on the left side of the WBC histogram. EDTA-PTCP was confirmed by a normal platelet count when examining citrated blood. CONCLUSION: Awareness of typical PLT and WBC patterns may alert to the presence of EDTA-PTCP in routine laboratory practice helping to avoid unnecessary investigations and over-treatment. PMCID: PMC4012027 PMID: 24808761 [PubMed]
Im Zuge einer Masterarbeit an der Universität Bern und am Naturhistorischen Museum der Burger- gemeinde Bern wurde das Molybdänitvorkommen am Alpjuhorn im Baltschiedertal untersucht. Neben Molybdänit wurden auch Scheelit, Ilmenit, Galenit, Ferberit und die Sekundärmineralien Ferrimolybdit und Powellit gefunden. Speziell am Galenit des Alpjuhorns ist, dass er eine oktaedrische Spaltbar- keit aufweist. Das Auftreten von Ferberit ist insofern erwähnenswert, da aus der Schweiz nur wenige Funde von Mineralien der Wolframit-Reihe (Ferberit- Hübnerit) bekannt sind.
Un coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur, la conscience du temps qui passe, l’émergence de doutes, une envie de renouveau… L’entrée dans la quarantaine questionne, remue et secoue parfois jusqu’à la crise existentielle. Qu’est-ce qui se joue au mitan de la vie? Les réponses de Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, professeure de psychologie à l'Université de Berne et cheffe de projet au Pôle de recherche national LIVES.