140 resultados para Ray E. Sanders
The liquid–vapor interface is difficult to access experimentally but is of interest from a theoretical and applied point of view and has particular importance in atmospheric aerosol chemistry. Here we examine the liquid–vapor interface for mixtures of water, sodium chloride, and formic acid, an abundant chemical in the atmosphere. We compare the results of surface tension and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements over a wide range of formic acid concentrations. Surface tension measurements provide a macroscopic characterization of solutions ranging from 0 to 3 M sodium chloride and from 0 to over 0.5 mole fraction formic acid. Sodium chloride was found to be a weak salting out agent for formic acid with surface excess depending only slightly on salt concentration. In situ XPS provides a complementary molecular level description about the liquid–vapor interface. XPS measurements over an experimental probe depth of 51 Å gave the C 1s to O 1s ratio for both total oxygen and oxygen from water. XPS also provides detailed electronic structure information that is inaccessible by surface tension. Density functional theory calculations were performed to understand the observed shift in C 1s binding energies to lower values with increasing formic acid concentration. Part of the experimental −0.2 eV shift can be assigned to the solution composition changing from predominantly monomers of formic acid to a combination of monomers and dimers; however, the lack of an appropriate reference to calibrate the absolute BE scale at high formic acid mole fraction complicates the interpretation. Our data are consistent with surface tension measurements yielding a significantly more surface sensitive measurement than XPS due to the relatively weak propensity of formic acid for the interface. A simple model allowed us to replicate the XPS results under the assumption that the surface excess was contained in the top four angstroms of solution.
Aviation security strongly depends on screeners' performance in the detection of threat objects in x-ray images of passenger bags. We examined for the first time the effects of stress and stress-induced cortisol increases on detection performance of hidden weapons in an x-ray baggage screening task. We randomly assigned 48 participants either to a stress or a nonstress group. The stress group was exposed to a standardized psychosocial stress test (TSST). Before and after stress/nonstress, participants had to detect threat objects in a computer-based object recognition test (X-ray ORT). We repeatedly measured salivary cortisol and X-ray ORT performance before and after stress/nonstress. Cortisol increases in reaction to psychosocial stress induction but not to nonstress independently impaired x-ray detection performance. Our results suggest that stress-induced cortisol increases at peak reactivity impair x-ray screening performance.