161 resultados para CYP21 deficiency


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The pathophysiology of mucosal changes observed in infants with chronic protracted diarrhea is poorly understood. We report on two brothers suffering from a special form of sucrase isomaltase (SI) deficiency. The children presented with weight loss and dyspepsia after sucrose exposition. We performed an H respiration test, which showed a pathologic result in the younger brother. Analysis of the brush border enzyme activities showed low expression of lactase and SI. Immunoelectron microscopy of duodenal biopsies showed an isolated SI deficiency in a mosaic pattern [e.g., 42% (14%) crypt enterocytes and 64% (59%) villus enterocytes with decreased amounts of SI on microvilli], whereas lactase and aminopeptidase n (ApN) were present at the apical membrane of all cells in a normal range. The SI mosaic pattern of these patients shows that the enterocytes contain low amounts of SI on the apical membrane but express normal quantities of other disaccharidases. These findings suggest the existence of different clonal expressions or specific (posttranslational) mechanisms of postGolgi transportation for individual brush border enzymes. It remains unresolved whether the mosaic distribution is part of a normal maturation process or caused by a lack of an overall control mechanism in the expression of brush border hydrolases.


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A 2-year-old German Holstein bull was identified as a carrier of a mutation within the X-chromosomal ED1 gene, which encodes a TNF-related signalling molecule mainly involved in ectodermal development. The clinicopathological appearance was associated with hypotrichosis, hypodontia, and a reduced number of eccrine glands, in addition to chronic rhinotracheitis and partial squamous metaplasia. Furthermore, for the first time in an ED1-deficient animal, a complete lack of respiratory mucous glands was observed. This suggests that the ED1 gene plays a role in the development of mucous glands, the absence of which resembles a feature of X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (ED1) in human patients.


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BACKGROUND The distribution of the enzymopathy glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is linked to areas of high malaria endemicity due to its association with protection from disease. G6PD deficiency is also identified as the cause of severe haemolysis following administration of the anti-malarial drug primaquine and further use of this drug will likely require identification of G6PD deficiency on a population level. Current conventional methods for G6PD screening have various disadvantages for field use. METHODS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS method, recently adapted for field use, was validated using a gold standard enzymatic assay (R&D Diagnostics Ltd ®) in a study involving 235 children under five years of age, who were recruited by random selection from a cohort study in Tororo, Uganda. Blood spots were collected by finger-prick onto filter paper at routine visits, and G6PD activity was determined by both tests. Performance of the WST8/1-methoxy PMS test under various temperature, light, and storage conditions was evaluated. RESULTS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS assay was found to have 72% sensitivity and 98% specificity when compared to the commercial enzymatic assay and the AUC was 0.904, suggesting good agreement. Misclassifications were at borderline values of G6PD activity between mild and normal levels, or related to outlier haemoglobin values (<8.0 gHb/dl or >14 gHb/dl) associated with ongoing anaemia or recent haemolytic crises. Although severe G6PD deficiency was not found in the area, the test enabled identification of low G6PD activity. The assay was found to be highly robust for field use; showing less light sensitivity, good performance over a wide temperature range, and good capacity for medium-to-long term storage. CONCLUSIONS The WST8/1-methoxy PMS assay was comparable to the currently used standard enzymatic test, and offers advantages in terms of cost, storage, portability and use in resource-limited settings. Such features make this test a potential key tool for deployment in the field for point of care assessment prior to primaquine administration in malaria-endemic areas. As with other G6PD tests, outlier haemoglobin levels may confound G6PD level estimation.


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Missense mutations in ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1 protein, cause a muscle disorder designed as congenital pseudomyotonia (PMT) in Chianina and Romagnola cattle or congenital muscular dystonia1 (CMD1) in Belgian Blue cattle. Although PMT is not life-threatening, CMD1 affected calves usually die within a few weeks of age as a result of respiratory complication. We have recently described a muscular disorder in a double muscle Dutch Improved Red and White cross-breed calf. Mutation analysis revealed an ATP2A1 mutation identical to that described in CMD1, even though clinical phenotype was quite similar to that of PMT. Here, we provide evidence for a deficiency of mutated SERCA1 in PMT affected muscles of Dutch Improved Red and White calf, but not of its mRNA. The reduced expression of SERCA1 is selective and not compensated by the SERCA2 isoform. By contrast, pathological muscles are characterized by a broad distribution of mitochondrial markers in all fiber types, not related to intrinsic features of double muscle phenotype and by an increased expression of sarcolemmal calcium extrusion pump. Calcium removal mechanisms, operating in muscle fibers as compensatory response aimed at lowering excessive cytoplasmic calcium concentration caused by SERCA1 deficiency, could explain the difference in severity of clinical signs.


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Despite immense efforts into development of new antidepressant drugs, the increases of serotoninergic and catecholaminergic neurotransmission have remained the two major pharmacodynamic principles of current drug treatments for depression. Consequently, psychopathological or biological markers that predict response to drugs that selectively increase serotonin and/or catecholamine neurotransmission hold the potential to optimize the prescriber's selection among currently available treatment options. The aim of this study was to elucidate the differential symptomatology and neurophysiology in response to reductions in serotonergic versus catecholaminergic neurotransmission in subjects at high risk of depression recurrence. Using identical neuroimaging procedures with [(18)F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography after tryptophan depletion (TD) and catecholamine depletion (CD), subjects with remitted depression were compared with healthy controls in a double-blind, randomized, crossover design. Although TD induced significantly more depressed mood, sadness and hopelessness than CD, CD induced more inactivity, concentration difficulties, lassitude and somatic anxiety than TD. CD specifically increased glucose metabolism in the bilateral ventral striatum and decreased glucose metabolism in the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex, whereas TD specifically increased metabolism in the right prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex. Although we found direct associations between changes in brain metabolism and induced depressive symptoms following CD, the relationship between neural activity and symptoms was less clear after TD. In conclusion, this study showed that serotonin and catecholamines have common and differential roles in the pathophysiology of depression.


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CONTEXT 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency (3βHSD) is a rare disorder of sexual development and steroidogenesis. There are two isozymes of 3βHSD, HSD3B1 and HSD3B2. Human mutations are known for the HSD3B2 gene which is expressed in the gonads and the adrenals. Little is known about testis histology, fertility and malignancy risk. OBJECTIVE To describe the molecular genetics, the steroid biochemistry, the (immuno-)histochemistry and the clinical implications of a loss-of-function HSD3B2 mutation. METHODS Biochemical, genetic and immunohistochemical investigations on human biomaterials. RESULTS A 46,XY boy presented at birth with severe undervirilization of the external genitalia. Steroid profiling showed low steroid production for mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex steroids with typical precursor metabolites for HSD3B2 deficiency. The genetic analysis of the HSD3B2 gene revealed a homozygous c.687del27 deletion. At pubertal age, he showed some virilization of the external genitalia and some sex steroid metabolites appeared likely through conversion of precursors secreted by the testis and converted by unaffected HSD3B1 in peripheral tissues. However, he also developed enlarged breasts through production of estrogens in the periphery. Testis histology in late puberty revealed primarily a Sertoli-cell-only pattern and only few tubules with arrested spermatogenesis, presence of few Leydig cells in stroma, but no neoplastic changes. CONCLUSIONS The testis with HSD3B2 deficiency due to the c.687del27 deletion does not express the defective protein. This patient is unlikely to be fertile and his risk for gonadal malignancy is low. Further studies are needed to obtain firm knowledge on malignancy risk for gonads harboring defects of androgen biosynthesis.


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Cholesterol deficiency, a new autosomal recessive inherited genetic defect in Holstein cattle, has been recently reported to have an influence on the rearing success of calves. The affected animals show unresponsive diarrhea accompanied by hypocholesterolemia and usually die within the first weeks or months of life. Here, we show that whole genome sequencing combined with the knowledge about the pedigree and inbreeding status of a livestock population facilitates the identification of the causative mutation. We resequenced the entire genomes of an affected calf and a healthy partially inbred male carrying one copy of the critical 2.24-Mb chromosome 11 segment in its ancestral state and one copy of the same segment with the cholesterol deficiency mutation. We detected a single structural variant, homozygous in the affected case and heterozygous in the non-affected carrier male. The genetic makeup of this key animal provides extremely strong support for the causality of this mutation. The mutation represents a 1.3kb insertion of a transposable LTR element (ERV2-1) in the coding sequence of the APOB gene, which leads to truncated transcripts and aberrant splicing. This finding was further supported by RNA sequencing of the liver transcriptome of an affected calf. The encoded apolipoprotein B is an essential apolipoprotein on chylomicrons and low-density lipoproteins, and therefore, the mutation represents a loss of function mutation similar to autosomal recessive inherited familial hypobetalipoproteinemia-1 (FHBL1) in humans. Our findings provide a direct gene test to improve selection against this deleterious mutation in Holstein cattle.


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Both of the sphingosine kinase (SK) subtypes SK-1 and SK-2 catalyze the production of the bioactive lipid molecule sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). However, the subtype-specific cellular functions are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the cellular function of SK-2 in primary mouse renal mesangial cells (mMC) and embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) from wild-type C57BL/6 or SK-2 knockout (SK2ko) mice. We found that SK2ko cells displayed a significantly higher proliferative and migratory activity when compared to wild-type cells, with concomitant increased cellular activities of the classical extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and PI3K/Akt cascades, and of the small G protein RhoA. Furthermore, we detected an upregulation of SK-1 protein and S1P3 receptor mRNA expression in SK-2ko cells. The MEK inhibitor U0126 and the S1P1/3 receptor antagonist VPC23019 blocked the increased migration of SK-2ko cells. Additionally, S1P3ko mesangial cells showed a reduced proliferative behavior and reduced migration rate upon S1P stimulation, suggesting a crucial involvement of the S1P3 receptor. In summary, our data demonstrate that SK-2 exerts suppressive effects on cell growth and migration in renal mesangial cells and fibroblasts, and that therapeutic targeting of SKs for treating proliferative diseases requires subtype-selective inhibitors.


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Fatal hyperammonemia secondary to chemotherapy for hematological malignancies or following bone marrow transplantation has been described in few patients so far. In these, the pathogenesis of hyperammonemia remained unclear and was suggested to be multifactorial. We observed severe hyperammonemia (maximum 475 μmol/L) in a 2-year-old male patient, who underwent high-dose chemotherapy with carboplatin, etoposide and melphalan, and autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for a neuroblastoma stage IV. Despite intensive care treatment, hyperammonemia persisted and the patient died due to cerebral edema. The biochemical profile with elevations of ammonia and glutamine (maximum 1757 μmol/L) suggested urea cycle dysfunction. In liver homogenates, enzymatic activity and protein expression of the urea cycle enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1) were virtually absent. However, no mutation was found in CPS1 cDNA from liver and CPS1 mRNA expression was only slightly decreased. We therefore hypothesized that the acute onset of hyperammonemia was due to an acquired, chemotherapy-induced (posttranscriptional) CPS1 deficiency. This was further supported by in vitro experiments in HepG2 cells treated with carboplatin and etoposide showing a dose-dependent decrease in CPS1 protein expression. Due to severe hyperlactatemia, we analysed oxidative phosphorylation complexes in liver tissue and found reduced activities of complexes I and V, which suggested a more general mitochondrial dysfunction. This study adds to the understanding of chemotherapy-induced hyperammonemia as drug-induced CPS1 deficiency is suggested. Moreover, we highlight the need for urgent diagnostic and therapeutic strategies addressing a possible secondary urea cycle failure in future patients with hyperammonemia during chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation.


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BACKGROUND Low vitamin D levels have been associated with depressive symptoms in population-based studies and non-clinical samples as well as with clinical depression. This study aimed to examine the association of vitamin D levels with the severity and dimensions of depressive symptoms in hospitalized patients with a current episode of depression taking into account confounding variables. METHODS We investigated 380 patients (mean age 47 ± 12 years, 70% women) who were consecutively hospitalized with a main diagnosis of an ICD-10 depressive episode. All patients self-rated depressive symptom severity with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-D), the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), and the Brief Symptom Inventory. A principal component analysis was performed with all 34 items of these questionnaires and serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25-OH D) were measured. RESULTS Vitamin D deficiency (< 50 nmol/l), insufficiency (50-75 nmol/l), and sufficiency (> 75 nmol/l) were present in 55.5%, 31.8% and 12.6%, respectively, of patients. Patients with vitamin D deficiency scored higher on the HADS-D scale and on an anhedonia symptom factor than those with insufficient (p-values ≤ 0.023) or sufficient (p-values ≤ 0.008) vitamin D. Vitamin D deficient patients also scored higher on the BDI-II scale than those with sufficient vitamin D (p = 0.007); BDI-II cognitive/affective symptoms, but not somatic/affective symptoms, were higher in patients with vitamin D deficiency (p = 0.005) and insufficiency (p = 0.041) relative to those with sufficient vitamin D. Effect sizes suggested clinically relevant findings. CONCLUSIONS Low vitamin D levels are frequent in hospitalized patients with a current episode of depression. Especially 25-OH D levels < 50 nmol/l were associated with cognitive/affective depressive symptoms, and anhedonia symptoms in particular.


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In addition to antigen processing, immunoproteasomes were recently shown to exert functions influencing cytokine production by monocytes and T cells, T-helper cell differentiation, and T-cell survival. Moreover, selective inhibition of the immunoproteasome subunit LMP7 ameliorated symptoms of autoimmune diseases including CD4(+) T-cell mediated EAE. In this study, we show that LMP7 also plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-induced meningitis mediated by CTLs. Mice lacking functional LMP7 display delayed and reduced clinical signs of disease accompanied by a strongly decreased inflammatory infiltration into the brain. Interestingly, we found that selective inhibition and genetic deficiency of LMP7 affect the pathogenesis of LCMV-induced meningitis in a distinct manner. Our findings support the important role of LMP7 in inflammatory disorders and suggest immunoproteasome inhibition as a novel strategy against inflammation-induced neuropathology in the CNS.


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The paracaspase MALT1 plays an important role in immune receptor-driven signaling pathways leading to NF-κB activation. MALT1 promotes signaling by acting as a scaffold, recruiting downstream signaling proteins, as well as by proteolytic cleavage of multiple substrates. However, the relative contributions of these two different activities to T and B cell function are not well understood. To investigate how MALT1 proteolytic activity contributes to overall immune cell regulation, we generated MALT1 protease-deficient mice (Malt1(PD/PD)) and compared their phenotype with that of MALT1 knockout animals (Malt1(-/-)). Malt1(PD/PD) mice displayed defects in multiple cell types including marginal zone B cells, B1 B cells, IL-10-producing B cells, regulatory T cells, and mature T and B cells. In general, immune defects were more pronounced in Malt1(-/-) animals. Both mouse lines showed abrogated B cell responses upon immunization with T-dependent and T-independent Ags. In vitro, inactivation of MALT1 protease activity caused reduced stimulation-induced T cell proliferation, impaired IL-2 and TNF-α production, as well as defective Th17 differentiation. Consequently, Malt1(PD/PD) mice were protected in a Th17-dependent experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model. Surprisingly, Malt1(PD/PD) animals developed a multiorgan inflammatory pathology, characterized by Th1 and Th2/0 responses and enhanced IgG1 and IgE levels, which was delayed by wild-type regulatory T cell reconstitution. We therefore propose that the pathology characterizing Malt1(PD/PD) animals arises from an immune imbalance featuring pathogenic Th1- and Th2/0-skewed effector responses and reduced immunosuppressive compartments. These data uncover a previously unappreciated key function of MALT1 protease activity in immune homeostasis and underline its relevance in human health and disease.


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Wound healing disturbance is a common complication following surgery, but the underlying cause sometimes remains elusive. A 50-year-old Caucasian male developed an initially misunderstood severe wound healing disturbance following colon and abdominal wall surgery. An untreated alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency in the patient's medical history, known since 20 years and clinically apparent as a mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, was eventually found to be at its origin. Further clinical work-up showed AAT serum levels below 30% of the lower reference value; phenotype testing showed a ZZ phenotype and a biopsy taken from the wound area showed the characteristic, disease-related histological pattern of necrotising panniculitits. Augmentation therapy with plasma AAT was initiated and within a few weeks, rapid and adequate would healing was observed. AAT deficiency is an uncommon but clinically significant, possible cause of wound healing disturbances. An augmentation therapy ought to be considered in affected patients during the perioperative period.


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OBJECTIVES Pelvic floor rehabilitation is the conservative therapy of choice for women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). The success rate of surgical procedures in SUI patients with intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD) is low. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of a standardized physiotherapy on patients with SUI and normotonic urethra and ISD. METHODS In this study, 64 patients with ISD and 69 patients with normotonic urethra were enrolled. Maximum urethral pressure (MUCP) >20 cm H2 O was considered as normotonic urethral pressure. Before and after physiotherapy MUCP was measured and cough testing was performed. Additionally, patient reported outcome was assessed using the King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ). For statistical analyses Excel 2010 (Microsoft Inc; Redmond, Washington) and SPSS 20 (SPSS Inc; Chicago, Illinois) for Windows were used. Power calculation was based on the primary endpoint incontinence impact and general health. For power calculation, GraphPad Statmate version 2.00 for Windows was used. RESULTS Sixty-four patients with ISD and 69 patients with normotonic urethra were included in the study. In SUI patients with normotonic and hypotonic urethra KHQ-scores regarding the primary endpoins "general health" and "incontinence impact" significantly improved following standardized physiotherapy. In both groups MUCP increased after physiotherapy. In SUI patients with ISD standardized physiotherapy resulted in a decreased incidence of a positive cough test. CONCLUSIONS Standardized physiotherapy should be offered to patients with SUI and ISD. Long-term results are subject to future studies. Neurourol. Urodynam. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.