25 resultados para tanshinone IIB


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Simple collagen-related peptides (CRPs) containing a repeat Gly-Pro-Hyp sequence are highly potent platelet agonists. Like collagen, they must exhibit tertiary (triple-helical) and quaternary (polymeric) structure to activate platelets. Platelet signaling events induced by the peptides are the same as most of those induced by collagen. The peptides do not recognize the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin. To identify the signaling receptor involved, we have evaluated the response to the CRP, Gly-Lys-Hyp(Gly-Pro-Hyp)10-Gly-Lys-Hyp-Gly of platelets with defined functional deficiencies. These studies exclude a primary recognition role for CD36, von Willebrand factor (vWF), or glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa. Thus, both CD36 and vWF-deficient platelets exhibited normal aggregation, normal fibrinogen binding, and normal expression of CD62 and CD63, measured by flow cytometry, in response to the peptide, and there was normal expression of CD62 and CD63 on thrombasthenic platelets. In contrast, GPVI-deficient platelets were totally unresponsive to the peptide, indicating that this receptor recognizes the Gly-Pro-Hyp sequence in collagen. GPVI-deficient platelets showed some fibrinogen binding in response to collagen but failed to aggregate and to express CD62 and CD63. Collagen, but not CRP-XL, contains binding sites for alpha 2 beta 1. Therefore, it is possible that collagen still induces some signaling via alpha 2 beta 1, leading to activation of GPIIb/IIIa. Our findings are consistent with a two-site, two-step model of collagen interaction with platelets involving recognition of specific sequences in collagen by an adhesive receptor such as alpha 2 beta 1 to arrest platelets under flow and subsequent recognition of another specific collagen sequence by an activatory receptor, namely GPVI.


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We report the largest international study on Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT), an inherited bleeding disorder where defects of the ITGA2B and ITGB3 genes cause quantitative or qualitative defects of the αIIbβ3 integrin, a key mediator of platelet aggregation. Sequencing of the coding regions and splice sites of both genes in members of 76 affected families identified 78 genetic variants (55 novel) suspected to cause GT. Four large deletions or duplications were found by quantitative real-time PCR. Families with mutations in either gene were indistinguishable in terms of bleeding severity that varied even among siblings. Families were grouped into type I and the rarer type II or variant forms with residual αIIbβ3 expression. Variant forms helped identify genes encoding proteins mediating integrin activation. Splicing defects and stop codons were common for both ITGA2B and ITGB3 and essentially led to a reduced or absent αIIbβ3 expression; included was a heterozygous c.1440-13_c.1440-1del in intron 14 of ITGA2B causing exon skipping in 7 unrelated families. Molecular modeling revealed how many missense mutations induced subtle changes in αIIb and β3 domain structure across both subunits thereby interfering with integrin maturation and/or function. Our study extends knowledge of Glanzmann thrombasthenia and the pathophysiology of an integrin. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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The success rate in the development of psychopharmacological compounds is insufficient. Two main reasons for failure have been frequently identified: 1) treating the wrong patients and 2) using the wrong dose. This is potentially based on the known heterogeneity among patients, both on a syndromal and a biological level. A focus on personalized medicine through better characterization with biomarkers has been successful in other therapeutic areas. Nevertheless, obstacles toward this goal that exist are 1) the perception of a lack of validation, 2) the perception of an expensive and complicated enterprise, and 3) the perception of regulatory hurdles. The authors tackle these concerns and focus on the utilization of biomarkers as predictive markers for treatment outcome. The authors primarily cover examples from the areas of major depression and schizophrenia. Methodologies covered include salivary and plasma collection of neuroendocrine, metabolic, and inflammatory markers, which identified subgroups of patients in the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. A battery of vegetative markers, including sleep-electroencephalography parameters, heart rate variability, and bedside functional tests, can be utilized to characterize the activity of a functional system that is related to treatment refractoriness in depression (e.g., the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system). Actigraphy and skin conductance can be utilized to classify patients with schizophrenia and provide objective readouts for vegetative activation as a functional marker of target engagement. Genetic markers, related to folate metabolism, or folate itself, has prognostic value for the treatment response in patients with schizophrenia. Already, several biomarkers are routinely collected in standard clinical trials (e.g., blood pressure and plasma electrolytes), and appear to be differentiating factors for treatment outcome. Given the availability of a wide variety of markers, the further development and integration of such markers into clinical research is both required and feasible in order to meet the benefit of personalized medicine. This article is based on proceedings from the "Taking Personalized Medicine Seriously-Biomarker Approaches in Phase IIb/III Studies in Major Depression and Schizophrenia" session, which was held during the 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Clinical Trials Meeting (ISCTM) in Washington, DC, February 18 to 20, 2014.


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Immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) has become an established procedure for women necessitating mastectomy. Traditionally, the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is resected during this procedure. The NAC, in turn, is a principal factor determining aesthetic outcome after breast reconstruction, and due to its particular texture and shape, a natural-looking NAC can barely be reconstructed with other tissues. The aim of this study was to assess the oncological safety as well as morbidity and aesthetic outcome after replantation of the NAC some days after IBR. Retrospective analysis of 85 patients receiving 88 mastectomies and IBR between 1998 and 2007 was conducted. NAC (n=29) or the nipple alone (n=23) were replanted 7 days (median, range 2-10 days) after IBR in 49 patients, provided the subareolar tissue was histologically negative for tumour infiltration. Local recurrence rate was assessed after 49 months (median, range 6-120 months). Aesthetic outcome was evaluated by clinical assessment during routine follow-up at least 12 months after the last intervention. Malignant involvement of the subareolar tissue was found in eight cases (9.1%). Patients qualifying for NAC replantation were in stage 0 in 29%, stage I in 15%, stage IIa in 31%, stage IIb in 17% and stage III in 8%. Total or partial necrosis occurred in 69% and 26% if the entire NAC or only the nipple were replanted, respectively (P<0.01). Depigmentation was seen in 52% and corrective surgery was done in 11 out of 52 NAC or nipple replantations. Local recurrence and isolated regional lymph node metastasis were observed in one single case each. Another 5.8% of the patients showed distant metastases. We conclude that the replantation of the NAC in IBR is oncologically safe, provided the subareolar tissue is free of tumour. However, the long-term aesthetic outcome of NAC replantation is not satisfying, which advocates replanting the nipple alone.


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Peripheral artery disease is a progressive disease. Primary ischemic leg symptoms are muscle fatigue, discomfort or pain during ambulation, known as intermittent claudication. The most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease is critical limb ischemia (CLI). The long-term safety of gene therapy in peripheral artery disease remains unclear. This four center peripheral artery disease registry was designed to evaluate the long-term safety of the intramuscular non-viral fibroblast growth factor-1 (NV1FGF), a plasmid-based angiogenic gene for local expression of fibroblast growth factor-1 versus placebo in patients with peripheral artery disease who had been included in five different phase I and II trials. Here we report a 3-year follow-up in patients suffering from CLI or intermittent claudication. There were 93 evaluable patients, 72 of them in Fontaine stage IV (47 NV1FGF versus 25 placebo) and 21 patients in Fontaine stage IIb peripheral artery disease (15 NV1FGF versus 6 placebo). Safety parameters included rates of non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, death, cancer, retinopathy and renal dysfunction. At 3 years, in 93 patients included this registry, there was no increase in retinopathy or renal dysfunction associated with delivery of this angiogenic factor. There was also no difference in the number of strokes, MI or deaths, respectively, for NV1FGF versus placebo. In the CLI group, new cancer occurred in two patients in the NV1FGF group. Conclusions that can be drawn from this relatively small patient group are limited because of the number of patients followed and can only be restricted to safety. Yet, data presented may be valuable concerning rates in cancer, retinopathy, MI or strokes following angiogenesis gene therapy in the absence of any long-term data in angiogenesis gene therapy. It may take several years until data from larger patient populations will become available.


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The glucose transporter IICB of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system (PTS) consists of a polytopic membrane domain (IIC) responsible for substrate transport and a hydrophilic C-terminal domain (IIB) responsible for substrate phosphorylation. We have overexpressed and purified a triple mutant of IIC (mut-IIC), which had recently been shown to be suitable for crystallization purposes. Mut-IIC was homodimeric as determined by blue native-PAGE and gel-filtration, and had an eyeglasses-like structure as shown by negative-stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and single particle analysis. Glucose binding and transport by mut-IIC, mut-IICB and wildtype-IICB were compared with scintillation proximity and in vivo transport assays. Binding was reduced and transport was impaired by the triple mutation. The scintillation proximity assay allowed determination of substrate binding, affinity and specificity of wildtype-IICB by a direct method. 2D crystallization of mut-IIC yielded highly-ordered tubular crystals and made possible the calculation of a projection structure at 12Å resolution by negative-stain TEM. Immunogold labeling TEM revealed the sidedness of the tubular crystals, and high-resolution atomic force microscopy the surface structure of mut-IIC. This work presents the structure of a glucose PTS transporter at the highest resolution achieved so far and sets the basis for future structural studies.


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The presence of tumor budding (TuB) at the invasive front of rectal cancers is a valuable indicator of tumor aggressiveness. Tumor buds, typically identified as single cells or small tumor cell clusters detached from the main tumor body, are characterized by loss of cell adhesion, increased migratory, and invasion potential and have been referred to as malignant stem cells. The adverse clinical outcome of patients with a high-grade TuB phenotype has consistently been demonstrated. TuB is a category IIB prognostic factor; it has yet to be investigated in the prospective setting. The value of TuB in oncological and pathological practice goes beyond its use as a simple histomorphological marker of tumor aggressiveness. In this paper, we outline three situations in which the assessment of TuB may have direct implications on treatment within the multidisciplinary management of patients with rectal cancer: (a) patients with TNM stage II (i.e., T3/T4, N0) disease potentially benefitting from adjuvant therapy, (b) patients with early submucosally invasive (T1, sm1-sm3) carcinomas at a high risk of nodal positivity and (c) the role of intratumoral budding assessed in preoperative biopsies as a marker for lymph node and distant metastasis thus potentially aiding the identification of patients suitable for neoadjuvant therapy.


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Lifshitz spacetimes with the critical exponent z = 2 can be obtained by the dimensional reduction of Schrödinger spacetimes with the critical exponent z = 0. The latter spacetimes are asymptotically AdS solutions of AdS gravity coupled to an axion–dilaton system and can be uplifted to solutions of type IIB supergravity. This basic observation is used to perform holographic renormalization for four-dimensional asymptotically z = 2 locally Lifshitz spacetimes by the Scherk–Schwarz dimensional reduction of the corresponding problem of holographic renormalization for five-dimensional asymptotically locally AdS spacetimes coupled to an axion–dilaton system. We can thus define and characterize a four-dimensional asymptotically locally z = 2 Lifshitz spacetime in terms of five-dimensional AdS boundary data. In this setup the four-dimensional structure of the Fefferman–Graham expansion and the structure of the counterterm action, including the scale anomaly, will be discussed. We find that for asymptotically locally z = 2 Lifshitz spacetimes obtained in this way, there are two anomalies each with their own associated nonzero central charge. Both anomalies follow from the Scherk–Schwarz dimensional reduction of the five-dimensional conformal anomaly of AdS gravity coupled to an axion–dilaton system. Together, they make up an action that is of the Horava–Lifshitz type with a nonzero potential term for z = 2 conformal gravity.


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Cross-linking platelet GPIb with the snake C-type lectin echicetin provides a specific technique for activation via this receptor. This allows GPIb-dependent mechanisms to be studied without the necessity for shear stress-induced binding of von Willebrand factor or primary alpha(IIb)beta(3) involvement. We already showed that platelets are activated, including tyrosine phosphorylation, by echicetin-IgMkappa-induced GPIb cross-linking. We now investigate the mechanism further and demonstrate that platelets, without modulator reagents, spread directly on an echicetin-coated surface, by a GPIb-specific mechanism, causing exocytosis of alpha-granule markers (P-selectin) and activation of alpha(IIb)beta(3). This spreading requires actin polymerization and release of internal calcium stores but is not dependent on external calcium nor on src family tyrosine kinases. Cross-linking of GPIb complex molecules on platelets, either in suspension or via specific surface attachment, is sufficient to induce platelet activation.


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Mucetin (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus venom activator, TMVA) is a potent platelet activator purified from Chinese habu (Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus) venom. It belongs to the snake venom heterodimeric C-type lectin family and exists in several multimeric forms. We now show that binding to platelet glycoprotein (GP) Ib is involved in mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Antibodies against GPIb as well as the GPIb-blocking C-type lectin echicetin inhibited mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Binding of GPIb was confirmed by affinity chromatography and Western blotting. Antibodies against GPVI inhibited convulxin- but not mucetin-induced aggregation. Signalling by mucetin involved rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of proteins including Syk, Src, LAT and PLC gamma 2. Mucetin-induced phosphorylation of the Fc gamma chain of platelet was greatly promoted by inhibition of alpha(IIb)beta(3) by the peptidomimetic EMD 132338, suggesting that phosphatases downstream of alpha(IIb)beta(3) activation are involved in dephosphorylation of Fc gamma. Unlike other multimeric snake C-type lectins that act via GPIb and only agglutinate platelets, mucetin activates alpha(IIb)beta(3). Inhibition of alpha(IIb)beta(3) strongly reduced the aggregation response to mucetin, indicating that activation of alpha(IIb)beta(3) and binding of fibrinogen are involved in mucetin-induced platelet aggregation. Apyrase and aspirin also inhibit platelet aggregation induced by mucetin, suggesting that ADP and thromboxane A2 are involved in autocrine feedback. Sequence and structural comparison with closely related members of this protein family point to features that may be responsible for the functional differences.


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Cardiovascular diseases involve abnormal cell-cell interactions leading to the development of atherosclerotic plaque, which when ruptured causes massive platelet activation and thrombus formation. Parts of a loose thrombus may detach to form an embolus, blocking circulation at a more distant point. The integrins are a family of adhesive cell receptors interacting with adhesive proteins or with counterreceptors on other cells. There is now solid evidence that the major integrin on platelets, the fibrinogen receptor alpha IIb beta 3, has an important role in several aspects of cardiovascular diseases and that its regulated inhibition leads to a reduction in incidence and mortality due to these disorders. The development of alpha IIb beta 3 inhibitors is an important strategy of many pharmaceutical companies which foresee a large market for the treatment of acute conditions in surgery, the symptoms of chronic conditions and, it is hoped, maybe even the successful prophylaxis of these conditions. Although all the associated problems have not been solved, the undoubted improvements in patient care resulting from the first of these treatments in the clinic have stimulated further research on the role of integrins on other vascular cells in these processes and in the search for new inhibitors. Both the development of specific inhibitors and of mice with specific integrin subunit genes ablated have contributed to a better understanding of the function of integrins in development of the cardiovascular system.


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Adverse cardiovascular events are the consequence of a molecular chain reaction at the site of vulnerable plaques. Key players are platelets and coagulation factors that are activated following plaque rupture and often cause arterial obstruction. Thrombin, a plasma serine protease, plays a role in hemostasis of coagulation as well as in thrombosis and cell growth, leading to restenosis and atherosclerosis. Interesting and promising new molecules, the direct thrombin inhibitors, have been shown to be as effective as the combination of glycoprotein IIb-IIIa inhibitors and heparin for the prevention of arterial thrombosis. Until recently, direct thrombin inhibitors could be applied only parenterally; therefore, therapy was limited to hospitalized patients. As a result of recent drug development, orally active direct thrombin inhibitors are now available and have been evaluated for the long-term treatment of venous thrombosis and arterial fibrillation. Due to their specific pharmacodynamic characteristics by binding directly to thrombin--and thus inhibiting platelet aggregation and fibrin generation--these novel drugs may also have therapeutic potential for the treatment of atherothrombotic disease and its complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke or limb ischemia.


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BACKGROUND: Abciximab, a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonist has been shown to improve patency and clinical outcome in patients undergoing endovascular recanalization of femoro-popliteal occlusions. However, data on abciximab therapy in complex peripheral catheter interventions of lower limbs are quite limited. The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the clinical and hemodynamic outcomes of patients treated with provisional abciximab during complex peripheral catheter interventions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Analysis of a consecutive series of 44 patients with provisional abciximab therapy in complex peripheral catheter interventions with imminent risk of early rethrombosis defined as revascularization of arterial occlusions associated with one or more of the following additional circumstances named as time-consuming intervention > 3 hours, compromised contrast flow not solved by stenting, distal embolization not solved by mechanical thromboembolectomy, and peri-interventional notice of thrombus evolution despite adequate heparin adjustment of lower limbs. Adjunctive abciximab therapy was started in accordance to percutaneous coronary bailout situations. The decision to add abciximab was based on the decision of the operator and went along with the judgement that there is a rising risk of reocclusion due to the progressive complexity of an individual intervention. A bolus of 0.25 mg per kilogram of body weight, followed by a maintenance infusion of 0.125 microg/kg/min (up to a maximum dosage of 10 microg/min) for 12 hours was administered. Clinical and hemodynamic outcome was prospectively assessed at discharge, three and six months after the index procedure. RESULTS: The occluded artery of 44 limbs was in the iliac (2%), in the femoro-popliteal (73%) or below the knee segment (25%). Overall, occlusion length was 11.5 +/- 6.5 cm. Technical success rate was 95%. Mean ABI increased from 0.5 +/- 0.16 to 0.88 +/- 0.19 (p < 0.001) with immediate hemodynamic improvement of 91%. Overall, sustained clinical improvement was 84% and 66% at three and six months follow-up, with best results in iliac (100%), followed by below the knee (73%) and by femoro-popliteal segment (63%) at six months, respectively. Overall, secondary clinical improvement was 86% at six months. Minor and major bleeding complications were 16% and 9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Abciximab should be noticed as medical adjunct in the interventional armamentarium to prevent imminent rethrombosis in complex peripheral catheter interventions.


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BACKGROUND: beta(3)-Integrins are involved in platelet aggregation via alpha(IIb)beta(3) [glycoprotein (GP)IIb-GPIIIa], and in angiogenesis via endothelial alpha(V)beta(3). Cross-reactive ligands with antiaggregatory and proangiogenic effects, both desirable in peripheral vasculopathies, have not yet been described. OBJECTIVES: In vitro and in vivo characterization of antiaggregatory and proangiogenic effects of two recombinant human Fab fragments, with emphasis on beta(3)-integrins. METHODS: Recombinant Fab fragments were obtained by phage display technology. Specificity, affinity and IC(50) were determined by immunodot assays, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and Scatchard plot analysis, and by means of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Functional analyses included ELISA for interaction with fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-GPIIIa, flow cytometry for measurement of activation parameters and competitive inhibition experiments, human platelet aggregometry, and proliferation, tube formation and the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay for measurement of angiogenic effects. RESULTS: We observed specific and high-affinity binding to an intact GPIIb-GPIIIa receptor complex of two human Fab autoantibody fragments, with no platelet activation. Dose-dependent fibrinogen binding to GPIIb-GPIIIa and platelet aggregation were completely inhibited. One Fab fragment was competitively inhibited by abciximab and its murine analog monoclonal antibody (mAb) 7E3, whereas the other Fab fragment bound to cultured HUVECs, suggesting cross-reactivity with alpha(V)beta(3), and also demonstrated proangiogenic effects in tube formation and CAM assays. CONCLUSIONS: These Fab fragments are the first entirely human anti-GPIIb-GPIIIa Fab fragments with full antiaggregatory properties; furthermore, they do not activate platelets. The unique dual-specificity anti-beta(3)-integrin Fab fragment may represent a new tool for the study and management of peripheral arterial vasculopathies.