35 resultados para students arrive August 3
In line with growing public popularity of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), courses in CAM have been implemented in Medical Schools internationally, but as yet in an uncoordinated and heterogeneous way. In Switzerland, comprehensive data about CAM education at Medical Faculties are lacking.
An accurate assessment of the computer skills of students is a pre-requisite for the success of any e-learning interventions. The aim of the present study was to assess objectively the computer literacy and attitudes in a group of Greek post-graduate students, using a task-oriented questionnaire developed and validated in the University of Malmö, Sweden. 50 post-graduate students in the Athens University School of Dentistry in April 2005 took part in the study. A total competence score of 0-49 was calculated. Socio-demographic characteristics were recorded. Attitudes towards computer use were assessed. Descriptive statistics and linear regression modeling were employed for data analysis. Total competence score was normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test: W = 0.99, V = 0.40, P = 0.97) and ranged from 5 to 42.5, with a mean of 22.6 (+/-8.4). Multivariate analysis revealed 'gender', 'e-mail ownership' and 'enrollment in non-clinical programs' as significant predictors of computer literacy. Conclusively, computer literacy of Greek post-graduate dental students was increased amongst males, students in non-clinical programs and those with more positive attitudes towards the implementation of computer assisted learning.
AIM: Establish a list of first year medical students' attitudes, doubts, and knowledge in the fields of organ transplantation and donation. METHOD: Anonymized questionnaire handed out to students during class lectures. RESULTS: 183 questionnaires were distributed and 117 returned (participation: 64%). The average age of the students was 21.6 +/- 2.7 years (range 18 to 38 years); the sample included 71 women (60.7%) and 48 men (39.3%). Only 2 students (2%) were not interested in the subject of organ donation. The students knew very little of the legal aspects of organ donation and 1/4 of them thought there was even a Federal law regarding organ transplantation. When asked if they knew whether a law existed in the Canton of Berne, 44% replied yes, but only 24 (20%) knew that this is contradictory. There was no gender difference in the answers to these question. From 57 students (48%) 246 individual comments on doubts and concerns were analyzed. In this respect, the students mainly questioned whether the donor was truly dead when donation took place (n = 48), if illegal transplantation could be eliminated (n = 44) and if transplantation was truly necessary (n = 43). Some also mentioned religious/ethical doubts (n = 42). In regard to organ donation by a living individual, 27 students were concerned about the health of this donor. 20 students had doubts regarding the pressure possibly applied by family members and friends and as many voiced doubts in regard to premature diagnosis of brain death of potential donors. Only 2 students were concerned about the post-mortem presentation. 45 students (48%) indicated discomfort with the donation of certain organs. They ranked the kidney as the first organ to donate, followed by the pancreas, heart, cornea, intestine, lung and liver. CONCLUSION: The interest in organ donation and transplantation is already strong in fist year medical students in the pre-clinical stage. However, differences from lay public are not readably detectable at this stage of medical training. Adequate information could influence future physicians in their mediatory role.
Background: Medical students do not accurately self-assess their competence. However, little is known about the awareness of change of competence over time. The aim of this study was to evaluate if students are aware of their progress. Summary of work: Twenty-two fourth year medical students had self- and expert-assessments of their clinical skills in musculoskeletal medicine in an OSCE like station (4 point Likert scale) at the beginning (t0) and end (t1) of their eight weeks clerkship in internal medicine. Thirteen students were assigned to the intervention of a 6x1 hour practical examination course; nine took part in the regular clinical clerkship activities only and served as controls. Summary of results/Conclusions: The intervention students significantly improved their skills (from 2.78 ± 0.36 to 3.30 ± 0.36, p<0.05) in contrast to the control students (from 3.11 ± 0.58 to 2.83 ± 0.49, n.s.). At t0, 19 students, at t1 21 out of 22 students underestimated their competence. Correlations between the change of self- and expert-assessment were r=0.43, p<0.05 (all), r=0.47, n.s. (control) and r=-0.12, n.s. (intervention), respectively. Take-home message: Medical students improving their clinical skills by an interactive course in addition to their regular clerkship activities are not aware of their progress
Gegenstand des Werks bilden «Aktuelle Fragen aus dem Erbrecht». Das Erbrecht ist ein eigentliches Kerngebiet notarieller Tätigkeit, und Fragen aus dem Erbrecht stellen sich den Notarinnen und Notaren in mannigfacher Hinsicht und in immer wieder neuer Art und Weise. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Kren Kostkiewicz behandelt das im Zeitalter zunehmender Mobilität bedeutender werdende Internationale Erbrecht. Der Beitrag von Prof. Dr. Stephan Wolf gilt dem Thema Erbrecht in besonderen Situationen; er geht ein auf das Konkubinat, die Ehekrise und das neue Erwachsenenschutzrecht.Rechtsanwalt Dr. Philipp Studhalter befasst sich mit praktischen Aspekten der Nutzniessung gemäss Art. 473 ZGB, einem Klassiker der Rechtsgeschäftsgestaltung unter Ehegatten. Notar und Rechtsanwalt Peter Muntwyler und Notar/Grundbuchverwalter Dr. Roland Pfäffli, beide Mitglieder der Musterurkundensammlungs-Kommission des Verbandes bernischer Notare, widmen sich dem Erbenschein in der Praxis.
Following a first clinical case of infection by Diphyllobothrium dendriticum in Switzerland in 2006, we report a second case in the country. The species was identified by molecular methods. In the Swiss, French and Italian subalpine regions, human diphyllobothriasis has seen a comeback since the late 1980's, and Diphyllobothrium latum is usually considered the causative agent of the disease. In addition, several locally acquired and imported clinical infections due to allochthonous Diphyllobothrium species have been documented in the last years. Due to the colonisation potential of these parasites and their probably underestimated presence in the human population, there is a need for discriminating them at the medical laboratory level. Because the morphological characters are very similar among the different taxa, a correct identification requires the use of molecular methods. Molecular identification would improve diagnosis and help monitor the distribution of Diphyllobothrium species in Europe.
Background: The design of Virtual Patients (VPs) is essential. So far there are no validated evaluation instruments for VP design published. Summary of work: We examined three sources of validity evidence of an instrument to be filled out by students aimed at measuring the quality of VPs with a special emphasis on fostering clinical reasoning: (1) Content was examined based on theory of clinical reasoning and an international VP expert team. (2) Response process was explored in think aloud pilot studies with students and content analysis of free text questions accompanying each item of the instrument. (3) Internal structure was assessed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using 2547 student evaluations and reliability was examined utilizing generalizability analysis. Summary of results: Content analysis was supported by theory underlying Gruppen and Frohna’s clinical reasoning model on which the instrument is based and an international VP expert team. The pilot study and analysis of free text comments supported the validity of the instrument. The CFA indicated that a three factor model comprising 6 items showed a good fit with the data. Alpha coefficients per factor were 0,74 - 0,82. The findings of the generalizability studies indicated that 40-200 student responses are needed in order to obtain reliable data on one VP. Conclusions: The described instrument has the potential to provide faculty with reliable and valid information about VP design. Take-home messages: We present a short instrument which can be of help in evaluating the design of VPs.