61 resultados para heavy-quark effective theory
A measurement of the parity-violating decay asymmetry parameter, αb , and the helicity amplitudes for the decay Λ 0 b →J/ψ(μ + μ − )Λ 0 (pπ − ) is reported. The analysis is based on 1400 Λ 0 b and Λ ¯ 0 b baryons selected in 4.6 fb −1 of proton–proton collision data with a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. By combining the Λ 0 b and Λ ¯ 0 b samples under the assumption of CP conservation, the value of α b is measured to be 0.30±0.16(stat)±0.06(syst) . This measurement provides a test of theoretical models based on perturbative QCD or heavy-quark effective theory.
We calculate the momentum diffusion coefficient for heavy quarks in SU(3) gluon plasma at temperatures 1-2 times the deconfinement temperature. The momentum diffusion coefficient is extracted from a Monte Carlo calculation of the correlation function of color electric fields, in the leading order of expansion in heavy quark mass. Systematics of the calculation are examined, and compared with perturbtion theory and other estimates.
Among resummation techniques for perturbative QCD in the context of collider and flavor physics, soft-collinear effective theory (SCET) has emerged as both a powerful and versatile tool, having been applied to a large variety of processes, from B-meson decays to jet production at the LHC. This book provides a concise, pedagogical introduction to this technique. It discusses the expansion of Feynman diagrams around the high-energy limit, followed by the explicit construction of the effective Lagrangian - first for a scalar theory, then for QCD. The underlying concepts are illustrated with the quark vector form factor at large momentum transfer, and the formalism is applied to compute soft-gluon resummation and to perform transverse-momentum resummation for the Drell-Yan process utilizing renormalization group evolution in SCET. Finally, the infrared structure of n-point gauge-theory amplitudes is analyzed by relating them to effective-theory operators. This text is suitable for graduate students and non-specialist researchers alike as it requires only basic knowledge of perturbative QCD.
We study the differential cross sections for electroweak gauge-boson and Higgs production at small and very small transverse-momentum qT. Large logarithms are resummed using soft-collinear effective theory. The collinear anomaly generates a non-perturbative scale q⁎, which protects the processes from receiving large long-distance hadronic contributions. A numerical comparison of our predictions with data on the transverse-momentum distribution in Z-boson production at the Tevatron and LHC is given.
The chemical equilibration of heavy quarks in a quark-gluon plasma proceeds via annihilation or pair creation. For temperatures T much below the heavy quark mass M, when kinetically equilibrated heavy quarks move very slowly, the annihilation in the colour singlet channel is enhanced because the quark and antiquark attract each other which increases their probability to meet, whereas the octet contribution is suppressed. This is the so-called Sommerfeld effect. It has not been taken into account in previous calculations of the chemical equilibration rate, which are therefore incomplete for T ≲ α2sM . We compute the leading-order equilibration rate in this regime; there is a large enhancement in the singlet channel, but the rate is dominated by the octet channel, and therefore the total effect is small. In the course of the computation we demonstrate how operators that represent the annihilation of heavy quarks in non-relativistic QCD can be incorporated into the imaginary-time formalism.
We estimate the momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark within a pure SU(3) plasma at a temperature of about 1.5Tc. Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations on a series of lattices extending up to 1923×48 permit us to carry out a continuum extrapolation of the so-called color-electric imaginary-time correlator. The extrapolated correlator is analyzed with the help of theoretically motivated models for the corresponding spectral function. Evidence for a nonzero transport coefficient is found and, incorporating systematic uncertainties reflecting model assumptions, we obtain κ=(1.8–3.4)T3. This implies that the “drag coefficient,” characterizing the time scale at which heavy quarks adjust to hydrodynamic flow, is η−1D=(1.8–3.4)(Tc/T)2(M/1.5 GeV) fm/c, where M is the heavy quark kinetic mass. The results apply to bottom and, with somewhat larger systematic uncertainties, to charm quarks.
The in-medium physics of heavy quarkonium is an ideal proving ground for our ability to connect knowledge about the fundamental laws of physics to phenomenological predictions. One possible route to take is to attempt a description of heavy quark bound states at finite temperature through a Schrödinger equation with an instantaneous potential. Here we review recent progress in devising a comprehensive approach to define such a potential from first principles QCD and extract its, in general complex, values from non-perturbative lattice QCD simulations. Based on the theory of open quantum systems we will show how to interpret the role of the imaginary part in terms of spatial decoherence by introducing the concept of a stochastic potential. Shortcomings as well as possible paths for improvement are discussed.
We develop further the effective fluid theory of stationary branes. This formalism applies to stationary blackfolds as well as to other equilibrium brane systems at finite temperature. The effective theory is described by a Lagrangian containing the information about the elastic dynamics of the brane embedding as well as the hydrodynamics of the effective fluid living on the brane. The Lagrangian is corrected order-by-order in a derivative expansion, where we take into account the dipole moment of the brane which encompasses finite-thickness corrections, including transverse spin. We describe how to extract the thermodynamics from the Lagrangian and we obtain constraints on the higher-derivative terms with one and two derivatives. These constraints follow by comparing the brane thermodynamics with the conserved currents associated with background Killing vector fields. In particular, we fix uniquely the one- and two-derivative terms describing the coupling of the transverse spin to the background space-time. Finally, we apply our formalism to two blackfold examples, the black tori and charged black rings and compare the latter to a numerically generated solution.
We review the failure of lowest order chiral SU(3)L ×SU(3)R perturbation theory χPT3 to account for amplitudes involving the f0(500) resonance and O(mK) extrapolations in momenta. We summarize our proposal to replace χPT3 with a new effective theory χPTσ based on a low-energy expansion about an infrared fixed point in 3-flavour QCD. At the fixed point, the quark condensate ⟨q̅q⟩vac ≠ 0 induces nine Nambu-Goldstone bosons: π,K,η and a QCD dilaton σ which we identify with the f0(500) resonance. We discuss the construction of the χPTσ Lagrangian and its implications for meson phenomenology at low-energies. Our main results include a simple explanation for the ΔI = 1/2 rule in K-decays and an estimate for the Drell-Yan ratio in the infrared limit.
A search is presented for the production of new heavy quarks that decay to a Z boson and a third-generation Standard Model quark. In the case of a new charge +2/3 quark (T), the decay targeted is T → Zt, while the decay targeted for a new charge −1/3 quark (B) is B → Zb. The search is performed with a dataset corresponding to 20.3 fb−1 of pp collisions at √ s = 8TeV recorded in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Selected events contain a high transverse momentum Z boson candidate reconstructed from a pair of oppositely charged same-flavor leptons (electrons or muons), and are analyzed in two channels defined by the absence or presence of a third lepton. Hadronic jets, in particular those with properties consistent with the decay of a b-hadron, are also required to be present in selected events. Different requirements are made on the jet activity in the event in order to enhance the sensitivity to either heavy quark pair production mediated by the strong interaction, or single production mediated by the electroweak interaction. No significant excess of events above the Standard Model expectation is observed, and lower limits are derived on the mass of vector-like T and B quarks under various branching ratio hypotheses, as well as upper limits on the agnitude of electroweak coupling parameters.
We consider a three-dimensional effective theory of Polyakov lines derived previously from lattice Yang-Mills theory and QCD by means of a resummed strong coupling expansion. The effective theory is useful for investigations of the phase structure, with a sign problem mild enough to allow simulations also at finite density. In this work we present a numerical method to determine improved values for the effective couplings directly from correlators of 4d Yang-Mills theory. For values of the gauge coupling up to the vicinity of the phase transition, the dominant short range effective coupling are well described by their corresponding strong coupling series. We provide numerical results also for the longer range interactions, Polyakov lines in higher representations as well as four-point interactions, and discuss the growing significance of non-local contributions as the lattice gets finer. Within this approach the critical Yang-Mills coupling β c is reproduced to better than one percent from a one-coupling effective theory on N τ = 4 lattices while up to five couplings are needed on N τ = 8 for the same accuracy.