38 resultados para gene structure


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The mammalian collagen, type IX, alpha 2 gene (COL9A2) encodes the alpha-2 chain of type IX collagen and is located on horse chromosome 2p16-->p14 harbouring a quantitative trait locus for osteochondrosis. We isolated a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone containing the equine COL9A2 gene and determined the complete genomic sequence of this gene. Cloning and characterization of equine COL9A2 revealed that the equine gene consists of 32 exons spanning approximately 15 kb. The COL9A2 transcript encodes a single protein of 688 amino acids. Thirty two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) equally distributed in the gene were detected in a mutation scan of eight unrelated Hanoverian warmblood stallions, including one SNP that affects the amino acid sequence of COL9A2. Comparative analyses between horse, human, mouse and rat indicate that the chromosomal location of equine COL9A2 is in agreement with known chromosomal synteny relationships. The comparison of the gene structure and transcript revealed a high degree of conservation towards the other mammalian COL9A2 genes. We chose three informative SNPs for association and linkage disequilibrium tests in three to five paternal half-sib families of Hanoverian warmblood horses consisting of 44 to 75 genotyped animals. The test statistics did not reach the significance threshold of 5% and so we could not show an association of COL9A2 with equine osteochondrosis.


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BACKGROUND: The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL) are a heterogenous group of inherited progressive neurodegenerative diseases in different mammalian species. Tibetan Terrier and Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) dogs show rare late-onset NCL variants with autosomal recessive inheritance, which can not be explained by mutations of known human NCL genes. These dog breeds represent animal models for human late-onset NCL. In mice the chloride channel 3 gene (Clcn3) encoding an intracellular chloride channel was described to cause a phenotype similar to NCL. RESULTS: Two full-length cDNA splice variants of the canine CLCN3 gene are reported. The current canine whole genome sequence assembly was used for gene structure analyses and revealed 13 coding CLCN3 exons in 52 kb of genomic sequence. Sequence analysis of the coding exons and flanking intron regions of CLCN3 using six NCL-affected Tibetan terrier dogs and an NCL-affected Polish Owczarek Nizinny (PON) dog, as well as eight healthy Tibetan terrier dogs revealed 13 SNPs. No consistent CLCN3 haplotype was associated with NCL. CONCLUSION: For the examined animals we excluded the complete coding region and adjacent intronic regions of canine CLCN3 to harbor disease-causing mutations. Therefore it seems to be unlikely that a mutation in this gene is responsible for the late-onset NCL phenotype in these two dog breeds.


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Detecting small amounts of genetic subdivision across geographic space remains a persistent challenge. Often a failure to detect genetic structure is mistaken for evidence of panmixia, when more powerful statistical tests may uncover evidence for subtle geographic differentiation. Such slight subdivision can be demographically and evolutionarily important as well as being critical for management decisions. We introduce here a method, called spatial analysis of shared alleles (SAShA), that detects geographically restricted alleles by comparing the spatial arrangement of allelic co-occurrences with the expectation under panmixia. The approach is allele-based and spatially explicit, eliminating the loss of statistical power that can occur with user-defined populations and statistical averaging within populations. Using simulated data sets generated under a stepping-stone model of gene flow, we show that this method outperforms spatial autocorrelation (SA) and UST under common real-world conditions: at relatively high migration rates when diversity is moderate or high, especially when sampling is poor. We then use this method to show clear differences in the genetic patterns of 2 nearshore Pacific mollusks, Tegula funebralis (5 Chlorostoma funebralis) and Katharina tunicata, whose overall patterns of within-species differentiation are similar according to traditional population genetics analyses. SAShA meaningfully complements UST/FST, SA, and other existing geographic genetic analyses and is especially appropriate for evaluating species with high gene flow and subtle genetic differentiation.


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We have analyzed the chromatin structure of the porcine tumor necrosis factor gene locus (TNF-alpha and TNF-beta). Nuclei from porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells were digested with different nucleases. As assessed with micrococcal nuclease, the two TNF genes displayed slightly faster digestion kinetics than bulk DNA. Studies with DNaseI revealed distinct DNaseI hypersensitive sites (DH-sites) within the porcine TNF locus. Four DH-sites could be observed in the promoter and mRNA leader regions of the TNF-beta gene. Two DH-sites could be observed for the TNF-alpha gene, one located in the promoter region close to the TATA-box and the other site in intron 3. This pattern of DH-sites was present independently of the activation state of the cells. Interestingly in a porcine macrophage-like cell line, we found that the TNF-alpha promoter DH-site disappeared and another DH-site appeared in the region of intron 1. Additionally, the DH-site of intron 3 could be enhanced by PMA-stimulation in these cells. TNF-beta sites were not detected in this cell line. However, DH-sites were totally absent in fibroblasts (freshly isolated from testicles) and in porcine kidney cells (PK15 cell line) both of which do not transcribe the TNF genes. Therefore, the pattern of DH-sites corresponds to the transcriptional activity of analyzed cells.


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Expression of replication-dependent histone genes requires a conserved hairpin RNA element in the 3' untranslated regions of poly(A)-less histone mRNAs. The 3' hairpin element is recognized by the hairpin-binding protein or stem-loop-binding protein (HBP/SLBP). This protein-RNA interaction is important for the endonucleolytic cleavage generating the mature mRNA 3' end. The 3' hairpin and presumably HBP/SLBP are also required for nucleocytoplasmic transport, translation, and stability of histone mRNAs. RNA 3' processing and mRNA stability are both regulated during the cell cycle. Here, we have determined the three-dimensional structure of a 24-mer RNA comprising a mammalian histone RNA hairpin using heteronuclear multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The hairpin adopts a novel UUUC tetraloop conformation that is stabilized by base stacking involving the first and third loop uridines and a closing U-A base pair, and by hydrogen bonding between the first and third uridines in the tetraloop. The HBP interaction of hairpin RNA variants was analyzed in band shift experiments. Particularly important interactions for HBP recognition are mediated by the closing U-A base pair and the first and third loop uridines, whose Watson-Crick functional groups are exposed towards the major groove of the RNA hairpin. The results obtained provide novel structural insight into the interaction of the histone 3' hairpin with HBP, and thus the regulation of histone mRNA metabolism.


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In addition to a previously described histone (H)-encoding H4 gene [Meier et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 17 (1989) 795], the mouse genomic DNA clone 53 contains two H3 genes, one functional and one partially deleted H2A gene, and one H2B gene. Clone 53 overlaps for 3 kb with MH143, another previously isolated mouse H-encoding clone [Yang et al., J. Biol. Chem. 262 (1987) 17118-17125], thus defining a 32-kb region of mouse chromosome 13 with a total of seven H-encoding genes. We have determined the nucleotide sequences and transcription start points of two genes coding for the H2A.1 and H3.2 proteins.


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Severe hereditary coagulation factor XIII deficiency is a rare homozygous bleeding disorder affecting one person in every two million individuals. In contrast, heterozygous factor XIII deficiency is more common, but usually not associated with severe hemorrhage such as intracranial bleeding or hemarthrosis. In most cases, the disease is caused by F13A gene mutations. Causative mutations associated with the F13B gene are rarer.


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Inheritance of a mutant allele of the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene predisposes affected individuals to develop renal cysts and clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation in single renal tubular cells has indirectly been showed by immunohistochemical staining for the hypoxia-inducible factor alpha target gene product carbonic anhydrase IX. In this study we were able to show von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion in carbonic anhydrase IX positive nonneoplastic renal tubular cells, in epithelial cells lining renal cysts and in a clear cell renal cell carcinoma of a von Hippel-Lindau patient. This was carried out by means of laser confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry in combination with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Carbonic anhydrase IX negative normal renal tubular cells carried no von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that the von Hippel-Lindau gene product is necessary for the maintenance of primary cilia stability in renal epithelial cells and that disruption of the cilia structure by von Hippel-Lindau gene inactivation induces renal cyst formation. In our study, we show a significant shortening of primary cilia in epithelial cells lining renal cysts, whereas, single tubular cells with a von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion display to a far lesser extent signs of cilia shortening. Our in vivo results support a model in which renal cysts represent precursor lesions for clear cell renal cell carcinoma and arise from single renal tubular epithelial cells owing to von Hippel-Lindau gene deletion.


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Cytokinin ribosides (N(6)-substituted adenosine derivatives) have been shown to have anticancer activity both in vitro and in vivo. This study presents the first systematic analysis of the relationship between the chemical structure of cytokinins and their cytotoxic effects against a panel of human cancer cell lines with diverse histopathological origins. The results confirm the cytotoxic activity of N(6)-isopentenyladenosine, kinetin riboside, and N(6)-benzyladenosine and show that the spectrum of cell lines that are sensitive to these compounds and their tissues of origin are wider than previously reported. The first evidence that the hydroxylated aromatic cytokinins (ortho-, meta-, para-topolin riboside) and the isoprenoid cytokinin cis-zeatin riboside have cytotoxic activities is presented. Most cell lines in the panel showed greatest sensitivity to ortho-topolin riboside (IC(50)=0.5-11.6 microM). Cytokinin nucleotides, some synthesized for the first time in this study, were usually active in a similar concentration range to the corresponding ribosides. However, cytokinin free bases, 2-methylthio derivatives and both O- and N-glucosides showed little or no toxicity. Overall the study shows that structural requirements for cytotoxic activity of cytokinins against human cancer cell lines differ from the requirements for their activity in plant bioassays. The potent anticancer activity of ortho-topolin riboside (GI(50)=0.07-84.60 microM, 1st quartile=0.33 microM, median=0.65 microM, 3rd quartile=1.94 microM) was confirmed using NCI(60), a standard panel of 59 cell lines, originating from nine different tissues. Further, the activity pattern of oTR was distinctly different from those of standard anticancer drugs, suggesting that it has a unique mechanism of activity. In comparison with standard drugs, oTR showed exceptional cytotoxic activity against NCI(60) cell lines with a mutated p53 tumour suppressor gene. oTR also exhibited significant anticancer activity against several tumour models in in vivo hollow fibre assays.


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Boron is one of the trace elements in the human body which plays an important role in bone growth. Porous mesopore bioactive glass (MBG) scaffolds are proposed as potential bone regeneration materials due to their excellent bioactivity and drug-delivery ability. The aims of the present study were to develop boron-containing MBG (B-MBG) scaffolds by sol-gel method and to evaluate the effect of boron on the physiochemistry of B-MBG scaffolds and the response of osteoblasts to these scaffolds. Furthermore, the effect of dexamethasone (DEX) delivery in B-MBG scaffold system was investigated on the proliferation, differentiation and bone-related gene expression of osteoblasts. The composition, microstructure and mesopore properties (specific surface area, nano-pore volume and nano-pore distribution) of B-MBG scaffolds have been characterized. The effect of boron contents and large-pore porosity on the loading and release of DEX in B-MBG scaffolds were also investigated. The results have shown that the incorporation of boron into MBG scaffolds slightly decreases the specific surface area and pore volume, but maintains well-ordered mesopore structure and high surface area and nano-pore volume compared to non-mesopore bioactive glass. Boron contents in MBG scaffolds did not influence the nano-pore size distribution or the loading and release of DEX. B-MBG scaffolds have the ability to maintain a sustained release of DEX in a long-term span. Incorporating boron into MBG glass scaffolds led to a controllable release of boron ions and significantly improved the proliferation and bone-related gene expression (Col I and Runx2) of osteoblasts. Furthermore, the sustained release of DEX from B-MBG scaffolds significantly enhanced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and gene expressions (Col I, Runx2, ALP and BSP) of osteoblasts. These results suggest that boron plays an important role in enhancing osteoblast proliferation in B-MBG scaffold system and DEX-loaded B-MBG scaffolds show great potential as a release system to enhance osteogenic property for bone tissue engineering application.


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Background: Reconstructing the evolutionary history of a species is challenging. It often depends not only on the past biogeographic and climatic events but also the contemporary and ecological factors, such as current connectivity and habitat heterogeneity. In fact, these factors might interact with each other and shape the current species distribution. However, to what extent the current population genetic structure reflects the past and the contemporary factors is largely unknown. Here we investigated spatio-temporal genetic structures of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) populations, across their natural distribution in Africa. While its large biogeographic distribution can cause genetic differentiation at the paleo-biogeographic scales, its restricted dispersal capacity might induce a strong genetic structure at micro-geographic scales. Results: Using nine microsatellite loci and 350 samples from ten natural populations, we found the highest genetic differentiation among the three ichthyofaunal provinces and regions (Ethiopian, Nilotic and Sudano-Sahelian) (R(ST) = 0.38 - 0.69). This result suggests the predominant effect of paleo-geographic events at macro-geographic scale. In addition, intermediate divergences were found between rivers and lakes within the regions, presumably reflecting relatively recent interruptions of gene flow between hydrographic basins (R(ST) = 0.24 - 0.32). The lowest differentiations were observed among connected populations within a basin (R(ST) = 0.015 in the Volta basin). Comparison of temporal sample series revealed subtle changes in the gene pools in a few generations (F = 0 - 0.053). The estimated effective population sizes were 23 - 143 and the estimated migration rate was moderate (m similar to 0.094 - 0.097) in the Volta populations. Conclusions: This study revealed clear hierarchical patterns of the population genetic structuring of O. niloticus in Africa. The effects of paleo-geographic and climatic events were predominant at macro-geographic scale, and the significant effect of geographic connectivity was detected at micro-geographic scale. The estimated effective population size, the moderate level of dispersal and the rapid temporal change in genetic composition might reflect a potential effect of life history strategy on population dynamics. This hypothesis deserves further investigation. The dynamic pattern revealed at micro-geographic and temporal scales appears important from a genetic resource management as well as from a biodiversity conservation point of view.


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We examined genetic structure among five species of Lake Victoria haplochromine cichlids in four island communities, using a full factorial sampling design that compared genetic differentiation between pairs of species and populations of varying morphological similarity and geographical proximity. We found that allopatric conspecific populations were on average significantly more strongly differentiated than sympatric heterospecific populations of morphologically similar species. Allopatric heterospecific populations of morphologically dissimilar species were most differentiated. Our work demonstrates that phenotypic divergence can be maintained and perhaps even evolve in sympatry despite considerable gene flow between species. Conversely, phenotypic resemblance among conspecific populations can be maintained despite geographical isolation. Additionally we show that anthropogenically increased hybridization does not affect all sympatric species evenly but predominantly affects morphologically similar and closely related species. This has important implications for the evolution of reproductive isolation between species These findings are also consistent with the hypothesis of speciation reversal due to weakening of divergent selection and reproductive isolation as a consequence of habitat homogenization and offers an evolutionary mechanistic explanation for the observation that species poor assemblages in turbid areas of the lake are characterized by just one or two species in each of a few morphologically distinct genera.


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Mechanical ventilation (MV) is life-saving but potentially harmful for lungs of premature infants. So far, animal models dealt with the acute impact of MV on immature lungs, but less with its delayed effects. We used a newborn rodent model including non-surgical and therefore reversible intubation with moderate ventilation and hypothesized that there might be distinct gene expression patterns after a ventilation-free recovery period compared to acute effects directly after MV. Newborn rat pups were subjected to 8 hr of MV with 60% oxygen (O(2)), 24 hr after injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), intended to create a low inflammatory background as often recognized in preterm infants. Animals were separated in controls (CTRL), LPS injection (LPS), or full intervention with LPS and MV with 60% O(2) (LPS + MV + O(2)). Lungs were recovered either directly following (T:0 hr) or 48 hr after MV (T:48 hr). Histologically, signs of ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) were observed in LPS + MV + O(2) lungs at T:0 hr, while changes appeared similar to those known from patients with chronic lung disease (CLD) with fewer albeit larger gas exchange units, at T:48 hr. At T:0 hr, LPS + MV + O(2) increased gene expression of pro-inflammatory MIP-2. In parallel anti-inflammatory IL-1Ra gene expression was increased in LPS and LPS + MV + O(2) groups. At T:48 hr, pro- and anti-inflammatory genes had returned to their basal expression. MMP-2 gene expression was decreased in LPS and LPS + MV + O(2) groups at T:0 hr, but no longer at T:48 hr. MMP-9 gene expression levels were unchanged directly after MV. However, at T:48 hr, gene and protein expression increased in LPS + MV + O(2) group. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the feasibility of delayed outcome measurements after a ventilation-free period in newborn rats and may help to further understand the time-course of molecular changes following MV. The differences obtained from the two time points could be interpreted as an initial transitory increase of inflammation and a delayed impact of the intervention on structure-related genes.