27 resultados para firing
The striatum, the major input nucleus of the basal ganglia, is numerically dominated by a single class of principal neurons, the GABAergic spiny projection neuron (SPN) that has been extensively studied both in vitro and in vivo. Much less is known about the sparsely distributed interneurons, principally the cholinergic interneuron (CIN) and the GABAergic fast-spiking interneuron (FSI). Here, we summarize results from two recent studies on these interneurons where we used in vivo intracellular recording techniques in urethane-anaesthetized rats (Schulz et al., J Neurosci 31[31], 2011; J Physiol, in press). Interneurons were identified by their characteristic responses to intracellular current steps and spike waveforms. Spontaneous spiking contained a high proportion (~45%) of short inter-spike intervals (ISI) of <30 ms in FSIs, but virtually none in CINs. Spiking patterns in CINs covered a broad spectrum ranging from regular tonic spiking to phasic activity despite very similar unimodal membrane potential distributions across neurons. In general, phasic spiking activity occurred in phase with the slow ECoG waves, whereas CINs exhibiting tonic regular spiking were little affected by afferent network activity. In contrast, FSIs exhibited transitions between Down and Up states very similar to SPNs. Compared to SPNs, the FSI Up state membrane potential was noisier and power spectra exhibited significantly larger power at frequencies in the gamma range (55-95 Hz). Cortical-evoked inputs had faster dynamics in FSIs than SPNs and the membrane potential preceding spontaneous spike discharge exhibited short and steep trajectories, suggesting that fast input components controlled spike output in FSIs. Intrinsic resonance mechanisms may have further enhanced the sensitivity of FSIs to fast oscillatory inputs. Induction of an activated ECoG state by local ejection of bicuculline into the superior colliculus, resulted in increased spike frequency in both interneuron classes without changing the overall distribution of ISIs. This manipulation also made CINs responsive to a light flashed into the contralateral eye. Typically, the response consisted of an excitation at short latency followed by a pause in spike firing, via an underlying depolarization-hyperpolarization membrane sequence. These results highlight the differential sensitivity of striatal interneurons to afferent synaptic signals and support a model where CINs modulate the striatal network in response to salient sensory bottom-up signals, while FSIs serve gating of top-down signals from the cortex during action selection and reward-related learning.
Cellular mechanisms of burst firing-mediated long-term depression in rat neocortical pyramidal cells
During wakefulness and sleep, neurons in the neocortex emit action potentials tonically or in rhythmic bursts, respectively. However, the role of synchronized discharge patterns is largely unknown. We have recently shown that pairings of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and action potential bursts or single spikes lead to long-term depression (burst-LTD) or long-term potentiation, respectively. In this study, we elucidate the cellular mechanisms of burst-LTD and characterize its functional properties. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from layer V pyramidal cells in somatosensory cortex of juvenile rats in vitro and composite EPSPs and EPSCs were evoked extracellularly in layers II/III. Repetitive burst-pairings led to a long-lasting depression of EPSPs and EPSCs that was blocked by inhibitors of metabotropic glutamate group 1 receptors, phospholipase C, protein kinase C (PKC) and calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum, and that required an intact machinery for endocytosis. Thus, burst-LTD is induced via a Ca2+- and phosphatidylinositol-dependent activation of PKC and expressed through phosphorylation-triggered endocytosis of AMPA receptors. Functionally, burst-LTD is inversely related to EPSP size and bursts dominate single spikes in determining the sign of synaptic plasticity. Thus burst-firing constitutes a signal by which coincident synaptic inputs are proportionally downsized. Overall, our data thus suggest a mechanism by which synaptic weights can be reconfigured during non-rapid eye movement sleep.
We report a case involving a spring-gun device (muzzleloader) loaded solely with gunpowder, installed next to shoes to prevent the neighbors' puppy from removing them. The booby trap was triggered by the 15-year-old dog-owners son when he tried to put the shoes out of the reach of the puppy. The boy suffered second degree superficial burns located mainly at the dorsal side of the right hand and fingers. To estimate the danger of the used weapon, several tests were undertaken on soap blocks from different distances and with different loads of black powder. The particle density per mm and the depth of black powder tattooing in the soap was compared with the boy's injuries, and found conclusive with the gun-owners statement regarding the loading of the weapon. Furthermore, our experiments indicated that the gunpowder load involved was not able to inflict permanent damage, not even to the eyes, at the here estimated firing distance.
Congenital peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) is usually associated with impaired function of voltage-gated K(+) channels (VGKCs) in neuromyotonia and demyelination in peripheral neuropathies. Schwartz-Jampel syndrome (SJS) is a form of PNH that is due to hypomorphic mutations of perlecan, the major proteoglycan of basement membranes. Schwann cell basement membrane and its cell receptors are critical for the myelination and organization of the nodes of Ranvier. We therefore studied a mouse model of SJS to determine whether a role for perlecan in these functions could account for PNH when perlecan is lacking. We revealed a role for perlecan in the longitudinal elongation and organization of myelinating Schwann cells because perlecan-deficient mice had shorter internodes, more numerous Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, and increased amounts of internodal fast VGKCs. Perlecan-deficient mice did not display demyelination events along the nerve trunk but developed dysmyelination of the preterminal segment associated with denervation processes at the neuromuscular junction. Investigating the excitability properties of the peripheral nerve suggested a persistent axonal depolarization during nerve firing in vitro, most likely due to defective K(+) homeostasis, and excluded the nerve trunk as the original site for PNH. Altogether, our data shed light on perlecan function by revealing critical roles in Schwann cell physiology and suggest that PNH in SJS originates distally from synergistic actions of peripheral nerve and neuromuscular junction changes.
The spatiotemporal control of neuronal excitability is fundamental to the inhibitory process. We now have a wealth of information about the active dendritic properties of cortical neurons including axonally generated sodium action potentials as well as local sodium spikelets generated in the dendrites, calcium plateau spikes, and NMDA spikes. All of these events have been shown to be highly modified by the spatiotemporal pattern of nearby inhibitory input which can drastically change the output firing mode of the neuron. This means that particular populations of interneurons embedded in the neocortical microcircuitry can more precisely control pyramidal cell output than has previously been thought. Furthermore, the output of any given neuron tends to feed back onto inhibitory circuits making the resultant network activity further dependent on inhibition. Network activity is therefore ultimately governed by the subcellular microcircuitry of the cortex and it is impossible to ignore the subcompartmentalization of inhibitory influence at the neuronal level in order to understand its effects at the network level. In this article, we summarize the inhibitory circuits that have been shown so far to act on specific dendritic compartments in vivo.
Neural dynamic processes correlated over several time scales are found in vivo, in stimulus-evoked as well as spontaneous activity, and are thought to affect the way sensory stimulation is processed. Despite their potential computational consequences, a systematic description of the presence of multiple time scales in single cortical neurons is lacking. In this study, we injected fast spiking and pyramidal (PYR) neurons in vitro with long-lasting episodes of step-like and noisy, in-vivo-like current. Several processes shaped the time course of the instantaneous spike frequency, which could be reduced to a small number (1-4) of phenomenological mechanisms, either reducing (adapting) or increasing (facilitating) the neuron's firing rate over time. The different adaptation/facilitation processes cover a wide range of time scales, ranging from initial adaptation (<10 ms, PYR neurons only), to fast adaptation (<300 ms), early facilitation (0.5-1 s, PYR only), and slow (or late) adaptation (order of seconds). These processes are characterized by broad distributions of their magnitudes and time constants across cells, showing that multiple time scales are at play in cortical neurons, even in response to stationary stimuli and in the presence of input fluctuations. These processes might be part of a cascade of processes responsible for the power-law behavior of adaptation observed in several preparations, and may have far-reaching computational consequences that have been recently described.
The role of irregular cortical firing in neuronal computation is still debated, and it is unclear how signals carried by fluctuating synaptic potentials are decoded by downstream neurons. We examined in vitro frequency versus current (f-I) relationships of layer 5 (L5) pyramidal cells of the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) using fluctuating stimuli. Studies in the somatosensory cortex show that L5 neurons become insensitive to input fluctuations as input mean increases and that their f-I response becomes linear. In contrast, our results show that mPFC L5 pyramidal neurons retain an increased sensitivity to input fluctuations, whereas their sensitivity to the input mean diminishes to near zero. This implies that the discharge properties of L5 mPFC neurons are well suited to encode input fluctuations rather than input mean in their firing rates, with important consequences for information processing and stability of persistent activity at the network level.
Cortical dynamics can be imaged at high spatiotemporal resolution with voltage-sensitive dyes (VSDs) and calcium-sensitive dyes (CaSDs). We combined these two imaging techniques using epifluorescence optics together with whole cell recordings to measure the spatiotemporal dynamics of activity in the mouse somatosensory barrel cortex in vitro and in the supragranular layers in vivo. The two optical signals reported distinct aspects of cortical function. VSD fluorescence varied linearly with membrane potential and was dominated by subthreshold postsynaptic potentials, whereas the CaSD signal predominantly reflected local action potential firing. Combining VSDs and CaSDs allowed us to monitor the synaptic drive and the spiking activity of a given area at the same time in the same preparation. The spatial extent of the two dye signals was different, with VSD signals spreading further than CaSD signals, reflecting broad subthreshold and narrow suprathreshold receptive fields. Importantly, the signals from the dyes were differentially affected by pharmacological manipulations, stimulation strength, and depth of isoflurane anesthesia. Combined VSD and CaSD measurements can therefore be used to specify the temporal and spatial relationships between subthreshold and suprathreshold activity of the neocortex.
Calcium influx into the dendritic tufts of layer 5 neocortical pyramidal neurons modifies a number of important cellular mechanisms. It can trigger local synaptic plasticity and switch the firing properties from regular to burst firing. Due to methodological limitations, our knowledge about Ca2+ spikes in the dendritic tuft stems mostly from in vitro experiments. However, it has been speculated that regenerative Ca2+ events in the distal dendrites correlate with distinct behavioral states. Therefore it would be most desirable to be able to record these Ca2+ events in vivo, preferably in the behaving animal. Here, we present a novel approach for recording Ca2+ signals in the dendrites of populations of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in vivo, which ensures that all recorded fluorescence changes are due to intracellular Ca2+ signals in the apical dendrites. The method has two main features: 1) bolus loading of layer 5 with a membrane-permeant Ca2+ dye resulting in specific loading of pyramidal cell dendrites in the upper layers and 2) a fiberoptic cable attached to a gradient index lens and a prism reflecting light horizontally at 90 degrees to the angle of the apical dendrites. We demonstrate that the in vivo signal-to-noise ratio recorded with this relatively inexpensive and easy-to-implement fiberoptic-based device is comparable to conventional camera-based imaging systems used in vitro. In addition, the device is flexible and lightweight and can be used for recording Ca2+ signals in the distal dendritic tuft of freely behaving animals.
Objective: To assess in vitro the bond strength of a machined surface of a Au-Ti alloy to a veneering ceramic. Method and Materials: Metal strips of the alloy Au 1.7-Ti 0.1-Ir were milled from a semiproduct fabricated by continuous casting and cold forming. For comparison, the same alloy as well as a traditional Au-Pt-Pd-In alloy were used in the as-cast state. Six samples of each group were fabricated for the crack initiation test, according to ISO 9693:1999, by preparing appropriate metal strips that were veneered with ceramic using a standard firing procedure. The crack initiation test was performed in a universal testing machine. Load at fracture was recorded. Means of bond strength were calculated for each group and the results compared by use of a 1-sided Student t test (P < .05). Fracture sites were documented by means of SEM. Results: Bond strength in the 3 groups was in the same order of magnitude. Failure mode was different for both alloys. Failure of the bonding to the Au-Ti alloy predominantly occurred at the alloy-oxide interface, no matter which fabrication process was used. On the Au-Pt-Pd-In alloy, more ceramic residues were observed. Conclusion: The machined alloy Au 1.7-Ti 0.1-Ir provides sufficient bond strength to veneering ceramics, but this has to be proven by a clinical study. (Quintessence Int 2007;38:867-872).
In a suicidal gunshot fired to the chest from a carbine, the barrel of which had been shortened to half its original length, an unexpectedly large degree of destruction of the anterior thoracic wall with extensive undermining of the subcutis was found. This phenomenon was investigated for reconstructive purposes by firing test shots from two different long guns (caliber 7.92 x 57 repeating rifle with full-jacketed pointed bullet and caliber 12/70 single-barreled shotgun with shotgun slug) into blocks of soap (38 x 25 x 25 cm). The contact shots were fired before and after shortening the barrels (repeating rifle from 60 to 30 cm and single-barreled shotgun from 72 to 36 cm). The volume of the cavities in the simulant was visualized three-dimensionally with the help of a multislice computed tomography (CT) scanner and calculated sectionally. With the repeating rifle and the single-barreled shotgun, the shots from the sawed-off barrels produced significantly larger cavity diameters in the first section of the bullet track. This effect is attributable to the fact that, with a shortened barrel, the gas pressure at the muzzle is higher, thus, leading to increased expansion in the initial part of the wound track in contact shots.
Effect of zirconia surface treatments on the shear strength of zirconia/veneering ceramic composites
Aim of the investigation was to assess the effect of different surface treatments on the bond strength of veneering ceramics to zirconia. In a shear test, the influences of polishing, sandblasting, and silica-coating of the zirconia surface on bonding were assessed with five different veneering ceramics. In addition the effect of liner application was examined. With one veneering ceramic, the impact of regeneration firing of zirconia was also evaluated. Statistical analysis was performed with one-way ANOVA and post hoc Scheffé's test. Failure in every case occurred in the veneering ceramic adjacent to the interface with a thin layer of ceramic remaining on the zirconia surface, indicating that bond strength was higher than the cohesive strength of the veneering ceramic. Shear strength ranged from 23.5 +/- 3.4 MPa to 33.0 +/- 6.8 MPa without explicit correlation to the respective surface treatment. Regeneration firing significantly decreased the shear strength of both polished and sandblasted surfaces. Findings of this study revealed that bonding between veneering ceramics and zirconia might be based on chemical bonds. On this note, sandblasting was not a necessary surface pretreatment to enhance bond strength and that regeneration firing was not recommended.
Multiparameter cerebral monitoring has been widely applied in traumatic brain injury to study posttraumatic pathophysiology and to manage head-injured patients (e.g., combining O(2) and pH sensors with cerebral microdialysis). Because a comprehensive approach towards understanding injury processes will also require functional measures, we have added electrophysiology to these monitoring modalities by attaching a recording electrode to the microdialysis probe. These dual-function (microdialysis/electrophysiology) probes were placed in rats following experimental fluid percussion brain injuries, and in a series of severely head-injured human patients. Electrical activity (cell firing, EEG) was monitored concurrently with microdialysis sampling of extracellular glutamate, glucose and lactate. Electrophysiological parameters (firing rate, serial correlation, field potential occurrences) were analyzed offline and compared to dialysate concentrations. In rats, these probes demonstrated an injury-induced suppression of neuronal firing (from a control level of 2.87 to 0.41 spikes/sec postinjury), which was associated with increases in extracellular glutamate and lactate, and decreases in glucose levels. When placed in human patients, the probes detected sparse and slowly firing cells (mean = 0.21 spike/sec), with most units (70%) exhibiting a lack of serial correlation in the spike train. In some patients, spontaneous field potentials were observed, suggesting synchronously firing neuronal populations. In both the experimental and clinical application, the addition of the recording electrode did not appreciably affect the performance of the microdialysis probe. The results suggest that this technique provides a functional monitoring capability which cannot be obtained when electrophysiology is measured with surface or epidural EEG alone.
The generation of rhythmic electrical activity is a prominent feature of spinal cord circuits that is used for locomotion and also for circuit refinement during development. The mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in spinal cord networks are not fully understood. It is for example not known whether spinal cord rhythms are driven by pacemaker neurons and if yes, which neurons are involved in this function. We studied the mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in slice cultures from fetal rats that were grown on multielectrode arrays (MEAs). We combined multisite extracellular recordings from the MEA electrodes with intracellular patch clamp recordings from single neurons. We found that spatially restricted oscillations of activity appeared in most of the cultures spontaneously. Such activity was based on intrinsic activity in a percentage of the neurons that could activate the spinal networks through recurrent excitation. The local oscillator networks critically involved NMDA, AMPA and GABA / glycine receptors at subsequent phases of the oscillation cycle. Intrinsic spiking in individual neurons (in the absence of functional synaptic coupling) was based on persistent sodium currents. Intrinsic firing as well as persistent sodium currents were increased by 5-HT through 5-HT2 receptors. Comparing neuronal activity to muscle activity in co-cultures of spinal cord slices with muscle fibers we found that a percentage of the intrinsically spiking neurons were motoneurons. These motoneurons were electrically coupled among each other and they could drive the spinal networks through cholinergic recurrent excitation. These findings open the possibility that during development rhythmic activity in motoneurons is not only involved in circuit refinement downstream at the neuromuscular endplates but also upstream at the level of spinal cord circuits.
OBJECTIVE To compare the precision of fit of full-arch implant-supported screw-retained computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured (CAD/CAM) titanium-fixed dental prostheses (FDP) before and after veneering. The null-hypothesis was that there is no difference in vertical microgap values between pure titanium frameworks and FDPs after porcelain firing. MATERIALS AND METHODS Five CAD/CAM titanium grade IV frameworks for a screw-retained 10-unit implant-supported reconstruction on six implants (FDI tooth positions 15, 13, 11, 21, 23, 25) were fabricated after digitizing the implant platforms and the cuspid-supporting framework resin pattern with a laser scanner (CARES(®) Scan CS2; Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland). A bonder, an opaquer, three layers of porcelain, and one layer of glaze were applied (Vita Titankeramik) and fired according to the manufacturer's preheating and fire cycle instructions at 400-800°C. The one-screw test (implant 25 screw-retained) was applied before and after veneering of the FDPs to assess the vertical microgap between implant and framework platform with a scanning electron microscope. The mean microgap was calculated from interproximal and buccal values. Statistical comparison was performed with non-parametric tests. RESULTS All vertical microgaps were clinically acceptable with values <90 μm. No statistically significant pairwise difference (P = 0.98) was observed between the relative effects of vertical microgap of unveneered (median 19 μm; 95% CI 13-35 μm) and veneered FDPs (20 μm; 13-31 μm), providing support for the null-hypothesis. Analysis within the groups showed significantly different values between the five implants of the FDPs before (P = 0.044) and after veneering (P = 0.020), while a monotonous trend of increasing values from implant 23 (closest position to screw-retained implant 25) to 15 (most distant implant) could not be observed (P = 0.169, P = 0.270). CONCLUSIONS Full-arch CAD/CAM titanium screw-retained frameworks have a high accuracy. Porcelain firing procedure had no impact on the precision of fit of the final FDPs. All implant microgap measurements of each FDP showed clinically acceptable vertical misfit values before and after veneering. Thus, the results do not only show accurate performance of the milling and firing but show also a reproducible scanning and designing process.