77 resultados para early diagnosis of conception


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BACKGROUND ; AIMS: Pancreatic and bile duct carcinomas represent highly aggressive malignancies that evolve from secretin receptor-rich ductular cells. With premessenger RNA splicing abnormalities common in cancer, we evaluated whether an abnormal secretin receptor spliceoform were present, characterized it, and developed a serum assay for it. METHODS: Cancer cell lines and healthy and neoplastic tissue were studied by nested reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. A promising spliceoform was isolated and characterized, and monoclonal antibodies were raised to 2 distinct regions. A dual antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was developed and applied to blinded serum samples from 26 patients with pancreatic carcinoma, 10 patients with chronic pancreatitis, and 14 controls. RESULTS: Each of 9 pancreatic cancer specimens and no normal tissue expressed a secretin receptor variant with exons 3 and 4 deleted. This encoded a 111-residue peptide with its first 43 residues identical to wild-type receptor, but, subsequent to a shift in coding frame and early truncation, the next 68 residues were unique in the transcriptome/proteome. This nonfunctional soluble protein did not bind or signal in response to secretin and was secreted from transfected MiaPaCa-2 cells. Elevated serum levels of this variant were present in 69% of pancreatic cancer patients, 60% of chronic pancreatitis patients, and 1 of 14 controls. CONCLUSIONS: We identified a novel abnormal spliceoform of the secretin receptor in pancreatic and bile duct cancers and developed a dual antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure it in the circulation. Initial application of this assay in patients with pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis was promising, but additional validation will be required to evaluate its clinical utility.


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Serum-based diagnosis offers the prospect of early lung carcinoma detection and of differentiation between benign and malignant nodules identified by CT. One major challenge toward a future blood-based diagnostic consists in showing that seroreactivity patterns allow for discriminating lung cancer patients not only from normal controls but also from patients with non-tumor lung pathologies. We addressed this question for squamous cell lung cancer, one of the most common lung tumor types. Using a panel of 82 phage-peptide clones, which express potential autoantigens, we performed serological spot assay. We screened 108 sera, including 39 sera from squamous cell lung cancer patients, 29 sera from patients with other non-tumor lung pathologies, and 40 sera from volunteers without known disease. To classify the serum groups, we employed the standard Naïve Bayesian method combined with a subset selection approach. We were able to separate squamous cell lung carcinoma and normal sera with an accuracy of 93%. Low-grade squamous cell lung carcinoma were separated from normal sera with an accuracy of 92.9%. We were able to distinguish squamous cell lung carcinoma from non-tumor lung pathologies with an accuracy of 83%. Three phage-peptide clones with sequence homology to ROCK1, PRKCB1 and KIAA0376 reacted with more than 15% of the cancer sera, but neither with normal nor with non-tumor lung pathology sera. Our study demonstrates that seroreactivity profiles combined with statistical classification methods have great potential for discriminating patients with squamous cell lung carcinoma not only from normal controls but also from patients with non-tumor lung pathologies.


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OBJECTIVES: To study the validity of both rheumatological and orthodontic examinations and ultrasound (US) as screening methods for early diagnosis of TMJ arthritis against the gold standard MRI. METHODS: Thirty consecutive juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients were included in this pilot study. Rheumatological and orthodontic examinations as well as US were performed within 1 month of the MRI in a blinded fashion. Joint effusion and/or increased contrast enhancement of synovium or bone were considered signs of active arthritis on MRI. RESULTS: A total of 19/30 (63%) patients and 33/60 (55%) joints had signs of TMJ involvement on MRI. This was associated with condylar deformity in 9/19 (47%) patients and 15/33 (45%) joints. Rheumatological, orthodontic and US examinations correctly diagnosed 11 (58%), 9 (47%) and 6 (33%) patients, respectively, with active TMJ arthritis, but misdiagnosed 8 (42%), 10 (53%) and 12 (67%) patients, respectively, as having no signs of inflammation. The best predictor for active arthritis on MRI was a reduced maximum mouth opening. CONCLUSION: None of the methods tested was able to reliably predict the presence or absence of MRI-proven inflammation in the TMJ in our cohort of JIA patients. US was the least useful of all methods tested to exclude active TMJ arthritis.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging criteria for the early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in patients with suspected disease. DESIGN: Systematic review. DATA SOURCES: 12 electronic databases, citation searches, and reference lists of included studies. Review methods Studies on accuracy of diagnosis that compared magnetic resonance imaging, or diagnostic criteria incorporating such imaging, to a reference standard for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. RESULTS: 29 studies (18 cohort studies, 11 other designs) were included. On average, studies of other designs (mainly diagnostic case-control studies) produced higher estimated diagnostic odds ratios than did cohort studies. Among 15 studies of higher methodological quality (cohort design, clinical follow-up as reference standard), those with longer follow-up produced higher estimates of specificity and lower estimates of sensitivity. Only two such studies followed patients for more than 10 years. Even in the presence of many lesions (> 10 or > 8), magnetic resonance imaging could not accurately rule multiple sclerosis in (likelihood ratio of a positive test result 3.0 and 2.0, respectively). Similarly, the absence of lesions was of limited utility in ruling out a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (likelihood ratio of a negative test result 0.1 and 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: Many evaluations of the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging for the early detection of multiple sclerosis have produced inflated estimates of test performance owing to methodological weaknesses. Use of magnetic resonance imaging to confirm multiple sclerosis on the basis of a single attack of neurological dysfunction may lead to over-diagnosis and over-treatment.


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QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY/PRINCIPLES: After arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) an early diagnosis helps preserve treatment options that are no longer available later. Paediatric AIS is difficult to diagnose and often the time to diagnosis exceeds the time window of 6 hours defined for thrombolysis in adults. We investigated the delay from the onset of symptoms to AIS diagnosis in children and potential contributing factors.


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OBJECTIVES: To monitor resonance frequency analysis (RFA) in relation to the jawbone characteristics and during the early phases of healing and incorporation of Straumann dental implants with an SLA surface. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 17 Straumann 4.1 mm implants (10 mm) and 7 Straumann 4.8 mm implants (10 mm) were installed and ISQ determined at baseline and after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 12 weeks. Central bone cores were analyzed from the 4.1 mm implants using micro CT for bone volume density (BVD) and bone trabecular connectivity (BTC). RESULTS: Pocket probing depths ranged from 2-4 mm and bleeding on probing from 5-20%. At baseline, BVD varied between 24% and 65% and BTC between 4.9 and 25.4 for the 4.1 mm implants. Baseline ISQ varied between 55 and 74 with a mean of 61.4. No significant correlations were found between BVD or BTC and ISQ Values. For the 4.8 mm diameter implants baseline ISQ values ranged from 57-70 with a mean of 63.3. Over the healing period ISQ values increased at 1 week and decreased after 2-3 weeks. After 4 weeks ISQ values, again increased slightly, no significant differences were noted over time. One implant (4.1 mm) lost stability at 3 weeks. Its ISQ value had dropped from 68 to 45. However the latter value was determined after the clinical diagnosis of instability. CONCLUSION: ISQ values of 57-70 represented homeostasis and implant stability. However no predictive value for loosing implant stability can be attributed to RFA since the decrease occurred after the fact.


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The acute compartment syndrome describes a posttraumatic or inflammatory edema, which leads to a painful constraint of muscular movement and paresthesia. An increase in pressure in the anatomical compartment is postulated. The main symptoms include local swelling, sensory loss, local muscle weakness as well as late livid discoloration. Therapy of choice is an early fasciotomy with decompression to avoid serious complications like muscle necrosis. Here we report a 22 year old patient who postoperatively suffered from a bilateral paresis of the foot jack. Further examinations by electromyography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) led to the diagnosis of an acute bilateral compartment syndrome.


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Treatment of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC) is often complicated by the fact that early HCCs are mostly asymptomatic and the carcinoma is often discovered at an advanced stage. The aim of diagnostic imaging is to detect HCC at an early stage, when curative options are available. In recent years, there have been many efforts to improve early detection of small HCC. The purpose of this article is to describe the pertinent findings of HCCs in non-invasive, diagnostic imaging, including ultrasound, computed tomography, as well as modern magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Special emphasis is given to the frequently addressed difficulties of differentiation of precancerous lesions and small HCCs. A non-invasive diagnostic approach is considered with a review of the literature.


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We report two patients with subjectively progressive sensory symptoms and gait disturbance due to cobalamin deficiency, but only slight or absent abnormalities on neurological examination. In both patients, spinal MRI provided evidence for a myelopathic origin of the symptoms, disclosing characteristic T(2) hyperintense signal alterations confined to the posterior columns of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord. The patients illustrate the early clinical presentation of subacute combined degeneration (SCD) with a sensory neuropathy starting with acroparesthesia and Lhermitte's sign. Furthermore, the diagnostic value of spinal MRI for early diagnosis of SCD with characteristic findings is highlighted.


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Femoroacetabular impingements (FAI) are due to an anatomical disproportion between the proximal femur and the acetabulum which causes premature wear of the joint surfaces. An operation is often necessary in order to relieve symptoms such as limited movement and pain as well as to prevent or slow down the degenerative process. The result is dependent on the preoperative status of the joint with poor results for advanced arthritis of the hip joint. This explains the necessity for an accurate diagnosis in order to recognize early stages of damage to the joint. The diagnosis of FAI includes clinical examination, X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The standard X-radiological examination for FAI is carried out using two X-ray images, an anterior-posterior view of the pelvis and a lateral view of the proximal femur, such as the cross-table lateral or Lauenstein projections. It is necessary that positioning criteria are adhered to in order to avoid distortion artifacts. MRI permits an examination of the pelvis on three levels and should also include radial planned sequences for improved representation of peripheral structures, such as the labrum and peripheral cartilage. The use of contrast medium for a direct MR arthrogram has proved to be advantageous particularly for representation of labrum damage. The data with respect to cartilage imaging are still unclear. Further developments in technology, such as biochemical-sensitive MRI applications, will be able to improve the diagnosis of the pelvis in the near future.


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BACKGROUND Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is the most important chronic pulmonary disease of cattle on the African continent causing severe economic losses. The disease, caused by infection with Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides is transmitted by animal contact and develops slowly into a chronic form preventing an early clinical diagnosis. Because available vaccines confer a low protection rate and short-lived immunity, the rapid diagnosis of infected animals combined with traditional curbing measures is seen as the best way to control the disease. While traditional labour-intensive bacteriological methods for the detection of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides have been replaced by molecular genetic techniques in the last two decades, these latter approaches require well-equipped laboratories and specialized personnel for the diagnosis. This is a handicap in areas where CBPP is endemic and early diagnosis is essential. RESULTS We present a rapid, sensitive and specific diagnostic tool for M. mycoides subsp. mycoides detection based on isothermal loop-mediated amplification (LAMP) that is applicable to field conditions. The primer set developed is highly specific and sensitive enough to diagnose clinical cases without prior cultivation of the organism. The LAMP assay detects M. mycoides subsp. mycoides DNA directly from crude samples of pulmonary/pleural fluids and serum/plasma within an hour using a simple dilution protocol. A photometric detection of LAMP products allows the real-time visualisation of the amplification curve and the application of a melting curve/re-association analysis presents a means of quality assurance based on the predetermined strand-inherent temperature profile supporting the diagnosis. CONCLUSION The CBPP LAMP developed in a robust kit format can be run on a battery-driven mobile device to rapidly detect M. mycoides subsp. mycoides infections from clinical or post mortem samples. The stringent innate quality control allows a conclusive on-site diagnosis of CBPP such as during farm or slaughter house inspections.


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Bovine mastitis, an inflammatory disease of the mammary gland, is one of the most costly diseases affecting the dairy industry. The treatment and prevention of this disease is linked heavily to the use of antibiotics in agriculture and early detection of the primary pathogen is essential to control the disease. Milk samples (n=67) from cows suffering from mastitis were analyzed for the presence of pathogens using PCR electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry (PCR/ESI-MS) and were compared with standard culture diagnostic methods. Concurrent identification of the primary mastitis pathogens was obtained for 64% of the tested milk samples, whereas divergent results were obtained for 27% of the samples. The PCR/ESI-MS failed to identify some of the primary pathogens in 18% of the samples, but identified other pathogens as well as microorganisms in samples that were negative by culture. The PCR/ESI-MS identified bacteria to the species level as well as yeasts and molds in samples that contained a mixed bacterial culture (9%). The sensitivity of the PCR/ESI-MS for the most common pathogens ranged from 57.1 to 100% and the specificity ranged from 69.8 to 100% using culture as gold standard. The PCR/ESI-MS also revealed the presence of the methicillin-resistant gene mecA in 16.2% of the milk samples, which correlated with the simultaneous detection of staphylococci including Staphylococcus aureus. We demonstrated that PCR/ESI-MS, a more rapid diagnostic platform compared with bacterial culture, has the significant potential to serve as an important screening method in the diagnosis of bovine clinical mastitis and has the capacity to be used in infection control programs for both subclinical and clinical disease.


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Rationale: Life-threatening intraabdominal candidiasis (IAC) occurs in 30 to 40% of high-risk surgical intensive care unit (ICU) patients. Although early IAC diagnosis is crucial, blood cultures are negative, and the role of Candida score/colonization indexes is not established. Objectives: The aim of this prospective Fungal Infection Network of Switzerland (FUNGINOS) cohort study was to assess accuracy of 1,3-β-d-glucan (BG) antigenemia for diagnosis of IAC. Methods: Four hundred thirty-four consecutive adults with abdominal surgery or acute pancreatitis and ICU stay 72 hours or longer were screened: 89 (20.5%) at high risk for IAC were studied (68 recurrent gastrointestinal tract perforation, 21 acute necrotizing pancreatitis). Diagnostic accuracy of serum BG (Fungitell), Candida score, and colonization indexes was compared. Measurements and Main Results: Fifty-eight of 89 (65%) patients were colonized by Candida; 29 of 89 (33%) presented IAC (27 of 29 with negative blood cultures). Nine hundred twenty-one sera were analyzed (9/patient): median BG was 253 pg/ml (46–9,557) in IAC versus 99 pg/ml (8–440) in colonization (P < 0.01). Sensitivity and specificity of two consecutive BG measurements greater than or equal to 80 pg/ml were 65 and 78%, respectively. In recurrent gastrointestinal tract perforation it was 75 and 77% versus 90 and 38% (Candida score ≥ 3), 79 and 34% (colonization index ≥ 0.5), and 54 and 63% (corrected colonization index ≥ 0.4), respectively. BG positivity anticipated IAC diagnosis (5 d) and antifungal therapy (6 d). Severe sepsis/septic shock and death occurred in 10 of 11 (91%) and 4 of 11 (36%) patients with BG 400 pg/ml or more versus 5 of 18 (28%, P = 0.002) and 1 of 18 (6%, P = 0.05) with BG measurement less than 400 pg/ml. β-Glucan decreased in IAC responding to therapy and increased in nonresponse. Conclusions: BG antigenemia is superior to Candida score and colonization indexes and anticipates diagnosis of blood culture–negative IAC. This proof-of-concept observation in strictly selected high-risk surgical ICU patients deserves investigation of BG-driven preemptive therapy.


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OBJECTIVE To determine the diagnostic value of a serologic microagglutination test (MAT) and a PCR assay on urine and blood for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs with acute kidney injury (AKI). DESIGN Cross-sectional study. Animals-76 dogs with AKI in a referral hospital (2008 to 2009). PROCEDURES Dogs' leptospirosis status was defined with a paired serologic MAT against a panel of 11 Leptospira serovars as leptospirosis-associated (n = 30) or nonleptospirosis-associated AKI (12). In 34 dogs, convalescent serologic testing was not possible, and leptospirosis status was classified as undetermined. The diagnostic value of the MAT single acute or convalescent blood sample was determined in dogs in which leptospirosis status could be classified. The diagnostic value of a commercially available genus-specific PCR assay was evaluated by use of 36 blood samples and 20 urine samples. RESULTS Serologic acute testing of an acute blood sample had a specificity of 100% (95% CI, 76% to 100%), a sensitivity of 50% (33% to 67%), and an accuracy of 64% (49% to 77%). Serologic testing of a convalescent blood sample had a specificity of 92% (65% to 99%), a sensitivity of 100% (87% to 100%), and an accuracy of 98% (88% to 100%). Results of the Leptospira PCR assay were negative for all samples from dogs for which leptospirosis status could be classified. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Serologic MAT results were highly accurate for diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs, despite a low sensitivity for early diagnosis. In this referral setting of dogs pretreated with antimicrobials, testing of blood and urine samples with a commercially available genus-specific PCR assay did not improve early diagnosis.


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Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs)* belong to the group of rare diseases which need more awareness by the relevant medical disciplines. Below a review on recent progresses in diagnosis and treatment of PIDs is given. Reducing the regrettable delay in diagnosis of PIDs (worldwide) is possible only when awareness is increased by doctors who may encounter patients with PID. This review shall serve this purpose. Progresses in understanding what the link might be between one genetic defect presenting in various phenotypes or how various gene defects may manifest by very similar PID phenotypes helps building awareness. Knowledge of PID favours early diagnosis, a cornerstone of optimal, sometimes life-long care at justifiable costs. The complexity of PIDs calls for clinical laboratory and clinical diagnostic performed by experts only. Exciting laboratory diagnostic progresses in early diagnosis of the most severe forms of PID are reviewed below. Progresses in curative therapies for PIDs, such as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and gene therapies, are mentioned in short. About 80% of PID patients suffer from an antibody deficiency syndrome and can profit from non-curative replacement therapies with human immunoglobulin G concentrates. Modes of application, safety and hints for dosing of replacement therapies to reduce frequencies of severe infections are mentioned below. Thanks to the increasing quality of care, patients survive adolescence. A glance is given on the problems of transition to the adult medicine setting.