66 resultados para childbirth provider location
Equipped with state-of-the-art smartphones and mobile devices, today's highly interconnected urban population is increasingly dependent on these gadgets to organize and plan their daily lives. These applications often rely on current (or preferred) locations of individual users or a group of users to provide the desired service, which jeopardizes their privacy; users do not necessarily want to reveal their current (or preferred) locations to the service provider or to other, possibly untrusted, users. In this paper, we propose privacy-preserving algorithms for determining an optimal meeting location for a group of users. We perform a thorough privacy evaluation by formally quantifying privacy-loss of the proposed approaches. In order to study the performance of our algorithms in a real deployment, we implement and test their execution efficiency on Nokia smartphones. By means of a targeted user-study, we attempt to get an insight into the privacy-awareness of users in location-based services and the usability of the proposed solutions.
To investigate the clinical and radiographic results after operative treatment of complete symphyseal disruption resulting from childbirth and to evaluate residual pain and implant failure in relation to the timing of surgery.
To assess retrospectively the frequency and location of mandibular lingual foramina and their bony canals with limited cone-beam computed tomography.
Perineurioma is an uncommon, mostly benign, spindle-cell tumor of peripheral nerve sheath origin with a predilection for the soft tissues. Although increasing awareness points to the sites of involvement by perineurioma possibly being as ubiquitous as those frequented by schwannian tumors, only one intracerebral example has been described to date. We report on a surgically resected perineurioma of the falx cerebri in an 86-year-old woman. Preoperative imaging showed an enhancing extraaxial mass of 6 cm × 5.7 cm × 3.7 cm. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a proliferation of spindle cells interwoven by a lattice of basal lamina. Alongside a prevailing soft tissue perineurioma pattern, sclerosing and reticular areas were seen as well. Tumor cells coexpressed EMA and GLUT-1, and a minority immunoreacted for smooth muscle actin. Pericellular basal lamina was decorated with collagen type IV. No staining for S100 protein was detected. Mitotic activity was virtually absent, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged 2%. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant pinocytotic vesicles within and conspicuous tight junctions between slender cytoplasmic processes which, in turn, were encased by discontinuous basal lamina. FISH analysis confirmed loss of at least part of one chromosome 22q. This observation calls attention to perineurioma as a novel item in the repertoire of low-grade meningial spindle cell neoplasms, in the differential diagnostic context of which it is apt to being misconstrued as either meningioma, solitary fibrous tumor, or neurofibroma. Confusion with the latter bears the risk of overgrading innocuous features of perineurioma as criteria for malignancy.
Out-of-hospital emergency physicians in Austria need mandatory emergency physician training, followed by biennial refresher courses. Currently, both standardized ERC advanced life support (ALS) provider courses and conventional refresher courses are offered. This study aimed to compare the retention of ALS-knowledge of out-of-hospital emergency physicians depending on whether they had or had not participated in an ERC-ALS provider course since 2005.
The goal of the retrospective study was to relate the site of the primary entry tear in acute type B aortic dissections to the presence or development of complications.
The aim of this prospective clinical study was to evaluate the location of paravertebral catheters that were placed using the classical landmark puncture technique and to correlate the distribution of contrast dye injected through the catheters with the extent of somatic block. Paravertebral catheter placement was attempted in 31 patients after video-assisted thoracic surgery. In one patient, an ultrasound-guided approach was chosen after failed catheter placement using the landmark method. A fluoroscopic examination in two planes using contrast dye was followed by injection of local anaesthetic and subsequent clinical testing of the extent of the anaesthetised area. In nine patients (29%), spread of contrast dye was not seen within the paravertebral space as intended. Misplaced catheters were in the epidural space (three patients), in the erector spinae musculature (five patients), and in the pleural space (one patient). There was also a discrepancy between the radiological findings and the observed distribution of loss of sensation. We have demonstrated an unacceptably high misplacement rate of paravertebral catheters using the landmark method. Additional research is required to compare the efficacy and safety of continuous paravertebral block using ultrasound-guided techniques or surgical inserted catheters.
Acute stress reactions (ASR) and postpartum depressive symptoms (PDS) are frequent after childbirth. The present study addresses the change and overlap of ASR and PDS from the 1- to 3-week postpartum and examines the interplay of caregiver support and subjective birth experience with regard to the development of ASR/PDS within a longitudinal path model.