19 resultados para biological changes


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Oxygen-isotope variations were analyzed on bulk samples of shallow-water lake marl from Gerzensee, Switzerland, in order to evaluate major and minor climatic oscillations during the late-glacial. To highlight the overall signature of the Gerzensee δ18O record, δ18O records of four parallel sediment cores were first correlated by synchronizing major isotope shifts and pollen abundances. Then the records were stacked with a weighting depending on the differing sampling resolution. To develop a precise chronology, the δ18O-stack was then correlated with the NGRIP δ18O record applying a Monte Carlo simulation, relying on the assumption that the shifts in δ18O were climate-driven and synchronous in both archives. The established chronology on the GICC05 time scale is the basis for (1) comparing the δ18O changes recorded in Gerzensee with observed climatic and environmental fluctuations over the whole North Atlantic region, and (2) comparing sedimentological and biological changes during the rapid warming with smaller climatic variations during the Bølling/Allerød period. The δ18O record of Gerzensee is characterized by two major isotope shifts at the onset and at the termination of the Bølling/Allerød warm period, as well as four intervening negative shifts labeled GI-1e2, d, c2, and b, which show a shift of one third to one fourth of the major δ18O shifts at the beginning and end of the Bølling/Allerød. Despite some inconsistency in terminology, these oscillations can be observed in various climatic proxies over wide regions in the North Atlantic region, especially in reconstructed colder temperatures, and they seem to be caused by hemispheric climatic variations.


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Millennial-scale climate changes during the last glacial period and deglaciation were accompanied by rapid changes in atmospheric CO2 that remain unexplained. While the role of the Southern Ocean as a ’control valve’ on ocean–atmosphere CO2 exchange has been emphasized, the exact nature of this role, in particular the relative contributions of physical (for example, ocean dynamics and air–sea gas exchange) versus biological processes (for example, export productivity), remains poorly constrained. Here we combine reconstructions of bottom-water [O2], export production and 14C ventilation ages in the sub-Antarctic Atlantic, and show that atmospheric CO2 pulses during the last glacial- and deglacial periods were consistently accompanied by decreases in the biological export of carbon and increases in deep-ocean ventilation via southern-sourced water masses. These findings demonstrate how the Southern Ocean’s ’organic carbon pump’ has exerted a tight control on atmospheric CO2, and thus global climate, specifically via a synergy of both physical and biological processes.


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Imaging of biological samples has been performed with a variety of techniques for example electromagnetic waves, electrons, neutrons, ultrasound and X-rays. Also conventional X-ray imaging represents the basis of medical diagnostic imaging, it remains of limited use in this application because it is based solely on the differential absorption of X-rays by tissues. Coherent and bright photon beams, such as those produced by third-generation synchrotron X-ray sources, provide further information on subtle X-ray phase changes at matter interfaces. This complements conventional X-ray absorption by edge enhancement phenomena. Thus, phase contrast imaging has the potential to improve the detection of structures on images by detecting those structures that are invisible with X-ray absorption imaging. Images of a weakly absorbing nylon fibre were recorded in in-line holography geometry using a high resolution low-noise CCD camera at the ESRF in Grenoble. The method was also applied to improve image contrast for images of biological tissues. This paper presents phase contrast microradiographs of vascular tree casts and images of a housefly. These reveal very fine structures, that remain invisible with conventional absorption contrast only.


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This third part of a series of publications from the Swiss task force "Smoking--Intervention in the private dental office" on the topic "tobacco use and dental medicine" describes the clinical and radiographic changes of the periodontium within smokers as well as the consequences of tobacco use on periodontal and implant therapy. With increased use of tobacco, patients show higher periodontal probing depths, increased clinical attachment loss, more alveolar bone resorption, a higher prevalence of gingival recessions, and a higher risk for tooth loss. In contrast to this, with smokers, the clinical characteristics of gingival inflammation or bleeding on periodontal probing are less established. Smokers show less positive results after conventional, surgical and regenerative periodontal therapy. The benefits of mucogingval surgery are reduced and less successful in smokers. Moreover, smoking impairs the osseointegration of oral implants and is at least partly responsible for a majority of biological complications in implant dentistry, such as periimplantitis. Based on the present understanding of periodontal diseases, the clinical findings, and the specific therapeutic outcomes with smokers, it appears to be reasonable, next to the current classification of periodontal diseases, to use the term "smokers periodontitis".


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Live vaccines possess the advantage of having access to induce cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity; thus in certain cases they are able to prevent infection, and not only disease. Furthermore, live vaccines, particularly bacterial live vaccines, are relatively cheap to produce and easy to apply. Hence they are suitable to immunize large communities or herds. The induction of both cell-mediated immunity as well as antibody-mediated immunity, which is particularly beneficial in inducing mucosal immune responses, is obtained by the vaccine-strain's ability to colonize and multiply in the host without causing disease. For this reason, live vaccines require attenuation of virulence of the bacterium to which immunity must be induced. Traditionally attenuation was achieved simply by multiple passages of the microorganism on growth medium, in animals, eggs or cell cultures or by chemical or physical mutagenesis, which resulted in random mutations that lead to attenuation. In contrast, novel molecular methods enable the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) targeted to specific genes that are particularly suited to induce attenuation or to reduce undesirable effects in the tissue in which the vaccine strains can multiply and survive. Since live vaccine strains (attenuated by natural selection or genetic engineering) are potentially released into the environment by the vaccinees, safety issues concerning the medical as well as environmental aspects must be considered. These involve (i) changes in cell, tissue and host tropism, (ii) virulence of the carrier through the incorporation of foreign genes, (iii) reversion to virulence by acquisition of complementation genes, (iv) exchange of genetic information with other vaccine or wild-type strains of the carrier organism and (v) spread of undesired genes such as antibiotic resistance genes. Before live vaccines are applied, the safety issues must be thoroughly evaluated case-by-case. Safety assessment includes knowledge of the precise function and genetic location of the genes to be mutated, their genetic stability, potential reversion mechanisms, possible recombination events with dormant genes, gene transfer to other organisms as well as gene acquisition from other organisms by phage transduction, transposition or plasmid transfer and cis- or trans-complementation. For this, GMOs that are constructed with modern techniques of genetic engineering display a significant advantage over random mutagenesis derived live organisms. The selection of suitable GMO candidate strains can be made under in vitro conditions using basic knowledge on molecular mechanisms of pathogenicity of the corresponding bacterial species rather than by in vivo testing of large numbers of random mutants. This leads to a more targeted safety testing on volunteers and to a reduction in the use of animal experimentation.


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INTRODUCTION: In clinical tissue-engineering-based approaches to articular cartilage repair, various types of flap are frequently used to retain an implanted construct within the defect, and they are usually affixed by suturing. We hypothesize that the suturing of articular cartilage is associated with a loss of chondrocytes from, and osteoarthritis-like changes within, the perisutural area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We established a large, partial-thickness defect model in the femoral groove of adult goats. The defects were filled with bovine fibrinogen to support a devitalized flap of autologous synovial tissue, which was sutured to the surrounding articular cartilage with single, interrupted stitches. The perisutural and control regions were analyzed histologically, histochemically and histomorphometrically shortly after surgery and 3 weeks later. RESULTS: Compared to control regions, chondrocytes were lost from the perisutural area even during the first few hours of surgery. During the ensuing 3 weeks, the numerical density of cells in the perisutural area decreased significantly. The cell losses were associated with a loss of proteoglycans from the extracellular matrix. Shortly after surgery, fissures were observed within the walls of the suture channels. By the third week, their surface density had increased significantly and they were filled with avascular mesenchymal tissue. CONCLUSIONS: The suturing of articular cartilage induces severe local damage, which is progressive and reminiscent of that associated with the early stages of osteoarthritis. This damage could be most readily circumvented by adopting an alternative mode of flap affixation, such as gluing with a biological adhesive.


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Alpine grasslands are ecosystems with a great diversity of plant species. However, little is known about other levels of biodiversity, such as landscape diversity, diversity of biological interactions of plants with herbivores or fungal pathogens, and genetic diversity. We therefore explored natural and anthropogenic determinants of grassland biodiversity at several levels of biological integration, from the genetic to the landscape level in the Swiss Alps. Differences between cultural traditions (Romanic, Germanic, and Walser) turned out to still affect land use diversity and thus landscape diversity. Increasing land use diversity, in turn, increased plant species diversity per village. However, recent land use changes have reduced this diversity. Within grassland parcels, plant species diversity was higher on unfertilized mown grasslands than on fertilized or grazed ones. Most individual plants were affected by herbivores and fungal leaf pathogens, reflecting that parcels harbored a great diversity of herbivores and pathogens. However, as plant damage by herbivores and pathogens was not severe, conserving these biological interactions among plants is hardly compromising agricultural goals. A common-garden experiment revealed genetic differentiation of the important fodder grass Poa alpina between mown and grazed sites, suggesting adaptation. Per-village genetic diversity of Poa alpina was greater in villages with higher land use diversity, analogous to the higher plant species diversity there. Overall, landscape diversity and biodiversity within grassland parcels are currently declining. As this contradicts the intention of Swiss law and international agreements, financial incentives need to be re-allocated and should focus on promoting high biodiversity at the local and the landscape level. At the same time, this will benefit landscape attractiveness for tourists and help preserve a precious cultural heritage in the Swiss Alps.


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INTRODUCTION: Acute psychosocial stress accelerates blood coagulation and elicits hemoconcentration which mechanisms are implicated in acute coronary thrombotic events. We investigated the extent to which the change in prothrombotic measures with acute stress reflects hemoconcentration and genuine activation of coagulation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty-one middle-aged healthy men underwent three sessions of a combined speech and mental arithmetic task with one-week intervals. Coagulation and plasma volume were assessed at baseline, immediately post-stress, and 45 min post-stress at sessions one and three. Measures of both visits were aggregated to enhance robustness of individual biological stress responses. Changes in eight coagulation measures with and without adjustment for simultaneous plasma volume shift were compared. RESULTS: From baseline to immediately post-stress, unadjusted levels of fibrinogen (p=0.028), clotting factor VII activity (FVII:C) (p=0.001), FVIII:C (p<0.001), FXII:C (p<0.001), and von Willebrand factor (VWF) (p=0.008) all increased. Taking into account hemoconcentration, fibrinogen (p=0.020) and FVII:C levels (p=0.001) decreased, activated partial prothrombin time (APPT) shortened (p<0.001) and prothrombin time (PT) was prolonged (p<0.001). Between baseline and 45 min post-stress, unadjusted (p=0.050) and adjusted (p=0.001) FVIII:C levels increased, adjusted APTT was prolonged (p=0.017), and adjusted PT was shortened (p=0.033). D-dimer levels did not significantly change over time. CONCLUSIONS: Adjustment for stress-hemoconcentration altered the course of unadjusted levels of several prothrombotic factors. After adjustment for hemoconcentration, APPT was shortened immediately post-stress, whereas 45 min post-stress, FVIII:C was increased and PT was shortened. Procoagulant changes to acute stress may reflect both hemoconcentration and genuine activation of coagulation molecules and pathways.


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For low-energy organisms such as bivalves, the costs of thermal compensation of biological rates (synonymous with acclimation or acclimatization) may be higher than the benefits. We therefore conducted two experiments to examine the effect of seasonal temperature changes on behaviour and oxygen consumption. In the first experiment, we examined the effects of seasonal temperature changes on the freshwater bivalve Anodonta anatina, taking measurements each month for a year at the corresponding temperature for that time of year. There was no evidence for compensation of burrowing valve closure duration or frequency, or locomotory speed. In the second experiment, we compared A. anatina at summer and winter temperatures (24 and 4°C, respectively) and found no evidence for compensation of the burrowing rate, valve closure duration or frequency, or oxygen consumption rates during burrowing, immediately after valve closure or at rest. Within the experimental limits of this study, the evidence suggests that thermal compensation of biological rates is not a strategy employed by A. anatina. We argue that this is due to either a lack of evolutionary pressure to acclimatize, or evolutionary pressure to not acclimatize. Firstly, there is little incentive to increase metabolic rate to enhance predatory ability given that these are filter feeders. Secondly, maintained low energetic demand, enhanced at winter temperatures, is essential for predator avoidance, i.e. valve closure. Thus, we suggest that the costs of acclimatization outweigh the benefits in A. anatina.


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Adolescent development includes changes in the biological regulatory processes for the timing of sleep. Circadian rhythm changes and changes to the sleep-pressure system (sleep homeostasis) during adolescence both favor later timing of sleep. These changes, combined with prevailing social pressures, are responsible for most teens sleeping too late and too little; those who sleep least report consuming more caffeine. Although direct research findings are scarce, the likelihood of use and abuse of caffeine-laden products grows across the adolescent years due, in part, to excessive sleepiness


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The outcome of light-based therapeutic approaches depends on light propagation in biological tissues, which is governed by their optical properties. The objective of this study was to quantify optical properties of brain tissue in vivo and postmortem and assess changes due to tissue handling postmortem. The study was carried out on eight female New Zealand white rabbits. The local fluence rate was measured in the VIS/NIR range in the brain in vivo, just postmortem, and after six weeks’ storage of the head at −20∘C or in 10% formaldehyde solution. Only minimal changes in the effective attenuation coefficient μeff were observed for two methods of sacrifice, exsanguination or injection of KCl. Under all tissue conditions, μeff decreased with increasing wavelengths. After long-term storage for six weeks at −20∘C, μeff decreased, on average, by 15 to 25% at all wavelengths, while it increased by 5 to 15% at all wavelengths after storage in formaldehyde. We demonstrated that μeff was not very sensitive to the method of animal sacrifice, that tissue freezing significantly altered tissue optical properties, and that formalin fixation might affect the tissue’s optical properties.


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The 5th Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states with very high certainty that anthropogenic emissions have caused measurable changes in the physical ocean environment. These changes are summarized with special focus on those that are predicted to have the strongest, most direct effects on ocean biological processes; namely, ocean warming and associated phenomena (including stratification and sea level rise) as well as deoxygenation and ocean acidification. The biological effects of these changes are then discussed for microbes (including phytoplankton), plants, animals, warm and cold-water corals, and ecosystems. The IPCC AR5 highlighted several areas related to both the physical and biological processes that required further research. As a rapidly developing field, there have been many pertinent studies published since the cut off dates for the AR5, which have increased our understanding of the processes at work. This study undertook an extensive review of recently published literature to update the findings of the AR5 and provide a synthesized review on the main issues facing future oceans. The level of detail provided in the AR5 and subsequent work provided a basis for constructing projections of the state of ocean ecosystems in 2100 under two the Representative Concentration Pathways RCP4.5 and 8.5. Finally the review highlights notable additions, clarifications and points of departure from AR5 provided by subsequent studies.