114 resultados para Weyden, Rogier van der, 1399 or 1400-1464.
OBJECTIVES Decisions to use condoms are made within partnerships. We examined the associations between inconsistent or no condom use and individual and partnership characteristics. We also examined the relative importance of individual versus partnership factors. METHODS Cross-sectional study of heterosexual individuals enrolled from the sexually transmitted infections (STI) outpatient clinic in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from May to August 2010. Participants completed a questionnaire about sexual behaviour with the last four partners in the preceding year. Participant and partnership factors associated with inconsistent or no condom use in steady and casual partnerships were identified. RESULTS 2144 individuals were included, reporting 6401 partnerships; 54.7% were female, the median age was 25 (IQR 22-30) years and 79.9% were Dutch. Inconsistent or no condom use occurred in 13.9% of 2387 steady partnerships and in 33.5% of 4014 casual partnerships. There was statistical evidence of associations between inconsistent condom use in steady partnerships and ethnic concordance, longer duration, higher number of sex acts, practising anal sex, and sex-related drug use. In casual partnerships, associations were found with having an older partner, ethnic concordance, longer duration, higher number of sex acts, anal sex, sex-related drug use, ongoing partnerships and concurrency. In multivariable models, partnership factors explained 50.9% of the variance in steady partnerships and 70.1% in casual partnerships compared with 10.5% and 15.4% respectively for individual factors. CONCLUSIONS Among heterosexual STI clinic attendees in Amsterdam, partnership factors are more important factors related with inconsistent condom use than characteristics of the individual.
The closed Tangra Yumco Basin underwent the strongest Quaternary lake-level changes so far recorded on the Tibetan Plateau. It was hitherto unknown what effect this had on local Holocene vegetation development. A 3.6-m sediment core from a recessional lake terrace at 4,700 m a.s.l., 160 m above the present lake level of Tangra Yumco, was studied to reconstruct Holocene flooding phases (sedimentology and ostracod analyses), vegetation dynamics and human influence (palynology, charcoal and coprophilous fungi analyses). Peat at the base of the profile proves lake level was below 4,700 m a.s.l. during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition. A deep-lake phase started after 11 cal ka BP, but the ostracod record indicates the level was not higher than similar to 4,720 m a.s.l. (180 m above present) and decreased gradually after the early Holocene maximum. Additional sediment ages from the basin suggest recession of Tangra Yumco from the coring site after 2.6 cal ka BP, with a shallow local lake persisting at the site until similar to 1 cal ka BP. The final peat formation indicates drier conditions thereafter. Persistence of Artemisia steppe during the Holocene lake high-stand resembles palynological records from west Tibet that indicate early Holocene aridity, in spite of high lake levels that may have resulted from meltwater input. Yet pollen assemblages indicate humidity closer to that of present potential forest areas near Lhasa, with 500-600 mm annual precipitation. Thus, the early mid-Holocene humidity was sufficient to sustain at least juniper forest, but Artemisia dominance persisted as a consequence of a combination of environmental disturbances such as (1) strong early Holocene climate fluctuations, (2) inundation of habitats suitable for forest, (3) extensive water surfaces that served as barriers to terrestrial diaspore transport from refuge areas, (4) strong erosion that denuded the non-flooded upper slopes and (5) increasing human influence since the late glacial.
Surface platforms were engineered from poly(L-lysine)-graft-poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PLL-g-PMOXA) copolymers to study the mechanisms involved in the non-specific adhesion of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria. Copolymers with three different grafting densities (PMOXA chains/Lysine residue of 0.09, 0.33 and 0.56) were synthesized and assembled on niobia (Nb O ) surfaces. PLL-modified and bare niobia surfaces served as controls. To evaluate the impact of fimbriae expression on the bacterial adhesion, the surfaces were exposed to genetically engineered E. coli strains either lacking, or constitutively expressing type 1 fimbriae. The bacterial adhesion was strongly influenced by the presence of bacterial fimbriae. Non-fimbriated bacteria behaved like hard, charged particles whose adhesion was dependent on surface charge and ionic strength of the media. In contrast, bacteria expressing type 1 fimbriae adhered to the substrates independent of surface charge and ionic strength, and adhesion was mediated by non-specific van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions of the proteins at the fimbrial tip. Adsorbed polymer mass, average surface density of the PMOXA chains, and thickness of the copolymer films were quantified by optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) and variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), whereas the lateral homogeneity was probed by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). Streaming current measurements provided information on the charge formation of the polymer-coated and the bare niobia surfaces. The adhesion of both bacterial strains could be efficiently inhibited by the copolymer film only with a grafting density of 0.33 characterized by the highest PMOXA chain surface density and a surface potential close to zero.
STUDY DESIGN.: Cadaver study. OBJECTIVE.: To determine bone strength in vertebrae by measuring peak breakaway torque or indentation force using custom-made pedicle probes. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Screw performance in dorsal spinal instrumentation is dependent on bone quality of the vertebral body. To date no intraoperative measuring device to validate bone strength is available. Destructive testing may predict bone strength in transpedicular instrumentations in osteoporotic vertebrae. Insertional torque measurements showed varying results. METHODS.: Ten human cadaveric vertebrae were evaluated for bone mineral density (BMD) measurements by quantitative computed tomography. Peak torque and indentation force of custom-made probes as a measure for mechanical bone strength were assessed via a transpedicular approach. The results were correlated to regional BMD and to biomechanical load testing after pedicle screw implementation. RESULTS.: Both methods generated a positive correlation to failure load of the respective vertebrae. The correlation of peak breakaway torque to failure load was r = 0.959 (P = 0.003), therewith distinctly higher than the correlation of indentation force to failure load, which was r = 0.690 (P = 0.040). In predicting regional BMD, measurement of peak torque also performed better than that of indentation force (r = 0.897 [P = 0.002] vs. r = 0.777 [P = 0.017]). CONCLUSION.: Transpedicular measurement of peak breakaway torque is technically feasible and predicts reliable local bone strength and implant failure for dorsal spinal instrumentations in this experimental setting.
Previous research has revealed that a stimulus presented in the blind visual field of participants with visual hemifield defects can evoke oculomotor competition, in the absence of awareness. Here we studied three cases to determine whether a distractor in a blind hemifield would be capable of inducing a global effect, a shift of saccade endpoint when target and distractor are close to each other, in participants with lesions of the optic radiations or striate cortex. We found that blind field distractors significantly shifted saccadic endpoints in two of three participants with lesions of either the striate cortex or distal optic radiations. The direction of the effect was paradoxical, however, in that saccadic endpoints shifted away from blind field distractors, whereas endpoints shifted towards distractors in the visible hemifields, which is the normal global effect. These results provide further evidence that elements presented in the blind visual field can generate modulatory interactions in the oculomotor system, which may differ from interactions in normal vision.
Tenascins are extracellular matrix glycoproteins associated with cell motility, proliferation and differentiation. Tenascin-C inhibits cell spreading by binding to fibronectin; tenascin-R and tenascin-X also have anti-adhesive properties in vitro. Here we have studied the adhesion modulating properties of the most recently characterized tenascin, tenascin-W. C2C12 cells, a murine myoblast cell line, will form broad lamellipodia with stress fibers and focal adhesion complexes after culture on fibronectin. In contrast, C2C12 cells cultured on tenascin-W fail to spread and form stress fibers or focal adhesion complexes, and instead acquire a multipolar shape with short, actin-tipped pseudopodia. The same stellate morphology is observed when C2C12 cells are cultured on a mixture of fibronectin and tenascin-W, or on fibronectin in the presence of soluble tenascin-W. Tenascin-W combined with fibronectin also inhibits the spreading of mouse embryo fibroblasts when compared with cells cultured on fibronectin alone. The similarity between the adhesion modulating effects of tenascin-W and tenascin-C in vitro led us to study the possibility of tenascin-W compensating for tenascin-C in tenascin-C knockout mice, especially during epidermal wound healing. Dermal fibroblasts harvested from a tenascin-C knockout mouse express tenascin-W, but dermal fibroblasts taken from a wild type mouse do not. However, there is no upregulation of tenascin-W in the dermis of tenascin-C knockout mice, or in the granulation tissue of skin wounds in tenascin-C knockout animals. Similarly, tenascin-X is not upregulated in early wound granulation tissue in the tenascin-C knockout mice. Thus, tenascin-W is able to inhibit cell spreading in vitro and it is upregulated in dermal fibroblasts taken from the tenascin-C knockout mouse, but neither it nor tenascin-X are likely to compensate for missing tenascin-C during wound healing.
Sexual selection by female mating preference for male nuptial coloration has been suggested as a driving force in the rapid speciation of Lake Victoria cichlid fish. This process could have been facilitated or accelerated by genetic associations between female preference loci and male coloration loci. Preferences, as well as coloration, are heritable traits and are probably determined by more than one gene. However, little is known about potential genetic associations between these traits. In turbid water, we found a population that is variable in male nuptial coloration from blue to yellow to red. Males at the extreme ends of the phenotype distribution resemble a reproductively isolated species pair in clear water that has diverged into one species with blue-grey mates and one species with bright red males. Females of the turbid water population vary in mating preference coinciding with the male phenotype distribution. For the current study, these females were mated to blue males. We measured the coloration of the sires and male offspring. Parents-offspring regression showed that the sires did not affect male offspring coloration, which confirms earlier findings that the blue species breeds true. In contrast, male offspring coloration was determined by the identity of the dams, which suggests that there is heritable variation in male color genes between females. However, we found that mating preferences of the dams were not correlated with male offspring coloration. Thus, there is no evidence for strong genetic linkage between mating preference and the preferred trait in this population [Current Zoology 56 (1): 57-64 2010].
Biolimus-eluting stents (BESs) with a biodegradable polymer in abluminal coating achieve more complete coverage at 9 months compared with sirolimus-eluting stents (SESs) with a durable polymer, as assessed by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Whether this advantage persists or augments after complete resorption of the polymer (>12 months) is unknown.
Aims To compare the tissue coverage of a hydrophilic polymer-coated zotarolimus-eluting stent (ZES) vs. a fluoropolymer-coated everolimus-eluting stent (EES) at 13 months, using optical coherence tomography (OCT) in an ‘all-comers' population of patients, in order to clarify the mechanism of eventual differences in the biocompatibility and thrombogenicity of the devices. Methods and results Patients randomized to angiographic follow-up in the RESOLUTE All Comers trial (NCT00617084) at pre-specified OCT sites underwent OCT follow-up at 13 months. Tissue coverage and apposition were assessed strut by strut, and the results in both treatment groups were compared using multilevel logistic or linear regression, as appropriate, with clustering at three different levels: patient, lesion, and stent. Fifty-eight patients (30 ZES and 28 EES), 72 lesions, 107 stents, and 23 197 struts were analysed. Eight hundred and eighty-seven and 654 uncovered struts (7.4 and 5.8%, P= 0.378), and 216 and 161 malapposed struts (1.8 and 1.4%, P= 0.569) were found in the ZES and EES groups, respectively. The mean thickness of coverage was 116 ± 99 µm in ZES and 142 ± 113 µm in EES (P= 0.466). No differences in per cent neointimal volume obstruction (12.5 ± 7.9 vs. 15.0 ± 10.7%) or other areas–volumetric parameters were found between ZES and EES, respectively. Conclusion No significant differences in tissue coverage, malapposition, or lumen/stent areas and volumes were detected by OCT between the hydrophilic polymer-coated ZES and the fluoropolymer-coated EES at 13-month follow-up.