45 resultados para Vocational interests.
Cross-sectional research implies a close relation of vocation interests, goals, and traits, yet little is known about their reciprocal development over time. This longitudinal study examined development of Things/People (T/P) and Data/Ideas (D/I) vocational interests and career goals in relation to Big Five personality traits among 292 Swiss adolescents with a cross-lagged panel design with two measurement points over 1 year from seventh to eighth grade. Interests and goals were significantly related within time and showed significant interactions across time. Traits related significantly and equally to interests and goals within time and predicted their development across time except for T/P goals. Goals and interests possessed incremental validity above traits in affecting each other. Implications include the need to account for dynamic processes in the development of goals and interests and their systematic relation to traits in theory and practice.
Interest differentiation and elevation are supposed to provide important information about a person’s state of interest development, yet little is known about their development and criterion validity. The present study explored these constructs among a group of Swiss adolescents. Study 1 applied a cross-sectional design with 210 students in 11th grade. Study 2 applied a 1-year longitudinal design with 289 students in 7th to 8th grade. gender, personality traits, and career exploration were significant predictors of state and development of differentiation and elevation. Increase in differentiation predicted increase in career decidedness above traits. elevation could not predict increase in exploration behavior over traits. The results provide support for differentiation and elevation as important aspects of adolescents’ vocational interests.
The study examined the relationship between the secondary constructs of Holland’s (1997) theory of vocational interests and career choice readiness [career maturity] attitudes with 358 Swiss secondary students. The hypothesis was tested that the secondary constructs consistency, coherence, differentiation, and congruence are measures for the degree of vocational interest development. Thus, they should belong to the content domain in career choice readiness and should show meaningful relations to career choice readiness attitudes. The hypothesis was confirmed for congruence, coherence, and differentiation. Interest profile consistency showed no relation to career choice readiness attitudes. Vocational identity emerged as a direct measure for career choice readiness attitudes. Realism of career aspirations was related to career choice readiness attitudes and coherence of career aspirations. Profile elevation was positively connected to more career planning and career exploration. Differences between gender, ethnicity, and school-types are presented. Implications for career counselling and assessment practice are discussed.
The study investigated the predictive utility of interest profile differentiation, coherence, elevation, congruence, and vocational identity commitment and career maturity (career planning and exploration) on the 10-month interest stability of 292 Swiss eighth-grade students: profile, rank, and level stabilities were assessed. Controlling for socio-demographic and vocational interest type variables, measures of differentiated and coherent vocational interests were significant predictors of profile stability. Interest elevation predicted more rank and level stability. The career development variables explained only a non-significant additional amount of variance in the different stability measures.
Following the recent trend in psychology towards a more integrative view of personality, the study attempted to establish the connections and underlying complexes of fundamental personality dispositions within two cohorts of Swiss adolescents in eighth and eleventh grade (N = 492, ages 13 to 19): Big-Five basic traits, big six vocational interests, work values, and generalized self-efficacy and externality of control beliefs. Five factors were identified which accounted for 60% of variance among the relations of the variables: (1) enterprisingconventional interests, (2) favorable personality dispositions, (3) social-artistic personality characteristics, (4) investigative-realistic interests, and (5) work value endorsement. Crosssectional findings indicate that particularly agreeableness and conscientiousness become closer related to interests and work values with increasing grade-level.
Empirische Studien zeigen, dass junge Frauen in der Schweiz mehr Mühe in der Lehrstellensuche bekunden als Männer. Die Studie überprüft die Hypothesen, dass dies auch in einem geringeren Angebot an Lehrberufen und Lehrstellen sowie tendenziell höheren schulischen Anforderungen in ihren typischen Interessensbereichen im Vergleich zu den typischen Interessensbereichen von Männern begründet liegt. Dazu wird eine typologische Analyse des Schweizer Lehrstellenmarktes 2006 aufgrund der RIASEC Typologie von Holland (1997) vorgenommen und in direkten Bezug zur gut fundierten beruflichen Interessenforschung gestellt. Beide Hypothesen wurden bestätigt. Implikationen für Theorie und Praxis werden beschrieben.
People with severe mental disorders are often without work, although work may have a positive effect on their health. The paper presents some results in this field from the German S3 guidelines on psychosocial therapies. In terms of evidence-based medicine supported employment (SE - first place then train) has proven to be most effective. Nevertheless, SE is still rare in Germany. Pre-vocational training, however, follows the concept first train then place and is offered in rehabilitation of the mentally ill (RPK) centres in Germany. There is some evidence that the programs are beneficial for users. The UN Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities outlines an obligation for work on an equal basis with others and for vocational training. So far, the German mental health system only partly meets these requirements.
This paper analyses the role of think tanks in Swiss policy making. Starting from the relationship between interest groups and the state, which has been shaping Swiss policy making for a long time, we hypothesize that these structures offer good possibilities for scientific arguments and ideas to influence the process of policy making. Our observations from a recent example indeed illustrates that think tanks can use the same channels as vested interests to bring in their know-how. Furthermore, we conclude that the characteristics of the political system, e.g. direct democracy and the consensual alignment particularly influence the chances of think tanks to intervene. In this exchange vested interests and think tanks do not really interfere with each other, but rather they complement each other both having.
Europeanization and Institutional Change in Vocational Education and Training in Austria and Germany