24 resultados para P-SELECTIN


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In multiple sclerosis and in its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), inflammatory cells migrate across the endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) and gain access to the CNS. It is well-established that alpha4 integrins are actively involved in leukocyte recruitment across the BBB during EAE. In contrast, the role of endothelial E- and P-selectin in this process has been a controversial issue. In this study, we demonstrate that P-selectin protein can be detected in meningeal blood vessel endothelial cells in healthy SJL and C57BL/6 mice and on rare parenchymal CNS blood vessels in C57BL/6, but not SJL, mice. During EAE, expression of P-selectin but not E-selectin was found up-regulated on inflamed CNS microvessels surrounded by inflammatory infiltrates irrespective of their meningeal or parenchymal localization with a more prominent immunostaining detected in C57BL/6 as compared with SJL mice. P-selectin immunostaining could be localized to CNS endothelial cells and to CD41-positive platelets adhering to the vessel wall. Despite the presence of P-selectin in wild-type mice, E/P-selectin-deficient SJL and C57BL/6 mice developed clinical EAE indistinguishable from wild-type mice. Absence of E- and P-selectin did neither influence the activation of myelin-specific T cells nor the composition of the cellular infiltrates in the CNS during EAE. Finally, endothelial-specific tetracycline-inducible expression of E-selectin at the BBB in transgenic C57BL/6 mice did not alter the development of EAE. Thus, E- and P-selectin are not required for leukocyte recruitment across the BBB and the development of EAE in C57BL/6 and in SJL mice.


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Using variants of the murine BW5147 lymphoma cell-line, we have previously identified 3 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that discriminate between metastatic and nonmetastatic BW5147-derived T-cell hybridomas and lymphomas, as well as BW5147-unrelated T-lymphomas. These MAbs were reported to recognize an identical membrane-associated sialoglycoprotein, termed "metastatic T-cell hybridoma antigen" (MTH-Ag). Here, we document that the expression pattern of the MTH-Ag on metastatic and nonmetastatic BW5147 variants correlates with that of the P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1), a sialomucin involved in leukocyte recruitment to sites of inflammation. Moreover, the MAbs against the MTH-Ag recognize PSGL-1 when it is transfected in MTH-Ag-negative BW5147 variants, suggesting that the MTH-Ag is PSGL-1. Overexpression of MTH-Ag/PSGL-1 in MTH-Ag-negative BW5147 variants did not affect their in vivo malignancy. Yet, down-regulation of MTH-Ag/PSGL-1 expression on metastatic, MTH-Ag-positive BW5147 variants, using an RNA interference (RNAi) approach, resulted, in a dose-dependent manner, in a significant reduction of liver and spleen colonization and a delay in mortality of the recipient mice upon intravenous inoculation. Collectively, these results demonstrate that, although MTH-Ag/PSGL-1 overexpression alone may not be sufficient for successful dissemination and organ colonization, MTH-Ag/PSGL-1 plays a critical role in hematogenous metastasis of lymphoid cancer cells.


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BACKGROUND: Caring for a spouse with Alzheimer's disease is associated with increased psychological distress, impaired immunity, and heightened cardiovascular risk. Hyperreactivity of sympathetic and platelet activation responses to acute psychological stress, or the failure to recover quickly from stressful events, may constitute an important pathway linking stress and negative affect with cardiovascular disease (CVD). OBJECTIVES: (1) To evaluate associations between negative affect (i.e., depressive and anxious symptoms) with increased norepinephrine and P-selectin responses to an acute psychological stress task. (2) To establish whether these associations are augmented among elderly spousal caregivers (CG) compared to non-caregivers (NC). METHODS: Depressive (DEP) and anxious (ANX) symptoms from the Brief Symptom Inventory were assessed among 39 CG and 31 NC. Plasma norepinephrine levels (NE) and percent platelet P-selectin (PSEL) expression were assayed at three time-points: rest, immediately following a laboratory speech test (reactivity), and after 14 min of recovery. Results: Among CG, but not NC, increased symptoms of depression and anxiety were associated with delayed NE recovery (DEP: beta=.460, p=.008; ANX: beta=.361, p=.034), increased PSEL reactivity (DEP: beta=.703, p<.001; ANX: beta=.526, p=.002), and delayed PSEL recovery (DEP: beta=.372, p=.039; ANX: beta=.295, p=.092), while controlling for age, gender, aspirin use, antidepressant use, and preexisting CVD. Bivariate correlations showed delayed NE recovery was also associated with increased PSEL reactivity (r=.416) and delayed PSEL recovery (r=.372; all ps<.05) among CG but not NC. DISCUSSION: Among chronically stressed caregivers, increased levels of depressive and anxious symptoms are associated with prolonged sympathetic activation and pronounced platelet activation. These changes may represent one pathway linking caregiving stress to cardiovascular risk.


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T-cell migration across the blood-brain barrier is a crucial step in the pathogenesis of EAE, an animal model for MS. Live cell imaging studies demonstrated that P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and its endothelial ligands E- and P-selectin mediate the initial rolling of T cells in brain vessels during EAE. As functional absence of PSGL-1 or E/P-selectins does not result in ameliorated EAE, we speculated that T-cell entry into the spinal cord is independent of PSGL-1 and E/P-selectin. Performing intravital microscopy, we observed the interaction of WT or PSGL-1(-/-) proteolipid protein-specific T cells in inflamed spinal cord microvessels of WT or E/P-selectin(-/-) SJL/J mice during EAE. T-cell rolling but not T-cell capture was completely abrogated in the absence of either PSGL-1 or E- and P-selectin, resulting in a significantly reduced number of T cells able to firmly adhere in the inflamed spinal cord microvessels, but did not lead to reduced T-cell invasion into the CNS parenchyma. Thus, PSGL-1 interaction with E/P-selectin is essential for T-cell rolling in inflamed spinal cord microvessels during EAE. Taken together with previous observations, our findings show that T-cell rolling is not required for successful T-cell entry into the CNS and initiation of EAE.


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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and circulating cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) predict cardiovascular risk. We hypothesized a positive relationship between PTSD caused by myocardial infarction (MI) and soluble CAMs. We enrolled 22 post-MI patients with interviewer-rated PTSD and 22 post-MI patients with no PTSD. At 32±6months after index MI, all patients were re-scheduled to undergo the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) interview and had blood collected to assess soluble CAMs at rest and after the CAPS interview. Relative to patients with no PTSD, those with PTSD had significantly higher levels of soluble vascular cellular adhesion molecule (sVCAM)-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule (sICAM)-1 at rest and, controlling for resting CAM levels, significantly higher sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 after the interview. Greater severity of PTSD predicted significantly higher resting levels of sVCAM-1 and soluble P-selectin in patients with PTSD. At follow-up, patients with persistent PTSD (n=15) and those who had remitted (n=7) did not significantly differ in CAM levels at rest and after the interview; however, both these groups had significantly higher sVCAM-1 and sICAM-1 at rest and also after the interview compared to patients with no PTSD. Elevated levels of circulating CAMs might help explain the psychophysiologic link of PTSD with cardiovascular risk.


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The adhesion molecule P-selectin glycoprotein ligand (PSGL)-1 has been suggested to be involved in the immunopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, in C57BL/6 mice PSGL-1 was found to be dispensible for the development of MOG(aa35-55)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for MS. To study, if involvement of PSGL-1 to EAE pathogenesis can be observed in another common mouse model, we backcrossed PSGL-1(-/-) mice for at least 12 generations into the SJL/J background and compared PLP(aa139-151) induced EAE in PSGL-1(-/-) SJL/J mice versus wild-type SJL/J mice. Here, we demonstrate that PSGL-1(-/-) SJL/J mice exhibited EAE pathogenesis indistinguishable from wild-type SJL/J mice. Our present study underscores and emphasizes previous observations that PSGL-1 is dispensible for EAE pathogenesis.


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Pentraxins are a superfamily of conserved proteins involved in the acute-phase response and innate immunity. Pentraxin 3 (PTX3), a prototypical member of the long pentraxin subfamily, is a key component of the humoral arm of innate immunity that is essential for resistance to certain pathogens. A regulatory role for pentraxins in inflammation has long been recognized, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here we report that PTX3 bound P-selectin and attenuated neutrophil recruitment at sites of inflammation. PTX3 released from activated leukocytes functioned locally to dampen neutrophil recruitment and regulate inflammation. Antibodies have glycosylation-dependent regulatory effect on inflammation. Therefore, PTX3, which is an essential component of humoral innate immunity, and immunoglobulins share functional outputs, including complement activation, opsonization and, as shown here, glycosylation-dependent regulation of inflammation.


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Cross-linking platelet GPIb with the snake C-type lectin echicetin provides a specific technique for activation via this receptor. This allows GPIb-dependent mechanisms to be studied without the necessity for shear stress-induced binding of von Willebrand factor or primary alpha(IIb)beta(3) involvement. We already showed that platelets are activated, including tyrosine phosphorylation, by echicetin-IgMkappa-induced GPIb cross-linking. We now investigate the mechanism further and demonstrate that platelets, without modulator reagents, spread directly on an echicetin-coated surface, by a GPIb-specific mechanism, causing exocytosis of alpha-granule markers (P-selectin) and activation of alpha(IIb)beta(3). This spreading requires actin polymerization and release of internal calcium stores but is not dependent on external calcium nor on src family tyrosine kinases. Cross-linking of GPIb complex molecules on platelets, either in suspension or via specific surface attachment, is sufficient to induce platelet activation.


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Echicetin, a heterodimeric snake C-type lectin from Echis carinatus, is known to bind specifically to platelet glycoprotein (GP)Ib. We now show that, in addition, it agglutinates platelets in plasma and induces platelet signal transduction. The agglutination is caused by binding to a specific protein in plasma. The protein was isolated from plasma and shown to cause platelet agglutination when added to washed platelets in the presence of echicetin. It was identified as immunoglobulin Mkappa (IgMkappa) by peptide sequencing and dot blotting with specific heavy and light chain anti-immunoglobulin reagents. Platelet agglutination by clustering echicetin with IgMkappa induced P-selectin expression and activation of GPIIb/IIIa as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of several signal transduction molecules, including p53/56(LYN), p64, p72(SYK), p70 to p90, and p120. However, neither ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid nor specific inhibition of GPIIb/IIIa affected platelet agglutination or activation by echicetin. Platelet agglutination and induction of signal transduction could also be produced by cross-linking biotinylated echicetin with avidin. These data indicate that clustering of GPIb alone is sufficient to activate platelets. In vivo, echicetin probably activates platelets rather than inhibits platelet activation, as previously proposed, accounting for the observed induction of thrombocytopenia.


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In multiple sclerosis and in its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), inflammatory cells migrate across the highly specialized endothelial blood-brain barrier (BBB) and gain access to the central nervous system (CNS). It is well established that leukocyte recruitment across this vascular bed is unique due to the predominant involvement of alpha4-integrins in mediating the initial contact to as well as firm adhesion with the endothelium. In contrast, the involvement of the selectins, L-selectin, E- and P-selectin and their respective carbohydrate ligands such as P-selectin glycoprotein (PSGL)-1 in this process has been controversially discussed. Intravital microscopic analysis of immune cell interaction with superficial brain vessels demonstrates a role for E- and P-selectin and their common ligand PSGL-1 in lymphocyte rolling. However, E- and P-selectin-deficient SJL- or C57Bl/6 mice or PSGL-1-deficient C57Bl/6 mice develop EAE indistinguishable from wild-type mice. Considering these apparently discrepant observations, it needs to be discussed whether the molecular mechanisms involved in leukocyte trafficking across superficial brain vessels are irrelevant for EAE pathogenesis or whether the therapeutic efficacy of targeting alpha4-integrins in EAE is truly dependent on the inhibition of leukocyte trafficking across the BBB.


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Platelet reactivity to acute stress is associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk; however, little research exists to provide systematic methodological foundations needed to generate strong longitudinal research designs. Study objectives were: 1) to evaluate whether markers of platelet function increase in response to an acute psychological stress test among older adults, 2) to establish whether reactivity remains robust upon repeated administration (i.e. three occasions approximately 1 year apart), and 3) to evaluate whether two different acute speech stress tasks elicit similar platelet responses. The 149 subjects (mean age 71 years) gave a brief impromptu speech on one of two randomly assigned topics involving interpersonal conflict. Blood samples drawn at baseline and post-speech were assayed using flow cytometry for platelet responses on three outcomes (% aggregates, % P-selectin expression, and % fibrinogen receptor expression). Three-level hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed significant stress-induced increases in platelet activation on all outcomes (p < 0.001). No significant habituation on any measure was found. Additional reactivity differences were associated with male gender, history of myocardial infarction, and use of aspirin, statins, and antidepressants. The results demonstrate that laboratory acute stress tests continued to produce robust platelet reactivity on three activation markers among older adults over 3 years.


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Although chemotherapy for breast cancer can increase inflammation, few studies have examined predictors of this phenomenon. This study examined potential contributions of demographics, disease characteristics, and treatment regimens to markers of inflammation in response to chemotherapy for breast cancer. Thirty-five women with stage I-III-A breast cancer (mean age 50 years) were studied prior to cycle 1 and prior to cycle 4 of anthracycline-based chemotherapy. Circulating levels of inflammatory markers with high relevance to breast cancer were examined, including C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1-RA), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), Interleukin- (IL-6), soluble P-selectin (sP-selectin), and von Willebrand factor (vWf). Chemotherapy was associated with elevations in VEGF (p < or = 0.01), sICAM-1 (p < or = 0.01), sP-selectin (p < or = 0.02) and vWf (p < or = 0.05). Multiple regression analysis controlling for age and body mass index (BMI) showed that higher post-chemotherapy levels of inflammation were consistently related to higher pre-chemotherapy levels of inflammation (ps < or =0.05) as well as to certain disease characteristics. Post-chemotherapy IL-6 levels were higher in patients who had larger tumors (p < or = 0.05) while post-chemotherapy VEGF levels were higher in patients who had smaller tumors (p < or = 0.05). Post-chemotherapy sP-selectin levels were highest in women who had received epirubicin, cytoxan, 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy (p < or = 0.01). These findings indicate that chemotherapy treatment can be associated with elevations in certain markers of inflammation, particularly markers of endothelial and platelet activation. Inflammation in response to chemotherapy is most significantly related to inflammation that existed prior to chemotherapy but also potentially to treatment regimen and to certain disease characteristics.


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BACKGROUND: Neutrophils polarize and migrate in response to chemokines. Different types of membrane microdomains (rafts) have been postulated to be present in rear and front of polarized leukocytes and disruption of rafts by cholesterol sequestration prevents leukocyte polarization. Reggie/flotillin-1 and -2 are two highly homologous proteins that are ubiquitously enriched in detergent resistant membranes and are thought to shape membrane microdomains by forming homo- and hetero-oligomers. It was the goal of this study to investigate dynamic membrane microdomain reorganization during neutrophil activation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We show now, using immunofluorescence staining and co-immunoprecipitation, that endogenous flotillin-1 and -2 colocalize and associate in resting spherical and polarized primary neutrophils. Flotillins redistribute very early after chemoattractant stimulation, and form distinct caps in more than 90% of the neutrophils. At later time points flotillins accumulate in the uropod of polarized cells. Chemotactic peptide-induced redistribution and capping of flotillins requires integrity and dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton, but does not involve Rho-kinase dependent signaling related to formation of the uropod. Both flotillin isoforms are involved in the formation of this membrane domain, as uropod location of exogenously expressed flotillins is dramatically enhanced by co-overexpression of tagged flotillin-1 and -2 in differentiated HL-60 cells as compared to cells expressing only one tagged isoform. Flotillin-1 and -2 associate with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) in resting and in stimulated neutrophils as shown by colocalization and co-immunoprecipitation. Neutrophils isolated from PSGL-1-deficient mice exhibit flotillin caps to the same extent as cells isolated from wild type animals, implying that PSGL-1 is not required for the formation of the flotillin caps. Finally we show that stimulus-dependent redistribution of other uropod-located proteins, CD43 and ezrin/radixin/moesin, occurs much slower than that of flotillins and PSGL-1. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that flotillin-rich actin-dependent membrane microdomains are importantly involved in neutrophil uropod formation and/or stabilization and organize uropod localization of PSGL-1.


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BACKGROUND: The noble gas helium is devoid of anesthetic effects, and it elicits cardiac preconditioning. We hypothesized that inhalation of helium provides protection against postocclusive endothelial dysfunction after ischemia-reperfusion of the forearm in humans. METHODS: Eight healthy male subjects were enrolled in this study with a crossover design. Each volunteer was randomly exposed to 15 min of forearm ischemia in the presence or absence of helium inhalation. Helium was inhaled at an end-tidal concentration of 50 vol% from 15 min before ischemia until 5 min after the onset of reperfusion ("helium conditioning"). Hyperemic reaction, a marker of nitric oxide bioavailability and endothelial function, was determined at 15 and 30 min of reperfusion on the forearm using venous occlusion plethysmography. Expression of the proinflammatory markers CD11b, ICAM-1, PSGL-1, and L-selectin (CD62L) on leukocytes and P-selectin (CD62P), PSGL-1, and CD42b on platelets were measured by flow cytometry during reperfusion. RESULTS: Ischemia-reperfusion consistently reduced the postocclusive endothelium-dependent hyperemic reaction at 15 and 30 min of reperfusion. Periischemic inhalation of helium at 50 vol% did not improve postocclusive hyperemic reaction. Helium decreased expression of the proinflammatory marker CD11b and ICAM-1 on leukocytes and attenuated the expression of the procoagulant markers CD42b and PSGL-1 on platelets. CONCLUSIONS: Although inhalation of helium diminished the postischemic inflammatory reaction, our data indicate that human endothelium, which is a component of all vital organs, is not amenable to protection by helium at 50 vol% in vivo. This is in contrast to sevoflurane, which protects human endothelium at low subanesthetic concentrations.


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We examined the magnitude of 20-min moderate exercise-induced platelet activation in 50 volunteers with normal (n=31) or elevated blood pressure (EBP; n=19). Blood was drawn before, immediately after, and 25 min after exercise. Antibody-staining for platelet activation markers, P-selectin, and fibrinogen receptors was done with and without adenosine diphosphate (ADP) stimulation in whole blood for flow cytometric analyses. Exercise led to increases in percent aggregated platelets and percent platelets expressing P-selectin or PAC-1 binding (ps< or =.001). This increase in percent platelets expressing P-selectin continued even after a 25-min rest only in the EBP group (p< or =.01) accompanied by an increase in percent of aggregated platelets (p< or =.05). Although ADP stimulation led to increased platelet activation at rest, it was attenuated following exercise, even among EBP individuals. A moderate exercise challenge induced prolonged platelet activation in individuals with EBP but attenuation in activation to further stimulation by an agonist. Findings suggest that a recovery period after physical stress appears critical in individuals with high BP regarding platelet activation and aggregation, which can lead to an acute coronary syndrome in vulnerable individuals.