49 resultados para Non-relativistic scattering theory


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Recently the issue of radiative corrections to leptogenesis has been raised. Considering the "strong washout" regime, in which OPE-techniques permit to streamline the setup, we report the thermal self-energy matrix of heavy right-handed neutrinos at NLO (resummed 2-loop level) in Standard Model couplings. The renormalized expression describes flavour transitions and "inclusive" decays of chemically decoupled right-handed neutrinos. Although CP-violation is not addressed, the result may find use in existing leptogenesis frameworks.


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We determine the mass of the bottom quark from high moments of the bbproduction cross section in e+e−annihilation, which are dominated by the threshold region. On the theory side next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (NNNLO) calculations both for the resonances and the continuum cross section are used for the first time. We find mPSb(2GeV) =4.532+0.013−0.039GeVfor the potential-subtracted mass and mMSb(mMSb) =4.193+0.022−0.035GeVfor the MSbottom-quark mass.


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The production rate of right-handed neutrinos from a Standard Model plasma at a temperature above a hundred GeV is evaluated up to NLO in Standard Model couplings. The results apply in the so-called relativistic regime, referring parametrically to a mass M ~ πT, generalizing thereby previous NLO results which only apply in the non-relativistic regime M ≫ πT. The non-relativistic expansion is observed to converge for M ≳ 15T, but the smallness of any loop corrections allows it to be used in practice already for M ≳ 4T. In the latter regime any non-covariant dependence of the differential rate on the spatial momentum is shown to be mild. The loop expansion breaks down in the ultrarelativistic regime M ≪ πT, but after a simple mass resummation it nevertheless extrapolates reasonably well towards a result obtained previously through complete LPM resummation, apparently confirming a strong enhancement of the rate at high temperatures (which facilitates chemical equilibration). When combined with other ingredients the results may help to improve upon the accuracy of leptogenesis computations operating above the electroweak scale.


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The rates for lepton number washout in extensions of the Standard Model containing right-handed neutrinos are key ingredients in scenarios for baryogenesis through leptogenesis. We relate these rates to real-time correlation functions at finite temperature, without making use of any particle approximations. The relations are valid to quadratic order in neutrino Yukawa couplings and to all orders in Standard Model couplings. They take into account all spectator processes, and apply both in the symmetric and in the Higgs phase of the electroweak theory. We use the relations to compute washout rates at next-to-leading order in g, where g denotes a Standard Model gauge or Yukawa coupling, both in the non-relativistic and in the relativistic regime. Even in the non-relativistic regime the parametrically dominant radiative corrections are only suppressed by a single power of g. In the non-relativistic regime radiative corrections increase the washout rate by a few percent at high temperatures, but they are of order unity around the weak scale and in the relativistic regime.


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The non-relativistic hydrogen atom enjoys an accidental SO(4) symmetry, that enlarges the rotational SO(3) symmetry, by extending the angular momentum algebra with the Runge–Lenz vector. In the relativistic hydrogen atom the accidental symmetry is partially lifted. Due to the Johnson–Lippmann operator, which commutes with the Dirac Hamiltonian, some degeneracy remains. When the non-relativistic hydrogen atom is put in a spherical cavity of radius R with perfectly reflecting Robin boundary conditions, characterized by a self-adjoint extension parameter γ, in general the accidental SO(4) symmetry is lifted. However, for R=(l+1)(l+2)a (where a is the Bohr radius and l is the orbital angular momentum) some degeneracy remains when γ=∞ or γ = 2/R. In the relativistic case, we consider the most general spherically and parity invariant boundary condition, which is characterized by a self-adjoint extension parameter. In this case, the remnant accidental symmetry is always lifted in a finite volume. We also investigate the accidental symmetry in the context of the Pauli equation, which sheds light on the proper non-relativistic treatment including spin. In that case, again some degeneracy remains for specific values of R and γ.


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We derive a torsionfull version of three-dimensional N=2 Newton-Cartan supergravity using a non-relativistic notion of the superconformal tensor calculus. The “superconformal” theory that we start with is Schrödinger supergravity which we obtain by gauging the Schrödinger superalgebra. We present two non-relativistic N=2 matter multiplets that can be used as compensators in the superconformal calculus. They lead to two different off-shell formulations which, in analogy with the relativistic case, we call “old minimal” and “new minimal” Newton-Cartan supergravity. We find similarities but also point out some differences with respect to the relativistic case.


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We explore the nature of the bulk transition observed at strong coupling in the SU(3) gauge theory with Nf=12 fermions in the fundamental representation. The transition separates a weak coupling chirally symmetric phase from a strong coupling chirally broken phase and is compatible with the scenario where conformality is restored by increasing the flavour content of a non abelian gauge theory. We explore the intriguing possibility that the observed bulk transition is associated with the occurrence of an ultraviolet fixed point (UVFP) at strong coupling, where a new theory emerges in the continuum.


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When considering NLO corrections to thermal particle production in the “relativistic” regime, in which the invariant mass squared of the produced particle is K2 ~ (πT)2, then the production rate can be expressed as a sum of a few universal “master” spectral functions. Taking the most complicated 2-loop master as an example, a general strategy for obtaining a convergent 2-dimensional integral representation is suggested. The analysis applies both to bosonic and fermionic statistics, and shows that for this master the non-relativistic approximation is only accurate for K2 ~(8πT)2, whereas the zero-momentum approximation works surprisingly well. Once the simpler masters have been similarly resolved, NLO results for quantities such as the right-handed neutrino production rate from a Standard Model plasma or the dilepton production rate from a QCD plasma can be assembled for K2 ~ (πT)2.


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The chemical equilibration of heavy quarks in a quark-gluon plasma proceeds via annihilation or pair creation. For temperatures T much below the heavy quark mass M, when kinetically equilibrated heavy quarks move very slowly, the annihilation in the colour singlet channel is enhanced because the quark and antiquark attract each other which increases their probability to meet, whereas the octet contribution is suppressed. This is the so-called Sommerfeld effect. It has not been taken into account in previous calculations of the chemical equilibration rate, which are therefore incomplete for T ≲ α2sM . We compute the leading-order equilibration rate in this regime; there is a large enhancement in the singlet channel, but the rate is dominated by the octet channel, and therefore the total effect is small. In the course of the computation we demonstrate how operators that represent the annihilation of heavy quarks in non-relativistic QCD can be incorporated into the imaginary-time formalism.


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We present a comprehensive analytical study of radiative transfer using the method of moments and include the effects of non-isotropic scattering in the coherent limit. Within this unified formalism, we derive the governing equations and solutions describing two-stream radiative transfer (which approximates the passage of radiation as a pair of outgoing and incoming fluxes), flux-limited diffusion (which describes radiative transfer in the deep interior) and solutions for the temperature-pressure profiles. Generally, the problem is mathematically under-determined unless a set of closures (Eddington coefficients) is specified. We demonstrate that the hemispheric (or hemi-isotropic) closure naturally derives from the radiative transfer equation if energy conservation is obeyed, while the Eddington closure produces spurious enhancements of both reflected light and thermal emission. We concoct recipes for implementing two-stream radiative transfer in stand-alone numerical calculations and general circulation models. We use our two-stream solutions to construct toy models of the runaway greenhouse effect. We present a new solution for temperature-pressure profiles with a non-constant optical opacity and elucidate the effects of non-isotropic scattering in the optical and infrared. We derive generalized expressions for the spherical and Bond albedos and the photon deposition depth. We demonstrate that the value of the optical depth corresponding to the photosphere is not always 2/3 (Milne's solution) and depends on a combination of stellar irradiation, internal heat and the properties of scattering both in optical and infrared. Finally, we derive generalized expressions for the total, net, outgoing and incoming fluxes in the convective regime.


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We present NLO results for thermal imaginary-time correlators in the vector and scalar channels as a function of the quark mass. The range of quark masses for which a non-relativistic approximation works in the temperature range considered is estimated, and charm quarks turn out to be a borderline case. Comparing with simulation data from fine lattices, we find good agreement in the vector channel but a substantial discrepancy in the scalar one. An explanation for the discrepancy is suggested in terms of physics of the quark-antiquark threshold region. Perturbative predictions for the bottom scalar spectral function around the threshold are also briefly reviewed.


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The production rate of right-handed neutrinos from a Standard Model plasma at a temperature above a hundred GeV has previously been evaluated up to NLO in Standard Model couplings (g ~ 2/3) in relativistic (M ~ πT) and non-relativistic regimes (M ≫ πT), and up to LO in an ultrarelativistic regime (M ≲ gT). The last result necessitates an all-orders resummation of the loop expansion, accounting for multiple soft scatterings of the nearly light-like particles participating in 1↔2 reactions. In this paper we suggest how the regimes can be interpolated into a result applicable for any right-handed neutrino mass and at all temperatures above 160GeV. The results can also be used for determining the lepton number washout rate in models containing right-handed neutrinos. Numerical results are given in a tabulated form permitting for their incorporation into leptogenesis codes. We note that due to effects from soft Higgs bosons there is a narrow intermediate regime around M ~g 1/2 T in which our interpolation is phenomenological and a more precise study would be welcome.


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Ab initio calculations of Afρ are presented using Mie scattering theory and a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) dust outflow model in support of the Rosetta mission and its target 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (CG). These calculations are performed for particle sizes ranging from 0.010 μm to 1.0 cm. The present status of our knowledge of various differential particle size distributions is reviewed and a variety of particle size distributions is used to explore their effect on Afρ , and the dust mass production View the MathML sourcem˙. A new simple two parameter particle size distribution that curtails the effect of particles below 1 μm is developed. The contributions of all particle sizes are summed to get a resulting overall Afρ. The resultant Afρ could not easily be predicted a priori and turned out to be considerably more constraining regarding the mass loss rate than expected. It is found that a proper calculation of Afρ combined with a good Afρ measurement can constrain the dust/gas ratio in the coma of comets as well as other methods presently available. Phase curves of Afρ versus scattering angle are calculated and produce good agreement with observational data. The major conclusions of our calculations are: – The original definition of A in Afρ is problematical and Afρ should be: qsca(n,λ)×p(g)×f×ρqsca(n,λ)×p(g)×f×ρ. Nevertheless, we keep the present nomenclature of Afρ as a measured quantity for an ensemble of coma particles.– The ratio between Afρ and the dust mass loss rate View the MathML sourcem˙ is dominated by the particle size distribution. – For most particle size distributions presently in use, small particles in the range from 0.10 to 1.0 μm contribute a large fraction to Afρ. – Simplifying the calculation of Afρ by considering only large particles and approximating qsca does not represent a realistic model. Mie scattering theory or if necessary, more complex scattering calculations must be used. – For the commonly used particle size distribution, dn/da ∼ a−3.5 to a−4, there is a natural cut off in Afρ contribution for both small and large particles. – The scattering phase function must be taken into account for each particle size; otherwise the contribution of large particles can be over-estimated by a factor of 10. – Using an imaginary index of refraction of i = 0.10 does not produce sufficient backscattering to match observational data. – A mixture of dark particles with i ⩾ 0.10 and brighter silicate particles with i ⩽ 0.04 matches the observed phase curves quite well. – Using current observational constraints, we find the dust/gas mass-production ratio of CG at 1.3 AU is confined to a range of 0.03–0.5 with a reasonably likely value around 0.1.