33 resultados para NADPH-DIAPHORASE
Human heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) carries out heme catabolism supported by electrons supplied from the NADPH through NADPH P450 reductase (POR, CPR). Previously we have shown that mutations in human POR cause a rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In this study, we have evaluated the effects of mutations in POR on HO-1 activity. We used purified preparations of wild type and mutant human POR and in vitro reconstitution with purified HO-1 to measure heme degradation in a coupled assay using biliverdin reductase. Here we show that mutations in POR found in patients may reduce HO-1 activity, potentially influencing heme catabolism in individuals carrying mutant POR alleles. POR mutants Y181D, A457H, Y459H, V492E and R616X had total loss of HO-1 activity, while POR mutations A287P, C569Y and V608F lost 50-70% activity. The POR variants P228L, R316W and G413S, A503V and G504R identified as polymorphs had close to WT activity. Loss of HO-1 activity may result in increased oxidative neurotoxicity, anemia, growth retardation and iron deposition. Further examination of patients affected with POR deficiency will be required to assess the metabolic effects of reduced HO-1 activity in affected individuals.
P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is the electron donor for all microsomal P450s including steroidogenic enzymes CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and CYP21A2. We found a novel POR mutation P399_E401del in two unrelated Turkish patients with 46,XX disorder of sexual development. Recombinant POR proteins were produced in yeast and tested for their ability to support steroid metabolizing P450 activities. In comparison to wild-type POR, the P399_E401del protein was found to decrease catalytic efficiency of 21-hydroxylation of progesterone by 68%, 17α-hydroxylation of progesterone by 76%, 17,20-lyase action on 17OH-pregnenolone by 69%, aromatization of androstenedione by 85% and cytochrome c reduction activity by 80%. Protein structure analysis of the three amino acid deletion P399_E401 revealed reduced stability and flexibility of the mutant. In conclusion, P399_E401del is a novel mutation in POR that provides valuable genotype-phenotype and structure-function correlation for mutations in a different region of POR compared to previous studies. Characterization of P399_E401del provides further insight into specificity of different P450s for interaction with POR as well as nature of metabolic disruptions caused by more pronounced effect on specific P450s like CYP17A1 and aromatase.
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) is an enzyme that is essential for multiple metabolic processes, chiefly among them are reactions catalyzed by cytochrome P450 proteins for metabolism of steroid hormones, drugs and xenobiotics. Mutations in POR cause a complex set of disorders that often resemble defects in steroid metabolizing enzymes 17α-hydroxylase, 21-hydroxylase and aromatase. Since our initial reports of POR mutations in 2004, more than 200 different mutations and polymorphisms in POR gene have been identified. Several missense variations in POR have been tested for their effect on activities of multiple steroid and drug metabolizing P450 proteins. Mutations in POR may have variable effects on different P450 partner proteins depending on the location of the mutation. The POR mutations that disrupt the binding of co-factors have negative impact on all partner proteins, while mutations causing subtle structural changes may lead to altered interaction with specific partner proteins and the overall effect may be different for each partner. This review summarizes the recent discoveries related to mutations and polymorphisms in POR and discusses these mutations in the context of historical developments in the discovery and characterization of POR as an electron transfer protein. The review is focused on the structural, enzymatic and clinical implications of the mutations linked to newly identified disorders in humans, now categorized as POR deficiency.
This is a report on a symposium sponsored by the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics and held at the Experimental Biology 2012 meeting in San Diego, California, on April 25, 2012. The symposium speakers summarized and critically evaluated our current understanding of the physiologic, pharmacological, and toxicological roles of NADPH-cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR), a flavoprotein involved in electron transfer to microsomal cytochromes P450 (P450), cytochrome b(5), squalene mono-oxygenase, and heme oxygenase. Considerable insight has been derived from the development and characterization of mouse models with conditional Por deletion in particular tissues or partial suppression of POR expression in all tissues. Additional mouse models with global or conditional hepatic deletion of cytochrome b(5) are helping to clarify the P450 isoform- and substrate-specific influences of cytochrome b(5) on P450 electron transfer and catalytic function. This symposium also considered studies using siRNA to suppress POR expression in a hepatoma cell-culture model to explore the basis of the hepatic lipidosis phenotype observed in mice with conditional deletion of Por in liver. The symposium concluded with a strong translational perspective, relating the basic science of human POR structure and function to the impacts of POR genetic variation on human drug and steroid metabolism.
Glomerular mesangial cells can produce high amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here we analyzed the impact of NO on the ROS-generating system, particularly on the NADPH oxidase Nox1. Nox1 mRNA and protein levels were markedly decreased by treatment of mesangial cells with the NO-releasing compound DETA-NO in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion. By altering the cGMP signaling system with different inhibitors or activators, we revealed that the effect of NO on Nox1 expression is at least in part mediated by cGMP. Analysis of a reporter construct comprising the 2547 bp of the nox1 promoter region revealed that a stimulatory effect of IL-1beta on nox1 transcription is counteracted by an inhibitory effect of IL-1beta-evoked endogenous NO formation. Moreover, pretreatment of mesangial cells with DETA-NO attenuated platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB or serum stimulated production of superoxide as assessed by real-time EPR spectroscopy and dichlorofluorescein formation. Transfection of mesangial cells with siRNAs directed against Nox1 and Nox4 revealed that inhibition of Nox1, but not Nox4 expression, is responsible for the reduced ROS formation by NO. Obviously, there exists a fine-tuned crosstalk between NO and ROS generating systems in the course of inflammatory diseases.
Cytochrome P450 proteins are involved in metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics. In the endoplasmic reticulum a single nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) P450 oxidoreductase (POR) supplies electrons to all microsomal P450s for catalytic activity. POR is a flavoprotein that contains both flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide as cofactors and uses NADPH as the source of electrons. We have recently reported a number of POR mutations in the patients with disordered steroidogenesis. In the first report we had described missense mutations (A287P, R457H, V492E, C569Y, and V608F) identified in four patients with defects in steroid production. Each POR variant was produced as recombinant N-27 form of the enzyme in bacteria and as full-length form in yeast. Membranes from bacteria or yeast expressing normal or variant POR were purified and their activities were characterized in cytochrome c and CYP17A1 assays. Later we have published a larger study that described a whole range of POR mutations and characterized the mutants/polymorphisms A115V, T142A, M263V, Y459H, A503V, G539R, L565P, R616X, V631I, and F646del from the sequencing of patient DNA. We also studied POR variants Y181D, P228L, R316W, G413S, and G504R that were available in public databases or published literature. Three-dimensional structure of rat POR is known and we have used this structure to deduce the structure-function correlation of POR mutations in human. The missense mutations found in patients with disordered steroidogenesis are generally in the co-factor binding and functionally important domains of POR and the apparent polymorphisms are found in regions with lesser structural importance. A variation in POR can alter the activity of all microsomal P450s, and therefore, can affect the metabolism of drugs and xenobiotics even when the P450s involved are otherwise normal. It is important to study the genetic and biochemical basis of POR variants in human population to gain information about possible differences in P450 mediated reactions among the individuals carrying a variant or polymorphic form of POR that could impact their metabolism.
Mutations in NADPH P450 oxidoreductase (POR) cause a broad spectrum of human disease with abnormalities in steroidogenesis. We have studied the impact of P450 reductase mutations on the activity of CYP19A1. POR supported CYP19A1 activity with a calculated Km of 126 nm for androstenedione and a Vmax of 1.7 pmol/min. Mutations R457H and V492E located in the FAD domain of POR that disrupt electron transfer caused a complete loss of CYP19A1 activity. The A287P mutation of POR decreased the activities of CYP17A1 by 60-80% but had normal CYP19A1 activity. Molecular modeling and protein docking studies suggested that A287P is involved in the interaction of POR:CYP17A1 but not in the POR:CYP19A1 interaction. Mutations C569Y and V608F in the NADPH binding domain of POR had 49 and 28% of activity of CYP19A1 compared with normal reductase and were more sensitive to the amount of NADPH available for supporting CYP19A1 activity. Substitution of NADH for NADPH had a higher impact on C569Y and V608F mutants of POR. Similar effects were obtained at low/high (5.5/8.5) pH, but using octanol to limit the flux of electrons from POR to CYP19A1 inhibited activity supported by all variants. High molar ratios of KCl also reduced the CYP19A1 supporting activities of C569Y and V608F mutants of POR to a greater extent compared to normal POR and A287P mutant. Because POR supports many P450s involved in steroidogenesis, bone formation, and drug metabolism, variations in the effects of POR mutations on specific enzyme activities may explain the broad clinical spectrum of POR deficiency.
Basophils are primarily associated with a proinflammatory and immunoregulatory role in allergic diseases and parasitic infections. Recent studies have shown that basophils can also bind various bacteria both in the presence and the absence of opsonizing Abs. In this report, we show that both human and mouse basophils are able to produce mitochondrial reactive oxygen species and to form extracellular DNA traps upon IL-3 priming and subsequent activation of the complement factor 5 a receptor or FcεRI. Such basophil extracellular traps (BETs) contain mitochondrial, but not nuclear DNA, as well as the granule proteins basogranulin and mouse mast cell protease 8. BET formation occurs despite the absence of any functional NADPH oxidase in basophils. BETs can be found in both human and mouse inflamed tissues, suggesting that they also play a role under in vivo inflammatory conditions. Taken together, these findings suggest that basophils exert direct innate immune effector functions in the extracellular space.
The activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes depends on the enzyme NADPH P450 oxidoreductase (POR). The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of the equine CYP3A94 using a system that allows to regulate the POR protein levels in mammalian cells. CYP3A94 and the equine POR were heterologously expressed in V79 cells. In the system used, the POR protein regulation is based on a destabilizing domain (DD) that transfers its instability to a fused protein. The resulting fusion protein is therefore degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). Addition of "Shield-1" prevents the DD fusion protein from degradation. The change of POR levels at different Shield-1 concentrations was demonstrated by cytochrome c reduction, Western immunoblot analysis, and immunocytochemistry. The alteration of CYP3A94 activity was investigated using a substrate (BFC) known to detect CYP3A4 activity. Equine CYP3A94 was demonstrated to be metabolically active and its activity could be significantly elevated by co-expression of POR. Cytochrome c reduction was significantly increased in V79-CYP3A94/DD-POR cells compared to V79-CYP3A94 cells. Surprisingly, incubation with different Shield-1 concentrations resulted in a decrease in POR protein shown by Western immunoblot analysis. Cytochrome c reduction did not change significantly, but the CYP3A94 activity decreased more than 4-fold after incubation with 500 nM and 1 µM Shield-1 for 24 hours. No differences were obtained when V79-CYP3A94 POR cells with and without Shield-1 were compared. The basal activity levels of V79-CYP3A94/DD-POR cells were unexpectedly high, indicating that DD/POR is not degraded without Shield-1. Shield-1 decreased POR protein levels and CYP3A94 activity suggesting that Shield-1 might impair POR activity by an unknown mechanism. Although regulation of POR with the pPTuner system could not be obtained, the cell line V79-CYP3A94/DD-POR system can be used for further experiments to characterize the equine CYP3A94 since the CYP activity was significantly enhanced with co-expressed POR.
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) supplies electrons from NADPH to steroid and drug metabolizing reactions catalyzed by the cytochrome P450s located in endoplasmic reticulum. Mutations in human POR cause a wide spectrum of disease ranging from disordered steroidogenesis to sexual differentiation. Previously we and others have shown that POR mutations can lead to reduced activities of steroidogenic P450s CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and CYP21A1. Here we are reporting that mutations in the FMN binding domain of POR may reduce CYP3A4 activity, potentially influencing drug and steroid metabolism; and the loss of CYP3A4 activity may be correlated to the reduction of cytochrome b(5) by POR. Computational molecular docking experiments with a FMN free structural model of POR revealed that an external FMN could be docked in close proximity to the FAD moiety and receive electrons donated by NADPH. Using FMN supplemented assays we have demonstrated restoration of the defective POR activity in vitro.
Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), the major P450 present in human liver metabolizes approximately half the drugs in clinical use and requires electrons supplied from NADPH through NADPH-P450 reductase (POR, CPR). Mutations in human POR cause a rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia from diminished activities of steroid metabolizing P450s. In this study we examined the effect of mutations in POR on CYP3A4 activity. We used purified preparations of wild type and mutant human POR and in vitro reconstitution with purified CYP3A4 to perform kinetic studies. We are reporting that mutations in POR identified in patients with disordered steroidogenesis/Antley-Bixler syndrome (ABS) may reduce CYP3A4 activity, potentially affecting drug metabolism in individuals carrying mutant POR alleles. POR mutants Y181D, A457H, Y459H, V492E and R616X had more than 99% loss of CYP3A4 activity, while POR mutations A287P, C569Y and V608F lost 60-85% activity. Loss of CYP3A4 activity may result in increased risk of drug toxicities and adverse drug reactions in patients with POR mutations.
Background Obligate endoparasites often lack particular metabolic pathways as compared to free-living organisms. This phenomenon comprises anabolic as well as catabolic reactions. Presumably, the corresponding enzymes were lost in adaptation to parasitism. Here we compare the predicted core metabolic graphs of obligate endoparasites and non-parasites (free living organisms and facultative parasites) in order to analyze how the parasites' metabolic networks shrunk in the course of evolution. Results Core metabolic graphs comprising biochemical reactions present in the presumed ancestor of parasites and non-parasites were reconstructed from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. While the parasites' networks had fewer nodes (metabolites) and edges (reactions), other parameters such as average connectivity, network diameter and number of isolated edges were similar in parasites and non-parasites. The parasites' networks contained a higher percentage of ATP-consuming reactions and a lower percentage of NAD-requiring reactions. Control networks, shrunk to the size of the parasites' by random deletion of edges, were scale-free but exhibited smaller diameters and more isolated edges. Conclusions The parasites' networks were smaller than those of the non-parasites regarding number of nodes or edges, but not regarding network diameters. Network integrity but not scale-freeness has acted as a selective principle during the evolutionary reduction of parasite metabolism. ATP-requiring reactions in particular have been retained in the parasites' core metabolism while NADH- or NADPH-requiring reactions were lost preferentially.
The most common form of neutrophil death is apoptosis. In the present study, we report surprising differences in the molecular mechanisms used for caspase activation between FAS/CD95-stimulated and TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1)-stimulated neutrophils. Whereas FAS-induced apoptosis was followed by caspase-8 activation and required Bid to initiate the mitochondrial amplification loop, TNF-?-induced apoptosis involved class IA PI3Ks, which were activated by MAPK p38. TNF-?-induced PI3K activation resulted in the generation of reactive oxygen species, which activated caspase-3, a mechanism that did not operate in neutrophils without active NADPH oxidase. We conclude that in neutrophils, proapoptotic pathways after TNFR1 stimulation are initiated by p38 and PI3K, but not by caspase-8, a finding that should be considered in anti-inflammatory drug-development strategies.
Analyses of neutrophil death mechanisms have revealed many similarities with other cell types; however, a few important molecular features make these cells unique executors of cell death mechanisms. For instance, in order to fight invading pathogens, neutrophils possess a potent machinery to produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), the phagocyte nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase. Evidence is emerging that these ROS are crucial in the execution of most neutrophil cell death mechanisms. Likewise, neutrophils exhibit many diverse granules that are packed with cytotoxic mediators. Of those, cathepsins were recently shown to activate pro-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) family members and caspases, thus acting on apoptosis regulators. Moreover, neutrophils have few mitochondria, which hardly participate in ATP synthesis, as neutrophils gain energy from glycolysis. In spite of relatively low levels of cytochrome c in these cells, the mitochondrial death pathway is functional. In addition to these pecularities defining neutrophil death pathways, neutrophils are terminally differentiated cells, hence they do not divide but undergo apoptosis shortly after maturation. The initial trigger of this spontaneous apoptosis remains to be determined, but may result from low transcription and translation activities in mature neutrophils. Due to the unique biological characteristics of neutrophils, pharmacological intervention of inflammation has revealed unexpected and sometimes disappointing results when neutrophils were among the prime target cells during therapy. In this study, we review the current and emerging models of neutrophil cell death mechanisms with a focus on neutrophil peculiarities.