18 resultados para Inner Acrosomal Membrane (IAM)


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Mitochondrial protein import is an essential function of the unique mitochondrion in T. brucei as roughly 1000 different nuclear encoded proteins need to be correctly localized to their mitochondrial subcompartment. For this reason the responsible import machinery is expected to be similarly complex as in other Eukaryotes. This was recently demonstrated for the translocation machinery in the outer mitochondrial membrane. In contrast, the composition of the inner membrane import machinery and the exact molecular pathway(s) taken by various substrates are still ill-defined. To elucidate this further, we performed a pulldown analysis of epitope tagged TbTim17 in combination with quantitative mass spectrometry. By this we identified novel components of the mitochondrial import machinery in trypanosomes. One of these, TimX, is an essential mitochondrial membrane protein of 42 kDa that is unique to kinetoplastids. This protein migrates on Blue Native PAGE in a high molecular weight complex similar to TbTim17. Ablation of either of the two proteins leads to a destabilization of the complex containing the other protein. Furthermore, its involvement in protein import could be demonstrated by in vivo and in vitro protein import assays. This corroborates that TimX together with TbTim17 forms a protein import complex in the inner mitochondrial membrane. As TbTim17 the TimX protein was subjected to pulldown analysis in combination with quantitative mass spectrometry. The overlap of candidates defined by these two sets of IPs likely defines further components of the inner membrane translocase which are presently being analyzed. In summary our study on novel components of the trypanosome mitochondrial protein import system gives us fascinating new insights into evolution of the mitochondrion.


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BACKGROUND: Visual acuity serves as only a rough gauge of macular function. The aim therefore was to ascertain whether central an assessment of the central visual field afforded a closer insight into visual function after removal of epiretinal membranes and Infracyanine-Green- or Trypan-Blue-assisted peeling of the inner limiting membrane. Patients and methods: Fourty-three patients undergoing pars-plana vitrectomy for the removal of epimacular membranes and dye-assisted peeling of the inner limiting membrane using either Infracyanine Green (n = 29; group 1) or Trypan Blue (n = 14; group 2) were monitored prospectively for 12 months. Preoperatively, and 1, 6 and 12 months postoperatively, distance and reading visual acuities were evaluated; the central visual field was assessed by automated static perimetry. RESULTS: Twelve months after surgery, distance and reading visual acuities had improved in both groups, but to a significant degree only in Trypan-Blue-treated eyes. The difference between the two groups was not significant. Likewise at this juncture, the mean size of the visual-field defect remained unchanged in Trypan-Blue-treated eyes (preoperative: 4.3 (SD 2.1) dB; 12 months: 4.0 (2.1) dB (p = 0.15)), but had increased in Infracyanine-Green-treated ones (from 5.3 (3.7) dB to 8.0 (5.2) dB (p = 0.027)). CONCLUSION: Unlike visual acuity, the central visual field had deteriorated in Infracyanine-Green-treated eyes but not in Trypan-Blue-treated eyes 12 months after surgery. Hence, as a predictor of functional outcome, testing of the central visual field may be a more sensitive gauge than visual acuity. Furthermore, Infracyanine Green may have a chronic and potentially clinically relevant effect on the macula which is not reflected in the visual acuity.


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Cardiolipin is important for bacterial and mitochondrial stability and function. The final step in cardiolipin biosynthesis is catalyzed by cardiolipin synthase and differs mechanistically between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. To study the importance of cardiolipin synthesis for mitochondrial integrity, membrane protein complex formation, and cell proliferation in the human and animal pathogenic protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, we generated conditional cardiolipin synthase-knockout parasites. We found that cardiolipin formation in T. brucei procyclic forms is catalyzed by a bacterial-type cardiolipin synthase, providing experimental evidence for a prokaryotic-type cardiolipin synthase in a eukaryotic organism. Ablation of enzyme expression resulted in inhibition of de novo cardiolipin synthesis, reduction in cellular cardiolipin levels, alterations in mitochondrial morphology and function, and parasite death in culture. By using immunofluorescence microscopy and blue-native gel electrophoresis, cardiolipin synthase was shown to colocalize with inner mitochondrial membrane proteins and to be part of a large protein complex. During depletion of cardiolipin synthase, the levels of cytochrome oxidase subunit IV and cytochrome c1, reflecting mitochondrial respiratory complexes IV and III, respectively, decreased progressively.


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Thienopyridines can cause neutropenia and agranulocytosis. The aim of the current investigations was to compare cytotoxicity of ticlopidine, clopidogrel, clopidogrel carboxylate and prasugrel for human neutrophil granulocytes with the toxicity for lymphocytes and to investigate underlying mechanisms. For granulocytes, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, clopidogrel carboxylate and prasugrel were concentration-dependently toxic starting at 10μM. Cytotoxicity could be prevented by the myeloperoxidase inhibitor rutin, but not by the cytochrome P450 inhibitor ketoconazole. All compounds were also toxic for lymphocytes, but cytotoxicity started at 100μM and could not be prevented by rutin or ketoconazole. Granulocytes metabolized ticlopidine, clopidogrel, clopidogrel carboxylate and prasugrel, and metabolization was inhibited by rutin, but not by ketoconazole. Metabolism of these compounds by lymphocytes was much slower and could not be inhibited by ketoconazole or rutin. In neutrophils, all compounds investigated decreased the electrical potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane, were associated with cellular accumulation of ROS, mitochondrial loss of cytochrome c and induction of apoptosis starting at 10μM. All of these effects could be inhibited by rutin, but not by ketoconazole. Similar findings were obtained in lymphocytes; but compared to neutrophils, the effects were detectable only at higher concentrations and were not inhibited by rutin. In conclusion, ticlopidine, clopidogrel, clopidogrel carboxylate and prasugrel are toxic for both granulocytes and lymphocytes. In granulocytes, cytotoxicity is more accentuated than in lymphocytes and depends on metabolization by myeloperoxidase. These findings suggest a mitochondrial mechanism for cytotoxicity for both myeloperoxidase-associated metabolites and, at higher concentrations, also for the parent compounds.


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Cation/proton exchange has been recognized for decades in mammalian mitochondria, but the exchanger proteins have eluded identification. In this study, a cDNA from a human brain library, previously designated NHA2 in the genome, was cloned and characterized. The NHA2 transcript bears more similarity to prokaryotic than known eukaryotic sodium/proton exchangers, but it was found to be expressed in multiple mammalian organs and cultured cells. A mAb to NHA2 was generated and found to label an approximately 55-kD native protein in multiple tissues and cell lines. The specificity of this antibody was confirmed by demonstrating the loss of the native NHA2 band on immunoblots when cultured cells were treated with NHA2-specific small interfering RNA. Although NHA2 protein was detected in multiple organs, within each, its expression was restricted to specific cell types. In the kidney, co-localization with calbindin 28k and reverse transcription-PCR of microdissected tubules revealed that NHA2 is limited to the distal convoluted tubule. In cell lines, native NHA2 was localized both to the plasma membrane and to the intracellular compartment; immunogold electron microscopy of rat distal convoluted tubule demonstrated NHA2 predominantly but not exclusively on the inner mitochondrial membrane. Furthermore, co-sedimentation of NHA2 antigen and mitochondrial membranes was observed with differential centrifugation, and two mitochondrial markers co-localized with NHA2 in cultured cells. Regarding function, human NHA2 reversed the sodium/hydrogen exchanger-null phenotype when expressed in sodium/hydrogen exchanger-deficient yeast and restored the ability to defend high salinity in the presence of acidic extracellular pH. In summary, NHA2 is a ubiquitous mammalian sodium proton/exchanger that is restricted to the distal convoluted tubule in the kidney.


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Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) are the two major constituents of eukaryotic cell membranes. In the protist Trypanosoma brucei, PE and PC are synthesized exclusively via the Kennedy pathway. To determine which organelles or processes are most sensitive to a disruption of normal phospholipid levels, the cellular consequences of a decrease in the levels of PE or PC, respectively, were studied following RNAi knock-down of four enzymes of the Kennedy pathway. RNAi against ethanolamine-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (ET) disrupted mitochondrial morphology and ultrastructure. Electron microscopy revealed alterations of inner mitochondrial membrane morphology, defined by a loss of disk-like cristae. Despite the structural changes in the mitochondrion, the cells maintained oxidative phosphorylation. Our results indicate that the inner membrane morphology of T. brucei procyclic forms is highly sensitive to a decrease of PE levels, as a change in the ultrastructure of the mitochondrion is the earliest phenotype observed after RNAi knock-down of ET. Interference with phospholipid synthesis also impaired normal cell-cycle progression. ET RNAi led to an accumulation of multinucleate cells. In contrast, RNAi against choline-/ethanolamine phosphotransferase, which affected PC as well as PE levels, caused a cell division phenotype characterized by non-division of the nucleus and production of zoids.


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OBJECTIVE To assess macular hole surgery in patients with end-stage choroideremia with regard to anatomic closure and visual outcome. DESIGN Retrospective, interventional case series. PARTICIPANTS Thirty adult male patients with a diagnosis of advanced choroideremia were reviewed and underwent spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) as part of the screening process for a gene therapy clinical trial. From within that cohort, 3 were identified as having a full-thickness macular hole (FTMH). METHODS A 23-gauge pars plana vitrectomy was performed with peeling of the inner limiting membrane and gas tamponade. Preoperative best-corrected visual acuity ranged from perception of light to 6/24. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Prevalence of FTMH in advanced choroideremia, morphologic phenotype characteristics of FTMH in OCT, pre- and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity, and closure rate after surgery. RESULTS The prevalence of FTMH in advanced choroideremia in our cohort was 10%. One hole was associated with significant macular schisis, presumed to be attributable to degeneration of outer retinal layers. Anatomic closure was achieved in all 3 patients and confirmed with spectral domain OCT. Gas tamponade lasted approximately twice as long as might be expected compared with standard FTMH surgery. Objective visual acuity did not improve; however, perceived vision improved in all patients. CONCLUSIONS Although FTMH in choroideremia is a rare finding, it could potentially mask central progression of the disease. Regular screening may help to diagnose holes at an earlier stage when the visual prognosis after surgery may be better. Standard macular hole surgery seems to be effective in gaining anatomic closure, which would be significant for patients who subsequently require macula detachment for subretinal gene therapy. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S) The authors have no proprietary or commercial interest in any of the materials discussed in this article.


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The parasitic protozoon Trypanosoma brucei is one of the earliest branching eukaryotes that have mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Their protein import systems are of similar complexity yet different composition than those in other eukaryotes. To elucidate the composition of the trypanosomal translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM) we performed CoIPs of epitope-tagged TbTim17 and two other candidates in combination with SILAC-based quantitative mass spectrometry. This led to the identification of ten candidates for core TIM subunits. Eight of them were present in the previously determined inner membrane proteome and four show homology to small Tim chaperones. Three candidates, a trypanosomatid-specific 42 kDa protein (Tim42) and two putative orthologues of inactive rhomboid proteases were analyzed further. All three proteins are essential in both life cycle stages and their ablation results in a strong protein import defect in vivo and in vitro. Blue native PAGE revealed their presence in a high molecular weight complex. Unlike anticipated, trypanosomes have a highly complex TIM translocase that has extensively been redesigned. None of the three novel TIM subunits has ever been associated with mitochondrial protein import. Two of them belong to the rhomboid protease family, a member of which recently has been implicated in the ERAD translocation system. This suggests an exciting analogy between protein translocases of mitochondria and the ER.


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The parasitic protozoon Trypanosoma brucei is often considered as one of the earliest branching eukaryotes that have mitochondria capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Its protein import systems are therefore of great interest. Recently, it was shown that the outer mitochondrial membrane protein translocase is of similar complexity yet different composition than in other eukaryotes (1). In the inner membrane however, only a single orthologue of the pore forming Tim17/22/23 protein family was identified and termed TbTim17. Based on this finding it has been suggested that, instead of separate TIM22 and TIM23 complexes as in other eukaryotes, trypanosomes may have a single multifunctional translocase of the inner mitochondrial membrane (TIM) of reduced complexity. To elucidate the composition of the trypanosomal TIM complex we performed co-immunoprecipitations (CoIP) of epitope-tagged TbTim17 in combination with SILAC-based quantitative mass spectrometry. This led to the identification of 22 highly enriched TbTim17-interacting proteins. We tagged two of the top-scoring proteins for reciprocal CoIP analyses and recovered a set of ten proteins that are highly enriched in all three CoIPs. These proteins are excellent candidates for core subunits of the trypanosomal TIM complex. Eight of them were present in the previously determined inner membrane proteome and four show homology to small Tim chaperones. Three candidates, a novel trypanosomatid-specific 42 kDa protein, termed Tim42, and two putative orthologues of probably inactive rhomboid proteases were chosen for further analysis. All three proteins are essential in both life cycle stages and in a cell line that can grow in the absence of mitochondrial DNA. Additionally, their ablation by RNAi results in a strong protein import defect both in vivo and in vitro. Blue native PAGE reveals that Tim42, like TbTim17 is present in a high molecular weight complex. Moreover, ablation of either Tim42 or TbTim17 leads to a destabilization of the complex containing the other protein, suggesting a tight interaction of the two proteins. In summary our study shows that unlike anticipated trypanosomes have a highly complex TIM translocase that has extensively been redesigned. We have characterized three novel TIM subunits that have never been associated with mitochondrial protein import before. Two of them belong to the rhomboid protease family, a member of which recently has been implicated in the ERAD translocation system. Our study provides insight into mitochondrial evolution over large phylogenetic distances and suggests an exciting analogy between protein translocation systems of mitochondria and the ER.


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Maintenance of the lipid composition is important for proper function and homeostasis of the mitochondrion. In Trypanosoma brucei, the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the mitochondrial phospholipid, phosphatidylglycerol (PG), have not been studied experimentally. We now report the characterization of T. brucei phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase (TbPgps), the rate-limiting enzyme in PG formation, which was identified based on its homology to other eukaryotic Pgps. Lipid quantification and metabolic labelling experiments show that TbPgps gene knock-down results in loss of PG and a reduction of another mitochondria-specific phospholipid, cardiolipin. Using immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting of digitonin-isolated mitochondria, we show that TbPgps localizes to the mitochondrion. Moreover, reduced TbPgps expression in T. brucei procyclic forms leads to alterations in mitochondrial morphology, reduction in the amounts of respiratory complexes III and IV and, ultimately, parasite death. Using native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis we demonstrate for the first time in a eukaryotic organism that TbPgps is a component of a 720 kDa protein complex, co-migrating with T. brucei cardiolipin synthase and cytochrome c1, a protein of respiratory complex III.


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The perforation of the plasmalemma by pore-forming toxins causes an influx of Ca2+ and an efflux of cytoplasmic proteins. In order to ensure cellular survival, lesions have to be identified, plugged and removed from the membrane. The Ca2+-driven fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane leads to hydrolysis of sphingomyelin by acid sphingomyelinase and a formation of ceramide platforms in the outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer. We propose that the negative curvature, promoted by tighter packing of lipids in the outer layer, leads to an inward vesiculation of the damaged area for its endocytotic uptake and internal degradation. In contrast, the activation of neutral sphingomyelinase triggers the production of ceramide within the inner leaflet of the lipid bilayer, thereby promoting an outward curvature, which enables the cell to shed the membrane-containing toxin pore into the extracellular space. In this process, ceramide is supported by members of the annexin protein family which act as Ca2+ sensors and as membrane fusion agents.