45 resultados para Ileal pouches


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Continent catheterizable ileal pouches require regular irrigations to reduce the risk of bacteriuria and urinary tract infections (UTIs).


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We review the functional and oncologic outcomes of seminal vesicle and prostate capsule sparing cystectomy combined with ileal orthotopic bladder substitution.


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The need for and intensity of follow-up to detect disease recurrence after radical cystectomy (RC) for transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) remains a matter for debate.


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PURPOSE: This pilot study evaluated the wound healing and tissue response after placement of two different skin substitutes in subgingival mucosal pouches in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four rabbits were selected to receive a commercially available skin substitute consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts and an epithelial layer (test membrane 1) and a prototype device consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts only (test membrane 2). In each rabbit, two horizontal incisions were made in the buccal alveolar mucosa of the maxilla bilaterally to create submucosal pouches. Three pouches in each animal were filled with either the test 1 or test 2 membranes, and one pouch was left without a membrane (sham-operated control). All rabbits were sacrificed after a healing period of 4 weeks, and histologic samples were prepared and examined. RESULTS: After a healing period of 1 month, both tested membranes were still visible in the sections. Test membrane 1 was still bilayered, contained inflammatory cells in its center, and was encapsulated by a thick fibrous tissue. Numerous ectopic calcifications were evident in the collagenous part of the membrane and in association with some basal epithelial cells. Test membrane 2 was also encapsulated in fibrous tissue, with inflammatory cells present only between the fibrous encapsulation and the remnants of the membrane. For test membrane 2, no calcifications were visible. CONCLUSIONS: Test membrane 1 seemed to be more resistant to degradation, but there was also a more pronounced inflammatory reaction in comparison to test membrane 2, especially in the vicinity of the keratinocytes. The significance of the ectopic calcifications, along with that of the resorption or degradation processes of both tested membranes, must be evaluated in future experimental studies, with different time points after implantation examine


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Data on long-term renal function are scarce for ileal conduit diversion (ICD) and even rarer for orthotopic ileal bladder substitution (BS).


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Construction of a continent catheterizable urinary reservoir or an orthotopic bladder substitute requires substantial bowel resection, which can cause changes in bowel transit time. The reported incidence of chronic diarrhea after ileocecal resection is about 20%. Studies assessing bowel function after resection of 55-60 cm of ileum without compromising the ileocecal valve are scarce, and long-term results have not been reported.


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Ileal lesions in Crohn's disease (CD) patients are colonized by pathogenic adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) able to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial cells (IEC), and to survive within macrophages. The interaction of AIEC with IEC depends on bacterial factors mainly type 1 pili, flagella, and outer membrane proteins. In humans, proteases can act as host defence mechanisms to counteract bacterial colonization. The protease meprin, composed of multimeric complexes of the two subunits alpha and beta, is abundantly expressed in IECs. Decreased levels of this protease correlate with the severity of the inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The aim of the present study was to analyze the ability of meprin to modulate the interaction of AIEC with IECs. In patients with ileal CD we observed decreased levels of meprins, in particular that of meprin β. Dose-dependent inhibition of the abilities of AIEC strain LF82 to adhere to and invade intestinal epithelial T84 cells was observed when bacteria were pre-treated with both exogenous meprin α and meprin β. Dose-dependent proteolytic degradation of type 1 pili was observed in the presence of active meprins, but not with heat-inactivated meprins, and pretreatment of AIEC bacteria with meprins impaired their ability to bind mannosylated host receptors and led to decreased secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-8 by infected T84 cells. Thus, decreased levels of protective meprins as observed in CD patients may contribute to increased AIEC colonization.


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In contrast to ureterosigmoidostomy no reliable clinical data exist for tumor risk in different forms of urinary diversion using isolated intestinal segments.In 44 German urological departments, operation frequencies, indications, patient age, and operation dates of the different forms of urinary diversion, operated between 1970 and 2007, could be registered. The secondary tumors up to 2009 were registered as well and related to the numbers of the different forms of urinary diversions resulting in tumor prevalences.In 17,758 urinary diversions 32 secondary tumors occurred. The tumor risk in ureterosigmoidostomy (22-fold) and cystoplasty (13-fold) is significantly higher than in other continent forms of urinary diversion such as neobladders or pouches (p<0.0001). The difference between ureterosigmoidostomy and cystoplasty is not significant, nor is the difference between ileocecal pouches (0.14%) and ileal neobladders (0.05%) (p=0.46). The tumor risk in ileocecal (1.26%) and colonic neobladders (1.43%) is significantly higher (p=0.0001) than in ileal neobladders (0.5%). Of the 16 tumors that occurred following ureterosigmoidostomy, 16 (94%) developed directly at the ureterocolonic borderline in contrast to only 50% following urinary diversions via isolated intestinal segments.From postoperative year 5 regular endoscopic controls of ureterosigmoidostomies, cystoplasties, and orthotopic (ileo-)colonic neobladders are necessary. In ileocecal pouches, regular endoscopy is necessary at least in the presence of symptoms or should be performed routinely at greater intervals. Following neobladders or conduits, only urethroscopies for urethral recurrence are necessary.


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PURPOSE: We present the long-term results of a large consecutive series of patients undergoing ileal orthotopic bladder substitution following radical cystectomy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between April 1985 and 2005 orthotopic bladder substitution with an ileal low pressure reservoir was performed in 482 patients (including 40 women) after radical and, if possible, nerve sparing cystectomy. In 447 cases the procedure was combined with an afferent ileal isoperistaltic tubular segment. The patients were followed prospectively. RESULTS: In the 482 patients 61 early (less than 30 days) diversion related complications requiring prolonged hospital stay or readmission were noted and 115 late complications required treatment. At 1 year continence was good in 92% of patients during the day and in 79% at night. At last followup 93% of patients could void spontaneously. Of 442 evaluable men 99 (22.4%) reported having erections without and 68 (15.4%) with medical assistance. Ureteroileal stenosis was observed in 12 of 447 (2.7%) patients. Urethral recurrence was detected in 25 of 482 (5%) patients. A total of 15 (5%) patients received vitamin B12 substitution. Renal parenchyma decreased only in patients with preoperative or postoperative ureteral obstruction. After 10 years patients with normal renal function had no long-term acidosis and in 20 patients the incidence of osteoporosis resembled that of the normal population. CONCLUSIONS: Ileal orthotopic bladder substitution combined with an afferent ileal tubular segment allows for good long-term functional results provided patients are restrictively selected, postoperative instructions are followed carefully, and typical complications such as outlet obstruction and hernias are treated early.


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PURPOSE: Limited information is available concerning changes in the urodynamic characteristics of orthotopic bladder substitutes with time. Therefore, we compared early and late urodynamic results in patients with an ileal orthotopic bladder substitute combined with an afferent tubular segment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of 139 patients surviving at least 5 years after cystoprostatectomy and ileal orthotopic bladder substitution with an afferent tubular segment 119 underwent urodynamic assessment, including 66 at a median of 9 months (early) and 77 at a median of 62 months (late). Of these patients 24 were assessed at each time point. Simultaneously all patients were asked to complete a bladder diary and questionnaire regarding continence for at least 3 days in the week preceding the urodynamic study. RESULTS: Urodynamic parameters were comparable in patients who were evaluated early and late postoperatively. In addition, median values at early and late urodynamic evaluation in the 24 patients with the 2 examinations showed no statistically significant differences for volume at first desire to void (300 vs 333 ml, p = 0.85), pressure at first desire to void (12 vs 13 cm H2O, p = 0.57), maximum cystometric capacity (450 vs 453 ml, p = 0.84), end filling pressure (19 vs 20 cm H2O, p = 0.17), reservoir compliance (25 vs 28 ml/cm H2O, p = 0.58) or post-void residual urine volume (5 vs 15 ml, p = 0.27). CONCLUSIONS: Urodynamic results after 5 years of living with an ileal orthotopic bladder substitute with an afferent tubular segment show grossly unchanged urodynamic characteristics. Patients maintain a reservoir capacity and micturition pattern consistent with a normal life-style. Reservoir pressure remained low, thereby protecting and preserving upper tract function. To achieve these results patients must be regularly followed, and the causes of bacteriuria, increased post-void residual urine and bladder outlet obstruction must be recognized and dealt with accordingly.


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PURPOSE: In male patients with ileal bladder substitute we ascertained the likelihood of spontaneous voiding failure, the corrective procedures required and the eventual outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Following cystectomy and ileal bladder substitution for urothelial cancer between April 1985 and September 2002 male patients were identified and analyzed from the prospective departmental database. Four patients underwent ileum conduit conversion following urethral recurrence or pouch necrosis and were excluded from study. Funnel-shaped outlets were avoided during bladder substitute surgery after the first 4 patients with this configuration experienced voiding failure and required corrective procedures. Only patients with a minimum 5-year followup were assessed for voiding failure, corrective procedures and final outcomes. RESULTS: Of 354 patients with a median age of 65 years (range 36 to 84) treated with bladder substitute 180 (51%) were alive at 5 years. All 180 of these patients spontaneously voided within 3 months of surgery. During this 5-year observation period 22 (12%) patients experienced voiding problems requiring de-obstructive procedures. Following intervention 177 (98%) patients were spontaneously voiding by 5 years. Of 237 patients 77 (32%) were alive at 10 years. Of these 77 patients followed for another 5 years 10 (13%) had similar voiding problems requiring de-obstructive procedures. Subsequently 74 (96%) were voiding spontaneously by 10 years. CONCLUSIONS: Patients often fail to void spontaneously after ileal bladder substitution. However, if a funnel-shaped outlet is avoided and de-obstructive surgery is appropriately implemented, excellent long-term results are seen with spontaneous voiding and clean intermittent catheterization can be avoided.


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PURPOSE: We evaluated the impact of stenting the ureteroileal anastomosis on its competence, upper urinary tract dilatation, gastrointestinal recovery, metabolic parameters and patency rate after cystectomy with ileal bladder substitution or ileal conduit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 54 patients (37 with an ileal bladder substitute and 17 with an ileal conduit) were prospectively randomized into 2 groups, with (29) or without (25) perioperative stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis. In all cases an end-to-side ureteroileal refluxing anastomosis was performed. The stents were removed after 5 to 10 days. The parameters assessed postoperative days 1, 3 and 7 were creatinine concentration from the wound drains, upper urinary tract dilatation, time to bowel function recovery, serum creatinine, as well as urea and incidence of metabolic acidosis. RESULTS: Median patient age was 68 years (range 45 to 85). Urine leak on postoperative day 1 was more frequent in those anastomoses without stents, and on postoperative days 3 and 7 the values were comparable. Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis resulted in significantly decreased early postoperative upper urinary tract dilatation, improved recovery of bowel function and decreased metabolic acidosis. In either group no patient had clinical evidence of ureteroileal anastomotic stricture during the early postoperative period. Three patients with perioperative stenting required surgical or endoscopic treatment for a stricture of the ureteroileal anastomosis during the 12-month followup. CONCLUSIONS: Stenting of the ureteroileal anastomosis allows for significantly less frequent incidence of early postoperative dilatation of the pelvicaliceal system, bowel activity resumes significantly earlier and metabolic acidosis is significantly less frequent.


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Urinary diversion after cystectomy have evolved from simple diversion and protection of the upper tracts to functional and anatomic restoration as close as possible to the natural preoperative state. Over the past 15 years, orthotopic reconstruction has evolved from "experimental surgery" to the "preferred method of urinary diversion" in both sexes. Urologist that perform this technique should have an appropriate experience with pelvic surgery and be able to perform a nerve sparing radical cystectomy. Nevertheless, the postoperative management of these patients is more important than the surgical construction if good longterm results are to be achieved. For this reason, a great knowledge about the neobladder's physiology, postoperative complications and their treatment are needed. We review the most important aspects in the postoperative management of patients with ileal neobladder. We also resume the long term outcomes concerning to continence, sexual function, renal impairment, oncologic safety and quality of life.