29 resultados para Grapevine rust mite
House dust mites can be found all over the world where human beings live independent from the climate. Proteins from the gastrointestinal tract- almost all known as enzymes - are the allergens which induce chronic allergic diseases. The inhalation of small amounts of allergens on a regular base all night leads to a slow beginning of the disease with chronically stuffed nose and an exercise induced asthma which later on persists. House dust mites grow well in a humid climate - this can be in well isolated dwellings or in the tropical climate - and nourish from human skin dander. Scales are found in mattresses, upholstered furniture and carpets. The clinical picture with slowly aggravating complaints leads quite often to a delayed diagnosis, which is accidently done on the occasion of a wider spectrum of allergy skin testing. The beginning of a medical therapy with topical steroids as nasal spray or inhalation leads to a fast relief of the complaints. Although discussed in extensive controversies in the literature - at least in Switzerland with the cold winter and dry climate - the recommendation of house dust mite avoidance measures is given to patients with good clinical results. The frequent ventilation of the dwelling with cold air in winter time cause a lower indoor humidity. Covering encasings on mattresses, pillow, and duvets reduces the possibility of chronic contact with mite allergens as well as the weekly changing the bed linen. Another option of therapy is the specific immunotherapy with extracts of house dust mites showing good results in children and adults. Using recombinant allergens will show a better quality in diagnostic as well as in therapeutic specific immunotherapy.
Historically an ectoparasite of the native Giant honey bee Apis dorsata, the mite Tropilaelaps mercedesae has switched hosts to the introduced western honey bee Apis mellifera throughout much of Asia. Few data regarding lethal and sub-lethal effects of T. mercedesae on A. mellifera exist, despite its similarity to the devastating mite Varroa destructor. Here we artificially infested worker brood of A. mellifera with T. mercedesae to investigate lethal (longevity) and sub-lethal (emergence weight, Deformed wing virus (DWV) levels and clinical symptoms of DWV) effects of the mite on its new host. The data show that T. mercedesae infestation significantly reduced host longevity and emergence weight, and promoted both DWV levels and associated clinical symptoms. Our results suggest that T. mercedesae is a potentially important parasite to the economically important A. mellifera honey bee.
We generated Fas-activated serine threonine phosphoprotein (FAST)-deficient mice (FAST(-/-)) to study the in vivo role of FAST in immune system function. In a model of house dust mite-induced allergic pulmonary inflammation, wild type mice develop a mixed cellular infiltrate composed of eosinophils, lymphocytes, and neutrophils. FAST(-/-) mice develop airway inflammation that is distinguished by the near absence of neutrophils. Similarly, LPS-induced alveolar neutrophil recruitment is markedly reduced in FAST(-/-) mice compared with wild type controls. This is accompanied by reduced concentrations of cytokines (TNF-alpha and IL-6 and -23) and chemoattractants (MIP-2 and keratinocyte chemoattractant) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids. Because FAST(-/-) neutrophils exhibit normal chemotaxis and survival, impaired neutrophil recruitment is likely to be due to reduced production of chemoattractants within the pulmonary parenchyma. Studies using bone marrow chimeras implicate lung resident hematopoietic cells (e.g., pulmonary dendritic cells and/or alveolar macrophages) in this process. In conclusion, our results introduce FAST as a proinflammatory factor that modulates the function of lung resident hematopoietic cells to promote neutrophil recruitment and pulmonary inflammation.
Multiple infections of managed honeybee, Apis mellifera, colonies are inevitable due to the ubiquitous ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor and might be an underlying cause of winter losses. Here we investigated the role of adult small hive beetles, Aethina tumida, alone and in combination with V. destructor for winter losses and for infections with the microsporidian endoparasite Nosema ceranae. We found no significant influence of A. tumida and V destructor alone or in combination on the numbers of N. ceranae spores. Likewise, A. tumida alone had no significant effects on winter losses, which is most likely due to the observed high winter mortality of the adult beetles. Therefore, our data suggest that A. tumida is unlikely to contribute to losses of overwintering honeybee colonies. However, high losses occurred in all groups highly infested with V. destructor, supporting the central role of the mite for colony losses.
Parasites threaten human and animal health globally. It is estimated that more than 60% of people on planet Earth carry at least one parasite, many of them several different species. Unfortunately, parasite studies suffer from duplications and inconsistencies between different investigator groups. Hence, groups need to collaborate in an integrated manner in areas including parasite control, improved therapy strategies, diagnostic and surveillance tools, and public awareness. Parasite studies will be better served if there is coordinated management of field data and samples across multidisciplinary approach plans, among academic and non-academic organizations worldwide. In this paper we report the first 'Living organism-World Molecular Network', with the cooperation of 167 parasitologists from 88 countries on all continents. This integrative approach, the 'Sarcoptes-World Molecular Network', seeks to harmonize Sarcoptes epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and molecular studies from all over the world, with the aim of decreasing mite infestations in humans and animals.
Chorioptes bovis infestation is a common cause of pastern dermatitis in the horse, with a predilection in draft horses and other horses with thick hair 'feathers' on the distal limbs. The treatment of this superficial mite is challenging; treatment failure and relapse are common. Furthermore, C. bovis infestation may affect the progression of chronic pastern dermatitis (also known as chronic proliferative pastern dermatitis, chronic progressive lymphoedema and dermatitis verrucosa) in draft horses, manifesting with oedema, lichenification and excessive skin folds that can progress to verruciform lesions. An effective cure for C. bovis infestation would therefore be of great clinical value. In a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the efficacy of oral moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg body weight) given twice with a 3 week interval in combination with environmental treatment with 4-chloro-3-methylphenol and propoxur was tested in 19 heavily feathered horses with clinical pastern dermatitis and C. bovis infestation. Follow-up examinations over a period of 180 days revealed significantly more skin crusting in the placebo group than in the treatment group. However, no other differences in clinical signs or the numbers of mites detected were found between the two groups. The results of this study suggest that moxidectin in combination with environmental insecticide treatment as used in this study is ineffective in the treatment of C. bovis in feathered horses.
Allergies to animals are behind the house-dust mite allergy the most frequent cause for indoor allergic respiratory symptoms. In case of persistent allergen exposure symptoms like rhinitis, itch of the skin or asthma are usually not perceived intensively and, thus, can not assigned to an animal or an animal source. In many cases animal allergies are based on a perennial allergen exposure. Although most likely all animals may be the cause of a respiratory allergy, cats, dogs, and horses are the most frequent elicitors. The diagnosis of an allergy to an animal needs to be set with due care, since it often causes emotional reactions, diverse conflicts, but also lack of understanding. Rarer are allergies to fungi even though fungi as allergen sources since decades belong to the differential diagnosis in respiratory allergies particularly in case of late summer asthma. Fungi are ubiquitous and present indoors as well as outdoors. Unfortunately the field of fungal allergy is not well explored and diagnostic possibilities are limited. The most promising therapy in both allergy to animals and fungi would be complete avoiding of contact with the respective allergen source. Indeed many preventive recommendations are given; however, realization is often not successful. In selected cases specific immunotherapy for both animal and fungal allergies is a potential therapeutic option.