39 resultados para Global Transcriptional Response


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BACKGROUND Zebrafish is a clinically-relevant model of heart regeneration. Unlike mammals, it has a remarkable heart repair capacity after injury, and promises novel translational applications. Amputation and cryoinjury models are key research tools for understanding injury response and regeneration in vivo. An understanding of the transcriptional responses following injury is needed to identify key players of heart tissue repair, as well as potential targets for boosting this property in humans. RESULTS We investigated amputation and cryoinjury in vivo models of heart damage in the zebrafish through unbiased, integrative analyses of independent molecular datasets. To detect genes with potential biological roles, we derived computational prediction models with microarray data from heart amputation experiments. We focused on a top-ranked set of genes highly activated in the early post-injury stage, whose activity was further verified in independent microarray datasets. Next, we performed independent validations of expression responses with qPCR in a cryoinjury model. Across in vivo models, the top candidates showed highly concordant responses at 1 and 3 days post-injury, which highlights the predictive power of our analysis strategies and the possible biological relevance of these genes. Top candidates are significantly involved in cell fate specification and differentiation, and include heart failure markers such as periostin, as well as potential new targets for heart regeneration. For example, ptgis and ca2 were overexpressed, while usp2a, a regulator of the p53 pathway, was down-regulated in our in vivo models. Interestingly, a high activity of ptgis and ca2 has been previously observed in failing hearts from rats and humans. CONCLUSIONS We identified genes with potential critical roles in the response to cardiac damage in the zebrafish. Their transcriptional activities are reproducible in different in vivo models of cardiac injury.


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Approximately 0.2 % of all angiosperms are classified as metal hyperaccumulators based on their extraordinarily high leaf metal contents, for example >1 % zinc, >0.1 % nickel or >0.01 % cadmium (Cd) in dry biomass. So far, metal hyperaccumulation has been considered to be a taxon-wide, constitutively expressed trait, the extent of which depends solely on available metal concentrations in the soil. Here we show that in the facultative metallophyte Arabidopsis halleri, both insect herbivory and mechanical wounding of leaves trigger an increase specifically in leaf Cd accumulation. Moreover, the Cd concentrations accumulated in leaves can serve as an elemental defense against herbivory by larvae of the Brassicaceae specialist small white (Pieris rapae), thus allowing the plant to take advantage of this non-essential trace element and toxin. Metal homeostasis genes are overrepresented in the systemic transcriptional response of roots to the wounding of leaves in A. halleri, supporting that leaf Cd accumulation is preceded by systemic signaling events. A similar, but quantitatively less pronounced transcriptional response was observed in A. thaliana, suggesting that the systemically regulated modulation of metal homeostasis in response to leaf wounding also occurs in non-hyperaccumulator plants. This is the first report of an environmental stimulus influencing metal hyperaccumulation.


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Despite the availability of effective antibiotic therapies, pneumococcal meningitis (PM) has a case fatality rate of up to 30% and causes neurological sequelae in up to half of the surviving patients. The underlying brain damage includes apoptosis of neurons in the hippocampus and necrosis in the cortex. Therapeutic options to reduce acute injury and to improve outcome from PM are severely limited.With the aim to develop new therapies a number of pharmacologic interventions have been evaluated. However, the often unpredictable outcome of interventional studies suggests that the current concept of the pathophysiologic events during bacterial meningitis is fragmentary. The aim of this work is to describe the transcriptomic changes underlying the complex mechanisms of the host response to pneumococcal meningitis in a temporal and spatial context using a well characterized infant rat model.


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The extracellular matrix protein tenascin-C (TNC) is up-regulated in processes influenced by mechanical stress, such as inflammation, tissue remodeling, wound healing, and tumorigenesis. Cyclic strain-induced TNC expression depends on RhoA-actin signaling, the pathway that regulates transcriptional activity of serum response factor (SRF) by its coactivator megakaryoblastic leukemia-1 (MKL1). Therefore, we tested whether MKL1 controls TNC transcription. We demonstrate that overexpression of MKL1 strongly induces TNC expression in mouse NIH3T3 fibroblasts and normal HC11 and transformed 4T1 mammary epithelial cells. Part of the induction was dependant on SRF and a newly identified atypical CArG box in the TNC promoter. Another part was independent of SRF but required the SAP domain of MKL1. An MKL1 mutant incapable of binding to SRF still strongly induced TNC, while induction of the SRF target c-fos was abolished. Cyclic strain failed to induce TNC in MKL1-deficient but not in SRF-deficient fibroblasts, and strain-induced TNC expression strongly depended on the SAP domain of MKL1. Promoter-reporter and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments unraveled a SAP-dependent, SRF-independent interaction of MKL1 with the proximal promoter region of TNC, attributing for the first time a functional role to the SAP domain of MKL1 in regulating gene expression.


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In humans, theta band (5-7 Hz) power typically increases when performing cognitively demanding working memory (WM) tasks, and simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings have revealed an inverse relationship between theta power and the BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) signal in the default mode network during WM. However, synchronization also plays a fundamental role in cognitive processing, and the level of theta and higher frequency band synchronization is modulated during WM. Yet, little is known about the link between BOLD, EEG power, and EEG synchronization during WM, and how these measures develop with human brain maturation or relate to behavioral changes. We examined EEG-BOLD signal correlations from 18 young adults and 15 school-aged children for age-dependent effects during a load-modulated Sternberg WM task. Frontal load (in-)dependent EEG theta power was significantly enhanced in children compared to adults, while adults showed stronger fMRI load effects. Children demonstrated a stronger negative correlation between global theta power and the BOLD signal in the default mode network relative to adults. Therefore, we conclude that theta power mediates the suppression of a task-irrelevant network. We further conclude that children suppress this network even more than adults, probably from an increased level of task-preparedness to compensate for not fully mature cognitive functions, reflected in lower response accuracy and increased reaction time. In contrast to power, correlations between instantaneous theta global field synchronization and the BOLD signal were exclusively positive in both age groups but only significant in adults in the frontal-parietal and posterior cingulate cortices. Furthermore, theta synchronization was weaker in children and was--in contrast to EEG power--positively correlated with response accuracy in both age groups. In summary we conclude that theta EEG-BOLD signal correlations differ between spectral power and synchronization and that these opposite correlations with different distributions undergo similar and significant neuronal developments with brain maturation.


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Climate is an important control on biomass burning, but the sensitivity of fire to changes in temperature and moisture balance has not been quantified. We analyze sedimentary charcoal records to show that the changes in fire regime over the past 21,000 yrs are predictable from changes in regional climates. Analyses of paleo- fire data show that fire increases monotonically with changes in temperature and peaks at intermediate moisture levels, and that temperature is quantitatively the most important driver of changes in biomass burning over the past 21,000 yrs. Given that a similar relationship between climate drivers and fire emerges from analyses of the interannual variability in biomass burning shown by remote-sensing observations of month-by-month burnt area between 1996 and 2008, our results signal a serious cause for concern in the face of continuing global warming.


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With increasing life expectancy and active lifestyles, the longevity of arthroplasties has become an important problem in orthopaedic surgery and will remain so until novel approaches to joint preservation have been developed. The sensitivity of the recipient to the metal alloys may be one of the factors limiting the lifespan of implants. In the present study, the response of human monocytes from peripheral blood to an exposure to metal ions was investigated, using the method of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based low-density arrays. Upon stimulation with bivalent (Co2+ and Ni2+) and trivalent (Ti3+) cations and with the calcium antagonist LaCl3, the strength of the elicited monocytic response was in the order of Co2+ > or = Ni2+ > Ti3+ > or = LaCl3. The transcriptional regulation of the majority of genes affected by the exposure of monocytes to Co2+ and Ni2+ was similar. Some genes critically involved in the processes of inflammation and bone resorption, however, were found to be differentially regulated by these bivalent cations. The data demonstrate that monocytic gene expression is adapted in response to metal ions and that this response is, in part, specific for the individual metals. It is suggested that metal alloys used in arthroplasties may affect the extent of inflammation and bone resorption in the peri-implant tissues in dependence of their chemical composition.


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Besides providing effective analgesia, thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) has been shown to decrease perioperative morbidity and mortality. Because of its vasodilatory properties in association with the sympathetic blockade, however, TEA may potentially aggravate cardiovascular dysfunctions resulting from sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome. The objective of the present study was to assess the effects of TEA on hemodynamics, global oxygen transport, and renal function in ovine endotoxemia. After a baseline measurement in healthy sheep (n = 18), Salmonella typhosa endotoxin was centrally infused at incremental doses to induce and maintain a hypotensive-hypodynamic circulation using an established protocol. The animals were then randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the treatment group, continuous TEA was initiated with 0.1 mL.kg of 0.125% bupivacaine at the onset of endotoxemia and maintained with 0.1 mL.kg.h. In the control group, the same amount of isotonic sodium chloride solution was injected through the epidural catheter. In the animals surviving the entire experiment (n = 7 per group), cardiac index and mean arterial pressure decreased in a dose-dependent manner during endotoxin infusion. In the TEA group, neither systemic hemodynamics nor global oxygen transport were impaired beyond the changes caused by endotoxemia itself. Urinary output was increased in the TEA group as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). In this model of endotoxic shock, TEA improved renal perfusion without affecting cardiopulmonary hemodynamics and global oxygen transport.


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BACKGROUND: The procoagulant factor D-dimer has been shown to be associated with thrombus formation and degradation as seen with conditions such as myocardial infarction and unstable angina. Research has demonstrated that spousal dementia caregivers have elevated levels of D-dimer relative to their non-caregiving peers. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of basal level and laboratory stressor-induced concentration of D-dimer to severity of dementia in spousal care recipients. METHODS: Seventy-one elderly caregivers were compared with a comparison group of 37 non-caregivers (average age: 71 years). Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR), a global measure of dementia, was used to assess severity of spousal dementia. Plasma D-dimer was measured at baseline and in response to an acute speech stressor. RESULTS: Regression analysis revealed a significant positive association between severity of spousal dementia and caregiver D-dimer, both at baseline and in response to acute stress, while controlling for age. The model examined an exponential relationship, with D-dimer increasing progressively across the span of dementia stages. DISCUSSION: Dementia severity of the care recipient was associated with increasing hypercoagulability among elderly caregivers. Effect size estimates suggest that such D-dimer increases may have clinical implications, particularly among late-stage caregivers.


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BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus, a leading cause of chronic or acute infections, is traditionally considered an extracellular pathogen despite repeated reports of S. aureus internalization by a variety of non-myeloid cells in vitro. This property potentially contributes to bacterial persistence, protection from antibiotics and evasion of immune defenses. Mechanisms contributing to internalization have been partly elucidated, but bacterial processes triggered intracellularly are largely unknown. RESULTS: We have developed an in vitro model using human lung epithelial cells that shows intracellular bacterial persistence for up to 2 weeks. Using an original approach we successfully collected and amplified low amounts of bacterial RNA recovered from infected eukaryotic cells. Transcriptomic analysis using an oligoarray covering the whole S. aureus genome was performed at two post-internalization times and compared to gene expression of non-internalized bacteria. No signs of cellular death were observed after prolonged internalization of Staphylococcus aureus 6850 in epithelial cells. Following internalization, extensive alterations of bacterial gene expression were observed. Whereas major metabolic pathways including cell division, nutrient transport and regulatory processes were drastically down-regulated, numerous genes involved in iron scavenging and virulence were up-regulated. This initial adaptation was followed by a transcriptional increase in several metabolic functions. However, expression of several toxin genes known to affect host cell integrity appeared strictly limited. CONCLUSION: These molecular insights correlated with phenotypic observations and demonstrated that S. aureus modulates gene expression at early times post infection to promote survival. Staphylococcus aureus appears adapted to intracellular survival in non-phagocytic cells.


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Global transcriptomic and proteomic profiling platforms have yielded important insights into the complex response to ionizing radiation (IR). Nonetheless, little is known about the ways in which small cellular metabolite concentrations change in response to IR. Here, a metabolomics approach using ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used to profile, over time, the hydrophilic metabolome of TK6 cells exposed to IR doses ranging from 0.5 to 8.0 Gy. Multivariate data analysis of the positive ions revealed dose- and time-dependent clustering of the irradiated cells and identified certain constituents of the water-soluble metabolome as being significantly depleted as early as 1 h after IR. Tandem mass spectrometry was used to confirm metabolite identity. Many of the depleted metabolites are associated with oxidative stress and DNA repair pathways. Included are reduced glutathione, adenosine monophosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and spermine. Similar measurements were performed with a transformed fibroblast cell line, BJ, and it was found that a subset of the identified TK6 metabolites were effective in IR dose discrimination. The GEDI (Gene Expression Dynamics Inspector) algorithm, which is based on self-organizing maps, was used to visualize dynamic global changes in the TK6 metabolome that resulted from IR. It revealed dose-dependent clustering of ions sharing the same trends in concentration change across radiation doses. "Radiation metabolomics," the application of metabolomic analysis to the field of radiobiology, promises to increase our understanding of cellular responses to stressors such as radiation.


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We report the characterisation of 27 cardiovascular-related traits in 23 inbred mouse strains. Mice were phenotyped either in response to chronic administration of a single dose of the beta-adrenergic receptor blocker atenolol or under a low and a high dose of the beta-agonist isoproterenol and compared to baseline condition. The robustness of our data is supported by high trait heritabilities (typically H(2)>0.7) and significant correlations of trait values measured in baseline condition with independent multistrain datasets of the Mouse Phenome Database. We then focused on the drug-, dose-, and strain-specific responses to beta-stimulation and beta-blockade of a selection of traits including heart rate, systolic blood pressure, cardiac weight indices, ECG parameters and body weight. Because of the wealth of data accumulated, we applied integrative analyses such as comprehensive bi-clustering to investigate the structure of the response across the different phenotypes, strains and experimental conditions. Information extracted from these analyses is discussed in terms of novelty and biological implications. For example, we observe that traits related to ventricular weight in most strains respond only to the high dose of isoproterenol, while heart rate and atrial weight are already affected by the low dose. Finally, we observe little concordance between strain similarity based on the phenotypes and genotypic relatedness computed from genomic SNP profiles. This indicates that cardiovascular phenotypes are unlikely to segregate according to global phylogeny, but rather be governed by smaller, local differences in the genetic architecture of the various strains.