17 resultados para Cyber-rencontre


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This study assessed the feasibility and effectiveness of remote neuromonitoring as an adjunct to spinal cord protection during surgical repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms.


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Der Bundesrat unterzeichnete ein Abkommen über den Austausch von Polizeidaten mit den USA. – Das Bundesgericht hiess die Beschwerde von Google Streetview teilweise gut. – Der Bundesrat stellte die Strategie zum Schutz der Schweiz vor Cyber-Risiken vor. – Das Bundesgericht hiess den Deal in Causa Tinner gut. – In Bern haben 10‘000 Jugendliche gegen die Trägheit des Berner Nachtlebens demonstriert. – Das Parlament beschloss die Wiedereinführung der verdeckten Ermittlungen. – Cannabiskonsum wird künftig mit einer Busse von 100 Franken bestraft. – Das Parlament verabschiedete ein Bundesgesetz betreffend die Unverjährbarkeit pornographischer Straftaten an Kinder. – Der Bundesrat präsentierte einen Gegenvorschlag zur Volksinitiative „Pädophile sollen nicht mehr mit Kindern arbeiten dürfen“. – Die SVP lancierte eine Volksinitiative zur Durchsetzung der Ausschaffung krimineller Ausländer. – Die Konferenz der kantonalen Justiz- und Polizeidirektoren verabschiedete eine Verschärfung des Hooligan-Konkordats. – Das Parlament beschloss ein Bundesgesetz über die Massnahmen gegen Zwangsheiraten.


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À l’origine était le jardin. éden biblique, paradis persan, jardins clos d’innombrables mythes et récits. La condition des mortels découle de l’arrachement à ce premier terreau. L’humain dès lors n’a de cesse d’en repenser la perfection et de la reproduire en autant de paradis miniatures. Le jardin, en réduisant le monde à un espace clos, tente de se l’approprier et de le dominer. En ceci, il remplit une fonction d’ordre magique. Mondes clos est le résultat d’une rencontre interdisciplinaire organisée au printemps 2011 par l’Unité d’histoire des religions de l’Université de Genève en collaboration avec Asdiwal, revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions.


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The paper showcases the field- and lab-documentation system developed for Kinneret Regional Project, an international archaeological expedition to the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee (Israel) under the auspices of the University of Bern, the University of Helsinki, Leiden University and Wofford College. The core of the data management system is a fully relational, server-based database framework, which also includes time-based and static GIS services, stratigraphic analysis tools and fully indexed document/digital image archives. Data collection in the field is based on mobile, hand-held devices equipped with a custom-tailored stand-alone application. Comprehensive three-dimensional documentation of all finds and findings is achieved by means of total stations and/or high-precision GPS devices. All archaeological information retrieved in the field – including tachymetric data – is synched with the core system on the fly and thus immediately available for further processing in the field lab (within the local network) or for post-excavation analysis at remote institutions (via the WWW). Besides a short demonstration of the main functionalities, the paper also presents some of the key technologies used and illustrates usability aspects of the system’s individual components.


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The major cities of the Neo-Assyrian Empire were not only home to impressive palaces and temples, but they were also equipped with strong fortifications. The city walls were not only meant to keep out potential enemies, but by demonstrating Assyria’s power to any approaching person, they served an ideological purpose, as well. However, military efficiency was just as crucial, since, over its entire history, the empire repeatedly faced internal and external threats and could not have afforded to lose any of its urban centers which were essential to maintaining control over the various provinces or geographic regions associated with them. The study of Neo-Assyrian fortifications relies on evidence provided by archaeological excavations, the study of Assyrian reliefs and information from cuneiform texts. Even though these sources help us reconstruct the appearance of the town defenses, the question of why the individual fortification systems were built in a specific way cannot be addressed by these means alone. Remote sensing offers an opportunity to view the course and placement of the city walls within their topographical context. Furthermore, geographical information systems (GIS) offer a tool to illustrate the distribution of the strongly fortified Assyrian towns, thereby allowing us to recognize patterns and functions of regional fortification systems during the Neo-Assyrian period.


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Sirkeli Höyük is an ancient settlement located 40 km east of Adana on the left bank of the Ceyhan River in Plain Cilicia. The main mound covers an area of approximately 300×400 m and rises to a height of ca. 30 m above the level of the surrounding plain. Due to its strategic location overlooking a road that crosses the Misis mountains, Sirkeli Höyük always played an important role within Plain Cilicia. J. Garstang’s (1936-1937), B. Hrouda’s (1992-1996) and H. Ehringhaus’ (1997) excavations have shown that the site was occupied from the 4th to late 1st millennium B.C. Since 2006, a new Swiss-Turkish team is investigating Sirkeli Höyük again. Due to modern excavation techniques and an interdisciplinary approach, the architectural and material remains that have been uncovered by the new excavations have yielded much new information. Apart from a more precise pottery sequence, the new project has discovered an extensive lower town surrounded by an elaborate double city wall. The paper will summarize the results that have been gathered since 2006, with particular focus on the campaigns 2012-2013, and aims to show how they may contribute to the understanding of the cultural developments in this region.


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Subclinical hypothyroidism is a common condition, and its prevalence increases with age. Currently, guidelines regarding the screening and treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism are controversial. An international survey of general practitioners (GPs), to which Swiss GPs also contributed, showed large inter-country variations in treatment strategies for subclinical hypothyroidism. These differences are mainly explained by the lack of strong evidence for the management of this condition. The European randomized-controlled clinical trial TRUST should help clarify recommendations for screening and thyroxin replacement for the elderly with subclinical hypothyroidism. Working in close collaboration with GPs in Switzerland for the recruitment of patients will ensure that the findings from this study will be applicable to primary care settings.