22 resultados para Behavioral-changes


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Detecting lame cows is important in improving animal welfare. Automated tools are potentially useful to enable identification and monitoring of lame cows. The goals of this study were to evaluate the suitability of various physiological and behavioral parameters to automatically detect lameness in dairy cows housed in a cubicle barn. Lame cows suffering from a claw horn lesion (sole ulcer or white line disease) of one claw of the same hind limb (n=32; group L) and 10 nonlame healthy cows (group C) were included in this study. Lying and standing behavior at night by tridimensional accelerometers, weight distribution between hind limbs by the 4-scale weighing platform, feeding behavior at night by the nose band sensor, and heart activity by the Polar device (Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) were assessed. Either the entire data set or parts of the data collected over a 48-h period were used for statistical analysis, depending upon the parameter in question. The standing time at night over 12 h and the limb weight ratio (LWR) were significantly higher in group C as compared with group L, whereas the lying time at night over 12 h, the mean limb difference (△weight), and the standard deviation (SD) of the weight applied on the limb taking less weight were significantly lower in group C as compared with group L. No significant difference was noted between the groups for the parameters of heart activity and feeding behavior at night. The locomotion score of cows in group L was positively correlated with the lying time and △weight, whereas it was negatively correlated with LWR and SD. The highest sensitivity (0.97) for lameness detection was found for the parameter SD [specificity of 0.80 and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.84]. The highest specificity (0.90) for lameness detection was present for Δweight (sensitivity=0.78; AUC=0.88) and LWR (sensitivity=0.81; AUC=0.87). The model considering the data of SD together with lying time at night was the best predictor of cows being lame, accounting for 40% of the variation in the likelihood of a cow being lame (sensitivity=0.94; specificity=0.80; AUC=0.86). In conclusion, the data derived from the 4-scale-weighing platform, either alone or combined with the lying time at night over 12 h, represent the most valuable parameters for automated identification of lame cows suffering from a claw horn lesion of one individual hind limb.


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In humans, theta band (5-7 Hz) power typically increases when performing cognitively demanding working memory (WM) tasks, and simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings have revealed an inverse relationship between theta power and the BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) signal in the default mode network during WM. However, synchronization also plays a fundamental role in cognitive processing, and the level of theta and higher frequency band synchronization is modulated during WM. Yet, little is known about the link between BOLD, EEG power, and EEG synchronization during WM, and how these measures develop with human brain maturation or relate to behavioral changes. We examined EEG-BOLD signal correlations from 18 young adults and 15 school-aged children for age-dependent effects during a load-modulated Sternberg WM task. Frontal load (in-)dependent EEG theta power was significantly enhanced in children compared to adults, while adults showed stronger fMRI load effects. Children demonstrated a stronger negative correlation between global theta power and the BOLD signal in the default mode network relative to adults. Therefore, we conclude that theta power mediates the suppression of a task-irrelevant network. We further conclude that children suppress this network even more than adults, probably from an increased level of task-preparedness to compensate for not fully mature cognitive functions, reflected in lower response accuracy and increased reaction time. In contrast to power, correlations between instantaneous theta global field synchronization and the BOLD signal were exclusively positive in both age groups but only significant in adults in the frontal-parietal and posterior cingulate cortices. Furthermore, theta synchronization was weaker in children and was--in contrast to EEG power--positively correlated with response accuracy in both age groups. In summary we conclude that theta EEG-BOLD signal correlations differ between spectral power and synchronization and that these opposite correlations with different distributions undergo similar and significant neuronal developments with brain maturation.


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Single planning interventions have been found to promote short-term dietary change. Repeated planning interventions may foster long-term effects on behavior change. It remains unknown whether there is a critical number of boosters to establish long-term maintenance of behavioral changes. This study aimed at investigating what social-cognitive variables mediate the effects of the interventions on dietary behavior change. Overall, 373 participants (n = 270 women, 72.4%; age M = 52.42, SD = 12.79) were randomly allocated to one of five groups: a control group, a single planning group, and three groups with 3, 6, or 9 weeks' repeated planning interventions. Follow-ups took place 4, 6, and 12 months after baseline. Change in fat consumption was not promoted by any of the interventions. In terms of social-cognitive variables, intentions, self-efficacy and coping planning displayed a time × group interaction, with the 9 weeks' planning group showing the most beneficial effects. Effect sizes, however, were very small. None of the tested planning interventions successfully promoted change in fat consumption across the 12 month period. This, however, could not be explained by problems with adherence to the intervention protocol. Potential explanations for this unexpected result are discussed.


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A multimodal approach is state-of-the art for effective treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGD) like irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia. Based on the now established view that the pathogenesis of FGD is multicausal, evidence-based therapeutic options comprise education about the nature of the disorder, dietary modifications, relaxation techniques, behavioral changes, and pharmacological treatments. These therapies are variously combined depending on the severity of the FGD and the individual needs of the patient. Our overview portrays the options for the therapy of FGD and proposes that these are best provided by an interdisciplinary team of primary care physicians, gastroenterologists, and psychosomatic medicine specialists.


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Autoimmune and infectious diseases are associated with behavioral changes referred to as sickness behavior syndrome (SBS). In autoimmunity, the generation of anti-self T lymphocytes and autoantibodies critically involves binding of CD40 ligand on T-cells to its receptor CD40 on B-cells, dendritic cells and macrophages. Activation of CD40 leads to production of proinflammatory cytokines and, as shown here, induces SBS. Here we report that these behavioral changes depend on the expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha receptor 1 (TNFR1), but not on interleukin-1 receptor 1 or interleukin-6. Moreover, the intensity of SBS correlates with suppression of E-box controlled clock genes, including Dbp, and upregulation of Bmal1. However, the absence of TNFR1 does not interfere with the development of SBS and dysregulation of clock genes in mice treated with lipopolysaccharide. Thus, our results suggest that TNFR1 mediates SBS and dysregulation of clock genes in autoimmune diseases.


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Disturbances in reward processing have been implicated in bulimia nervosa (BN). Abnormalities in processing reward-related stimuli might be linked to dysfunctions of the catecholaminergic neurotransmitter system, but findings have been inconclusive. A powerful way to investigate the relationship between catecholaminergic function and behavior is to examine behavioral changes in response to experimental catecholamine depletion (CD). The purpose of this study was to uncover putative catecholaminergic dysfunction in remitted subjects with BN who performed a reinforcement-learning task after CD. CD was achieved by oral alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) in 19 unmedicated female subjects with remitted BN (rBN) and 28 demographically matched healthy female controls (HC). Sham depletion administered identical capsules containing diphenhydramine. The study design consisted of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover, single-site experimental trial. The main outcome measures were reward learning in a probabilistic reward task analyzed using signal-detection theory. Secondary outcome measures included self-report assessments, including the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire. Relative to healthy controls, rBN subjects were characterized by blunted reward learning in the AMPT-but not in placebo-condition. Highlighting the specificity of these findings, groups did not differ in their ability to perceptually distinguish between stimuli. Increased CD-induced anhedonic (but not eating disorder) symptoms were associated with a reduced response bias toward a more frequently rewarded stimulus. In conclusion, under CD, rBN subjects showed reduced reward learning compared with healthy control subjects. These deficits uncover disturbance of the central reward processing systems in rBN related to altered brain catecholamine levels, which might reflect a trait-like deficit increasing vulnerability to BN.


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A colony of golden hamsters had an ongoing problem with hydrocephalus. In an attempt to clear the colony of the problem, new breeders from another supplier had been purchased. At termination of a behavioral study, the brain was collected from 35 animals (four of which had died with hydrocephalus during the study) and was examined macroscopically and by light microscopy. Although no animals manifested obvious behavioral changes, 31 of 35 (88.6%, 13/15 males and 18/20 females in control and manipulated groups) had hydrocephalus. Twenty-five animals had macroscopically identifiable hydrocephalus, and six had hydrocephalus identified microscopically. Neither teratogenic concentrations of metals nor mycotoxins were detected in tissues or food, and sera from breeders tested negative for antibodies to Sendai virus, reovirus 3, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Trial matings of breeders expected to produce hydrocephalic offspring resulted in affected offspring, and mating of breeders expected to produce normal offspring resulted in normal or less-affected offspring. Hydrocephalus was confirmed retrospectively in some breeders. Hereditary hydrocephalus appears to be widespread in hamster stocks in Central Europe. Affected animals do not manifest signs of disease and usually die without obvious premonitory signs. Despite severe hydrocephalus, the animals can breed, and animal handlers do not identify motor deficits or abnormal behavioral activity. This entity is unlike the previously described, hereditary hydrocephalus of hamsters that is phenotypically identifiable and usually is lethal before they attain breeding age.


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This paper applies a policy analysis approach to the question of how to effectively regulate micropollution in a sustainable manner. Micropollution is a complex policy problem characterized by a huge number and diversity of chemical substances, as well as various entry paths into the aquatic environment. It challenges traditional water quality management by calling for new technologies in wastewater treatment and behavioral changes in industry, agriculture and civil society. In light of such challenges, the question arises as to how to regulate such a complex phenomenon to ensure water quality is maintained in the future? What can we learn from past experiences in water quality regulation? To answer these questions, policy analysis strongly focuses on the design and choice of policy instruments and the mix of such measures. In this paper, we review instruments commonly used in past water quality regulation. We evaluate their ability to respond to the characteristics of a more recent water quality problem, i.e., micropollution, in a sustainable way. This way, we develop a new framework that integrates both the problem dimension (i.e., causes and effects of a problem) as well as the sustainability dimension (e.g., long-term, cross-sectoral and multi-level) to assess which policy instruments are best suited to regulate micropollution. We thus conclude that sustainability criteria help to identify an appropriate instrument mix of end-of-pipe and source-directed measures to reduce aquatic micropollution.


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BACKGROUND Hand eczema has a high impact on patients' quality of life. The treatment focuses on improving skin barrier function. OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effects and acceptance of a novel educational program for patients with hand eczema. METHODS Retrospectively, the records of 36 patients who attended the prevention program and follow-up visits were analyzed. Physician global assessment (PGA) scores, acceptance and behavioral changes were assessed. RESULTS In 67% of patients, an improvement of the hand eczema could be attributed to the effects of our educational program. The mean PGA score significantly decreased from 3 before education to 2.2 during follow-up. Behavioral changes in both skin care and protection were reported in 81 and 86%, respectively. CONCLUSIONs: Our educational program had a positive effect on clinical outcome as well as adherence to skin care and protection measures. Its integration in a hand eczema clinic was feasible and well accepted by the patients.


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Dieser Fallbericht beschreibt drei Katzenwelpen mit Verdacht auf Doramectin-Intoxikation. Ein Wurf von insgesamt 7 Katzenwelpen wurde mit Doramectin behandelt, woraufhin drei Welpen neurologische Symptome entwickeltena Ein Welpe zeigte leichte Apathie und Zittern, ein weiterer zusätzlich Verhaltensänderungen und epileptiforme Anfälle, die mit Diazepam behandelt werden mussten. Beide Welpen erholten sich vollständig. Ein dritter Welpe wurde 3 Tage nach Doramectin-Gabe stuporös vorgestellt und zeigte im weiteren Verlauf Verhaltensänderungen wie Aggressivität, Hyperästhesie, Tremor und epileptiforme Anfälle. Er verstarb 36 Stunden nach Vorstellung. Bei der histopathologischen Untersuchung des Gehirns konnten ein zytotoxisches Ödem und Polioenzephalomalazie festgestellt werden. Die Doramectin-Dosis beim verstorbenen Welpen betrug 380 μg/kg.


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The paper addresses the question of which factors drive the formation of policy preferences when there are remaining uncertainties about the causes and effects of the problem at stake. To answer this question we examine policy preferences reducing aquatic micropollutants, a specific case of water protection policy and different actor groups (e.g. state, science, target groups). Here, we contrast two types of policy preferences: a) preventive or source-directed policies, which mitigate pollution in order to avoid contact with water; and b) reactive or end-of-pipe policies, which filter water already contaminated by pollutants. In a second step, we analyze the drivers for actors’ policy preferences by focusing on three sets of explanations, i.e. participation, affectedness and international collaborations. The analysis of our survey data, qualitative interviews and regression analysis of the Swiss political elite show that participation in the policy-making process leads to knowledge exchange and reduces uncertainties about the policy problem, which promotes preferences for preventive policies. Likewise, actors who are affected by the consequences of micropollutants, such as consumer or environmental associations, opt for anticipatory policies. Interestingly, we find that uncertainties about the effectiveness of preventive policies can promote preferences for end-of-pipe policies. While preventive measures often rely on (uncertain) behavioral changes of target groups, reactive policies are more reliable when it comes to fulfilling defined policy goals. Finally, we find that in a transboundary water management context, actors with international collaborations prefer policies that produce immediate and reliable outcomes.


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Inherited neurodegenerative disorders are debilitating diseases that occur across different species. We have performed clinical, pathological and genetic studies to characterize a novel canine neurodegenerative disease present in the Lagotto Romagnolo dog breed. Affected dogs suffer from progressive cerebellar ataxia, sometimes accompanied by episodic nystagmus and behavioral changes. Histological examination revealed unique pathological changes, including profound neuronal cytoplasmic vacuolization in the nervous system, as well as spheroid formation and cytoplasmic aggregation of vacuoles in secretory epithelial tissues and mesenchymal cells. Genetic analyses uncovered a missense change, c.1288G>A; p.A430T, in the autophagy-related ATG4D gene on canine chromosome 20 with a highly significant disease association (p = 3.8 x 10-136) in a cohort of more than 2300 Lagotto Romagnolo dogs. ATG4D encodes a poorly characterized cysteine protease belonging to the macroautophagy pathway. Accordingly, our histological analyses indicated altered autophagic flux in affected tissues. The knockdown of the zebrafish homologue atg4da resulted in a widespread developmental disturbance and neurodegeneration in the central nervous system. Our study describes a previously unknown canine neurological disease with particular pathological features and implicates the ATG4D protein as an important autophagy mediator in neuronal homeostasis. The canine phenotype serves as a model to delineate the disease-causing pathological mechanism(s) and ATG4D function, and can also be used to explore treatment options. Furthermore, our results reveal a novel candidate gene for human neurodegeneration and enable the development of a genetic test for veterinary diagnostic and breeding purposes.


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Objective: In humans and other animals, open, expansive postures (compared to contracted postures) are evolutionary developed expressions of power and have been shown to cause neuroendocrine and behavioral changes (Carney, Cuddy, & Yap, 2010). In the present study we aimed to investigate whether power postures have a bearing on the participant’s facial appearance and whether others are able to distinguish faces after “high power posing” from faces after “low power posing”. Methods: 16 models were photographed 4-5 minutes after having adopted high and low power postures. Two different high power and two different low power postures were held for 2 minutes each. Power-posing sessions were performed on two consecutive days. High and low power photographs of each model were paired and an independent sample of 100 participants were asked to pick the more dominant and the more likeable face of each pair. Results: Photographs that were taken after adopting high power postures were chosen significantly more often as being more dominant looking. There was no preference when asked to choose the more likeable photograph (chance level). A further independent sample rated each photograph for head tilt, making it unlikely that dominance ratings were caused merely by the posture of the head. Consistently, facial width-to-height ratio did not differ between faces after high and low power posing. Conclusions: Postures associated with high power affect facial appearance, leading to a more dominant looking face. This finding may have implications for everyday life, for instance when a dominant appearance is needed.


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We characterized changes in the visual behavior of mice in which a loss of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) was experimentally induced with intravenous (i.v.) administration of sodium iodate (NaIO3). We compared and correlated these changes with alterations in neural retinal structure and function. RPE loss was induced in 4-6 week old male C57BL/6 mice with an i.v. injection of 1% NaIO3 at three concentrations: 35, 50, or 70 mg/kg. At 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days (d) as well as 6 months post injection (PI) a behavioral test was performed in previously trained mice to evaluate visual function. Eye morphology was then assessed for changes in both the RPE and neural retina. NaIO3-induced RPE degeneration was both dose and PI time dependent. Our low dose showed no effects, while our high dose caused the most damage, as did longer PI times at our intermediate dose. Using the intermediate dose, no changes were detectable in either visual behavior or retinal morphology at 1 d PI. However, at 3 d PI visual behavior became abnormal and patchy RPE cell loss was observed. From 7 d PI onward, changes in retinal morphology and visual behavior became more severe. At 6 months PI, no recovery was seen in any of these measures in mice administered the intermediate dose. These results show that NaIO3 dosage and/or time PI can be varied to produce different, yet permanent deficits in retinal morphology and visual function. Thus, this approach should provide a unique system in which the onset and severity of RPE damage, and its consequences can be manipulated. As such, it should be useful in the assessment of rescue or mitigating effects of retinal or stem cell transplantation on visual function.


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Repeated exposure to psychomotor stimulants produces a striking behavioral syndrome involving repetitive, stereotypic behaviors that occur if an additional exposure to the stimulant is experienced. The same stimulant exposure produces specific alterations in gene expression patterns in the striatum. To identify the dopamine receptor subtypes required for the parallel expression of these acquired neural and behavioral responses, we treated rats with different D1-class and D2-class dopamine receptor agonists and compared the responses of drug-naive rats with those of rats given previous intermittent treatment with cocaine. In rats exposed to repeated cocaine treatment, the effects of a subsequent challenge treatment with either a D1-class agonist (SKF 81297) or a D2-class agonist (quinpirole) were not significantly different from those observed in drug-naive animals: the drugs administered singly did not induce robust stereotyped motor behaviors nor produce significantly striosome-predominant expression of early genes in the striatum. In contrast, challenge treatment with the D1-class and D2-class agonists in combination led to marked and correlated increases in stereotypy and striosome-predominant gene expression in the striatum. Thus, immediately after repeated psychomotor stimulant exposure, only the concurrent activation of D1 and D2 receptor subclasses evoked expression of the neural and behavioral phenotypes acquired through repeated cocaine exposure. These findings suggest that D1-D2 dopamine receptor synergisms underlie the coordinate expression of both network-level changes in basal ganglia activation patterns and the repetitive and stereotypic motor response patterns characteristic of psychomotor stimulant sensitization.