142 resultados para Bacille de Koch


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The objective of this study was to characterize empirically the association between vaccination coverage and the size and occurrence of measles epidemics in Germany. In order to achieve this we analysed data routinely collected by the Robert Koch Institute, which comprise the weekly number of reported measles cases at all ages as well as estimates of vaccination coverage at the average age of entry into the school system. Coverage levels within each federal state of Germany are incorporated into a multivariate time-series model for infectious disease counts, which captures occasional outbreaks by means of an autoregressive component. The observed incidence pattern of measles for all ages is best described by using the log proportion of unvaccinated school starters in the autoregressive component of the model.


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In the human body, over 1000 different G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) mediate a broad spectrum of extracellular signals at the plasma membrane, transmitting vital physiological features such as pain, sight, smell, inflammation, heart rate and contractility of muscle cells. Signaling through these receptors is primarily controlled and regulated by a group of kinases, the GPCR kinases (GRKs), of which only seven are known and thus, interference with these common downstream GPCR regulators suggests a powerful therapeutic strategy. Molecular modulation of the kinases that are ubiquitously expressed in the heart has proven GRK2, and also GRK5, to be promising targets for prevention and reversal of one of the most severe pathologies in man, chronic heart failure (HF). In this article we will focus on the structural aspects of these GRKs important for their physiological and pathological regulation as well as well known and novel therapeutic approaches that target these GRKs in order to overcome the development of cardiac injury and progression of HF.


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The G(βγ)-sequestering peptide β-adrenergic receptor kinase (βARK)ct derived from the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)2 carboxyl terminus has emerged as a promising target for gene-based heart failure therapy. Enhanced downstream cAMP signaling has been proposed as the underlying mechanism for increased β-adrenergic receptor (βAR) responsiveness. However, molecular targets mediating improved cardiac contractile performance by βARKct and its impact on G(βγ)-mediated signaling have yet to be fully elucidated.


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Activation of prosurvival kinases and subsequent nitric oxide (NO) production by certain G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) protects myocardium in ischemia/reperfusion injury (I/R) models. GPCR signaling pathways are regulated by GPCR kinases (GRKs), and GRK2 has been shown to be a critical molecule in normal and pathological cardiac function.


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One of the most powerful regulators of cardiovascular function is catecholamine-stimulated adrenergic receptor (AR) signaling. The failing heart is characterized by desensitization and impaired beta-AR responsiveness as a result of upregulated G protein-coupled receptor kinase-2 (GRK2) present in injured myocardium. Deterioration of cardiac function is progressively enhanced by chronic adrenergic over-stimulation due to increased levels of circulating catecholamines. Increased GRK2 activity contributes to this pathological cycle of over-stimulation but lowered responsiveness. Over the past two decades the GRK2 inhibitory peptide betaARKct has been identified as a potential therapy that is able to break this vicious cycle of self-perpetuating deregulation of the beta-AR system and subsequent myocardial malfunction, thus halting development of cardiac failure. The betaARKct has been shown to interfere with GRK2 binding to the betagamma subunits of the heterotrimeric G protein, therefore inhibiting its recruitment to the plasma membrane that normally leads to phosphorylation and internalization of the receptor. In this article we summarize the current data on the therapeutic effects of betaARKct in cardiovascular disease and report on recent and ongoing studies that may pave the way for this peptide towards therapeutic application in heart failure and other states of cardiovascular disease.


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The two ubiquitously expressed sphingosine kinases (SphK) 1 and 2 are key regulators of the sphingolipid signaling pathway. Despite the formation of an identical messenger, i.e. sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), they exert strikingly different functions. Particularly, SphK2 is necessary for the phosphorylation of the sphingosine analog fingolimod (FTY720), which is protective in rodent stroke models. Using gene deficient mice lacking either SphK1 or SphK2, we investigated the role of the two lipid kinases in experimental stroke. We performed 2h transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (tMCAO) and analyzed lesion size and neurological function after 24h. Treatment groups received 1mg/kg FTY720. Neutrophil infiltration, microglia activation, mRNA and protein expression of SphK1, SphK2 and the S1P(1) receptor after tMCAO were studied. Genetic deletion of SphK2 but not SphK1 increased ischemic lesion size and worsened neurological function after tMCAO. The protective effect of FTY720 was conserved in SphK1(-/-) mice but not in SphK2(-/-) mice. This suggests that SphK2 activity is an important endogenous protective mechanism in cerebral ischemia and corroborates that the protective effect of FTY720 is mediated via phospho-FTY720.


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The early detection and treatment of persons at risk for psychosis is currently regarded as a promising strategy in fighting the devastating consequences of psychotic disorders. The two current favored at-risk approaches, i.e., the «ultra high risk» and the «basic symptom» criteria, were developed mainly using adult samples. Initial evidence suggests, however, that they cannot simply be applied to children and adolescents. For «ultra-high risk» criteria, there is indication of some attenuated psychotic symptoms being potentially nonspecific in adolescents, and of brief limited intermittent symptoms being difficult to clinically classify in children when observable behavioral correlates are missing. For basic symptoms, too, only a preliminary indication of their usefulness in children and adolescents exists. Since developmental peculiarities in the assessment of basic symptoms should be considered, a child and youth version of the Schizophrenia Proneness Instrument (SPI-CY) was developed. In conclusion, research on the clinical-prognostic validity of the at-risk criteria and their potential adaption to the special needs of children and adolescents is needed. If a «Prodromal Risk Syndrome for Psychosis» or «Attenuated Psychotic Symptoms Syndrome» are included in the upcoming DSM-5, it should be highlighted that its suitability for children and adolescents is only insufficiently known.


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This study investigated the hypothesis whether S100A1 gene therapy can improve pathological key features in human failing ventricular cardiomyocytes (HFCMs).