62 resultados para Archdiocese Archive in Gniezno


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Matrix pore water in the connected inter- and intragranular pore space of low-permeable crystalline bedrock interacts with flowing fracture groundwater predominately by diffusion. Based on the slow exchange between the two water reservoirs, matrix pore water acts as an archive of past changes in fracture groundwater compositions and thus of the palaeohydrological history of a site. Matrix pore water of crystalline bedrock from the Olkiluoto investigation site (SW Finland) was characterised using the stable water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H), combined with the concentrations of dissolved chloride and bromide as natural tracers. The comparison of tracer concentrations in pore water and present-day fracture groundwater suggest for the pore water the presence of old, dilute meteoric water components that infiltrated into the fractures during various warm climate stages. These different meteoric components can be discerned based on the diffusion distance between the two reservoirs and be brought into context with the palaeohydrological evolution of the site.


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Peat deposits from an ombrotrophic bog (north-eastern Poland) were analysed to reconstruct peatland development and environmental changes. This paper presents reconstructions of hydrological changes and plant succession over the last 6000 years. The methods included the high-resolution analysis of plant macrofossils, pollen and testate amoebae, supported by radiocarbon dating. Three main phases were identified in the history of the bog and surrounding woodland vegetation: 4000–400 BC, 400 BC–AD 1700 and AD 1700–2011. Except for terrestrialisation and the fen-to-bog transition phase, the development of bog vegetation was mainly dependent on the climate until approximately AD 1700. The dominant taxon in Gązwa bog was Sphagnum fuscum/rubellum. Woodland development was significantly affected by human activity at several time periods. The most visible human activity, manifested by the decline of deciduous species, occurred ca. 350 BC, ca. AD 250, ca. AD 1350 and after AD 1700. These events correspond to phases of human settlement in the area. During 400–300 BC, the decline of deciduous trees, primarily Carpinus, coincided with an increase in indicators of human activity and fire frequency. At ca. AD 200, Carpinus and Tilia abundance decreased, corresponding to an increased importance of cereals (Secale and Triticum). Since ca. AD 1350, the impact of Teutonic settlement is apparent, and after AD 1700, deciduous forests largely disappeared.


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Sphagnum peatlands in the oceanic-continental transition zone of Poland are currently influenced by climatic and anthropogenic factors that lead to peat desiccation and susceptibility to fire. Little is known about the response of Sphagnum peatland testate amoebae (TA) to the combined effects of drought and fire. To understand the relationships between hydrology and fire dynamics, we used high-resolution multi-proxy palaeoecological data to reconstruct 2000 years of mire history in northern Poland. We employed a new approach for Polish peatlands – joint TA-based water table depth and charcoal-inferred fire activity reconstructions. In addition, the response of most abundant TA hydrological indicators to charcoal-inferred fire activity was assessed. The results show four hydrological stages of peatland development: moderately wet (from ∼35 BC to 800 AD), wet (from ∼800 to 1390 AD), dry (from ∼1390 to 1700 AD) and with an instable water table (from ∼1700 to 2012 AD). Fire activity has increased in the last millennium after constant human presence in the mire surroundings. Higher fire activity caused a rise in the water table, but later an abrupt drought appeared at the onset of the Little Ice Age. This dry phase is characterized by high ash contents and high charcoal-inferred fire activity. Fires preceded hydrological change and the response of TA to fire was indirect. Peatland drying and hydrological instability was connected with TA community changes from wet (dominance of Archerella flavum, Hyalosphenia papilio, Amphitrema wrightianum) to dry (dominance of Cryptodifflugia oviformis, Euglypha rotunda); however, no clear fire indicator species was found. Anthropogenic activities can increase peat fires and cause substantial hydrology changes. Our data suggest that increased human fire activity was one of the main factors that influenced peatland hydrology, though the mire response through hydrological changes towards drier conditions was delayed in relation to the surrounding vegetation changes.


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For geographic atrophy (GA) due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) there is so far no approved treatment option. Usually, increased autofluorescence (AF) levels of different patterns adjacent to the atrophic area indicate lipofuscin-laden retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells at a high risk for apoptosis. Herein, SRT was used to selectively treat these cells to stimulate RPE proliferation, in order to reduce or ideally stop further growth of the atrophic area.


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Retinal degeneration is followed by significant changes in the structure and function of photoreceptors in humans and several genetic animal models. However, it is not clear whether similar changes occur when the degeneration is induced pharmacologically. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the influence of retinotoxic N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) on the function, morphology and underlying molecular pathways of programmed cell death.


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The aim of this work is to assess the repeatability of spectral-domain-OCT (SD-OCT) retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL) thickness measurements in a non-glaucoma group and patients with glaucoma and to compare these results to conventional time-domain-OCT (TD-OCT).


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Long-term concentration records of carbonaceous particles (CP) are of increasing interest in climate research due to their not yet completely understood effects on climate. Nevertheless, only poor data on their concentrations and sources before the 20th century are available. We present a first long-term record of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) concentrations – the two main fractions of CP – along with the corresponding fraction of modern carbon (fM) derived from radiocarbon (14C) analysis in ice. This allows a distinction and quantification of natural (biogenic) and anthropogenic (fossil) sources in the past. CP were extracted from an ice archive, with resulting carbon quantities in the microgram range. Analysis of 14C by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was therefore highly demanding. We analysed 33 samples of 0.4 to 1 kg ice from a 150.5 m long ice core retrieved at Fiescherhorn glacier in December 2002 (46°33'3.2" N, 08°04'0.4" E; 3900 m a.s.l.). Samples were taken from bedrock up to the firn/ice transition, covering the time period 1650–1940 and thus the transition from the pre-industrial to the industrial era. Before ~1850, OC was approaching a purely biogenic origin with a mean concentration of 24 μg kg−1 and a standard deviation of 7 μg kg−1. In 1940, OC concentration was about a factor of 3 higher than this biogenic background, almost half of it originating from anthropogenic sources, i.e. from combustion of fossil fuels. The biogenic EC concentration was nearly constant over the examined time period with 6 μg kg−1 and a standard deviation of 1 μg kg−1. In 1940, the additional anthropogenic input of atmospheric EC was about 50 μg kg−1.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the ocular penetration of echinocandin antifungals. We studied the ocular distribution of systemically administered caspofungin in a rabbit uveitis model. METHODS: Caspofungin (1 mg/kg per day) was given intravenously to rabbits as a single dose or as repeated daily doses on 7 days starting 24 h after induction of unilateral uveitis by intravitreal endotoxin injection. Caspofungin concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography in the cornea, aqueous humor, vitreous humor, and serum 4, 8, 16, and 24 h after administration of a single dose and 24 h after the last of seven doses. RESULTS: The mean caspofungin concentration in the aqueous of the inflamed eye 4 and 8 h after single-dose administration was 1.30 +/- 0.39 mug/ml and 1.12 +/- 0.34 mug/ml, respectively. Drug concentrations decreased to 0.24 +/- 0.09 mug/ml at 16 h and 0.26 +/- 0.14 mug/ml at 24 h. In the vitreous of inflamed eyes drug levels were undetectable at all time points. No drug was found in the aqueous of inflamed eyes 24 h after the last of seven repeated doses, and the vitreous only contained trace amounts. In the corneas of inflamed eyes concentrations reached 1.64 +/- 0.48 mug/g at 4 h, peaked at 2.16 +/- 1.14 mug/g at 8 h, and declined to 1.87 +/- 0.52 mug/g and 1.49 +/- 0.48 mug/g at 16 and 24 h, respectively. After repeated dosing, corneal concentrations of caspofungin were 0.8 and 1.0 mug/g and below the limit of detection in two of four animals. In non-inflamed eyes no drug was detectable in the aqueous and vitreous humor, and the corneas at any time point. CONCLUSIONS: In our model, caspofungin reached therapeutically relevant levels in the aqueous and cornea but not in the vitreous humor of inflamed eyes. Intraocular drug deposition was critically dependent on a disrupted blood-eye barrier. These findings suggest a limited role for caspofungin in the treatment of fungal endophthalmitis.


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BACKGROUND: The dynamics of the humoral immune response in ocular toxoplasmosis (OT) are poorly understood. We therefore investigated this process in a rabbit model of the disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Of 24 infection-naïve adult rabbits, 12 were left untreated and 12 were systematically infected with 5,000 tachyzoites of the non-cyst-forming BK strain of Toxoplasma gondii. Three months later, all rabbits were inoculated transvitreally with 5,000 tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii. Paired samples of aqueous humor and serum were analyzed temporally for their total and specific IgG contents. RESULTS: In infection-naïve rabbits with primary OT, specific IgG reached detectable levels in the inoculated eyes between 5 and 15 days after inoculation. In infection-immunized rabbits with secondary OT, a significant increase in specific IgG was regularly detected after 5 days. The antibody ratio C was diagnostic (>/=3) from day 15 onward in primary OT and from day 21 onward in secondary OT. In the uninfected partner eyes, the antibody ratio C was found sporadically diagnostic from day 15 onward in primary OT, but at no time in secondary OT. Specific IgG persisted both locally and in the serum until the end of the monitoring period (100 days). CONCLUSION: Our findings relating to the rabbit model of OT reveal three features of clinical relevance: a diagnostic window precedes the establishment of a humoral immune response; specific antibodies persist long after the cessation of disease activity; and in primary OT, the antibody ratio C may also increase in the uninfected partner eye.