27 resultados para Android,Multihoming,LISP,LISPmob,Performance,Test,Development,Analysis


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OBJECTIVE: NoGo-stimuli during a Continuous Performance Test (CPT) activate prefrontal brain structures such as the anterior cingulate gyrus and lead to an anteriorisation of the positive electrical field of the NoGo-P300 relative to the Go-P300, so-called NoGo-anteriorisation (NGA). NGA during CPT is regarded as a neurophysiological standard index for cognitive response control. While it is known that patients with chronic schizophrenia exhibit a significant reduction in NGA, it is unclear whether this also occurs in patients undergoing their first-episode. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine NGA in a group of patients with first-episode schizophrenia by utilizing a CPT paradigm. METHODS: Eighteen patients with first-episode schizophrenia and 18 matched healthy subjects were investigated electrophysiologically during a cued CPT, and the parameters of the Go- and NoGo-P300 were determined using microstate analysis. Low resolution tomography analysis (LORETA) was used for source determination. RESULTS: Due to a more posterior Go- and a more anterior NoGo-centroid, NGA was greater in patients than in healthy controls. LORETA indicated the same sources for both groups after Go-stimuli, but a more anterior source in patients after NoGo-stimuli. In patients P300-amplitude responses to both Go- and NoGo-stimuli were decreased, and P300-latency to NoGo-stimuli was increased. After the Go-stimuli false reactions and reaction times were increased in patients. CONCLUSIONS: Attention was reduced in patients with first-episode schizophrenia, as indicated by more false reactions, prolongation of reaction time, P300-latencies and by a decrease in P300-amplitude. Significantly however, the NGA and prefrontal LORETA-sources indicate intact prefrontal brain structures in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Previously described changes in this indicator of prefrontal function may be related to a progressive decay in chronic schizophrenia. SIGNIFICANCE: The results support the idea of a possible new biological marker of first episode psychosis, which may be a useful parameter for the longitudinal measurement of changing prefrontal brain function in a single schizophrenia patient.


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BACKGROUND: This study is based on a comprehensive survey of the neuropsychological attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) literature and presents the first psychometric analyses of different parameters of intra-subject variability (ISV) in patients with ADHD compared to healthy controls, using the Continuous Performance Test, a Go-NoGo task, a Stop Signal Task, as well as N-back tasks. METHODS: Data of 57 patients with ADHD and 53 age- and gender-matched controls were available for statistical analysis. Different parameters were used to describe central tendency (arithmetic mean, median), dispersion (standard deviation, coefficient of variation, consecutive variance), and shape (skewness, excess) of reaction time distributions, as well as errors (commissions and omissions). RESULTS: Group comparisons revealed by far the strongest effect sizes for measures of dispersion, followed by measures of central tendency, and by commission errors. Statistical control of ISV reduced group differences in the other measures substantially. One (patients) or two (controls) principal components explained up to 67% of the inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that, across a variety of neuropsychological tests, measures of ISV contribute best to group discrimination, with limited incremental validity of measures of central tendency and errors. Furthermore, increased ISV might be a unitary construct in ADHD.


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Disturbances of the motor and sensory system as well as an alteration of the preparation of movements have been reported to play a role in the pathogenesis of dystonias. However, it is unclear whether higher aspects of cortical – like cognitive – functions are also involved. Recently, the NoGo-anteriorization (NGA) elicited with a visual continuous performance test (CPT) during recording of a 21-channel electroencephalogram has been proposed as an electrophysiological standard-index for cognitive response control. The NGA consists of a more anterior location of the positive area of the brain electrical field associated with the inhibition (NoGo-condition) compared with that of the execution (Go-condition) of a prepared motor response in the CPT. This response control paradigm was applied in 16 patients with writer’s cramp (WC) and 14 age matched healthy controls. Topographical analysis of the associated event-related potentials revealed a significant (P < 0.05) NGA effect for both patients and controls. Moreover, patients with WC showed a significantly higher global field power value (P < 0.05) in the Go-condition and a significantly higher difference-amplitude (P < 0.05) in the NoGo-condition. A source location analysis with the low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) method demonstrated a hypoactivity for the Go-condition in the parietal cortex of the right hemisphere and a hyperactivity in the NoGo-condition in the left parietal cortex in patients with WC compared with healthy controls. These results indicate an altered response control in patients with WC in widespread cortical brain areas and therefore support the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of WC is not restricted to a pure sensory-motor dysfunction.


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Article preview View full access options BoneKEy Reports | Review Print Email Share/bookmark Finite element analysis for prediction of bone strength Philippe K Zysset, Enrico Dall'Ara, Peter Varga & Dieter H Pahr Affiliations Corresponding author BoneKEy Reports (2013) 2, Article number: 386 (2013) doi:10.1038/bonekey.2013.120 Received 03 January 2013 Accepted 25 June 2013 Published online 07 August 2013 Article tools Citation Reprints Rights & permissions Abstract Abstract• References• Author information Finite element (FE) analysis has been applied for the past 40 years to simulate the mechanical behavior of bone. Although several validation studies have been performed on specific anatomical sites and load cases, this study aims to review the predictability of human bone strength at the three major osteoporotic fracture sites quantified in recently completed in vitro studies at our former institute. Specifically, the performance of FE analysis based on clinical computer tomography (QCT) is compared with the ones of the current densitometric standards, bone mineral content, bone mineral density (BMD) and areal BMD (aBMD). Clinical fractures were produced in monotonic axial compression of the distal radii, vertebral sections and in side loading of the proximal femora. QCT-based FE models of the three bones were developed to simulate as closely as possible the boundary conditions of each experiment. For all sites, the FE methodology exhibited the lowest errors and the highest correlations in predicting the experimental bone strength. Likely due to the improved CT image resolution, the quality of the FE prediction in the peripheral skeleton using high-resolution peripheral CT was superior to that in the axial skeleton with whole-body QCT. Because of its projective and scalar nature, the performance of aBMD in predicting bone strength depended on loading mode and was significantly inferior to FE in axial compression of radial or vertebral sections but not significantly inferior to FE in side loading of the femur. Considering the cumulated evidence from the published validation studies, it is concluded that FE models provide the most reliable surrogates of bone strength at any of the three fracture sites.


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Einleitung Die Annahme, dass Sport nicht nur positive Effekte auf die körperliche Gesundheit, sondern auch auf die kognitive Leistung haben kann, konnte anhand experimenteller Studien mit Erwachsenen weitgehend bestätigt werden. Ob dieselben Effekte auch bei Kindern und Jugendlichen vorzufinden sind, kann mit Blick auf die mangelnde empirische Evidenz in dieser Altersgruppe kaum zufriedenstellend beantwortet werden (Chang et al., 2012). Will man zudem der Frage nach den Wirkmechanismen nachgehen, sind Unter-suchungsdesigns angezeigt, die theoriegeleitet verschiedene Sportinterventionen mit unterschiedlichen Beanspruchungsmodalitäten kombinieren. So ist unter der Annahme der cardiovascular fitness hypothesis (Etnier et al., 2006) zur gezielten Förderung der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit ein systematisches Ausdauertraining sinnvoll, während theoretische Ansätze, die neurophysiologische Korrelate zur Erklärung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Sport und Kognition heranziehen (Diamond, 2000) eher kognitiv sowie koordinativ anspruchsvolle Sportangebote nahelegen würden. Daher geht der vorliegende Beitrag der Frage nach, ob spezifisch konzipierte langfristige Interventionen im Sportunterricht einen spezifischen Effekt auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit von Primarschulkindern haben können. Methode Im Rahmen der quasiexperimentellen Längsschnittstudie „Sport und Kognition“ (SpuK_5.0) wurden insgesamt 250 Schülerinnen und Schüler von 16 fünften Klassen untersucht. Während knapp zwei Monaten absolvierten je vier Klassen während zwei Lektionen des obligatorischen Sportunterrichts entweder ein spielsportbezogenes EF-Training oder ein Ausdauertraining resp. ein kognitives oder kein spezifisches Training (Kontrollgruppe mit regulärem Sportunterricht). Durch die Konzeption dieser vier Experi-mentalbedingungen wurde sichergestellt, dass alle vier möglichen Kombinationen aus hoher resp. niedriger kognitiver und körperlicher Beanspruchung im Design repräsentiert waren. Ergebnisse und Diskussion Im Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse der noch laufendenden SpuK_5.0-Studie vorgestellt und vor dem Hintergrund aktueller theoretischer Annahmen zu den zugrundeliegenden Wirkmechanismen diskutiert. Literatur Chang, Y. K., Labban, J. D., Gapin, J. I., & Etnier, J. L. (2012). The effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance: A meta-analysis. Brain Research, 1453, 87-101. Diamond, A. (2000). Close interrelation of motor development and cognitive development and of the cere-bellum and prefrontal cortex. Child Development, 71, 44-56. Etnier, J. L., Nowell, P. M., Landers, D. M., & Sibley, B. A. (2006). A meta-regression to examine the rela-tionship between aerobic fitness and cognitive performance. BRAIN RESEARCH, 52, 119-130.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS Clinical differentiation between organic hypersomnia and non-organic hypersomnia (NOH) is challenging. We aimed to determine the diagnostic value of sleepiness and performance tests in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) of organic and non-organic origin. METHODS We conducted a retrospective comparison of the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), pupillography, and the Steer Clear performance test in three patient groups complaining of EDS: 19 patients with NOH, 23 patients with narcolepsy (NAR), and 46 patients with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). RESULTS As required by the inclusion criteria, all patients had Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) scores >10. The mean sleep latency in the MSLT indicated mild objective sleepiness in NOH (8.1 ± 4.0 min) and OSAS (7.2 ± 4.1 min), but more severe sleepiness in NAR (2.5 ± 2.0 min). The difference between NAR and the other two groups was significant; the difference between NOH and OSAS was not. In the Steer Clear performance test, NOH patients performed worst (error rate = 10.4%) followed by NAR (8.0%) and OSAS patients (5.9%; p = 0.008). The difference between OSAS and the other two groups was significant, but not between NOH and NAR. The pupillary unrest index was found to be highest in NAR (11.5) followed by NOH (9.2) and OSAS (7.4; n.s.). CONCLUSION A high error rate in the Steer Clear performance test along with mild sleepiness in an objective sleepiness test (MSLT) in a patient with subjective sleepiness (ESS) is suggestive of NOH. This disproportionately high error rate in NOH may be caused by factors unrelated to sleep pressure, such as anergia, reduced attention and motivation affecting performance, but not conventional sleepiness measurements.


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Introduction Since the quality of patient portrayal of standardized patients (SPs) during an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) has a major impact on the reliability and validity of the exam, quality control should be initiated. Literature about quality control of SP’s performance focuses on feedback [1, 2] or completion of checklists [3, 4]. Since we did not find a published instrument meeting our needs for the assessment of patient portrayal, we developed such an instrument after being inspired by others [5] and used it in our high-stakes exam. Methods SP trainers from all five Swiss medical faculties collected and prioritized quality criteria for patient portrayal. Items were revised with the partners twice, based on experiences during OSCEs. The final instrument contains 14 criteria for acting (i.e. adequate verbal and non-verbal expression) and standardization (i.e. verbatim delivery of the first sentence). All partners used the instrument during a high-stakes OSCE. Both, SPs and trainers were introduced to the instrument. The tool was used in training (more than 100 observations) and during the exam (more than 250 observations). FAIR_OSCE The list of items to assess the quality of the simulation by SPs was primarily developed and used to provide formative feedback to the SPs in order to help them to improve their performance. It was therefore named “Feedbackstruckture for the Assessment of Interactive Role play in Objective Structured Clinical Exams (FAIR_OSCE). It was also used to assess the quality of patient portrayal during the exam. The results were calculated for each of the five faculties individually. Formative evaluation was given to the five faculties with individual feedback without revealing results of other faculties other than overall results. Results High quality of patient portrayal during the exam was documented. More than 90% of SP performances were rated to be completely correct or sufficient. An increase in quality of performance between training and exam was noted. In example the rate of completely correct reaction in medical tests increased from 88% to 95%. 95% completely correct reactions together with 4% sufficient reactions add up to 99% of the reactions meeting the requirements of the exam. SP educators using the instrument reported an augmentation of SPs performance induced by the use of the instrument. Disadvantages mentioned were high concentration needed to explicitly observe all criteria and cumbersome handling of the paper-based forms. Conclusion We were able to document a very high quality of SP performance in our exam. The data also indicate that our training is effective. We believe that the high concentration needed using the instrument is well invested, considering the observed augmentation of performance. The development of an iPad based application for the form is planned to address the cumbersome handling of the paper.


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OBJECTIVE How long clinicians should wait before considering an antipsychotic ineffective and changing treatment in schizophrenia is an unresolved clinical question. Guidelines differ substantially in this regard. The authors conducted a diagnostic test meta-analysis using mostly individual patient data to assess whether lack of improvement at week 2 predicts later nonresponse. METHOD The search included EMBASE, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and reference lists of relevant articles, supplemented by requests to authors of all relevant studies. The main outcome was prediction of nonresponse, defined as <50% reduction in total score on either the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) or Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) (corresponding to at least much improved) from baseline to endpoint (4-12 weeks), by <20% PANSS or BPRS improvement (corresponding to less than minimally improved) at week 2. Secondary outcomes were absent cross-sectional symptomatic remission and <20% PANSS or BPRS reduction at endpoint. Potential moderator variables were examined by meta-regression. RESULTS In 34 studies (N=9,460) a <20% PANSS or BPRS reduction at week 2 predicted nonresponse at endpoint with a specificity of 86% and a positive predictive value (PPV) of 90%. Using data for observed cases (specificity=86%, PPV=85%) or lack of remission (specificity=77%, PPV=88%) yielded similar results. Conversely, using the definition of <20% reduction at endpoint yielded worse results (specificity=70%, PPV=55%). The test specificity was significantly moderated by a trial duration of <6 weeks, higher baseline illness severity, and shorter illness duration. CONCLUSIONS Patients not even minimally improved by week 2 of antipsychotic treatment are unlikely to respond later and may benefit from a treatment change.


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This work investigates the performance of cardiorespiratory analysis detecting periodic breathing (PB) in chest wall recordings in mountaineers climbing to extreme altitude. The breathing patterns of 34 mountaineers were monitored unobtrusively by inductance plethysmography, ECG and pulse oximetry using a portable recorder during climbs at altitudes between 4497 and 7546 m on Mt. Muztagh Ata. The minute ventilation (VE) and heart rate (HR) signals were studied, to identify visually scored PB, applying time-varying spectral, coherence and entropy analysis. In 411 climbing periods, 30-120 min in duration, high values of mean power (MP(VE)) and slope (MSlope(VE)) of the modulation frequency band of VE, accurately identified PB, with an area under the ROC curve of 88 and 89%, respectively. Prolonged stay at altitude was associated with an increase in PB. During PB episodes, higher peak power of ventilatory (MP(VE)) and cardiac (MP(LF)(HR) ) oscillations and cardiorespiratory coherence (MP(LF)(Coher)), but reduced ventilation entropy (SampEn(VE)), was observed. Therefore, the characterization of cardiorespiratory dynamics by the analysis of VE and HR signals accurately identifies PB and effects of altitude acclimatization, providing promising tools for investigating physiologic effects of environmental exposures and diseases.


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Independent component analysis (ICA) or seed based approaches (SBA) in functional magnetic resonance imaging blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) data became widely applied tools to identify functionally connected, large scale brain networks. Differences between task conditions as well as specific alterations of the networks in patients as compared to healthy controls were reported. However, BOLD lacks the possibility of quantifying absolute network metabolic activity, which is of particular interest in the case of pathological alterations. In contrast, arterial spin labeling (ASL) techniques allow quantifying absolute cerebral blood flow (CBF) in rest and in task-related conditions. In this study, we explored the ability of identifying networks in ASL data using ICA and to quantify network activity in terms of absolute CBF values. Moreover, we compared the results to SBA and performed a test-retest analysis. Twelve healthy young subjects performed a fingertapping block-design experiment. During the task pseudo-continuous ASL was measured. After CBF quantification the individual datasets were concatenated and subjected to the ICA algorithm. ICA proved capable to identify the somato-motor and the default mode network. Moreover, absolute network CBF within the separate networks during either condition could be quantified. We could demonstrate that using ICA and SBA functional connectivity analysis is feasible and robust in ASL-CBF data. CBF functional connectivity is a novel approach that opens a new strategy to evaluate differences of network activity in terms of absolute network CBF and thus allows quantifying inter-individual differences in the resting state and task-related activations and deactivations.


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Patients with schizophrenia have reduced execution functions and white matter alterations indicating cerebral disconnectivity. Here we investigated the relationship between white matter integrity and event related potentials (ERP) during a continuous performance test (CPT). Anisotropy values were correlated with the brain electrical P300 microstate duration and P300 latency associated to the NoGo- and the Go-stimuli of the CPT in 11 patients with first episode schizophrenia and 11 matched healthy controls. Both groups showed significant positive correlations of the NoGo-microstate duration with the white matter signal in the superior frontal region, the optic radiation, the posterior cingulate, and the inferolateral fascicle. In addition, patients with first episode schizophrenia had significant correlations with the right radiation and the left genu of the corpus callosum, bilateral geniculate, and the left middle and the superior temporal regions. We interpreted these findings as a sign of functional correlates of extended circuits for the active inhibition of a motor response in the visual CPT as compared to controls.


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Introduction: The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the dental literature regarding accuracy and clinical application in computer-guided template-based implant dentistry. Materials and methods: An electronic literature search complemented by manual searching was performed to gather data on accuracy and surgical, biological and prosthetic complications in connection with computer-guided implant treatment. For the assessment of accuracy meta-regression analysis was performed. Complication rates are descriptively summarized. Results: From 3120 titles after the literature search, eight articles met the inclusion criteria regarding accuracy and 10 regarding the clinical performance. Meta-regression analysis revealed a mean deviation at the entry point of 1.07 mm (95% CI: 0.76-1.22 mm) and at the apex of 1.63 mm (95% CI: 1.26-2 mm). No significant differences between the studies were found regarding method of template production or template support and stabilization. Early surgical complications occurred in 9.1%, early prosthetic complications in 18.8% and late prosthetic complications in 12% of the cases. Implant survival rates of 91-100% after an observation time of 12-60 months are reported in six clinical studies with 537 implants mainly restored immediately after flapless implantation procedures. Conclusion: Computer-guided template-based implant placement showed high implant survival rates ranging from 91% to 100%. However, a considerable number of technique-related perioperative complications were observed. Preclinical and clinical studies indicated a reasonable mean accuracy with relatively high maximum deviations. Future research should be directed to increase the number of clinical studies with longer observation periods and to improve the systems in terms of perioperative handling, accuracy and prosthetic complications.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate prefrontal brain function and cognitive response control in patients with personality disorders who either suffered or did not suffer from psychopathology related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) during childhood. For this purpose, 36 psychiatric out-patients with personality disorders--24 of whom showed ADHD-related psychopathology during childhood assessed by the German short form of the Wender Utah Rating Scale--and 24 healthy controls were investigated electrophysiologically by means of a cued Go-NoGo task (Continuous Performance Test). Topographical analyses were conducted to individually quantify the NoGo anteriorisation (NGA), a neurophysiological correlate of prefrontal response control that has been suggested to reflect activation of the anterior cingulate cortex. ADHD patients exhibited a significantly reduced mean NGA and diminished amplitudes of the Global Field Power, as well as a reduced increase of fronto-central P300 amplitudes, in NoGo-trials compared with the healthy controls, whereas patients with personality disorders alone did not differ from the control group in any of the electrophysiological parameters. The results indicate that ADHD-related psychopathology is associated with prefrontal brain dysfunction, probably related to processes of response inhibition and/or cognitive response control.


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Immigrants' sense of self can be derived both from being members of their ethnic in-group and their country of residence. We examined how the ways in which immigrant adolescents integrate these self-views in relation to academic success in German schools. Students describe themselves at school and when with family. Using a standardized literacy performance test, analyses revealed that immigrants whose school-related self-view did not include Germany were less successful: Students who described their self as including both aspects of their ethnic group and Germany, and students who saw themselves predominantly as German, outperformed students with purely ethnic school-related selves. As expected, though, an ethnic family-related self-view did not have a negative impact on scholastic achievements.