70 resultados para 3D printing,steel bars,calibration of design values,correlation


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A number of liquid argon time projection chambers (LAr TPCs) are being built or are proposed for neutrino experiments on long- and short baseline beams. For these detectors, a distortion in the drift field due to geometrical or physics reasons can affect the reconstruction of the events. Depending on the TPC geometry and electric drift field intensity, this distortion could be of the same magnitude as the drift field itself. Recently, we presented a method to calibrate the drift field and correct for these possible distortions. While straight cosmic ray muon tracks could be used for calibration, multiple coulomb scattering and momentum uncertainties allow only a limited resolution. A UV laser instead can create straight ionization tracks in liquid argon, and allows one to map the drift field along different paths in the TPC inner volume. Here we present a UV laser feed-through design with a steerable UV mirror immersed in liquid argon that can point the laser beam at many locations through the TPC. The straight ionization paths are sensitive to drift field distortions, a fit of these distortion to the linear optical path allows to extract the drift field, by using these laser tracks along the whole TPC volume one can obtain a 3D drift field map. The UV laser feed-through assembly is a prototype of the system that will be used for the MicroBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL).


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With the increasing use of medical imaging in forensics, as well as the technological advances in rapid prototyping, we suggest combining these techniques to generate displays of forensic findings. We used computed tomography (CT), CT angiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and surface scanning with photogrammetry in conjunction with segmentation techniques to generate 3D polygon meshes. Based on these data sets, a 3D printer created colored models of the anatomical structures. Using this technique, we could create models of bone fractures, vessels, cardiac infarctions, ruptured organs as well as bitemark wounds. The final models are anatomically accurate, fully colored representations of bones, vessels and soft tissue, and they demonstrate radiologically visible pathologies. The models are more easily understood by laypersons than volume rendering or 2D reconstructions. Therefore, they are suitable for presentations in courtrooms and for educational purposes.


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The purpose of this study was to search the orthodontic literature and determine the frequency of reporting of confidence intervals (CIs) in orthodontic journals with an impact factor. The six latest issues of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, the European Journal of Orthodontics, and the Angle Orthodontist were hand searched and the reporting of CIs, P values, and implementation of univariate or multivariate statistical analyses were recorded. Additionally, studies were classified according to the type/design as cross-sectional, case-control, cohort, and clinical trials, and according to the subject of the study as growth/genetics, behaviour/psychology, diagnosis/treatment, and biomaterials/biomechanics. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics followed by univariate examination of statistical associations, logistic regression, and multivariate modelling. CI reporting was very limited and was recorded in only 6 per cent of the included published studies. CI reporting was independent of journal, study area, and design. Studies that used multivariate statistical analyses had a higher probability of reporting CIs compared with those using univariate statistical analyses. Misunderstanding of the use of P values and CIs may have important implications in implementation of research findings in clinical practice.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: In the Swiss version of the Freiburg speech intelligibility test five test words from the original German recording which are rarely used in Switzerland have been exchanged. Furthermore, differences in the transfer functions between headphone and loudspeaker presentation are not taken into account during calibration. New settings for the levels of the individual test words in the recommended recording and small changes in calibration procedures led us to make a verification of the currently used normative values.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Speech intelligibility was measured in 20 subjects with normal hearing using monosyllabic words and numbers via headphones and loudspeakers.RESULTS: On average, 50% speech intelligibility was reached at levels which were 7.5 dB lower under free-field conditions than for headphone presentation. The average difference between numbers and monosyllabic words was found to be 9.6 dB, which is considerably lower than the 14 dB of the current normative curves.CONCLUSIONS: There is a good agreement between our measurements and the normative values for tests using monosyllabic words and headphones, but not for numbers or free-field measurements.


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OBJECTIVE: Besides DNA, dental radiographs play a major role in the identification of victims in mass casualties or in corpses with major postmortem alterations. Computed tomography (CT) is increasingly applied in forensic investigations and is used to scan the dentition of deceased persons within minutes. We investigated different restoration materials concerning their radiopacity in CT for dental identification purposes. METHODS: Extracted teeth with different filling materials (composite, amalgam, ceramic, temporary fillings) were CT scanned. Radiopacities of the filling materials were analyzed in extended CT scale images. RESULTS: Radiopacity values ranged from 6000-8500HU (temporary fillings), 4500-17000HU (composite fillings) and >30710HU (Amalgam and Gold). The values were used to define presets for a 3D colored volume rendering software. CONCLUSIONS: The effects of filling material caused streak artifacts could be distinctively reduced for the assessment of the dental status and a postprocessing algorithm was introduced that allows for 3D color encoded visualization and discrimination of different dental restorations based on postmortem CT data.


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BACKGROUND: In this paper, we present a new method for the calibration of a microscope and its registration using an active optical tracker. METHODS: Practically, both operations are done simultaneously by moving an active optical marker within the field of view of the two devices. The IR LEDs composing the marker are first segmented from the microscope images. By knowing their corresponding three-dimensional (3D) position in the optical tracker reference system, it is possible to find the transformation matrix between the referential of the two devices. Registration and calibration parameters can be extracted directly from that transformation. In addition, since the zoom and focus can be modified by the surgeon during the operation, we propose a spline based method to update the camera model to the new setup. RESULTS: The proposed technique is currently being used in an augmented reality system for image-guided surgery in the fields of ear, nose and throat (ENT) and craniomaxillofacial surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: The results have proved to be accurate and the technique is a fast, dynamic and reliable way to calibrate and register the two devices in an OR environment.


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To calibrate the in situ 10Be production rate, we collected surface samples from nine large granitic boulders within the deposits of a rock avalanche that occurred in AD 1717 in the upper Ferret Valley, Mont Blanc Massif, Italy. The 10Be concentrations were extremely low and successfully measured within 10% analytical uncertainty or less. The concentrations vary from 4829 ± 448 to 5917 ± 476 at g−1. Using the historical age exposure time, we calculated the local and sea level-high latitude (i.e. ≥60°) cosmogenic 10Be spallogenic production rates. Depending on the scaling schemes, these vary between 4.60 ± 0.38 and 5.26 ± 0.43 at g−1 a−1. Although they correlate well with global values, our production rates are clearly higher than those from more recent calibration sites. We conclude that our 10Be production rate is a mean and an upper bound for production rates in the Massif region over the past 300 years. This rate is probably influenced by inheritance and will yield inaccurate (e.g. too young) exposure ages when applied to surface-exposure studies in the area. Other independently dated rock-avalanche deposits in the region that are approximately 103 years old could be considered as possible calibration sites.


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The goal of this work has been to calibrate sensitivities and fragmentation pattern of various molecules as well as further characterize the lab model of the ROSINA Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS) on board ESA’s Rosetta spacecraft bound to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The detailed calibration and characterization of the instrument is key to understand and interpret the results in the coma of the comet. A static calibration was performed for the following species: Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, H2O, N2, CO2, CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, and C2H4. The purpose of the calibration was to obtain sensitivities for all detectors and emissions, the fragmentation behavior of the ion source and to show the capabilities to measure isotopic ratios at the comet. The calibration included the recording of different correction factors to evaluate the data, including a detailed investigation of the detector gain. The quality of the calibration that could be tested for different gas mixtures including the calibration of the density inside the ion source when calibration gas from the gas calibration unit is introduced. In conclusion the calibration shows that DFMS meets the design requirements and that DFMS will be able to measure the D/H at the comet and help shed more light on the puzzle about the origin of water on Earth.


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Stable isotope analyses of discrete seasonal layers from a 108-yr annually laminated freeze-core from Baldeg-gersee, a small, eutrophic lake in central Switzerland, provide information on the climatological and environmental factors, including lake eutrophication, that control oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of epilimnic biologically induced calcite precipitate. During the last 100 yr, Baldeggersee has undergone major increases in productivity and eutrophication in response to nutrient loading from agriculture and industrialization in the lake's watershed. Calibration of the isotopic signal in Baldeggersee to historical limnological data quantitatively links evidence of isotopic depletion in the sedimented calcite to trophic state of the lake. δ18O values from the spring/summer “light” sediment layers steadily diverged to more depleted values in response to historical eutrophication: measured δ18O values were up to 21.5‰ more negative than calculated equilibrium δ18O values. Evidence for 13C depletion in the calcite, relative to equilibrium values, is more difficult to ascertain because of an overall dominance of isotopic enrichment in the dissolved inorganic pool as productivity in Baldeggersee increases. A positive association exists between the degree of oxygen-18 depletion and the calcite crystal size. Thus, large amorphous calcite grains can be used as a proxy for recognizing apparent isotopic nonequilibrium in sediment sequences from highly productive lacustrine environments from all geologic time scales. In contrast to the light layers, the oxygen isotopic composition of the calcite in the late summer/fall “dark” sediment layers is unaffected by the apparent isotope nonequilibrium. Oxygen and carbon isotope values from the dark laminae in the Baldeggersee sediment therefore provide environmental and climatological proxies that can be calibrated with known environmental and regional climate data for the last century.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs are comparable with 3D measurements on 3D models of human skulls, derived from cone beam CT (CBCT) data. A CBCT scan and a conventional cephalometric radiograph were made of 40 dry skulls. Standard cephalometric software was used to identify landmarks on both the 2D images and the 3D models. The same operator identified 17 landmarks on the cephalometric radiographs and on the 3D models. All images and 3D models were traced five times with a time-interval of 1 week and the mean value of repeated measurements was used for further statistical analysis. Distances and angles were calculated. Intra-observer reliability was good for all measurements. The reproducibility of the measurements on the conventional cephalometric radiographs was higher compared with the reproducibility of measurements on the 3D models. For a few measurements a clinically relevant difference between measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs and 3D models was found. Measurements on conventional cephalometric radiographs can differ significantly from measurements on 3D models of the same skull. The authors recommend that 3D tracings for longitudinal research are not used in cases were there are only 2D records from the past.


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Afdeyu Station is one of the few river gauging stations in the highlands of Eritrea where daily measurements are taken. As a result of damages, the station was refurbished, and the cross section of the gauge was changed to have better control of minimal runoff. The gauge therefore had to be re-calibrated. This publication documents this process and also provides the new calibration curve, based on extensive field work carried out in the rainy season 2009