3 resultados para time to event analysis
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
The arid regions are dominated to a much larger degree than humid regions by major catastrophic events. Although most of Egypt lies within the great hot desert belt; it experiences especially in the north some torrential rainfall, which causes flash floods all over Sinai Peninsula. Flash floods in hot deserts are characterized by high velocity and low duration with a sharp discharge peak. Large sediment loads may be carried by floods threatening fields and settlements in the wadis and even people who are living there. The extreme spottiness of rare heavy rainfall, well known to desert people everywhere, precludes any efficient forecasting. Thus, although the limitation of data still reflects pre-satellite methods, chances of developing a warning system for floods in the desert seem remote. The relatively short flood-to-peak interval, a characteristic of desert floods, presents an additional impediment to the efficient use of warning systems. The present thesis contains introduction and five chapters, chapter one points out the physical settings of the study area. There are the geological settings such as outcrop lithology of the study area and the deposits. The alluvial deposits of Wadi Moreikh had been analyzed using OSL dating to know deposits and palaeoclimatic conditions. The chapter points out as well the stratigraphy and the structure geology containing main faults and folds. In addition, it manifests the pesent climate conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind and evaporation. Besides, it presents type of soils and natural vegetation cover of the study area using unsupervised classification for ETM+ images. Chapter two points out the morphometric analysis of the main basins and their drainage network in the study area. It is divided into three parts: The first part manifests the morphometric analysis of the drainage networks which had been extracted from two main sources, topographic maps and DEM images. Basins and drainage networks are considered as major influencing factors on the flash floods; Most of elements were studied which affect the network such as stream order, bifurcation ratio, stream lengths, stream frequency, drainage density, and drainage patterns. The second part of this chapter shows the morphometric analysis of basins such as area, dimensions, shape and surface. Whereas, the third part points the morphometric analysis of alluvial fans which form most of El-Qaá plain. Chapter three manifests the surface runoff through rainfall and losses analysis. The main subject in this chapter is rainfall which has been studied in detail; it is the main reason for runoff. Therefore, all rainfall characteristics are regarded here such as rainfall types, distribution, rainfall intensity, duration, frequency, and the relationship between rainfall and runoff. While the second part of this chapter concerns with water losses estimation by evaporation and infiltration which are together the main losses with direct effect on the high of runoff. Finally, chapter three points out the factors influencing desert runoff and runoff generation mechanism. Chapter four is concerned with assessment of flood hazard, it is important to estimate runoff and tocreate a map of affected areas. Therefore, the chapter consists of four main parts; first part manifests the runoff estimation, the different methods to estimate runoff and its variables such as runoff coefficient lag time, time of concentration, runoff volume, and frequency analysis of flash flood. While the second part points out the extreme event analysis. The third part shows the map of affected areas for every basin and the flash floods degrees. In this point, it has been depending on the DEM to extract the drainage networks and to determine the main streams which are normally more dangerous than others. Finally, part four presets the risk zone map of total study area which is of high inerest for planning activities. Chapter five as the last chapter concerns with flash flood Hazard mitigation. It consists of three main parts. First flood prediction and the method which can be used to predict and forecast the flood. The second part aims to determine the best methods which can be helpful to mitigate flood hazard in the arid zone and especially the study area. Whereas, the third part points out the development perspective for the study area indicating the suitable places in El-Qaá plain for using in economic activities.
Biogene flüchtige organische Verbindungen (BFOV) werden in großen Mengen aus terrestrischenrnÖkosystemen, insbesondere aus Wäldern und Wiesen, in die untere Troposphäre emittiert. Austausch-rnFlüsse von BFOVs sind in der troposphärischen Chemie wichtig, weil sie eine bedeutende Rolle in derrnOzon- und Aerosolbildung haben. Trotzdem bleiben die zeitliche und räumliche Änderung der BFOVrnEmissionen und ihre Rolle in Bildung und Wachstum von Aerosolen ungewiss.rnDer Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt auf der in-situ Anwendung der Protonen Transfer ReaktionsrnMassenspektrometrie (PTR-MS) und der Messung von biogenen flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen inrnnordländischen, gemäßigten und tropischen Waldökosystemen während drei unterschiedlicherrnFeldmesskampagnen. Der Hauptvorteil der PTR-MS-Technik liegt in der hohen Messungsfrequenz,rnwodurch eine eventuelle Änderung in der Atmosphäre durch Transport, Vermischung und Chemiernonline beobachtet werden kann. Die PTR-MS-Messungen wurden zweimal am Boden aus und einmalrnvon einem Forschungsflugzug durchgeführt.rnIn Kapitel 3 werden die PTR-MS-Daten, gesammelt während der Flugmesskampagne über demrntropischen Regenwald, vorgelegt. Diese Studie zeigt den Belang der Grenzschichtdynamik für diernVerteilung von Spurengasen mittels eines eindimensionalen Säule - Chemie und KlimaModells (SCM).rnDer Tagesablauf von Isopren zeigte zwischen 14:00 und 16:15 Uhr lokaler Zeit einen Mittelwert vonrn5.4 ppbv auf der Höhe der Baumspitzen und von 3.3 ppbv über 300 m Höhe. Dies deutet darauf hin, dassrnsowohl der turbulente Austausch als auch die hohe Reaktionsfähigkeit von Isopren mit den OxidantienrnOH und Ozon eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Nach dem Ausgleich von chemischen Verlusten undrnEntrainment (Ein- und Ausmischung von Luft an der Grenzschicht), wurde ein Fluss vonrn8.4 mg Isopren m-2h-1 unter teilweise bewölkten Bedingungen für den tropischen Regenwald in derrnGuyanregion abgeschätzt. Dies entspricht einem täglichen Emissionsfluss von 28 mg Isopren prornQuadratmeter.rnIm Kapitel 4 werden die Messungen, welche auf einer Hügellage in gemäßigter Breite inrnsüddeutschland stattgefunden haben, diskutiert. Bei diesem Standort ist die Grenzschicht nachts unter diernStandorthöhe abgefallen, was den Einsatzort von Emissionen abgesondert hatte. Während diernGrenzschicht morgens wieder über die Höhe des Einsatzortes anstieg, konnten die eingeschlossenenrnnächtlichen Emissionen innerhalb der bodennahen Schicht beobachtet werden. Außerdem wurde einrndeutlicher Anstieg von flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen gemessen, wenn die Luftmassen überrnMünchen geführt wurden oder wenn verschmutzte Luftmassen aus dem Po-Tal über die Alpen nachrnDeutschland transportiert wurden. Daten von dieser Kampagne wurden genutzt, um die Änderungen inrndem Mischungsverhältnis der flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen, verbunden mit dem Durchfluss vonrnwarmen und kalten Wetterfronten sowie bei Regen zu untersuchen.rnIm Kapitel 5 werden PTR-MS-Messungen aus dem nördlichen Nadelwaldgürtel beschrieben. Starkernnächtliche Inversionen mit einer niedrigen Windgeschwindigkeit fingen die Emissionen vonrnnahegelegenen Kiefernwäldern und andere BFOV-Quellen ab, was zu hohen nächtlichen BFOVMischverhältnissenrnführte. Partikelereignisse wurden für Tag und Nacht detailliert analysiert. Diernnächtlichen Partikelereignisse erfolgten synchron mit starken extremen von Monoterpenen, obwohl dasrnzweite Ereignis Kernbildung einschloss und nicht mit Schwefelsäure korrelierte. Die MonoterpenrnMischungsverhältnisse von über 16 ppbv waren unerwartet hoch für diese Jahreszeit. NiedrigernWindgeschwindigkeiten und die Auswertung von Rückwärtstrajektorien deuten auf eine konzentrierternQuelle in der Nähe von Hyytiälä hin. Die optische Stereoisomerie von Monoterpenen hat bestätigt, dassrndie Quelle unnatürlich ist, da das Verhältnis von [(+)-α-pinen]/[(−)-α-pinen] viel höher ist als dasrnnatürliches Verhältnis der beiden Enantiomeren.
Addressing current limitations of state-of-the-art instrumentation in aerosol research, the aim of this work was to explore and assess the applicability of a novel soft ionization technique, namely flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow (FAPA), for the mass spectrometric analysis of airborne particulate organic matter. Among other soft ionization methods, the FAPA ionization technique was developed in the last decade during the advent of ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ADI–MS). Based on a helium glow discharge plasma at atmospheric-pressure, excited helium species and primary reagent ions are generated which exit the discharge region through a capillary electrode, forming the so-called afterglow region where desorption and ionization of the analytes occurs. Commonly, fragmentation of the analytes during ionization is reported to occur only to a minimum extent, predominantly resulting in the formation of quasimolecular ions, i.e. [M+H]+ and [M–H]– in the positive and the negative ion mode, respectively. Thus, identification and detection of signals and their corresponding compounds is facilitated in the acquired mass spectra. The focus of the first part of this study lies on the application, characterization and assessment of FAPA–MS in the offline mode, i.e. desorption and ionization of the analytes from surfaces. Experiments in both positive and negative ion mode revealed ionization patterns for a variety of compound classes comprising alkanes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, organic peroxides, and alkaloids. Besides the always emphasized detection of quasimolecular ions, a broad range of signals for adducts and losses was found. Additionally, the capabilities and limitations of the technique were studied in three proof-of-principle applications. In general, the method showed to be best suited for polar analytes with high volatilities and low molecular weights, ideally containing nitrogen- and/or oxygen functionalities. However, for compounds with low vapor pressures, containing long carbon chains and/or high molecular weights, desorption and ionization is in direct competition with oxidation of the analytes, leading to the formation of adducts and oxidation products which impede a clear signal assignment in the acquired mass spectra. Nonetheless, FAPA–MS showed to be capable of detecting and identifying common limonene oxidation products in secondary OA (SOA) particles on a filter sample and, thus, is considered a suitable method for offline analysis of OA particles. In the second as well as the subsequent parts, FAPA–MS was applied online, i.e. for real time analysis of OA particles suspended in air. Therefore, the acronym AeroFAPA–MS (i.e. Aerosol FAPA–MS) was chosen to refer to this method. After optimization and characterization, the method was used to measure a range of model compounds and to evaluate typical ionization patterns in the positive and the negative ion mode. In addition, results from laboratory studies as well as from a field campaign in Central Europe (F–BEACh 2014) are presented and discussed. During the F–BEACh campaign AeroFAPA–MS was used in combination with complementary MS techniques, giving a comprehensive characterization of the sampled OA particles. For example, several common SOA marker compounds were identified in real time by MSn experiments, indicating that photochemically aged SOA particles were present during the campaign period. Moreover, AeroFAPA–MS was capable of detecting highly oxidized sulfur-containing compounds in the particle phase, presenting the first real-time measurements of this compound class. Further comparisons with data from other aerosol and gas-phase measurements suggest that both particulate sulfate as well as highly oxidized peroxyradicals in the gas phase might play a role during formation of these species. Besides applying AeroFAPA–MS for the analysis of aerosol particles, desorption processes of particles in the afterglow region were investigated in order to gain a more detailed understanding of the method. While during the previous measurements aerosol particles were pre-evaporated prior to AeroFAPA–MS analysis, in this part no external heat source was applied. Particle size distribution measurements before and after the AeroFAPA source revealed that only an interfacial layer of OA particles is desorbed and, thus, chemically characterized. For particles with initial diameters of 112 nm, desorption radii of 2.5–36.6 nm were found at discharge currents of 15–55 mA from these measurements. In addition, the method was applied for the analysis of laboratory-generated core-shell particles in a proof-of-principle study. As expected, predominantly compounds residing in the shell of the particles were desorbed and ionized with increasing probing depths, suggesting that AeroFAPA–MS might represent a promising technique for depth profiling of OA particles in future studies.