3 resultados para reservoir water level fluctuation

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In this study, conditions of deposition and stratigraphical architecture of Neogene (Tortonian, 11-6,7Ma) sediments of southern central Crete were analysed. In order to improve resolution of paleoclimatic data, new methods were applied to quantify environmental parameters and to increase the chronostratigraphic resolution in shallow water sediments. A relationship between paleoenvironmental change observed on Crete and global processes was established and a depositional model was developed. Based on a detailed analysis of the distribution of non geniculate coralline red algae, index values for water temperature and water depth were established and tested with the distribution patterns of benthic foraminifera and symbiont-bearing corals. Calcite shelled bivalves were sampled from the Algarve coast (southern Portugal) and central Crete and then 87Sr/86Sr was measured. A high resolution chronostratigraphy was developed based on the correlation between fluctuations in Sr ratios in the measured sections and in a late Miocene global seawater Sr isotope reference curve. Applying this method, a time frame was established to compare paleoenvironmental data from southern central Crete with global information on climate change reflected in oxygen isotope data. The comparison between paleotemperature data based on red algae and global oxygen isotope data showed that the employed index values reflect global change in temperature. Data indicate a warm interval during earliest Tortonian, a second short warm interval between 10 and 9,5Ma, a longer climatic optimum between 9 and 8Ma and an interval of increasing temperatures in the latest Tortonian. The distribution of coral reefs and carpets shows that during the warm intervals, the depositional environment became tropical while temperate climates prevailed during the cold interval. Since relative tectonic movements after initial half-graben formation in the early Tortonian were low in southern central Crete, sedimentary successions strongly respond to global sea-level fluctuation. A characteristic sedimentary succession formed during a 3rd order sea-level cycle: It comprises mixed siliciclastic-limestone deposited during sea-level fall and lowstand, homogenous red algal deposits formed during sea-level rise and coral carpets formed during late rise and highstand. Individual beds in the succession reflect glacioeustatic fluctuations that are most prominent in the mixed siliciclastic-limestone interval. These results confirm the fact that sedimentary successions deposited at the critical threshold between temperate and tropical environments develop characteristic changes in depositional systems and biotic associations that can be used to assemble paleoclimatic datasets.


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Innerhalb dieser Dissertation wurde zwischen den Jahren 2002 und 2005 mit Hilfe von Barberfallen die Laufkäferfauna der Auwälder am nördlichen Oberrhein zwischen Mainz und Bingen erfasst. Dabei dienten verschiedene Rheininseln und ufernahe Festlandgebiete als Probeflächen. Fünf der typischen Bewohner dieser Flächen (Agonum afrum, Nebria brevicollis, Oxypselaphus obscurus, Platynus assimilis, Pterostichus anthracinus) dienten weiterhin als Modellarten für die Untersuchung der genetischen Diversität zwischen den einzelnen Populationen mittels RAPD-Analysen. Alles in allem konnten im Untersuchungsgebiet über 20.000 Individuen aus 101 Carabidenarten gefangen werden. Die häufigsten Vertreter waren Platynus assimilis, Pterostichus melanarius und Agonum afrum. Hohe Diversitäts- und Dominanzindices auf allen Flächen sprechen für die Dynamik des Lebensraumes und somit die Intaktheit der untersuchten Auwälder. Einen weiteren Hinweis auf die ständig wechselnden Lebensbedingungen durch immer wiederkehrende Überflutungen zeigt das Auftreten verschiedener ökologischer Gruppen. Überall dominierten deutlich die Arten, die mit gewissen Störungen des Habitates auskommen oder durch ihr hohes Ausbreitungspotential davor fliehen können. Das sind die Imaginalüberwinterer, makropteren, hygrophilen und kleinen Spezies. Auch das Geschlechterverhältnis weist auf deutliche Anzeichen für regelmäßige Beeinträchtigungen der Flächen hin. Knapp die Hälfte der beobachteten Arten im Untersuchungsgebiet steht auf einer der Roten Listen von Deutschland, Rheinland-Pfalz oder Hessen. Somit besteht für das gesamte Gebiet ein hoher Schutzbedarf. Das Hauptaugenmerk dieser Arbeit lag bei den Einflüssen der Hochwasserstände auf die Artenzusammensetzungen und die genetischen Diversitäten der Laufkäferpopulationen. Deshalb untersuchte man auch die Wirkung derjenigen Faktoren, die ihrerseits unmittelbar von den Extremwasserständen beeinflusst werden. Hier sind vor allem der Auentyp (Weichholz/Hartholz) und die Lage der Flächen auf Insel oder Festland zu nennen, die die deutlichsten Unterschiede in Artendiversität und Genetik der einzelnen Populationen zeigten. Aber auch weitere Faktoren, wie Wasserstandsdynamik, Auwaldbreite, Entfernung vom Fluss und Lage zum Damm weisen Zusammenhänge mit bestimmten ökologischen Gruppen auf. Lediglich die Habitatgröße scheint keinen Einfluss auf die Diversitäten zu nehmen. Abschließend konnten auch für das Jahr 2003, in dem extrem heiße und trockene Bedingungen herrschten, negative Effekte auf die Laufkäfergemeinschaften gezeigt werden.


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DNA block copolymer, a new class of hybrid material composed of a synthetic polymer and an oligodeoxynucleotide segment, owns unique properties which can not be achieved by only one of the two polymers. Among amphiphilic DNA block copolymers, DNA-b-polypropylene oxide (PPO) was chosen as a model system, because PPO is biocompatible and has a Tg < 0 °C. Both properties might be essential for future applications in living systems. During my PhD study, I focused on the properties and the structures of DNA-b-PPO molecules. First, DNA-b-PPO micelles were studied by scanning force microscopy (SFM) and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). In order to control the size of micelles without re-synthesis, micelles were incubated with template-independent DNA polymerase TdT and deoxynucleotide triphosphates in reaction buffer solution. By carrying out ex-situ experiments, the growth of micelles was visualized by imaging in liquid with AFM. Complementary measurements with FCS and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) confirmed the increase in size. Furthermore, the growing process was studied with AFM in-situ at 37 °C. Hereby the growth of individual micelles could be observed. In contrast to ex-situ reactions, the growth of micelles adsorbed on mica surface for in-situ experiments terminated about one hour after the reaction was initiated. Two reasons were identified for the termination: (i) block of catalytic sites by interaction with the substrate and (ii) reduced exchange of molecules between micelles and the liquid environment. In addition, a geometrical model for AFM imaging was developed which allowed deriving the average number of mononucleotides added to DNA-b-PPO molecules in dependence on the enzymatic reaction time (chapter 3). Second, a prototype of a macroscopic DNA machine made of DNA-b-PPO was investigated. As DNA-b-PPO molecules were amphiphilic, they could form a monolayer at the air-water interface. Using a Langmuir film balance, the energy released owing to DNA hybridization was converted into macroscopic movements of the barriers in the Langmuir trough. A specially adapted Langmuir trough was build to exchange the subphase without changing the water level significantly. Upon exchanging the subphase with complementary DNA containing buffer solution, an increase of lateral pressure was observed which could be attributed to hybridization of single stranded DNA-b-PPO. The pressure versus area/molecule isotherms were recorded before and after hybridization. I also carried out a series of control experiments, in order to identify the best conditions of realizing a DNA machine with DNA-b-PPO. To relate the lateral pressure with molecular structures, Langmuir Blodgett (LB) films were transferred to highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and mica substrates at different pressures. These films were then investigated with AFM (chapter 4). At last, this thesis includes studies of DNA and DNA block copolymer assemblies with AFM, which were performed in cooperation with different group of the Sonderforschungsbereich 625 “From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials”. AFM was proven to be an important method to confirm the formation of multiblock copolymers and DNA networks (chapter 5).