3 resultados para postemergence herbicide

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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ABSTARCT Biotechnology has enabled the modification of agricultural materials in a very precise way. Crops have been modified through the insertion of new traits or the inhibition of existing gene functions, named Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), and resulted in improved tolerance of herbicide and/or increased resistance against pests, viruses and fungi. Commercial cultivation of GMO started in 1996 and increased rapidly in 2003 according to a recently released report by the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA), depicted continuing consumer resistance in Europe and other part of the world. Upon these developments, the European Union regulations mandated labeling of GMOs containing food and as a consequence, the labeling of GMO containing product in the case of exceeding the1% threshold of alien DNA is required. The aim of the study is to be able to detect and quantify the GMO from the mixture of natural food components. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technique combined with fluorescence was used for this purpose. During the presented studies, two key issues are addressed and tried to solve; what is the best strategy to design and built an interfacial architecture of a probe oligonucletide layer either on a two dimensional surface or on an array platform; and what is the best detection method allowing for a sensitive monitoring of the hybridisation events. The study includes two parts: first part includes characterization of different PNAs on a 2D planar surface by defining affinity constants using the very well established optical method “Surface Plasmon Fluorescence Spectroscopy”(SPFS) and on the array platform by “Surface Plasmon Fluorescence Microscopy” (SPFM), and at the end comparison of the sensitivity of these two techniques. The second part is composed of detection of alien DNA in food components by using DNA and PNA catcher probes on the array platform in real-time by SPFM.


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Globine sind kleine globuläre Proteine mit nahezu ubiquitärem Vorkommen in allen Tiergruppen. Sie weisen eine typische Sandwichstruktur auf, die in der Regel aus acht α-Helices mit einer zentralen prosthetischen Häm-Gruppe besteht und die Proteine zur Bindung gasförmiger Liganden befähigt. Die Funktionen der Globine reichen von O2-Transport und – Speicherung, über eine Beteiligung bei der Entgiftung reaktiver Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies bis hin zu sensorischen physiologischen Aufgaben. Innerhalb der Klasse der Insekten schien das Vorhandensein von Globinen zunächst auf Insekten mit offensichtlich hypoxischen Habitaten beschränkt zu sein. Die Entdeckung des Globins glob1 in Drosophila melanogaster deutete jedoch eine sehr viel weitere Verbreitung der Globine in Insekten an, die sich durch die Identifizierung von Globingenen in einer Vielzahl von normoxisch lebenden Insekten, wie z.B. Apis mellifera oder Aedes aegypti bestätigte. D. melanogaster besitzt drei Globine, glob1, glob2 und glob3. Glob1 ist eng mit anderen intrazellulären Insektenglobinen verwandt, was zu der Annahme führte, dass es sich bei glob1 um das ursprüngliche und bei glob2 und glob3 um abgeleitete D. melanogaster Globine handelt. Glob1 wird in allen Entwicklungsstadien exprimiert, wobei die Hauptexpressionsorte der Fettkörper und das Tracheensystem sind. Die Transkription des glob1 startet von zwei alternativen Promotoren (Promotor I und II), wodurch in Kombination mit alternativem Splicing vier Transkriptvarianten (Isoform A-D) entstehen, deren Translation jedoch in einer Proteinvariante (glob1) resultiert. Hypoxische Bedingungen führen zu einer vermutlich HIF (=‚hypoxia-inducible factor‘) -vermittelten Abnahme der glob1 Genexpression, wohingegen Hyperoxie eine leichte Zunahme der glob1 mRNA Menge bewirkt. Der mithilfe des UAS/Gal4- Systems erzeugte, RNAi-vermittelte glob1 Knockdown führt zu einer schlechteren Überlebensrate adulter Fliegen unter hypoxischen Bedingungen, einer verkürzten Erholungszeit nach hypoxischem Stupor in Weibchen sowie zu einer erhöhten Resistenz gegenüber dem ROS (=‘reactive oxygen species‘) -generierenden Herbizid Paraquat in Larven und adulten Weibchen. Diese Beobachtungen sprechen für eine Funktion des Drosophila glob1 innerhalb der O2-Versorgung. Unter hyperoxischen Bedingungen hingegen wurde kein Unterschied zwischen Fliegen mit wildtypischer und manipulierter glob1-Expression festgestellt, wodurch eine Beteiligung des glob1 bei der Entgiftung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies als mögliche Funktion vorerst ausscheidet. Bei glob2 und glob3 handelt es sich um duplizierte Gene. Auf phylogenetischen Rekonstruktionen basierend konnte die Entstehung der Globin-Duplikate auf ein Duplikationsereignis vor der Radiation des Subgenus Sophophora vor mindestens 40 Millionen Jahren zurückgeführt werden. Die durchgeführten Analysen zur molekularen Sequenzevolution der Globin-Duplikate deuten darauf hin, dass glob2 und glob3 nach der Duplikation eine Kombination aus Sub- und Neo-Funktionalisierungsprozessen durchlaufen haben. Glob2 und glob3 zeigen eine deckungsgleiche mRNA Expression, die auf die männliche Keimbahn beschränkt ist. Aufgrund des hohen Konservierungsgrads der für die Häm- und O2-Bindung essentiellen Aminosäuren kann von der Funktionalität beider Proteine ausgegangen werden. Die streng auf die männliche Keimbahn begrenzte Expression von glob2 und glob3 deutet auf eine Rolle der Globin-Duplikate innerhalb der Spermatogenese hin, die möglicherweise in einem Schutz der Spermatogenese vor oxidativem Stress besteht. Auch eine Beteiligung beim korrekten Ablauf der Spermien-Individualisierung, beispielsweise durch Regulation von Apoptoseprozessen wäre denkbar.


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Small molecules affecting biological processes in plants are widely used in agricultural practice as herbicides or plant growth regulators and in basic plant sciences as probes to study the physiology of plants. Most of the compounds were identified in large screens by the agrochemical industry, as phytoactive natural products and more recently, novel phytoactive compounds originated from academic research by chemical screens performed to induce specific phenotypes of interest. The aim of the present PhD thesis is to evaluate different approaches used for the identification of the primary mode of action (MoA) of a phytoactive compound. Based on the methodologies used for MoA identification, three approaches are discerned: a phenotyping approach, an approach based on a genetic screen and a biochemical screening approach.rnFour scientific publications resulting from my work are presented as examples of how a phenotyping approach can successfully be applied to describe the plant MoA of different compounds in detail.rnI. A subgroup of cyanoacrylates has been discovered as plant growth inhibitors. A set of bioassays indicated a specific effect on cell division. Cytological investigations of the cell division process in plant cell cultures, studies of microtubule assembly with green fluorescent protein marker lines in vivo and cross resistant studies with Eleusine indica plants harbouring a mutation in alpha-tubulin, led to the description of alpha-tubulin as a target site of cyanoacrylates (Tresch et al., 2005).rnII. The MoA of the herbicide flamprop-m-methyl was not known so far. The studies described in Tresch et al. (2008) indicate a primary effect on cell division. Detailed studies unravelled a specific effect on mitotic microtubule figures, causing a block in cell division. In contrast to other inhibitors of microtubule rearrangement such as dinitroanilines, flamprop-m-methyl did not influence microtubule assembly in vitro. An influence of flamprop-m-methyl on a target within the cytoskeleton signalling network could be proposed (Tresch et al., 2008).rnIII. The herbicide endothall is a protein phosphatase inhibitor structurally related to the natural product cantharidin. Bioassay studies indicated a dominant effect on dark-growing cells that was unrelated to effects observed in the light. Cytological characterisation of the microtubule cytoskeleton in corn tissue and heterotrophic tobacco cells showed a specific effect of endothall on mitotic spindle formation and ultrastructure of the nucleus in combination with a decrease of the proliferation index. The observed effects are similar to those of other protein phosphatase inhibitors such as cantharidin and the structurally different okadaic acid. Additionally, the observed effects show similarities to knock-out lines of the TON1 pathway, a protein phosphatase-regulated signalling pathway. The data presented in Tresch et al. (2011) associate endothall’s known in vitro inhibition of protein phosphatases with in vivo-effects and suggest an interaction between endothall and the TON1 pathway.rnIV. Mefluidide as a plant growth regulator induces growth retardation and a specific phenotype indicating an inhibition of fatty acid biosynthesis. A test of the cuticle functionality suggested a defect in the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) or waxes. Metabolic profiling studies showed similarities with different groups of VLCFA synthesis inhibitors. Detailed analyses of VLCFA composition in tissues of duckweed (Lemna paucicostata) indicated a specific inhibition of the known herbicide target 3 ketoacyl-CoA synthase (KCS). Inhibitor studies using a yeast expression system established for plant KCS proteins verified the potency of mefluidide as an inhibitor of plant KCS enzymes. It could be shown that the strength of inhibition varied for different KCS homologues. The Arabidopsis Cer6 protein, which induces a plant growth phenotype similar to mefluidide when knocked out, was one of the most sensitive KCS enzymes (Tresch et al., 2012).rnThe findings of my own work were combined with other publications reporting a successful identification of the MoA and primary target proteins of different compounds or compound classes.rnA revised three-tier approach for the MoA identification of phytoactive compounds is proposed. The approach consists of a 1st level aiming to address compound stability, uniformity of effects in different species, general cytotoxicity and the effect on common processes like transcription and translation. Based on these findings advanced studies can be defined to start the 2nd level of MoA characterisation, either with further phenotypic characterisation, starting a genetic screen or establishing a biochemical screen. At the 3rd level, enzyme assays or protein affinity studies should show the activity of the compound on the hypothesized target and should associate the in vitro effects with the in vivo profile of the compound.