1 resultado para parameterized expectations

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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The production of the Z boson in proton-proton collisions at the LHC serves as a standard candle at the ATLAS experiment during early data-taking. The decay of the Z into an electron-positron pair gives a clean signature in the detector that allows for calibration and performance studies. The cross-section of ~ 1 nb allows first LHC measurements of parton density functions. In this thesis, simulations of 10 TeV collisions at the ATLAS detector are studied. The challenges for an experimental measurement of the cross-section with an integrated luminositiy of 100 pb−1 are discussed. In preparation for the cross-section determination, the single-electron efficiencies are determined via a simulation based method and in a test of a data-driven ansatz. The two methods show a very good agreement and differ by ~ 3% at most. The ingredients of an inclusive and a differential Z production cross-section measurement at ATLAS are discussed and their possible contributions to systematic uncertainties are presented. For a combined sample of signal and background the expected uncertainty on the inclusive cross-section for an integrated luminosity of 100 pb−1 is determined to 1.5% (stat) +/- 4.2% (syst) +/- 10% (lumi). The possibilities for single-differential cross-section measurements in rapidity and transverse momentum of the Z boson, which are important quantities because of the impact on parton density functions and the capability to check for non-pertubative effects in pQCD, are outlined. The issues of an efficiency correction based on electron efficiencies as function of the electron’s transverse momentum and pseudorapidity are studied. A possible alternative is demonstrated by expanding the two-dimensional efficiencies with the additional dimension of the invariant mass of the two leptons of the Z decay.