10 resultados para optimization of production processes

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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In this thesis, we develop high precision tools for the simulation of slepton pair production processes at hadron colliders and apply them to phenomenological studies at the LHC. Our approach is based on the POWHEG method for the matching of next-to-leading order results in perturbation theory to parton showers. We calculate matrix elements for slepton pair production and for the production of a slepton pair in association with a jet perturbatively at next-to-leading order in supersymmetric quantum chromodynamics. Both processes are subsequently implemented in the POWHEG BOX, a publicly available software tool that contains general parts of the POWHEG matching scheme. We investigate phenomenological consequences of our calculations in several setups that respect experimental exclusion limits for supersymmetric particles and provide precise predictions for slepton signatures at the LHC. The inclusion of QCD emissions in the partonic matrix elements allows for an accurate description of hard jets. Interfacing our codes to the multi-purpose Monte-Carlo event generator PYTHIA, we simulate parton showers and slepton decays in fully exclusive events. Advanced kinematical variables and specific search strategies are examined as means for slepton discovery in experimentally challenging setups.


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Zusammenfassung:In dieser Studie werden Deformationsprozesse im mesozoischen Torlesse Akkretionskeil (Neuseeland) quantifiziert, um Aufschluß über die Dynamik in Akkretionskeilen zu erhalten. Absolute und relative Verformungsmessungen zeigen sowohl im lokalen als auch regionalen Maßstab eine stark heterogene Deformation des Torlesse Keils. Die regionale Deformation wurde mit Hilfe einer Tensordurchschnittsberechnung, unter Benutzung einzelner lokaler Verformungsdaten, als uniaxiale Verkürzung entlang einer subvertikalen, maximalen Verkürzungsachse charakterisiert. Absolute Verformungsmessungen an niedriggradigen Metasandsteinen belegen darüber hinaus durchschnittliche Volumenverluste von ca. 20% SiO2. Volumenveränderungen in tieferkrustalen Aufschlüssen wurden mittels einer geochemischen Massenbilanzanalyse abgeschätzt. Chemische Zusammensetzungen höhergradiger Zonen weichen je nach Grad der Volumenverformung von der Protolitzusammensetzung ab und zeigen somit Verluste von 15% SiO2 an. Da Speicherorte für das gelöste Material nicht bekannt sind, muss angenommen werden, dass das Material aus dem Keil abtransportiert wurde. Die Verformungsergebnisse geben weiterhin Aufschluß über den Grad der Kopplung zwischen Akkretionskeil und subduzierter Platte. Die ermittelten Scherwerte in den Gesteinen liegen deutlich unter den zu erwartenden Scherwerten, die mittels eines einfachen Modells berechnet wurden, das sowohl verschiedene Konvergenzgeschwindigkeiten als auch Exhumierungsraten berücksichtigt. Dies belegt, dass der Torlesse Keil stark von der subduzierten pazifischen Platte entkoppelt war und die Deformation hauptsächlich durch den Fluß der Sedimente in und aus dem Keil bestimmt wurde.


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In dieser Studie werden strukturgeologische, metamorphe und geochronologische Daten benutzt, um eine Quantifizierung tektonischer Prozesse vorzunehmen, die für die Exhumierung der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit in der Ägäis und der Westtürkei verantwortlich waren. Bei den beiden tektonischen Prozessen handelt es sich um: (1) Abschiebungstektonik und (2) vertikale duktile Ausdünnung. Eine finite Verformungsanalyse an Proben der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit ermöglicht eine Abschätzung des Beitrags von vertikaler duktiler Ausdünnung an der gesamten Exhumierung. Kalkulationen mit einem eindimensionalen, numerischen Model zeigt, daß vertikale duktile Ausdünnung nur ca. 10% an der gesamten Exhumierung ausmacht. Kinematische, metamorphe und geochronologische Daten erklären die tektonische Natur und die Evolution eines extensionalen Störungssystems auf der Insel Ikaria in der östlichen Ägäis. Thermobarometrische Daten lassen erkennen, daß das Liegende des Störungssystems aus ca. 15 km Tiefe exhumiert wurde. Sowohl Apatit- und Zirkonspaltspurenalter als auch Apatit (U-Th)/He-Alter zeigen, daß sich das extensionale Störungssystem zwischen 11-3 Ma mit einer Geschwindigkeit von ca. 7-8 km/Ma bewegte. Spät-Miozäne Abschiebungen trugen zur Exhumierung der letzten ~5-15 km der Hochdruckgesteine bei. Ein Großteil der Exhumierung der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit muß vor dem Miozän stattgefunden haben. Dies wird durch einen Extrusionskeil erklärt, der ca. 30-35 km der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit in der Westtürkei exhumierte. 40Ar/39Ar und 87Rb/86Sr Datierungen an Myloniten des oberen Abschiebungskontakts zwischen der Selçuk Decke und der darunterliegenden Ampelos/Dilek Decke der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit als auch des unteren Überschiebungskontakts zwischen der Ampelos/Dilek Decke und den darunterliegenden Menderes Decken zeigt, daß sich beide mylonitische Zonen um ca. ~35 Ma formten, was die Existenz eines Spät-Eozänen/Früh-Oligozänen Extrusionskeils beweist.


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Radiometals play an important role in nuclear medicine as involved in diagnostic or therapeutic agents. In the present work the radiochemical aspects of production and processing of very promising radiometals of the third group of the periodic table, namely radiogallium and radiolanthanides are investigated. The 68Ge/68Ga generator (68Ge, T½ = 270.8 d) provides a cyclotron-independent source of positron-emitting 68Ga (T½ = 68 min), which can be used for coordinative labelling. However, for labelling of biomolecules via bifunctional chelators, particularly if legal aspects of production of radiopharmaceuticals are considered, 68Ga(III) as eluted initially needs to be pre-concentrated and purified. The first experimental chapter describes a system for simple and efficient handling of the 68Ge/68Ga generator eluates with a cation-exchange micro-chromatography column as the main component. Chemical purification and volume concentration of 68Ga(III) are carried out in hydrochloric acid – acetone media. Finally, generator produced 68Ga(III) is obtained with an excellent radiochemical and chemical purity in a minimised volume in a form applicable directly for the synthesis of 68Ga-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. For labelling with 68Ga(III), somatostatin analogue DOTA-octreotides (DOTATOC, DOTANOC) are used. 68Ga-DOTATOC and 68Ga-DOTANOC were successfully used to diagnose human somatostatin receptor-expressing tumours with PET/CT. Additionally, the proposed method was adapted for purification and medical utilisation of the cyclotron produced SPECT gallium radionuclide 67Ga(III). Second experimental chapter discusses a diagnostic radiolanthanide 140Nd, produced by irradiation of macro amounts of natural CeO2 and Pr2O3 in natCe(3He,xn)140Nd and 141Pr(p,2n)140Nd nuclear reactions, respectively. With this produced and processed 140Nd an efficient 140Nd/140Pr radionuclide generator system has been developed and evaluated. The principle of radiochemical separation of the mother and daughter radiolanthanides is based on physical-chemical transitions (hot-atom effects) of 140Pr following the electron capture process of 140Nd. The mother radionuclide 140Nd(III) is quantitatively absorbed on a solid phase matrix in the chemical form of 140Nd-DOTA-conjugated complexes, while daughter nuclide 140Pr is generated in an ionic species. With a very high elution yield and satisfactory chemical and radiolytical stability the system could able to provide the short-lived positron-emitting radiolanthanide 140Pr for PET investigations. In the third experimental chapter, analogously to physical-chemical transitions after the radioactive decay of 140Nd in 140Pr-DOTA, the rapture of the chemical bond between a radiolanthanide and the DOTA ligand, after the thermal neutron capture reaction (Szilard-Chalmers effect) was evaluated for production of the relevant radiolanthanides with high specific activity at TRIGA II Mainz nuclear reactor. The physical-chemical model was developed and first quantitative data are presented. As an example, 166Ho could be produced with a specific activity higher than its limiting value for TRIGA II Mainz, namely about 2 GBq/mg versus 0.9 GBq/mg. While free 166Ho(III) is produced in situ, it is not forming a 166Ho-DOTA complex and therefore can be separated from the inactive 165Ho-DOTA material. The analysis of the experimental data shows that radionuclides with half-life T½ < 64 h can be produced on TRIGA II Mainz nuclear reactor, with specific activity higher than any available at irradiation of simple targets e.g. oxides.


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Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) provide important information on the chemical and physical characteristics of their mantle sources. However, the geochemical composition of a generated magma is significantly affected by partial melting and/or subsequent fractional crystallization processes. In addition, the isotopic composition of an ascending magma may be modified during transport through the oceanic crust. The influence of these different processes on the chemical and isotopic composition of OIB from two different localities, Hawaii and Tubuai in the Pacific Ocean, are investigated here. In a first chapter, the Os-isotope variations in suites of lavas from Kohala Volcano, Hawaii, are examined to constrain the role of melt/crust interactions on the evolution of these lavas. As 187Os/188Os sensitivity to any radiogenic contaminant strongly depend on the Os content in the melt, Os and other PGE variations are investigated first. This study reveals that Os and other PGE behavior change during the Hawaiian magma differentiation. While PGE concentrations are relatively constant in lavas with relatively primitive compositions, all PGE contents strongly decrease in the melt as it evolved through ~ 8% MgO. This likely reflects the sulfur saturation of the Hawaiian magma and the onset of sulfide fractionation at around 8% MgO. Kohala tholeiites with more than 8% MgO and rich in Os have homogeneous 187Os/188Os values likely to represent the mantle signature of Kohala lavas. However, Os isotopic ratios become more radiogenic with decreasing MgO and Os contents in the lavas, which reflects assimilation of local crust material during fractional crystallization processes. Less than 8% upper oceanic crust assimilation could have produced the most radiogenic Os-isotope ratios recorded in the shield lavas. However, these small amounts of upper crust assimilation have only negligible effects on Sr and Nd isotopic ratios and therefore, are not responsible for the Sr and Nd isotopic heterogeneities observed in Kohala lavas. In a second chapter, fractional crystallization and partial melting processes are constrained using major and trace element variations in the same suites of lavas from Kohala Volcano, Hawaii. This inverse modeling approach allows the estimation of most of the trace element composition of the Hawaiian mantle source. The calculated initial trace element pattern shows slight depletion of the concentrations from LREE to the most incompatible elements, which indicates that the incompatible element enrichments described by the Hawaiian melt patterns are entirely produced by partial melting processes. The “Kea trend” signature of lavas from Kohala Volcano is also confirmed, with Kohala lavas having lower Sr/Nd and La/Th ratios than lavas from Mauna Loa Volcano. Finally, the magmatic evolution of Tubuai Island is investigated in a last chapter using the trace element and Sr, Nd, Hf isotopic variations in mafic lava suites. The Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic data are homogeneous and typical for the HIMU-type OIB and confirms the cogenetic nature of the different mafic lavas from Tubuai Island. The trace element patterns show progressive enrichment of incompatible trace elements with increasing alkali content in the lavas, which reflect progressive decrease in the degree of partial melting towards the later volcanic events. In addition, this enrichment of incompatible trace elements is associated with relative depletion of Rb, Ba, K, Nb, Ta and Ti in the lavas, which require the presence of small amount of residual phlogopite and of a Ti-bearing phase (ilmenite or rutile) during formation of the younger analcitic and nephelinitic magmas.


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Recent developments in the theory of plasma-based collisionally excited x-ray lasers (XRL) have shown an optimization potential based on the dependence of the absorption region of the pumping laser on its angle of incidence on the plasma. For the experimental proof of this idea, a number of diagnostic schemes were developed, tested, qualified and applied. A high-resolution imaging system, yielding the keV emission profile perpendicular to the target surface, provided positions of the hottest plasma regions, interesting for the benchmarking of plasma simulation codes. The implementation of a highly efficient spectrometer for the plasma emission made it possible to gain information about the abundance of the ionization states necessary for the laser action in the plasma. The intensity distribution and deflection angle of the pump laser beam could be imaged for single XRL shots, giving access to its refraction process within the plasma. During a European collaboration campaign at the Lund Laser Center, Sweden, the optimization of the pumping laser incidence angle resulted in a reduction of the required pumping energy for a Ni-like Mo XRL, which enabled the operation at a repetition rate of 10 Hz. Using the experiences gained there, the XRL performance at the PHELIX facility, GSI Darmstadt with respect to achievable repetition rate and at wavelengths below 20 nm was significantly improved, and also important information for the development towards multi-100 eV plasma XRLs was acquired. Due to the setup improvements achieved during the work for this thesis, the PHELIX XRL system now has reached a degree of reproducibility and versatility which is sufficient for demanding applications like the XRL spectroscopy of heavy ions. In addition, a European research campaign, aiming towards plasma XRLs approaching the water-window (wavelengths below 5 nm) was initiated.


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Hochreichende Konvektion über Waldbränden ist eine der intensivsten Formen von atmosphärischer Konvektion. Die extreme Wolkendynamik mit hohen vertikalen Windgeschwindigkeiten (bis 20 m/s) bereits an der Wolkenbasis, hohen Wasserdampfübersättigungen (bis 1%) und die durch das Feuer hohen Anzahlkonzentration von Aerosolpartikeln (bis 100000 cm^-3) bilden einen besonderen Rahmen für Aerosol-Wolken Wechselwirkungen.Ein entscheidender Schritt in der mikrophysikalischen Entwicklung einer konvektiven Wolke ist die Aktivierung von Aerosolpartikeln zu Wolkentropfen. Dieser Aktivierungsprozess bestimmt die anfängliche Anzahl und Größe der Wolkentropfen und kann daher die Entwicklung einer konvektiven Wolke und deren Niederschlagsbildung beeinflussen. Die wichtigsten Faktoren, welche die anfängliche Anzahl und Größe der Wolkentropfen bestimmen, sind die Größe und Hygroskopizität der an der Wolkenbasis verfügbaren Aerosolpartikel sowie die vertikale Windgeschwindigkeit. Um den Einfluss dieser Faktoren unter pyro-konvektiven Bedingungen zu untersuchen, wurden numerische Simulationen mit Hilfe eines Wolkenpaketmodells mit detaillierter spektraler Beschreibung der Wolkenmikrophysik durchgeführt. Diese Ergebnisse können in drei unterschiedliche Bereiche abhängig vom Verhältnis zwischen vertikaler Windgeschwindigkeit und Aerosolanzahlkonzentration (w/NCN) eingeteilt werden: (1) ein durch die Aerosolkonzentration limitierter Bereich (hohes w/NCN), (2) ein durch die vertikale Windgeschwindigkeit limitierter Bereich (niedriges w/NCN) und (3) ein Übergangsbereich (mittleres w/NCN). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Variabilität der anfänglichen Anzahlkonzentration der Wolkentropfen in (pyro-) konvektiven Wolken hauptsächlich durch die Variabilität der vertikalen Windgeschwindigkeit und der Aerosolkonzentration bestimmt wird. rnUm die mikrophysikalischen Prozesse innerhalb der rauchigen Aufwindregion einer pyrokonvektiven Wolke mit einer detaillierten spektralen Mikrophysik zu untersuchen, wurde das Paketmodel entlang einer Trajektorie innerhalb der Aufwindregion initialisiert. Diese Trajektore wurde durch dreidimensionale Simulationen eines pyro-konvektiven Ereignisses durch das Model ATHAM berechnet. Es zeigt sich, dass die Anzahlkonzentration der Wolkentropfen mit steigender Aerosolkonzentration ansteigt. Auf der anderen Seite verringert sich die Größe der Wolkentropfen mit steigender Aerosolkonzentration. Die Reduzierung der Verbreiterung des Tropfenspektrums stimmt mit den Ergebnissen aus Messungen überein und unterstützt das Konzept der Unterdrückung von Niederschlag in stark verschmutzen Wolken.Mit Hilfe des Models ATHAM wurden die dynamischen und mikrophysikalischen Prozesse von pyro-konvektiven Wolken, aufbauend auf einer realistischen Parametrisierung der Aktivierung von Aerosolpartikeln durch die Ergebnisse der Aktivierungsstudie, mit zwei- und dreidimensionalen Simulationen untersucht. Ein modernes zweimomenten mikrophysikalisches Schema wurde in ATHAM implementiert, um den Einfluss der Anzahlkonzentration von Aerosolpartikeln auf die Entwicklung von idealisierten pyro-konvektiven Wolken in US Standardamtosphären für die mittleren Breiten und den Tropen zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Anzahlkonzentration der Aerosolpartikel die Bildung von Regen beeinflusst. Für geringe Aerosolkonzentrationen findet die rasche Regenbildung hauptsächlich durch warme mikrophysikalische Prozesse statt. Für höhere Aerosolkonzentrationen ist die Eisphase wichtiger für die Bildung von Regen. Dies führt zu einem verspäteten Einsetzen von Niederschlag für verunreinigtere Atmosphären. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass die Zusammensetzung der Eisnukleationspartikel (IN) einen starken Einfluss auf die dynamische und mikrophysikalische Struktur solcher Wolken hat. Bei sehr effizienten IN bildet sich Regen früher. Die Untersuchung zum Einfluss des atmosphärischen Hintergrundprofils zeigt eine geringe Auswirkung der Meteorologie auf die Sensitivität der pyro-konvektiven Wolken auf diernAerosolkonzentration. Zum Abschluss wird gezeigt, dass die durch das Feuer emittierte Hitze einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung und die Wolkenobergrenze von pyro-konvektive Wolken hat. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass in dieser Dissertation die Mikrophysik von pyrokonvektiven Wolken mit Hilfe von idealisierten Simulation eines Wolkenpaketmodell mit detaillierte spektraler Mikrophysik und eines 3D Modells mit einem zweimomenten Schema im Detail untersucht wurde. Es wird gezeigt, dass die extremen Bedingungen im Bezug auf die vertikale Windgeschwindigkeiten und Aerosolkonzentrationen einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von pyro-konvektiven Wolken haben.


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Copper and Zn are essential micronutrients for plants, animals, and humans; however, they may also be pollutants if they occur at high concentrations in soil. Therefore, knowledge of Cu and Zn cycling in soils is required both for guaranteeing proper nutrition and to control possible risks arising from pollution.rnThe overall objective of my study was to test if Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios can be used to investigate into the biogeochemistry, source and transport of these metals in soils. The use of stable isotope ratios might be especially suitable to trace long-term processes occurring during soil genesis and transport of pollutants through the soil. In detail, I aimed to answer the questions, whether (1) Cu stable isotopes are fractionated during complexation with humic acid, (2) 65Cu values can be a tracer for soil genetic processes in redoximorphic soils (3) 65Cu values can help to understand soil genetic processes under oxic weathering conditions, and (4) 65Cu and 66Zn values can act as tracers of sources and transport of Cu and Zn in polluted soils.rnTo answer these questions, I ran adsorption experiments at different pH values in the laboratory and modelled Cu adsorption to humic acid. Furthermore, eight soils were sampled representing different redox and weathering regimes of which two were influenced by stagnic water, two by groundwater, two by oxic weathering (Cambisols), and two by podzolation. In all horizons of these soils, I determined selected basic soil properties, partitioned Cu into seven operationally defined fractions and determined Cu concentrations and Cu isotope ratios (65Cu values). Finally, three additional soils were sampled along a deposition gradient at different distances to a Cu smelter in Slovakia and analyzed together with bedrock and waste material from the smelter for selected basic soil properties, Cu and Zn concentrations and 65Cu and 66Zn values.rnMy results demonstrated that (1) Copper was fractionated during adsorption on humic acid resulting in an isotope fractionation between the immobilized humic acid and the solution (65CuIHA-solution) of 0.26 ± 0.11‰ (2SD) and that the extent of fractionation was independent of pH and involved functional groups of the humic acid. (2) Soil genesis and plant cycling causes measurable Cu isotope fractionation in hydromorphic soils. The results suggested that an increasing number of redox cycles depleted 63Cu with increasing depth resulting in heavier 65Cu values. (3) Organic horizons usually had isotopically lighter Cu than mineral soils presumably because of the preferred uptake and recycling of 63Cu by plants. (4) In a strongly developed Podzol, eluviation zones had lighter and illuviation zones heavier 65Cu values because of the higher stability of organo-65Cu complexes compared to organo-63Cu complexes. In the Cambisols and a little developed Podzol, oxic weathering caused increasingly lighter 65Cu values with increasing depth, resulting in the opposite depth trend as in redoximorphic soils, because of the preferential vertical transport of 63Cu. (5) The 66Zn values were fractionated during the smelting process and isotopically light Zn was emitted allowing source identification of Zn pollution while 65Cu values were unaffected by the smelting and Cu emissions isotopically indistinguishable from soil. The 65Cu values in polluted soils became lighter down to a depth of 0.4 m indicating isotope fractionation during transport and a transport depth of 0.4 m in 60 years. 66Zn values had an opposite depth trend becoming heavier with depth because of fractionation by plant cycling, speciation changes, and mixing of native and smelter-derived Zn. rnCopper showed measurable isotope fractionation of approximately 1‰ in unpolluted soils, allowing to draw conclusions on plant cycling, transport, and redox processes occurring during soil genesis and 65Cu and 66Zn values in contaminated soils allow for conclusions on sources (in my study only possible for Zn), biogeochemical behavior, and depth of dislocation of Cu and Zn pollution in soil. I conclude that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios are a suitable novel tool to trace long-term processes in soils which are difficult to assess otherwise.rn


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Structure characterization of nanocrystalline intermediates and metastable phases is of primary importance for a deep understanding of synthetic processes undergoing solid-to-solid state phase transitions. Understanding the evolution from the first nucleation stage to the final synthetic product supports not only the optimization of existing processes, but might assist in tailoring new synthetic paths. A systematic investigation of intermediates and metastable phases is hampered because it is impossible to produce large crystals and only in few cases a pure synthetic product can be obtained. Structure investigation by X-ray powder diffraction methods is still challenging on nanoscale, especially when the sample is polyphasic. Electron diffraction has the advantage to collect data from single nanoscopic crystals, but is limited by data incompleteness, dynamical effects and fast deterioration of the sample under the electron beam. Automated diffraction tomography (ADT), a recently developed technique, making possible to collect more complete three-dimensional electron diffraction data and to reduce at the same time dynamical scattering and beam damage, thus allowing to investigate even beam sensitive materials (f.e. hydrated phases and organics). At present, ADT is the only technique able to deliver complete three-dimensional structural information from single nanoscopic grains, independently from other surrounding phases. Thus, ADT is an ideal technique for the study of on-going processes where different phases exist at the same time and undergo several structural transitions. In this study ADT was used as the main technique for structural characterization for three different systems and combined subsequently with other techniques, among which high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), cryo-TEM imaging, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).rnAs possible laser host materials, i.e. materials with a broad band emission in the near-infrared region, two unknown phases were investigated in the ternary oxide system M2O-Al2O3-WO3 (M = K, Na). Both phases exhibit low purity as well as non-homogeneous size distribution and particle morphology. The structures solved by ADT are also affected by pseudo-symmetry. rnSodium titanate nanotubes and nanowires are both intermediate products in the synthesis of TiO2 nanorods which are used as additives to colloidal TiO2 film for improving efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The structural transition from nantubes to nanowires was investigated in a step by step time-resolved study. Nanowires were discovered to consist of a hitherto unknown phase of sodium titanate. This new phase, typically affected by pervasive defects like mutual layer shift, was structurally determined ab-initio on the basis of ADT data. rnThe third system is related with calcium carbonate nucleation and early crystallization. The first part of this study is dedicated to the extensive investigations of calcium carbonate formation in a step by step analysis, up to the appearance of crystalline individua. The second part is dedicated to the structure determination by ADT of the first-to-form anhydrated phase of CaCO3: vaterite. An exhaustive structure analysis of vaterite had previously been hampered by diffuse scattering, extra periodicities and fast deterioration of the material under electron irradiation. rn


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The aim of this thesis was to establish a method for repeated transfection of in vitro transcribed RNA (IVT-RNA) leading to a sustained protein expression lasting for days or even weeks. Once transfected cells recognize IVT-RNA as "non-self" and initiate defense pathways leading to an upregulated interferon (IFN) response and stalled translation. In this work Protein Kinase R (PKR) was identified as the main effector molecule mediating this cellular response. We assessed four strategies to inhibit PKR and the IFN response: A small molecule PKR inhibitor enhanced protein expression and hampered the induction of IFN-transcripts, but had to be excluded due to cytotoxicity. A siRNA mediated PKR knockdown and the overexpression of a kinase inactive PKR mutant elevated the protein expression, but the down-regulation of the IFN response was insufficient. The co-transfer of the viral inhibitors of PKR and the IFN response was most successful. The use of E3, K3 and B18R co-transfection enabled repeated IVT-RNA-based transfection of human fibroblasts. Thus, the developed protocol allows a continuous IVT-RNA encoded protein expression of proteins, which could be the basis for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) for several therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine or drug research.