3 resultados para ecological functions of mangrove

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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The development and the growth of plants is strongly affected by the interactions between roots, rootrnassociated organisms and rhizosphere communities. Methods to assess such interactions are hardly torndevelop particularly in perennial and woody plants, due to their complex root system structure and theirrntemporal change in physiology patterns. In this respect, grape root systems are not investigated veryrnwell. The aim of the present work was the development of a method to assess and predict interactionsrnat the root system of rootstocks (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia) in field. To achieve this aim, grapernphylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch, Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) was used as a graperoot parasitizingrnmodel.rnTo develop the methodical approach, a longt-term trial (2006-2009) was arranged on a commercial usedrnvineyard in Geisenheim/Rheingau. All 2 to 8 weeks the top most 20 cm of soil under the foliage wallrnwere investigated and root material was extracted (n=8-10). To include temporal, spatial and cultivarrnspecific root system dynamics, the extracted root material was analyzed digitally on the morphologicalrnproperties. The grape phylloxera population was quantified and characterized visually on base of theirrnlarvalstages (oviparous, non oviparous and winged preliminary stages). Infection patches (nodosities)rnwere characterized visually as well, partly supported by digital root color analyses. Due to the knownrneffects of fungal endophytes on the vitality of grape phylloxera infested grapevines, fungal endophytesrnwere isolated from nodosity and root tissue and characterized (morphotypes) afterwards. Further abioticrnand biotic soil conditions of the vineyards were assessed. The temporal, spatial and cultivar specificrnsensitivity of single parameters were analyzed by omnibus tests (ANOVAs) and adjacent post-hoc tests.rnThe relations between different parameters were analyzed by multiple regression models.rnQuantitative parameters to assess the degeneration of nodosity, the development nodosity attachedrnroots and to differentiate between nodosities and other root swellings in field were developed. Significantrndifferences were shown between root dynamic including parameters and root dynamic ignoringrnparameters. Regarding the description of grape phylloxera population and root system dynamic, thernmethod showed a high temporal, spatial and cultivar specific sensitivity. Further, specific differencesrncould be shown in the frequency of endophyte morphotypes between root and nodosity tissue as wellrnas between cultivars. Degeneration of nodosities as well as nodosity occupation rates could be relatedrnto the calculated abundances of grape phylloxera population. Further ecological questions consideringrngrape root development (e.g. relation between moisture and root development) and grape phylloxerarnpopulation development (e.g. relation between temperature and population structure) could be answeredrnfor field conditions.rnGenerally, the presented work provides an approach to evaluate vitality of grape root systems. Thisrnapproach can be useful, considering the development of control strategies against soilborne pests inrnviticulture (e.g. grape phylloxera, Sorospheara viticola, Roesleria subterranea (Weinm.) Redhaed) as well as considering the evaluation of integrated management systems in viticulture.


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In einem Ökosystem beeinflussen sich Tiere gegenseitig in erster Linie durch direkte Interaktionen. Ihr Verhalten kann aber auch indirekt durch chemotaktile Stoffe die andere Tiere in der Umwelt hinterlassen beeinflusst werden. Vergleichbar zu direkten Interaktionen können indirekt ausgelöste Verhaltensänderungen einen starken Einfluss auf Populationsdynamiken und Gemeinschaftsstrukturen eines Ökosystems haben. Obwohl das daran gehegte Interesse der Ökologen in den letzten Jahrzenten stark gestiegen ist, fehlen immer noch Studien, welche über mehrere Arten hinweg versuchen die übergreifende Relevanz von chemotaktilen Stoffen herauszufinden. Im Rahmen meiner Doktorarbeit untersuchte ich daher wie sich mehrere mitteleuropäische Arthropodenarten, abhängig von deren interspezifischen Räuber-Beute- und Konkurrenzbeziehungen, mittels chemotaktiler Stoffe beeinflussen können. Mithilfe unterschiedlicher Verhaltensversuche konnte ich empirisch nachweisen, dass verschiedene Arthropoden chemotaktile Stoffe zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil nutzen können. Außerdem zeigen meine Ergebnisse, dass die Verhaltensänderungen artspezifisch und abhängig von den jeweiligen Lebenszyklen und den damit verbundenen Eigenschaften (z.B. Körpergröße, Häufigkeit oder Rangordnung) der beteiligten Arten sind. Ich vermute daher, dass Arthropoden chemotaktile Stoffe ihrer Gegenspieler wahrnehmen und interpretieren können. Eine Verhaltensänderung scheint jedoch nur dann statt zu finden wenn ein Nichtreagieren starke Fitnesskosten mit sich führen würde. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse meiner Doktorarbeit, wie wichtig es ist, die Bedeutung von chemotaktilen Stoffen innerhalb vieler Arten einer Gemeinschaft zu testen, um die den Verhaltensänderungen zugrundeliegenden Ursachen identifizieren zu können. Dies wiederum stellt die Grundlage, um die ökologische Relevanz von chemotaktilen Stoffen und deren mögliche Effekte auf Ökosystemfunktionen besser zu verstehen.


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Rhogocytes, also termed ‘pore cells’, exist free in the hemolymph or embedded in the connective tissue of different body parts of molluscs, notably gastropods. These unique cells can be round, elongated or irregularly shaped, and up to 30 μm in diameter. Their hallmark is the so-called slit apparatus: i.e. pocket-like invaginations of the plasma membrane creating extracellular lacunae, bridged by cytoplasmic bars. These bars form distinctive slits of ca. 20 nm width. A slit diaphragm composed of proteins establishes a molecular sieve with holes of 20 x 20 nm. Different functions have been assigned to this special molluscan cell type, notably biosynthesis of the hemolymph respiratory protein hemocyanin. It has further been proposed, but not proven, that in the case of red-blooded snail species rhogocytes might synthesize the hemoglobin. However, the secretion pathway of these hemolymph proteins, and the functional role of the enigmatic slit apparatus remained unclear. Additionally proposed functions of rhogocytes, such as heavy metal detoxification or hemolymph protein degradation, are also not well studied. This work provides more detailed electron microscopical, histological and immunobiochemical information on the structure and function of rhogocytes of the freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata and Lymnaea stagnalis. By in situ hybridization on mantle tissues, it proves that B. glabrata rhogocytes synthesize hemoglobin and L. stagnalis rhogocytes synthesize hemocyanin. Hemocyanin is present, in endoplasmic reticulum lacunae and in vesicles, as individual molecules or pseudo-crystalline arrays. The first 3D reconstructions of rhogocytes are provided by means of electron tomography and show unprecedented details of the slit apparatus. A highly dense material in the cytoplasmic bars close to the diaphragmatic slits was shown, by immunogold labeling, to contain actin. By immunofluorescence microscopy, the protein nephrin was localized at the periphery of rhogocytes. The presence of both proteins in the slit apparatus supports the previous hypothesis, hitherto solely based on similarities of the ultrastructure, that the molluscan rhogocytes are phylogenetically related to mammalian podocytes and insect nephrocytes. A possible secretion pathway of respiratory proteins that includes a transfer mechanism of vesicles through the diaphragmatic slits is proposed and discussed. We also studied, by electron microscopy, the reaction of rhogocytes in situ to two forms of animal stress: deprivation of food and cadmium contamination of the tank water. Significant cellular reactions to both stressors were observed and documented. Notably, the slit apparatus surface and the number of electron-dense cytoplasmic vesicles increased in response to cadmium stress. Food deprivation led to an increase in hemocyanin production. These observations are also discussed in the framework of using such animals as potential environmental biomarkers.