2 resultados para cip-fil

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Die elektromagnetischen Polarisierbarkeiten sindfundamentale Strukturkonstanten des Pions, wie die Masse unddie Ladung, und ihre genaue Messung erlaubt, theoretischeModelle zu ueberpruefen, da sie grosse Diskrepanzen in ihrenVorhersagen zeigen. Ein Pilot-Experiment zur Messung dieser Konstanten mit Hilfeder strahlungsbegleiteten Pion-Photoproduktion in der Photon-Nukleon Streuung photon + proton --> photon + pion+ + neutron wurde durchgefuehrt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass diese Reaktioneffizient von Untergrundprozessen getrennt werden kann, undein Auswerteverfahren fuer das endgueltige Experiment wurdevorbereitet. Das Experiment wurde am MAMI-Beschleuniger mitmarkierten Photonen im Energiebereich zwischen 525 und 792MeV durchgefuehrt. In diesem Intervall ist dieEmpfindlichkeit auf die Polarisierbarkeiten am groesstenDie gestreuten Pionen wurden mit Hilfe einer Vieldrahtkammernachgewiesen, waehrend die Photonen- und Neutronenimpulse imTAPS Photon-Spektrometer bzw. in einem Flugzeit-Detektorgemessen wurden. Mit 985 Ereignissen in etwa 200 Strahlstunden wurden dieZiele dieses Pilot-Experiments erfuellt. Ausserdem wurdegezeigt, dass das endgueltige Experiment den im TechnicalProposal vorgesehenen statistischen Fehler erreichen wird.Vorlaeufige differentielle Wirkungsquerschnitte wurden miteinem Model von L. Fil'kov verglichen.


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Ice clouds have a strong effect on the Earth-atmosphere radiative energy balance, on the distribution of condensable gases in the atmosphere, as well as on the chemical composition of the air. The ice particles in these clouds can take on a variety of shapes which makes the description of the cloud microphysical properties more difficult. In the tropical upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS), a region where ice cloud abundance is relatively high, different types of ice clouds can be observed. However, in situ measurements are rare due to the high altitude of these clouds and the few available research aircraft, only three worldwide, that can fly at such altitudes.rnThis work focuses on in situ measurements of the tropical UTLS clouds performedrnwith a Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) and a Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probern(FSSP-100), whereof the CIP is the key instrument of this thesis. The CIP is anrnairborne in situ instrument that obtains two-dimensional shadow images of cloud particles. Several cloud microphysical parameters can be derived from these measurements, e.g. number concentrations and size distributions. In order to obtain a high quality data set, a careful image analysis and several corrections need to be applied to the CIP observations. These methods are described in detail.rnMeasurements within the tropical UTLS have been performed during two campaigns:rnSCOUT-O3, 2005 in Northern Australia and SCOUT-AMMA, 2006 inWest Africa. Thernobtained data set includes first observations of subvisible cirrus clouds over a continental area and observations of the anvils of deep convective clouds. The latter can be further divided into clouds in mesoscale convective system outflows of different ages and clouds in overshooting cloud turrets that even penetrated the stratosphere. The microphysical properties of these three cloud types are discussed in detail. Furthermore, the vertical structure of the ice clouds in the UTLS is investigated. The values of the microphysical parameters were found to decrease with increasing altitude in the upper troposphere. Particle numbers and maximum sizes were also decreasing with increasing age of the outflow clouds. Further differences between the deep convective clouds and subvisible cirrus were found in the particle morphology as well as in the ratio of the observed aerosol particles to cloud particles which indicates that the different freezing processes (deposition, contact, immersion freezing) play different roles in the formation of the respective clouds. For the achievementrnof a better microphysical characterisation and description numerical fits have been adjusted onto the cloud particle size distributions of the subvisible cirrus as well as on the size distributions of the clouds at different altitudes in the UTLS.