2 resultados para calcium response

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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ABSTRACT This works aim was to test whether LTP-like features can also be measured in cell culture and by methods that allow to analyse a alrger number of cells. A suitable method for this purpose is calcium imaging. The rationale for this approach lies in the fact that LTP/LTD are dependent on changes in intracellular calcium concentrations. Calcium levels have been measured using the calcium sensitive dye fura-2, whose fluorescence spectrum changes upon formation of the [fura-2-Ca2+] complex. Our LTP-inducing protocol comprised of two glutamate stimuli of identical size and duration (50 mM, 30 s) which were separated by 35 min. We could demonstrate that such a stimulation pattern gives rise to approx. 25% larger calcium influx at the second stimulus. It has been shown than such a stimulation pattern gives rise to an average of 25% augmentation (potentiation) of the second response, with 69% of potentiated cells. This experimental paradigm shows the pharmacological properties of LTP, established by previous electrophysiological studies:- blocking of NMDARs and mGluRs eliminates LTP induction;- blocking of AMPARs and L-type VGCCs does not eliminate LTP induction. Having obtained a system for induction and following of LTP-like changes, a preliminary application example was performed. Its purpose was to investigate possible influence of nicotine and galanthamine on our potentiation effect. Nicotine (100 mM) was shown both to increase and to eliminate glutamate-induced potentiation. Galanthamine coapplication (0.5 mM) with nicotine and glutamate exerted no effect on nicotinic modulation. However, galanthamine coapplied with glutamate alone seems to augment glutamate-induced potentiation. An LTP model system presented here could be additionally refined, by variation of glutamate application times, and testing for dependence on various forms of protein kinases. Galanthamine effect would probably be better addressed by cell-to-cell measurements instead of statistical approach, with subsequent identification of the cell type. Alternatively, combined calcium imaging – electrophysiological experiments could be performed. Spatial and temporal properties of intracellular ion dynamics could be utilised as diagnostic tools of the physiological state of the cells, thereby finding its application in functional proteomics.


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Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) depositions are expected to increase in the tropicsrnas a consequence of increasing human activities in the next decades. Furthermore, a possiblernshortened El Niño Southern Oscillation cycle might come along with more frequent calcium (Ca)rndepositions on the eastern slope of the Ecuadorian Andes originating from Saharan dust. It isrncrucial to understand the response of the old-growth montane forest in Ecuador to increasedrnnutrient deposition to predict the further development of this megadiverse ecosystem.rnI studied experimental additions of N, P, N+P and Ca to the forest and an untreatedrncontrol, all in a fourfold replicated randomized block design. These experiments were conductedrnin the framework of a collaborative research effort, the NUtrient Manipulation EXperimentrn(NUMEX). I collected litter leachate, mineral soil solution (0.15 and 0.30 m depths), throughfallrnand fine litterfall samples and determined N, P and Ca concentrations and fluxes. This approachrnalso allowed me to assess whether N, P and/or Ca are limiting nutrients for forest growth.rnFurthermore, I evaluated the response of fine root biomass, leaf area index, leaf area and specificrnleaf area, tree diameter growth and basal area increment contributed from a cooperating group inrnthe Ca applied and control treatments.rnDuring the observation period of 16 months after the first fertilizer application, less thanrn10, 1 and 5% of the applied N, P and Ca, respectively, leached below the organic layer whichrncontained almost all roots but no significant leaching losses occurred to the deeper mineral soil.rnDeposited N, P and Ca from the atmosphere in dry and wet form were, on balance, retained in therncanopy in the control treatment. Retention of N, P and Ca in the canopy in their respectiverntreatments was reduced resulting in higher concentrations and fluxes of N, P and Ca inrnthroughfall and litterfall. Up to 2.5% of the applied N and 2% of the applied P and Ca werernrecycled to the soil with throughfall. Fluxes of N, P and Ca in throughfall+litterfall were higher inrnthe fertilized treatments than in the control; up to 20, 5 and 25% of the applied N, P and Ca,rnrespectively, were recycled to the soil with throughfall+litterfall.rnIn the Ca-applied plots, fine root biomass decreased significantly. Also the leaf area of thernfour most common tree species tended to decrease and the specific leaf area increasedrnsignificantly in Graffenrieda emarginata Triana, the most common tree species in the study area.rnThese changes are known plant responses to reduced nutrient stress. Reduced aluminium (Al)rntoxicity as an explanation of the Ca effect was unlikely, because of almost complete organocomplexationrnof Al and molar Ca:Al concentration ratios in solution above the toxicity threshold.rnThe results suggest that N, P and Ca co-limit the forest ecosystem functioning in thernnorthern Andean montane forests in line with recent assumptions in which different ecosystemrncompartments and even different phenological stages may show different nutrient limitationsrn(Kaspari et al. 2008). I conclude that (1) the expected elevated N and P deposition will bernretained in the ecosystem, at least in the short term and hence, quality of river water will not bernendangered and (2) increased Ca input will reduce nutrient stress of the forest.