6 resultados para Wahlström, Erik

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Die künstlichen Elemente Rutherfordium, Dubnium und Seaborgium werden an Schwerionenbeschleunigern erzeugt. Ihre chemische Untersuchung erfolgt mit computergesteuerten Apparaturen, z.B. ARCA (Automated Rapid Chemistry Apparatus). Ziel der Untersuchungen ist die Einordnung derElemente ins Periodensystem. Im einzelnen beschreibt die vorliegende Arbeit Experimente zur Fluorid- und Chlorid-Komplexierung von Rutherfordium und Dubnium, zum ionischen Zustand von Seaborgium in Nitratlösungen, zur Komplexierung von Seaborgium mit alpha-HIB sowie Vorexperimente zur Reduktion von Seaborgium.


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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegenden Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Synthesen und Charakterisierungen multifunktioneller, Arylamin-haltiger Polymere, welche sich als photorefraktive(PR)-Materialien eignen. Die Glastemperaturen (Tg) der angestrebten Materialien liegen deutlich über Raumtemperatur, um so den Pockels-Mechanismus zum Aufbau des PR-Effektes zu favorisieren. Hierzu sind zwei synthetische Konzepte, basierend auf Maleinimid-Methylvinylisocyanat-Reaktiv-Polymeren und Triphenylamin-haltigen Polymeren, entwickelt worden. Im Rahmen des Reaktiv-Polymer-Konzeptes konnten PR-Materialien mit den bisher größten Beugungs-Effizienzen sowie den schnellsten Ansprechzeiten für multifunktionelle hoch-Tg-Polymere dargestellt werden. Hierfür wurden Maleinimid-Methylvinylisocyanat-Reaktiv-Polymere synthetisiert welche an der Imid-Position über Spacer-Gruppen mit Carbazol-Einheiten funktionalisiert sind. Die Tg´s der Polymere konnten zwischen 60°C und 194°C eingestellt werden. Die Isocyanat-Gruppen wurden dann polymeranlog mit hydroxyalkyl-funktionalisierten Chromophoren umgesetzt. Die Kinetik des PR-Effektes dieser Materialien wird durch die Ladungsträger-Beweglichkeiten in den Proben bestimmt. Eine Steigerung der Farbstoff-Konzentrationen erhöht die PR-Leistungen der Materialien, behindert jedoch deren Kinetik.Das Triphenylamin-Polymer-Konzept verwendet Triphenylamine als Lochleiter. Hierfür wurden die radikalischen Polymerisations-Verhalten der Monomere p-Diphenylaminostyrol (DPAS) und erstmals p-Ditoluylaminostyrol (DTAS) untersucht. Die Monomere wurden durch spontane, freie und kontrollierte radikalische Verfahren polymerisiert. Mittels eines TEMPO-Derivates gelang der Aufbau von Block-Copolymeren. Poly-DPAS konnte, im Gegensatz zu Poly-DTAS, polymeranlog tricyanovinyliert werden. Dadurch lassen sich PDPAS-block-PTPAS-Copolymere selektiv im PDPAS-Block tricyanovinylieren. Diese Materialien weisen eine Tendenzen zur Mikro-Phasen-Separation auf.Die Strukturierung von PDPAS konnte durch Photo-Polymerisation mit einer Auflösung von wenigen mm demonstriert werden. Carbazol und Triphenylamin-haltige Materialien wurden mittels Cyclo-Voltametrie untersucht.


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Das experimentelle Studium der 1966 von Gerasimov, Drell undHearn unabhängig voneinander aufgestellten und als GDH-SummenregelbezeichnetenRelation macht die Vermessung totalerPhotoabsorptionswirkungsquerschnitte von zirkular polarisierten Photonen an longitudinalpolarisierten Nukleonen über einen weiten Energiebereich notwendig. Die im Sommer1998 erfolgte Messung am Mainzer Mikrotron stellt das erste derartigeExperiment mit reellen Photonen zur Messung des GDH-Integrals am Protondar. Die Verwendung eines Frozen-Spin-Butanoltargets, das eingesetzt wurde, umeinen möglichst hohen Proton-Polarisationsgrad zu erreichen, hat diezusätzliche experimentelle Schwierigkeit zur Folge, daß die imButanoltarget enthaltenen Kohlenstoffkerne ebenfalls Reaktionsprodukte liefern, diezusammen mit den am Proton erzeugten nachgewiesen werden.Ziel der Arbeit war die Bestimmung von Wirkungsquerschnittenam freien Proton aus Messungen an einem komplexen Target (CH2) wie esbeim polarisiertenTarget vorliegt. Die hierzu durchgeführten Pilotexperimentedienten neben der Entwicklung von Methoden zur Reaktionsidentifikation auchder Eichung des Detektorsystems. Durch die Reproduktion der schon bekanntenund vermessenen unpolarisierten differentiellen und totalenEin-Pion-Wirkungsquerschnitte am Proton (gamma p -> p pi0 und gamma p -> n pi+), die bis zueiner Photonenergievon etwa 400 MeV den Hauptbeitrag zum GDH-Integralausmachen, konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine Separation der Wasserstoff- vonKohlenstoffereignissen möglich ist. Die notwendigen Techniken hierzu wurden imRahmen dieser Arbeit zu einem allgemein nutzbaren Werkzeug entwickelt.Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß der vom Kohlenstoffstammende Anteil der Reaktionen keine Helizitätsabhängigkeit besitzt. Unterdieser Voraussetzung reduziert sich die Bestimmung der helizitätsabhängigenWirkungsquerschnittsdifferenz auf eine einfacheDifferenzbildung. Aus den erhaltenen Ergebnissen der intensiven Analyse von Daten, diemit einem unpolarisierten Target erhalten wurden, konnten so schnellerste Resultate für Messungen, die mit dem polarisierten Frozen-Spin-Targetaufgenommen wurden, geliefert werden. Es zeigt sich, daß sich dieseersten Resultate für polarisierte differentielle und totale (gammaN)-Wirkungsquerschnitte im Delta-Bereich in guter Übereinstimmung mit theoretischenAnalysen befinden.


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MMP-2 and MMP-14 process extracellular matrix proteins,cytokines, growth factors and adhesion molecules to generatefragments with enhanced or reduced biological activity.In this study, a vectorsystem was developed for theconditional expression of MMP-2 and MMP-14 in the liver oftransgenic mice. For this vectorsystem the murine albuminpromotor was chosen together with the cre/lox system toachieve an inducible MMP-expression in the liver.Only one of the MMP-14 transgenic lines expressed highamounts of active MMP-14 protein after recombination of thelox-P sites. In these mice MMP-14 was able to activate MMP-2and MMP-13 in vivo. However, none of the livers of MMP-14overexpressing mice showed no differences in liverweight,amount of extracellular matrixproteins and rate ofproliferation, apoptosis and tumor-induction when comparedto the liver of wildtype mice.On the other hand overexpression of MMP-2 was embryoniclethal in all MMP-2 transgenic lines. After crossing theMMP-2 transgenic mice with cre deleter mice, a cre mediatedrecombination could be shown at day 6.5 post coitum (pc).Some of the double transgenic embryos of one of thetransgenic lines had severe deformations of the head,especially of the telencephalon and the mesencephalon.It could be shown in this study that disregulation of MMP-2in early embryonic development is lethal but anoverexpression of MMP-14 has no influence on the embryonicdevelopment or the homeostasis of the adult liver.With this conditional vectorsystem it is to possible studythe influnce of MMP-2 and MMP-14 on fibrogenesis,regeneration and tumorgenesis in the liver of mice.


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Linear dispersal systems, such as coastal habitats, are well suited for phylogeographic studies because of their low spatial complexity compared to three dimensional habitats. Widely distributed coastal plant species additionally show azonal and often essentially continuous distributions. These properties, firstly, make it easier to reconstruct historical distributions of coastal plants and, secondly, make it more likely that present distributions contain both Quaternary refugia and recently colonized areas. Taken together this makes it easier to formulate phylogeographic hypotheses. This work investigated the phylogeography of Cakile maritima and Eryngium maritimum, two species growing in sandy habitats along the north Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea coasts on two different spatial scales using AFLP data. The genetic structure of these species was investigated by sampling single individuals along most of their distributions from Turkey to south Sweden. On a regional scale the population genetic structure of both species was also studied in detail in the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, the Strait of Gibraltar and along a continuous stretch of dunes in western France. Additionally, populations of C. maritima were investigated in the Baltic Sea/Kattegat/North Sea area. Over the complete sampling range the species show both differences and similarities in their genetic structure. In the Mediterranean Sea, both species contain Aegean Sea/Black Sea and west Mediterranean clusters. Cakile maritima additionally shows a clustering of Ionian Sea/Adriatic Sea collections. Further, both species show a subdivision of Atlantic Ocean/North Sea/Baltic Sea material from Mediterranean. Within the Atlantic Ocean group, C. maritima from the Baltic Sea and the most northern Atlantic localities form an additional cluster while no such substructure was found in E. maritimum. In all three instances where population genetic investigations of both species were performed in the same area, the results showed almost complete congruency of spatial genetic patterns. In the Aegean/Black Sea/Marmara region a subdivision of populations into a Black Sea, a Sea of Marmara and an Aegean Sea group is shared by both species. In addition the Sea of Marmara populations are more close to the Aegean Sea populations than they are to the Black Sea populations in both cases. Populations from the Atlantic side of the Strait of Gibraltar are differentiated from those on the Mediterranean side in both species, a pattern that confirms the results of the wide scale study. Along the dunes of West France no clear genetic structure could be detected in any of the species. Additionally, the results from the Baltic Sea/North Sea populations of C. maritima did not reveal any geographical genetic pattern. It is postulated that the many congruencies between the species are mainly due to a predominantly sea water mediated seed dispersal in both species and their shared sandy habitat. The results are compared to hypothetical distributions for the last glacial maximum based on species specific temperature requirements. It is argued that in both species the geographical borders of the clusters in the Mediterranean area were not affected by quaternary temperature changes and that the Aegean/Black Sea/Marmara cluster, and possibly the Ionian Sea/Adriatic Sea cluster in C. maritima, is the result of sea currents that isolate these basins from the rest of the sampled areas. The genetic gap in the Strait of Gibraltar between Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea populations in both species is also explained in terms of sea currents. The existence of three subgroups corresponding to the Aegean Sea, Black Sea and Sea of Marmara basins is suggested to have arisen due to geographical isolation during periods of global sea regressions in the glacials. The population genetic evidence was inconclusive regarding the Baltic Sea cluster of C. Maritima from the wide scale study. The results of this study are very similar to those of an investigation of three other coastal plant species over a similar range. This suggests that the phylo-geographic patterns of widespread coastal plants may be more predictable than those of other terrestrial plants.


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All currently available human skeletal remains from the Wadi Howar (Eastern Sahara, Sudan) were employed in an anthropological study. The study’s first aim was to describe this unique 5th to 2nd millennium BCE material, which comprised representatives of all three prehistoric occupation phases of the region. Detecting diachronic differences in robusticity, occupational stress levels and health within the spatially, temporally and culturally heterogeneous sample was its second objective. The study’s third goal was to reveal metric and non-metric affinities between the different parts of the series and between the Wadi Howar material and other relevant prehistoric as well as modern African populations. rnThe reconstruction and comprehensive osteological analysis of 23 as yet unpublished individuals, the bulk of the Wadi Howar series, constituted the first stage of the study. The analyses focused on each individual’s in situ position, state of preservation, sex, age at death, living height, living weight, physique, biological ancestry, epigenetic traits, robusticity, occupational stress markers, health and metric as well as morphological characteristics. Building on the results of these efforts and the re-examination of the rest of the material, the Wadi Howar series as a whole, altogether 32 individuals, could be described. rnA wide variety of robusticity, occupational stress and health variables was evaluated. The pre-Leiterband (hunter-gatherer-fisher/hunter-gatherer-fisher-herder) and the Leiterband (herder-gatherer) data of over a third of these variables differed statistically significantly or in tendency from each other. The Leiterband sub-sample was characterised by higher enamel hypoplasia frequencies, lower mean ages at death and less pronounced expressions of occupational stress traits. This pattern was interpreted as evidence that the adoption and intensification of animal husbandry did probably not constitute reactions to worsening conditions. Apart from that, the relevant observations, noteworthy tendencies and significant differences were explained as results of a broader spectrum of pre-Leiterband subsistence activities and the negative side effects of the increasingly specialised herder-gatherer economy of the Leiterband phase. rnUsing only the data which could actually be collected from it, multiple, separate, individualised discriminant function analyses were carried out for each Wadi Howar skeleton to determine which prehistoric and which modern comparative sample it was most similar to. The results of all individual analyses were then summarised and examined as a whole. Thus it became possible to draw conclusions about the affinities the Wadi Howar material shared with prehistoric as well as modern populations and to answer questions concerning the diachronic links between the Wadi Howar’s prehistoric populations. When the Wadi Howar remains were positioned in the context of the selected prehistoric (Jebel Sahaba/Tushka, A-Group, Malian Sahara) and modern comparative samples (Southern Sudan, Chad, Mandinka, Somalis, Haya) in this fashion three main findings emerged. Firstly, the series as a whole displayed very strong affinities with the prehistoric sample from the Malian Sahara (Hassi el Abiod, Kobadi, Erg Ine Sakane, etc.) and the modern material from Southern Sudan and, to a lesser extent, Chad. Secondly, the pre-Leiterband and the Leiterband sub-sample were closer to the prehistoric Malian as well as the modern Southern Sudanese material than they were to each other. Thirdly, the group of pre-Leiterband individuals approached the Late Pleistocene sample from Jebel Sahaba/Tushka under certain circumstances. A theory offering explanations for these findings was developed. According to this theory, the entire prehistoric population of the Wadi Howar belonged to a Saharo-Nilotic population complex. The Jebel Sahaba/Tushka population constituted an old Nilotic and the early population of the Malian Sahara a younger Saharan part of this complex. The pre-Leiterband groups probably colonised the Wadi Howar from the east, either during or soon after the original Saharo-Nilotic expansion. Unlike the pre-Leiterband groups, the Leiterband people originated somewhere west of the Wadi Howar. They entered the region in the context of a later, secondary Saharo-Nilotic expansion. In the process, the incoming Leiterband groups absorbed many members of the Wadi Howar’s older pre-Leiterband population. The increasing aridification of the Wadi Howar region ultimately forced its prehistoric inhabitants to abandon the wadi. Most of them migrated south and west. They, or groups closely related to them, probably were the ancestors of the majority of the Nilo-Saharan-speaking pastoralists of modern-day Southern Sudan and Eastern Chad.