4 resultados para Transcriptional factor motifs
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
The human cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), the predominant but variably expressed cytochrome P450 in adult liver and small intestine is involved in the metabolism of over 50% of currently used drugs. Its paralog CYP3A5 plays a crucial role in the disposition of several drugs with low therapeutic index, including tacrolimus. Limited information is available for the CYP3A5 transcriptional regulation and its induction by xenobiotics remains controversial. In the first part of this study, we analysed the CYP3A5 transcriptional regulation and its induction by xenobiotics in vivo using transgenic mice. To this end, two transgenic strains were established by pronuclear injection of a plasmid, expressing firefly luciferase driven by a 6.2 kb of the human CYP3A5 promoter. A detailed analysis of both strains shows a tissue distribution largely reflecting that of CYP3A5 transcripts in humans. Thus, the highest luciferase activity was detected in the small intestine, followed by oesophagus, testis, lung, adrenal gland, ovary, prostate and kidney. However, no activity was observed in the liver. CYP3A5-luc transgenic mice were similarly induced in both sexes with either PCN or TCPOBOP in small intestine in a dose-dependent manner. Thus, the 6.2 kb upstream promoter of CYP3A5 mediates the broad tissue activity in transgenic mice. CYP3A5 promoter is inducible in the small intestine in vivo, which may contribute to the variable expression of CYP3A in this organ. rnThe hepato-intestinal level of the detoxifying oxidases CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 is adjusted to the xenobiotic exposure mainly via the xenosensor and transcriptional factor PXR. CYP3A5 is additionally expressed in several other organs lacking PXR, including kidney. In the second part of this study, we investigated the mechanism of the differential expression of CYP3A5 and CYP3A4 and its evolutionary origin using renal and intestinal cells, and comparative genomics. For this examination, we established a two-cell line models reflecting the expression relationships of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in the kidney and small intestine in vivo. Our data demonstrate that the CYP3A5 expression in renal cells was enabled by the loss of a suppressing Yin Yang 1 (YY1)-binding site from the CYP3A5 promoter. This allowed for a renal CYP3A5 expression in a PXR-independent manner. The YY1 element is retained in the CYP3A4 gene, leading to its suppression, perhaps via interference with the NF1 activity in renal cells. In intestinal cells, the inhibition of CYP3A4 expression by YY1 is abrogated by a combined activating effect of PXR and NF1 acting on their respective response elements located adjacent to the YY1-binding site on CYP3A4 proximal promoter. CYP3A4 expression is further facilitated by a point mutation attenuating the suppressing effect of YY1 binding site. The differential expression of CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in these organs results from the loss of the YY1 binding element from the CYP3A5 promoter, acting in concert with the differential organ expression of PXR, and with the higher accumulation of PXR response elements in CYP3A4. rn
In Tumoren und Onkogen-transformierten Zellen finden sich häufig Defizienzen in der Expression von Komponenten der MHC Klasse I-Antigenprozessierung, die mit einer verminderten MHC Klasse I-Oberflächenexpression und einer reduzierten Sensitivität der Zellen gegenüber einer ZTL-vermittelten Lyse gekoppelt sein können. Da in den meisten Fällen die reduzierten Expressionsmuster über Zytokine revertiert werden können, werden verschiedene Regulationsmechanismen als Ursache für die Defizienzen postuliert. Auch in Zellen, die den „human epidermal growth factor receptor 2“ (HER-2/neu) überexprimieren, wurden derartige „Immune escape“-Mechanismen identifiziert. Aufgrund der Amplifikation und/oder Überexpression dieses Onkogens in Tumoren, die mit einer schnellen Progression der Erkrankung und einer schlechten Heilungsprognose assoziiert ist, wurden zahlreiche Therapien entwickelt, die auf einer Mobilisierung des Immunsystems gegenüber HER-2/neu oder dessen Blockade durch spezifische Antikörper abzielen. Die bisher jedoch nur unzureichenden Erfolge dieser Therapien könnten ihre Ursache in einer verminderten Immunogenität der HER-2/neu+-Zellen aufgrund von Defizienzen in der MHC Klasse I-Antigenprozessierung haben, weshalb die Untersuchung der molekularen Ursachen dieser Suppression für die Therapie von HER-2/neu+-Tumoren von besonderer Bedeutung ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde anhand eines in vitro-Systems ein HER-2/neu-vermittelter „Immune escape“-Phänotyp charakterisiert und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen untersucht. Hierzu wurden murine, HER-2/neu--NIH3T3-Zellen mit HER-2/neu-transfizierten NIH3T3-Zellen verglichen. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass die Oberflächenexpression von MHC Klasse I-Antigenen bei einer HER-2/neu-Überexpression vermindert ist. Dies ist assoziiert mit reduzierten Expressionen von LMP2, LMP10, PA28a, PA28b, ERAAP, TAP1, TAP2, und Tapasin, einem blockiertem TAP-Transport und einer fehlenden Sensitivität gegenüber einer ZTL-vermittelten Lyse. Da die analysierten Defekte durch eine Stimulation mit IFN‑g wieder revertiert werden können, wird eine transkriptionelle oder translationelle Regulation der betroffenen Gene durch HER-2/neu postuliert. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse ist eine T-Zell-vermittelte Therapie von HER-2/neu+-Tumoren als kritisch anzusehen. Die Untersuchung der Promotoren von TAP1/LMP2, TAP2 und Tapasin ergab geringere und durch IFN‑g-induzierbare Promotoraktivitäten in den HER-2/neu+-Zellen im Vergleich zu den HER-2/neu—-Zellen. Mittels Mutagenese-PCR und Gelretardationsanalysen konnte die Bindung eines Komplexes an zwei E2F- und einer P300-Bindungsstelle im Tapasin-Promotor identifiziert werden, die für die HER-2/neu-vermittelte Hemmung der Tapasin-Promotoraktivität essentiell ist. Eine Inaktivierung der E2F- und P300-Motve in den TAP1/LMP2- und TAP2-Promotoren hatte dagegen keinen Einfluss auf die HER-2/neu-vermittelte Blockade der Promotoraktivität. Ein Vergleich der Promotoraktivitäten der HER-2/neu+- mit Ras-transformierten Zellen ergab, dass die TAP1/LMP2- und TAP2-Promotoren in beiden Zellen supprimiert werden, während der Tapasin-Promotor bei Ras-Transformation nicht beeinträchtigt ist. Der Einsatz von Inhibitoren zeigte, dass die Suppression des Tapasin-Promotors vermutlich über die PLC-g-PKC-Kaskade erfolgt. Dagegen konnte mit Inhibitoren gegen MAPK und PI3Kinase kein vergleichbarer Effekt erzielt werden. Aufgrund dieser Daten wird postuliert, dass HER-2/neu über die Signalkaskade PLC-g–PKC–E2F/P300 die Tapasin-Promotoraktivität supprimiert, wohingegen noch bisher unbekannte Signalkaskaden von HER-2/neu und Ras zu einer Hemmung der TAP1/LMP2- und TAP2-Promotoraktivität führen. Da die Komplexbildung von E2F und P300 auch im Zellzyklus eine Rolle spielt, wird eine negative Korrelation zwischen Zell-Proliferation und MHC Klasse I-Antigenpräsentation postuliert, die Gegenstand künftiger Studien sein wird.
Cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) monooxygenase plays an important role in the metabolism of environmental pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs). Oxidation of these compounds converts them to the metabolites that subsequently can be conjugated to hydrophilic endogenous entities e.g. glutathione. Derivates generated in this way are water soluble and can be excreted in bile or urine, which is a defense mechanism. Besides detoxification, metabolism by CYP1A1 may lead to deleterious effects since the highly reactive intermediate metabolites are able to react with DNA and thus cause mutagenic effects, as it is in the case of benzo(a) pyrene (B[a]P). CYP1A1 is normally not expressed or expressed at a very low level in the cells but it is inducible by many PAHs and HAHs e.g. by B[a]P or 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Transcriptional activation of the CYP1A1 gene is mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), a basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor. In the absence of a ligand AHR stays predominantly in the cytoplasm. Ligand binding causes translocation of AHR to the nuclear compartment, its heterodimerization with another bHLH protein, the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator (ARNT) and binding of the AHR/ARNT heterodimer to a DNA motif designated dioxin responsive element (DRE). This process leads to the transcriptional activation of the responsive genes containing DREs in their regulatory regions, e.g. that coding for CYP1A1. TCDD is the most potent known agonist of AHR. Since it is not metabolized by the activated enzymes, exposure to this compound leads to a persisting activation of AHR resulting in diverse toxic effects in the organism. To enlighten the molecular mechanisms that mediate the toxicity of xenobiotics like TCDD and related compounds, the AHR-dependent regulation of the CYP1A1 gene was investigated in two cell lines: human cervix carcinoma (HeLa) and mouse hepatoma (Hepa). Study of AHR activation and its consequence concerning expression of the CYP1A1 enzyme confirmed the TCDD-dependent formation of the AHR/ARNT complex on DRE leading to an increase of the CYP1A1 transcription in Hepa cells. In contrast, in HeLa cells formation of the AHR/ARNT heterodimer and binding of a protein complex containing AHR and ARNT to DRE occurred naturally in the absence of TCDD. Moreover, treatment with TCDD did not affect the AHR/ARNT dimer formation and binding of these proteins to DRE in these cells. Even though the constitutive complex on DRE exists in HeLa, transcription of the CYP1A1 gene was not increased. Furthermore, the CYP1A1 level in HeLa cells remained unchanged in the presence of TCDD suggesting repressional mechanism of the AHR complex function which may hinder the TCDD-dependent mechanisms in these cells. Similar to the native, the mouse CYP1A1-driven reporter constructs containing different regulatory elements were not inducible by TCDD in HeLa cells, which supported a presence of cell type specific trans-acting factor in HeLa cells able to repress both the native CYP1A1 and CYP1A1-driven reporter genes rather than species specific differences between CYP1A1 genes of human and rodent origin. The different regulation of the AHR-mediated transcription of CYP1A1 gene in Hepa and HeLa cells was further explored in order to elucidate two aspects of the AHR function: (I) mechanism involved in the activation of AHR in the absence of exogenous ligand and (II) factor that repress function of the exogenous ligand-independent AHR/ARNT complex. Since preliminary studies revealed that the activation of PKA causes an activation of AHR in Hepa cells in the absence of TCDD, the PKA-dependent signalling pathway was the proposed endogenous mechanism leading to the TCDD-independent activation of AHR in HeLa cells. Activation of PKA by forskolin or db-cAMP as well as inhibition of the kinase by H89 in both HeLa and Hepa cells did not lead to alterations in the AHR interaction with ARNT in the absence of TCDD and had no effect on binding of these proteins to DRE. Moreover, the modulators of PKA did not influence the CYP1A1 activity in these cells in the presence and in the absence of TCDD. Thus, an involvement of PKA in the regulation of the CYP1A1 Gen in HeLa cells was not evaluated in the course of this study. Repression of genes by transcription factors bound to their responsive elements in the absence of ligands has been described for nuclear receptors. These receptors interact with protein complex containing histone deacetylase (HDAC), enzyme responsible for the repressional effect. Thus, a participation of histone deacetylase in the transcriptional modulation of CYP1A1 gene by the constitutively DNA-bound AHR/ARNT complex was supposed. Inhibition of the HDAC activity by trichostatin A (TSA) or sodium butyrate (NaBu) led to an increase of the CYP1A1 transcription in the presence but not in the absence of TCDD in Hepa and HeLa cells. Since amount of the AHR and ARNT proteins remained unchanged upon treatment of the cells with TSA or NaBu, the transcriptional upregulation of CYP1A1 gene was not due to an increased expression of the regulatory proteins. These findings strongly suggest an involvement of HDAC in the repression of the CYP1A1 gene. Similar to the native human CYP1A1 also the mouse CYP1A1-driven reporter gene transfected into HeLa cells was repressed by histone deacetylase since the presence of TSA or NaBu led to an increase in the reporter activity. Induction of reporter gene did not require a presence of the promoter or negative regulatory regions of the CYP1A1 gene. A promoter-distal fragment containing three DREs together with surrounding sequences was sufficient to mediate the effects of the HDAC inhibitors suggesting that the AHR/ARNT binding to its specific DNA recognition site may be important for the CYP1A1 repression. Histone deacetylase is recruited to the specific genes by corepressors, proteins that bind to the transcription factors and interact with other members of the HDAC complex. Western blot analyses revealed a presence of HDAC1 and the corepressors mSin3A (mammalian homolog of yeast Sin3) and SMRT (silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid hormone receptor) in both cell types, while the corepressor NCoR (nuclear receptor corepressor) was expressed exclusively in HeLa cells. Thus the high inducibility of CYP1A1 in Hepa cells may be due to the absence of NCoR in these cells in contrast to the non-responsive HeLa cells, where the presence of NCoR would support repression of the gene by histone deacetylase. This hypothesis was verified in reporter gene experiments where expression constructs coding for the particular members of the HDAC complex were cotransfected in Hepa cells together with the TCDD-inducible reporter constructs containing the CYP1A1 regulatory sequences. An overexpression of NCoR however did not decrease but instead led to a slight increase of the reporter gene activity in the cells. The expected inhibition was observed solely in the case of SMRT that slightly reduced constitutive and TCDD-induced reporter gene activity. A simultaneous expression of NCoR and SMRT shown no further effects and coexpression of HDAC1 with the two corepressors did not alter this situation. Thus, additional factors that are likely involved in the repression of CYP1A1 gene by HDAC complex remained to be identified. Taking together, characterisation of an exogenous ligand independent AHR/ARNT complex on DRE in HeLa cells that repress transcription of the CYP1A1 gene creates a model system enabling investigation of endogenous processes involved in the regulation of AHR function. This study implicates HDAC-mediated repression of CYP1A1 gene that contributes to the xenobiotic-induced expression in a tissue specific manner. Elucidation of these processes gains an insight into mechanisms leading to deleterious effects of TCDD and related compounds.
LRP1 modulates APP trafficking and metabolism within compartments of the secretory pathway The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is the parent protein to the amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and is a central player in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathology. Abeta liberation depends on APP cleavage by beta- and gamma-secretases. To date, only a unilateral view of APP processing exists, excluding other proteins, which might be transported together and/or processed dependent on each other by the secretases described above. The low density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 (LRP1) was shown to function as such a mediator of APP processing at multiple steps. Newly synthesized LRP1 can interact with APP, implying an interaction between these two proteins early in the secretory pathway. Therefore, we wanted to investigate whether LRP1 can mediate APP trafficking along the secretory pathway, and, if so, whether it affects APP processing. Indeed, we demonstrate that APP trafficking is strongly influenced by LRP1 transport through the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi compartments. LRP1-constructs with ER- and Golgi-retention motifs (LRP-CT KKAA, LRP-CT KKFF) had the capacity to retard APP trafficking at the respective steps in the secretory pathway. Here, we provide evidence that APP metabolism occurs in close conjunction with LRP1 trafficking, highlighting a new role of lipoprotein receptors in neurodegenerative diseases. Increased AICD generation is ineffective in nuclear translocation and transcriptional activity A sequence of amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleavages gives rise to the APP intracellular domain (AICD) together with amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) and/or p3 fragment. One of the environmental factors identified favouring the accumulation of AICD appears to be a rise in intracellular pH. This accumulation is a result of an abrogated cleavage event and does not extend to other secretase substrates. AICD can activate the transcription of artificially expressed constructs and many downstream gene targets have been discussed. Here we further identified the metabolism and subcellular localization of the constructs used in this well documented gene reporter assay. We also co-examined the mechanistic lead up to the AICD accumulation and explored possible significances for its increased expression. We found that most of the AICD generated under pH neutralized conditions is likely that cleaved from C83. Furthermore, the AICD surplus is not transcriptionally active but rather remains membrane tethered and free in the cytosol where it interacts with Fe65. However, Fe65 is still essential in AICD mediated transcriptional transactivation although its exact role in this set of events is unclear.