2 resultados para TSI

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Diese Arbeit untersucht die Bildung vonsekundärem organischem Aerosol aus der Gasphasenoxidation vonbiogenen Terpenen. Dazu wurde die Größenverteilung desentstandenen Aerosols kontinuierlich über die Bestimmung derelektrischen Beweglichkeit der einzelnen Teilchen gemessen (SMPS,TSI 3936). In diesem Zusammenhang wurde im ersten Teil dasNukleationspotential der unterschiedlichen Oxidationstypen vona-Pinen und b-Pinen durch O_3, OH und NO_3 über die Messung dergebildeten Partikelanzahl- und Volumenkonzentrationen verglichen.Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl die Reaktion desendozyklischen a-Pinen als auch die desexozyklischen b-Pinen mit Ozon zu einer ca. hundertfachhöheren maximalen Partikelanzahlkonzentration führte als dieReaktionen mit OH bzw. NO_3. Hinsichtlich des Beitrages zurVolumenbildung dominierte bei endozyklischenMonoterpen-Reaktionen die Ozonolyse, während die Beiträge allerdrei exozyklische b-Pinen-Reaktionen in der selbenGrößenordnung lagen: der höchste Wert wurde für dieOH-Reaktion gemessen, gefolgt von der NO_3-Reaktion und derOzonolyse als Minimum. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurdenUntersuchungen zum Wasserdampfeinfluss auf die beobachteteGrößenverteilung und damit auf die Aerosolbildung durchgeführt.Sie ließen einzig bei der Ozonolyse einen Effekt - Reduktion derNukleation - erkennen, der sich auf exozyklischeReaktionen stärker auswirkte, als auf endozyklische.Diese Ergebnisse wurden im Anschluss dazu genutzt, indirektRückschlüsse auf die, die Partikelbildung verursachendenSubstanzen zu ziehen, deren direkter Zugang über die chemischeAnalyse aufgrund der geringen Masse der nukleierten Teilchenderzeit nicht möglich ist. Hierbei wurden dieintermolekular gebildeten sekundären Ozonide für dieReaktion von exozyklischen Monoterpenen und dieintramolekular gebildeten sekundären Ozonide für dieendozyklischen Monoterpen Reaktionen mit Ozon alsNukleationsvorläufer ausgemacht.Mit einer parallel dazu aufgebauten getrennten Sammlung von Gas-und Aerosolprodukten konnte durch ionenchromatographische Analyseein ähnliches Verhalten für die Dicarbons'auren ausgeschlossenwerden, die bislang als Nukleationsvorläufer während derOzon-Reaktion von Terpenen angesehen wurden.Im abschließendenTeil der Arbeit wurden Experimente mit Sesquiterpenen bei nahezuatmosphärischen Bedingungen durchgeführt, die ein ähnlichesVerhalten bezüglich der Wasserdampfkonzentration zeigten. Sielassen eine hohe atmosphärische Relevanz der Nukleationverursacht durch Sesquiterpen-Ozon-Reaktionen vermuten.


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Iodine chemistry plays an important role in the tropospheric ozone depletion and the new particle formation in the Marine Boundary Layer (MBL). The sources, reaction pathways, and the sinks of iodine are investigated using lab experiments and field observations. The aims of this work are, firstly, to develop analytical methods for iodine measurements of marine aerosol samples especially for iodine speciation in the soluble iodine; secondly, to apply the analytical methods in field collected aerosol samples, and to estimate the characteristics of aerosol iodine in the MBL. Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was the technique used for iodine measurements. Offline methods using water extraction and Tetra-methyl-ammonium-hydroxide (TMAH) extraction were applied to measure total soluble iodine (TSI) and total insoluble iodine (TII) in the marine aerosol samples. External standard calibration and isotope dilution analysis (IDA) were both conducted for iodine quantification and the limits of detection (LODs) were both 0.1 μg L-1 for TSI and TII measurements. Online couplings of Ion Chromatography (IC)-ICP-MS and Gel electrophoresis (GE)-ICP-MS were both developed for soluble iodine speciation. Anion exchange columns were adopted for IC-ICP-MS systems. Iodide, iodate, and unknown signal(s) were observed in these methods. Iodide and iodate were separated successfully and the LODs were 0.1 and 0.5 μg L-1, respectively. Unknown signals were soluble organic iodine species (SOI) and quantified by the calibration curve of iodide, but not clearly identified and quantified yet. These analytical methods were all applied to the iodine measurements of marine aerosol samples from the worldwide filed campaigns. The TSI and TII concentrations (medians) in PM2.5 were found to be 240.87 pmol m-3 and 105.37 pmol m-3 at Mace Head, west coast of Ireland, as well as 119.10 pmol m-3 and 97.88 pmol m-3 in the cruise campaign over the North Atlantic Ocean, during June – July 2006. Inorganic iodine, namely iodide and iodate, was the minor iodine fraction in both campaigns, accounting for 7.3% (median) and 5.8% (median) in PM2.5 iodine at Mace Head and over the North Atlantic Ocean, respectively. Iodide concentrations were higher than iodate in most of the samples. In the contrast, more than 90% of TSI was SOI and the SOI concentration was correlated significantly with the iodide concentration. The correlation coefficients (R2) were both higher than 0.5 at Mace Head and in the first leg of the cruise. Size fractionated aerosol samples collected by 5 stage Berner impactor cascade sampler showed similar proportions of inorganic and organic iodine. Significant correlations were obtained in the particle size ranges of 0.25 – 0.71 μm and 0.71 – 2.0 μm between SOI and iodide, and better correlations were found in sunny days. TSI and iodide existed mainly in fine particle size range (< 2.0 μm) and iodate resided in coarse range (2.0 – 10 μm). Aerosol iodine was suggested to be related to the primary iodine release in the tidal zone. Natural meteorological conditions such as solar radiation, raining etc were observed to have influence on the aerosol iodine. During the ship campaign over the North Atlantic Ocean (January – February 2007), the TSI concentrations (medians) ranged 35.14 – 60.63 pmol m-3 among the 5 stages. Likewise, SOI was found to be the most abundant iodine fraction in TSI with a median of 98.6%. Significant correlation also presented between SOI and iodide in the size range of 2.0 – 5.9 μm. Higher iodate concentration was again found in the higher particle size range, similar to that at Mace Head. Airmass transport from the biogenic bloom region and the Antarctic ice front sector was observed to play an important role in aerosol iodine enhancement. The TSI concentrations observed along the 30,000 km long cruise round trip from East Asia to Antarctica during November 2005 – March 2006 were much lower than in the other campaigns, with a median of 6.51 pmol m-3. Approximately 70% of the TSI was SOI on average. The abundances of inorganic iodine including iodine and iodide were less than 30% of TSI. The median value of iodide was 1.49 pmol m-3, which was more than four fold higher than that of iodate (median, 0.28 pmol m-3). Spatial variation indicated highest aerosol iodine appearing in the tropical area. Iodine level was considerably lower in coastal Antarctica with the TSI median of 3.22 pmol m-3. However, airmass transport from the ice front sector was correlated with the enhance TSI level, suggesting the unrevealed source of iodine in the polar region. In addition, significant correlation between SOI and iodide was also shown in this campaign. A global distribution in aerosol was shown in the field campaigns in this work. SOI was verified globally ubiquitous due to the presence in the different sampling locations and its high proportion in TSI in the marine aerosols. The correlations between SOI and iodide were obtained not only in different locations but also in different seasons, implying the possible mechanism of iodide production through SOI decomposition. Nevertheless, future studies are needed for improving the current understanding of iodine chemistry in the MBL (e.g. SOI identification and quantification as well as the update modeling involving organic matters).