em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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The land-atmosphere exchange of atmospheric trace gases is sensitive to meteorological conditions and climate change. It contributes in turn to the atmospheric radiative forcing through its effects on tropospheric chemistry. The interactions between the hydrological cycle and atmospheric processes are intricate and often involve different levels of feedbacks. The Earth system model EMAC is used in this thesis to assess the direct role of the land surface components of the terrestrial hydrological cycle in the emissions, deposition and transport of key trace gases that control tropospheric chemistry. It is also used to examine its indirect role in changing the tropospheric chemical composition through the feedbacks between the atmospheric and the terrestrial branches of the hydrological cycle. Selected features of the hydrological cycle in EMAC are evaluated using observations from different data sources. The interactions between precipitation and the water vapor column, from the atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle, and evapotranspiration, from its terrestrial branch, are assessed specially for tropical regions. The impacts of changes in the land surface hydrology on surface exchanges and the oxidizing chemistry of the atmosphere are assessed through two sensitivity simulations. In the first, a new parametrization for rainfall interception in the densely vegetated areas in the tropics is implemented, and its effects are assessed. The second study involves the application of a soil moisture forcing that replaces the model calculated soil moisture. Both experiments have a large impact on the local hydrological cycle, dry deposition of soluble and insoluble gases, emissions of isoprene through changes in surface temperature and the Planetary Boundary Layer height. Additionally the soil moisture forcing causes changes in local vertical transport and large-scale circulation. The changes in trace gas exchanges affect the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere through changes in OH, O$_3$, NO$_x$ concentrations.


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Atmosphärische Neutrinos erlauben es Prinzipien der Relativitätstheorie, wie die Lorentz-Invarianz und das schwache Äquivalenzprinzip, zu überprüfen. Kleine Abweichungen von diesen Prinzipien können in einigen Theorien zu messbaren Neutrinooszillationen führen. In dieser Arbeit wird in den aufgezeichneten Neutrinoereignissen des AMANDA-Detektors nach solchen alternativen Oszillationseffekten gesucht. Das Neutrinoteleskop AMANDA befindet sich am geographischen Südpol und ist in einer Tiefe zwischen 1500 m und 2000 m im antarktischen Eispanzer eingebettet. AMANDA weist Myonneutrinos über das Tscherenkow-Licht neutrinoinduzierter Myonen nach, woraus die Richtung der Bahn des ursprünglichen Neutrinos rekonstruiert werden kann. Aus den AMANDA-Daten der Jahre 2000 bis 2003 wurden aus circa sieben Milliarden aufgezeichneten Ereignissen, die sich hauptsächlich aus dem Untergrund aus atmosphärischen Myonen zusammensetzen, 3401 Ereignisse neutrinoinduzierter Myonen selektiert. Dieser Datensatz wurde auf alternative Oszillationseffekte untersucht. Es wurden keine Hinweise auf solche Effekte gefunden. Für maximale Mischungswinkel konnte die untere Grenze für Oszillationsparameter, welche die Lorentz-Invarianz oder das Äquivalenzprinzip verletzen, auf DeltaBeta (2PhiDeltaGamma) < 5,15*10e-27 festgelegt werden.


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This PhD thesis is embedded into the Arctic Study of Tropospheric Aerosol, Clouds and Radiation (ASTAR) and investigates the radiative transfer through Arctic boundary-layer mixed-phase (ABM) clouds. For this purpose airborne spectral solar radiation measurements and simulations of the solar and thermal infrared radiative transfer have been performed. This work reports on measurements with the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem (SMART-Albedometer) conducted in the framework of ASTAR in April 2007 close to Svalbard. For ASTAR the SMART-Albedometer was extended to measure spectral radiance. The development and calibration of the radiance measurements are described in this work. In combination with in situ measurements of cloud particle properties provided by the Laboratoire de M¶et¶eorologie Physique (LaMP) and simultaneous airborne lidar measurements by the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) ABM clouds were sampled. The SMART-Albedometer measurements were used to retrieve the cloud thermodynamic phase by three different approaches. A comparison of these results with the in situ and lidar measurements is presented in two case studies. Beside the dominating mixed-phase clouds pure ice clouds were found in cloud gaps and at the edge of a large cloud field. Furthermore the vertical distribution of ice crystals within ABM clouds was investigated. It was found that ice crystals at cloud top are necessary to describe the observed SMART-Albedometer measurements. The impact of ice crystals on the radiative forcing of ABM clouds is in vestigated by extensive radiative transfer simulations. The solar and net radiative forcing was found to depend on the ice crystal size, shape and the mixing ratio of ice crystals and liquid water droplets.


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Diese Dissertation untersucht den Einfluss von Eiskristallform und räumlicher Inhomogenität von Zirren auf das Retrieval von optischer Wolkendicke und effektivem Eispartikelradius. Zu diesem Zweck werden flugzeuggetragene spektrale Messungen solarer Strahlung sowie solare und langwellige Strahlungstransfersimulationen durchgeführt. Flugzeuggetragene spektrale aufwärtsgerichtete Radianzen (Strahldichten) sind mit dem SMART-Albedometer (Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem) während des CIRCLE-2 (CIRrus CLoud Experiment-2) Feldexperiments im Mai 2007 gemessen worden. Basierend auf diesen Radianzdaten werden mittels eines Wolkenretrievalalgorithmus optische Wolkendicken und effektive Eispartikelradien anhand von eindimensionalen Strahlungstransferrechnungen bestimmt. Die Auswirkung der Annahme unterschiedlicher Eiskristallformen auf die retrievten Parameter wird durch Variation der Einfachstreueigenschaften der Eispartikel untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird mittels Strahlungstransferrechnungen auch der Einfluss der Eiskristallform auf den Strahlungsantrieb von Eiswolken ermittelt. Die Frage nach dem relativen Einfluss von räumlicher Wolkeninhomogenität und Eiskristallform wird anhand von dreidimensionalen und independent pixel approximation (IPA) Strahlungssimulationen untersucht. Die Analyse basiert auf einer Modelleiswolke, die aus Daten des NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) TC4 (Tropical Composition, Cloud, and Climate Coupling) Feldexperiments im Sommer 2007 in Costa Rica erzeugt wurde. Lokal gesehen können beide Effekte - Eiskristallform und räumliche Eiswolkeninhomogenität - die gleiche Grössenordnung haben und zu einer Unter- bzw. Überschätzung der retrievten Parameter um 40 – 60% führen. Gemittelt über die ganze Wolke ist jedoch der Einfluss der Eiskristallform viel bedeutender als der von räumlichen Inhomogenitäten.


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Aerosol particles are important actors in the Earth’s atmosphere and climate system. They scatter and absorb sunlight, serve as nuclei for water droplets and ice crystals in clouds and precipitation, and are a subject of concern for public health. Atmospheric aerosols originate from both natural and anthropogenic sources, and emissions resulting from human activities have the potential to influence the hydrological cycle and climate. An assessment of the extent and impacts of this human force requires a sound understanding of the natural aerosol background. This dissertation addresses the composition, properties, and atmospheric cycling of biogenic aerosol particles, which represent a major fraction of the natural aerosol burden. The main focal points are: (i) Studies of the autofluo-rescence of primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP) and its application in ambient measure-ments, and (ii) X-ray microscopic and spectroscopic investigations of biogenic secondary organic aerosols (SOA) from the Amazonian rainforest.rnAutofluorescence of biological material has received increasing attention in atmospheric science because it allows real-time monitoring of PBAP in ambient air, however it is associated with high uncertainty. This work aims at reducing the uncertainty through a comprehensive characterization of the autofluorescence properties of relevant biological materials. Fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy were applied to analyze the fluorescence signatures of pure biological fluorophores, potential non-biological interferences, and various types of reference PBAP. Characteristic features and fingerprint patterns were found and provide support for the operation, interpretation, and further development of PBAP autofluorescence measurements. Online fluorescence detection and offline fluorescence microscopy were jointly applied in a comprehensive bioaerosol field measurement campaign that provided unprecedented insights into PBAP-linked biosphere-atmosphere interactions in a North-American semi-arid forest environment. Rain showers were found to trigger massive bursts of PBAP, including high concentrations of biological ice nucleators that may promote further precipitation and can be regarded as part of a bioprecipitation feedback cycle in the climate system. rnIn the pristine tropical rainforest air of the Amazon, most cloud and fog droplets form on bio-genic SOA particles, but the composition, morphology, mixing state and origin of these particles is hardly known. X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy (STXM-NEXAFS) revealed distinctly different types of secondary organic matter (carboxyl- vs. hydroxy-rich) with internal structures that indicate a strong influence of phase segregation, cloud and fog processing on SOA formation, and aging. In addition, nanometer-sized potassium-rich particles emitted by microorganisms and vegetation were found to act as seeds for the condensation of SOA. Thus, the influence of forest biota on the atmospheric abundance of cloud condensation nuclei appears to be more direct than previously assumed. Overall, the results of this dissertation suggest that biogenic aerosols, clouds and precipitation are indeed tightly coupled through a bioprecipitation cycle, and that advanced microscopic and spectroscopic techniques can provide detailed insights into these mechanisms.rn