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em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
Zusammenfassung der Dissertation von Anatol Julian Kallmann Farbkonstanz und Farbkontrast eine Untersuchung mit Hilfeder farbigen Schatten Die farbigen Schatten werden als ein Spezialfall dessimultanen Farbkontrastes angesehen. Um herauszufinden,warum die farbigen Schatten im Vergleich zur gewöhnlichenDarstellung des simultanen Farbkontrastes so intensiv farbigerscheinen, wurde das Phänomen hinsichtlich derFarbparameter Helligkeit, Sättigung und Farbton analysiert. Der Induktionseffekt scheint weniger von der Sättigung desUmfeldes als vom Leuchtdichtekontrast zwischen dem Umfeldund dem Infeld abhängig zu sein.Das farbig beleuchtete Umfeld wurde von den Versuchspersonenmit einer geringeren Farbsättigung im Verhältnis zurtatsächlichen Umfeldsättigung eingestellt. Die Farbe desUmfeldes wurde unterschiedlich wahrgenommen, wenn keinzentrales Testfeld präsentiert wurde.Dichromaten nahmen das physikalisch weiße Infeld ebenfallsfarbig wahr. Sie stellten Farben auf dem Abgleichbildschirmein, deren Farborte in der CIE-Farbtafel auf denVerwechslungslinien liegen und somit denen der Trichromatenentsprechen. Die Farbbenennungen wichen jedoch von denen derTrichromaten ab. Das Phänomen der farbigen Schatten scheint ein Spezialfallder Farbkonstanz zu sein: Vermutlich dient das Umfeld alshellste Fläche im Gesichtsfeld dem visuellen System alsReferenz. Wenn die Helligkeit des zentralen Infeldeszunimmt, so dass dieses letztlich im visuellen Felddominiert, dann ist das visuelle System in der Lage, es als'weiß' wahrzunehmen. Es verwendet dann wahrscheinlich diesesFeld als Weißreferenz, welches die übrigen Farben imGesichtsfeld bestimmt.
One of the quickest plant movements ever known is made by the ´explosive´ style in Marantaceae in the service of secondary pollen presentation – herewith showing a striking apomorphy to the sister Cannaceae that might be of high evolutionary consequence. Though known already since the beginning of the 19th century the underlying mechanism of the movement has hitherto not been clarified. The present study reports about the biomechanics of the style-staminode complex and the hydraulic principles of the movement. For the first time it is shown by experiment that in Maranta noctiflora through longitudinal growth of the maturing style in the ´straitjacket´ of the hooded staminode both the hold of the style prior to its release and its tensioning for the movement are brought about. The longer the style grows in relation to the enclosing hooded staminode the more does its capacity for curling up for pollen transfer increase. Hereby I distinguish between the ´basic tension´ that a growing style builds up anyway, even when the hooded staminode is removed beforehand, and the ´induced tension´ which comes about only under the pressure of a ´too short´ hooded staminode and which enables the movement. The results of these investigations are discussed in view of previous interpretations ranging from possible biomechanical to electrophysiological mechanisms. To understand furthermore by which means the style gives way to the strong bending movement without suffering outwardly visible damage I examined its anatomical structure in several genera for its mechanical and hydraulic properties and for the determination of the entire curvature after release. The actual bending part contains tubulate cells whose walls are extraordinarily porous and large longitudinal intercellular spaces. SEM indicates the starting points of cell-wall loosening in primary walls and lysis of middle lamellae - probably through an intense pectinase activity in the maturing style. Fluorescence pictures of macerated and living style-tissue confirm cell-wall perforations that do apparently connect neighbouring cells, which leads to an extremely permeable parenchyma. The ´water-body´ can be shifted from central to dorsal cell layers to support the bending. The geometrical form of the curvature is determined by the vascular bundles. I conclude that the style in Marantaceae contains no ´antagonistic´ motile tissues as in Mimosa or Dionaea. Instead, through self-maceration it develops to a ´hydraulic tissue´ which carries out an irreversible movement through a sudden reshaping. To ascertain the evolutionary consequence of this apomorphic pollination mechanism the diversity and systematic value of hooded staminodes are examined. For this hooded staminodes of 24 genera are sorted according to a minimalistic selection of shape characters and eight morphological types are abstracted from the resulting groups. These types are mapped onto an already available maximally parsimonious tree comprising five major clades. An amazing correspondence is found between the morphological types and the clades; several sister-relationships are confirmed and in cases of uncertain position possible evolutionary pathways, such as convergence, dispersal or re-migration, are discussed, as well as the great evolutionary tendencies for the entire family in which – at least as regards the shape of hooded staminodes – there is obviously a tendency from complicated to strongly simplified forms. It suggests itself that such simplifying derivations may very likely have taken place as adaptations to pollinating animals about which at present too little is known. The value of morphological characters in relation to modern phylogenetic analysis is discussed and conditions for the selection of morphological characters valuable for a systematic grouping are proposed. Altogether, in view of the evolutionary success of Marantaceae compared with Cannaceae the movement mechanism of the style-staminode complex can safely be considered a key innovation within the order Zingiberales.
Coupled-cluster (CC) theory is one of the most successful approaches in high-accuracy quantum chemistry. The present thesis makes a number of contributions to the determination of molecular properties and excitation energies within the CC framework. The multireference CC (MRCC) method proposed by Mukherjee and coworkers (Mk-MRCC) has been benchmarked within the singles and doubles approximation (Mk-MRCCSD) for molecular equilibrium structures. It is demonstrated that Mk-MRCCSD yields reliable results for multireference cases where single-reference CC methods fail. At the same time, the present work also illustrates that Mk-MRCC still suffers from a number of theoretical problems and sometimes gives rise to results of unsatisfactory accuracy. To determine polarizability tensors and excitation spectra in the MRCC framework, the Mk-MRCC linear-response function has been derived together with the corresponding linear-response equations. Pilot applications show that Mk-MRCC linear-response theory suffers from a severe problem when applied to the calculation of dynamic properties and excitation energies: The Mk-MRCC sufficiency conditions give rise to a redundancy in the Mk-MRCC Jacobian matrix, which entails an artificial splitting of certain excited states. This finding has established a new paradigm in MRCC theory, namely that a convincing method should not only yield accurate energies, but ought to allow for the reliable calculation of dynamic properties as well. In the context of single-reference CC theory, an analytic expression for the dipole Hessian matrix, a third-order quantity relevant to infrared spectroscopy, has been derived and implemented within the CC singles and doubles approximation. The advantages of analytic derivatives over numerical differentiation schemes are demonstrated in some pilot applications.