4 resultados para Random Pore Model

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Five different methods were critically examined to characterize the pore structure of the silica monoliths. The mesopore characterization was performed using: a) the classical BJH method of nitrogen sorption data, which showed overestimated values in the mesopore distribution and was improved by using the NLDFT method, b) the ISEC method implementing the PPM and PNM models, which were especially developed for monolithic silicas, that contrary to the particulate supports, demonstrate the two inflection points in the ISEC curve, enabling the calculation of pore connectivity, a measure for the mass transfer kinetics in the mesopore network, c) the mercury porosimetry using a new recommended mercury contact angle values. rnThe results of the characterization of mesopores of monolithic silica columns by the three methods indicated that all methods were useful with respect to the pore size distribution by volume, but only the ISEC method with implemented PPM and PNM models gave the average pore size and distribution based on the number average and the pore connectivity values.rnThe characterization of the flow-through pore was performed by two different methods: a) the mercury porosimetry, which was used not only for average flow-through pore value estimation, but also the assessment of entrapment. It was found that the mass transfer from the flow-through pores to mesopores was not hindered in case of small sized flow-through pores with a narrow distribution, b) the liquid penetration where the average flow-through pore values were obtained via existing equations and improved by the additional methods developed according to Hagen-Poiseuille rules. The result was that not the flow-through pore size influences the column bock pressure, but the surface area to volume ratio of silica skeleton is most decisive. Thus the monolith with lowest ratio values will be the most permeable. rnThe flow-through pore characterization results obtained by mercury porosimetry and liquid permeability were compared with the ones from imaging and image analysis. All named methods enable a reliable characterization of the flow-through pore diameters for the monolithic silica columns, but special care should be taken about the chosen theoretical model.rnThe measured pore characterization parameters were then linked with the mass transfer properties of monolithic silica columns. As indicated by the ISEC results, no restrictions in mass transfer resistance were noticed in mesopores due to their high connectivity. The mercury porosimetry results also gave evidence that no restrictions occur for mass transfer from flow-through pores to mesopores in the small scaled silica monoliths with narrow distribution. rnThe prediction of the optimum regimes of the pore structural parameters for the given target parameters in HPLC separations was performed. It was found that a low mass transfer resistance in the mesopore volume is achieved when the nominal diameter of the number average size distribution of the mesopores is appr. an order of magnitude larger that the molecular radius of the analyte. The effective diffusion coefficient of an analyte molecule in the mesopore volume is strongly dependent on the value of the nominal pore diameter of the number averaged pore size distribution. The mesopore size has to be adapted to the molecular size of the analyte, in particular for peptides and proteins. rnThe study on flow-through pores of silica monoliths demonstrated that the surface to volume of the skeletons ratio and external porosity are decisive for the column efficiency. The latter is independent from the flow-through pore diameter. The flow-through pore characteristics by direct and indirect approaches were assessed and theoretical column efficiency curves were derived. The study showed that next to the surface to volume ratio, the total porosity and its distribution of the flow-through pores and mesopores have a substantial effect on the column plate number, especially as the extent of adsorption increases. The column efficiency is increasing with decreasing flow through pore diameter, decreasing with external porosity, and increasing with total porosity. Though this tendency has a limit due to heterogeneity of the studied monolithic samples. We found that the maximum efficiency of the studied monolithic research columns could be reached at a skeleton diameter of ~ 0.5 µm. Furthermore when the intention is to maximize the column efficiency, more homogeneous monoliths should be prepared.rn


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die binäre intermetallische Verbindung TixFe1-x im C14 Laves-Phase Stabilitätsbereich anhand von dünnen Schichten untersucht. TiFe2 weist zwei energetisch nahezu entartete magnetische Grundzustände auf. Dies führt zu einer starken Korrelation von strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden. Es wurden daher epitaktische Schichten mit variabler Zusammensetzung im C14 Stabilitätsbereich auf Al2O3 (001)-orientierten Substraten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie präpariert und strukturell charakterisiert. Die temperatur- und magnetfeldabhängigen magnetischen Eigenschaften dieser Proben wurden mittels DC-SQUID Magnetisierungsmessungen bestimmt. Es zeigte sich eine magnetische Phasenseparation von Antiferromagnetismus und Ferromagnetismus in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung. Aus den charakteristischen Ordnungstemperaturen konnte ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm für dünne Schichten und niedrige Aligning-Felder erstellt werden. Ein Phasendiagramm für Volumenproben bei hohem Magnetfeld unterscheidet sich von diesem im Wesentlichen durch den Einfluß von Fe-Segregation in den Volumenproben, welche bei der epitaktischen Präparation nicht auftritt. Anhand von Monte-Carlo Verfahren, denen ein „quenched random disorder“ Modell zugrunde lag, wurde das Verhalten der Dünnschichtproben simuliert und daraus ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm abgeleitet. Das simulierte und experimentelle Phasendiagramm stimmt in den wesentlichen Punkten überein. Die Unterschiede sind durch die speziellen Wachstumseigenschaften von TiFe2 erklärbar. Als Ergebnis kann die magnetische Phasenseparation in diesem System als Auswirkung einer Symmetriebrechung durch Substitution in der Einheitszelle beschrieben werden.


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Physicochemical experimental techniques combined with the specificity of a biological recognition system have resulted in a variety of new analytical devices known as biosensors. Biosensors are under intensive development worldwide because they have many potential applications, e.g. in the fields of clinical diagnostics, food analysis, and environmental monitoring. Much effort is spent on the development of highly sensitive sensor platforms to study interactions on the molecular scale. In the first part, this thesis focuses on exploiting the biosensing application of nanoporous gold (NPG) membranes. NPG with randomly distributed nanopores (pore sizes less than 50 nm) will be discussed here. The NPG membrane shows unique plasmonic features, i.e. it supports both propagating and localized surface plasmon resonance modes (p SPR and l-SPR, respectively), both offering sensitive probing of the local refractive index variation on/in NPG. Surface refractive index sensors have an inherent advantage over fluorescence optical biosensors that require a chromophoric group or other luminescence label to transduce the binding event. In the second part, gold/silica composite inverse opals with macroporous structures were investigated with bio- or chemical sensing applications in mind. These samples combined the advantages of a larger available gold surface area with a regular and highly ordered grating structure. The signal of the plasmon was less noisy in these ordered substrate structures compared to the random pore structures of the NPG samples. In the third part of the thesis, surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy was applied to probe the protein-protein interaction of the calcium binding protein centrin with the heterotrimeric G-protein transducin on a newly designed sensor platform. SPR spectroscopy was intended to elucidate how the binding of centrin to transducin is regulated towards understanding centrin functions in photoreceptor cells.


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This thesis deals with three different physical models, where each model involves a random component which is linked to a cubic lattice. First, a model is studied, which is used in numerical calculations of Quantum Chromodynamics.In these calculations random gauge-fields are distributed on the bonds of the lattice. The formulation of the model is fitted into the mathematical framework of ergodic operator families. We prove, that for small coupling constants, the ergodicity of the underlying probability measure is indeed ensured and that the integrated density of states of the Wilson-Dirac operator exists. The physical situations treated in the next two chapters are more similar to one another. In both cases the principle idea is to study a fermion system in a cubic crystal with impurities, that are modeled by a random potential located at the lattice sites. In the second model we apply the Hartree-Fock approximation to such a system. For the case of reduced Hartree-Fock theory at positive temperatures and a fixed chemical potential we consider the limit of an infinite system. In that case we show the existence and uniqueness of minimizers of the Hartree-Fock functional. In the third model we formulate the fermion system algebraically via C*-algebras. The question imposed here is to calculate the heat production of the system under the influence of an outer electromagnetic field. We show that the heat production corresponds exactly to what is empirically predicted by Joule's law in the regime of linear response.