4 resultados para Pliny, the Younger.
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
This thesis focusses on the tectonic evolution and geochronology of part of the Kaoko orogen, which is part of a network of Pan-African orogenic belts in NW Namibia. By combining geochemical, isotopic and structural analysis, the aim was to gain more information about how and when the Kaoko Belt formed. The first chapter gives a general overview of the studied area and the second one describes the basis of the Electron Probe Microanalysis dating method. The reworking of Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic basement during the Pan-African orogeny as part of the assembly of West Gondwana is discussed in Chapter 3. In the study area, high-grade rocks occupy a large area, and the belt is marked by several large-scale structural discontinuities. The two major discontinuities, the Sesfontein Thrust (ST) and the Puros Shear Zone (PSZ), subdivide the orogen into three tectonic units: the Eastern Kaoko Zone (EKZ), the Central Kaoko Zone (CKZ) and the Western Kaoko Zone (WKZ). An important lineament, the Village Mylonite Zone (VMZ), has been identified in the WKZ. Since plutonic rocks play an important role in understanding the evolution of a mountain belt, zircons from granitoid gneisses were dated by conventional U-Pb, SHRIMP and Pb-Pb techniques to identify different age provinces. Four different age provinces were recognized within the Central and Western part of the belt, which occur in different structural positions. The VMZ seems to mark the limit between Pan-African granitic rocks east of the lineament and Palaeo- to Mesoproterozoic basement to the west. In Chapter 4 the tectonic processes are discussed that led to the Neoproterozoic architecture of the orogen. The data suggest that the Kaoko Belt experienced three main phases of deformation, D1-D3, during the Pan-African orogeny. Early structures in the central part of the study area indicate that the initial stage of collision was governed by underthrusting of the medium-grade Central Kaoko zone below the high-grade Western Kaoko zone, resulting in the development of an inverted metamorphic gradient. The early structures were overprinted by a second phase D2, which was associated with the development of the PSZ and extensive partial melting and intrusion of ~550 Ma granitic bodies in the high-grade WKZ. Transcurrent deformation continued during cooling of the entire belt, giving rise to the localized low-temperature VMZ that separates a segment of elevated Mesoproterozoic basement from the rest of the Western zone in which only Pan-African ages have so far been observed. The data suggest that the boundary between the Western and Central Kaoko zones represents a modified thrust zone, controlling the tectonic evolution of the Kaoko belt. The geodynamic evolution and the processes that generated this belt system are discussed in Chapter 5. Nd mean crustal residence ages of granitoid rocks permit subdivision of the belt into four provinces. Province I is characterised by mean crustal residence ages <1.7 Ga and is restricted to the Neoproterozoic granitoids. A wide range of initial Sr isotopic values (87Sr/86Sri = 0.7075 to 0.7225) suggests heterogeneous sources for these granitoids. The second province consists of Mesoproterozoic (1516-1448 Ma) and late Palaeo-proterozoic (1776-1701 Ma) rocks and is probably related to the Eburnian cycle with Nd model ages of 1.8-2.2 Ga. The eNd i values of these granitoids are around zero and suggest a predominantly juvenile source. Late Archaean and middle Palaeoproterozoic rocks with model ages of 2.5 to 2.8 Ga make up Province III in the central part of the belt and are distinct from two early Proterozoic samples taken near the PSZ which show even older TDM ages of ~3.3 Ga (Province IV). There is no clear geological evidence for the involvement of oceanic lithosphere in the formation of the Kaoko-Dom Feliciano orogen. Chapter 6 presents the results of isotopic analyses of garnet porphyroblasts from high-grade meta-igneous and metasedimentary rocks of the sillimanite-K-feldspar zone. Minimum P-T conditions for peak metamorphism were calculated at 731±10 °C at 6.7±1.2 kbar, substantially lower than those previously reported. A Sm-Nd garnet-whole rock errorchron obtained on a single meta-igneous rock yielded an unexpectedly old age of 692±13 Ma, which is interpreted as an inherited metamorphic age reflecting an early Pan-African granulite-facies event. The dated garnets survived a younger high-grade metamorphism that occurred between ca. 570 and 520 Ma and apparently maintained their old Sm-Nd isotopic systematics, implying that the closure temperature for garnet in this sample was higher than 730 °C. The metamorphic peak of the younger event was dated by electronmicroprobe on monazite at 567±5 Ma. From a regional viewpoint, it is possible that these granulites of igneous origin may be unrelated to the early Pan-African metamorphic evolution of the Kaoko Belt and may represent a previously unrecognised exotic terrane.
Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) provide important information on the chemical and physical characteristics of their mantle sources. However, the geochemical composition of a generated magma is significantly affected by partial melting and/or subsequent fractional crystallization processes. In addition, the isotopic composition of an ascending magma may be modified during transport through the oceanic crust. The influence of these different processes on the chemical and isotopic composition of OIB from two different localities, Hawaii and Tubuai in the Pacific Ocean, are investigated here. In a first chapter, the Os-isotope variations in suites of lavas from Kohala Volcano, Hawaii, are examined to constrain the role of melt/crust interactions on the evolution of these lavas. As 187Os/188Os sensitivity to any radiogenic contaminant strongly depend on the Os content in the melt, Os and other PGE variations are investigated first. This study reveals that Os and other PGE behavior change during the Hawaiian magma differentiation. While PGE concentrations are relatively constant in lavas with relatively primitive compositions, all PGE contents strongly decrease in the melt as it evolved through ~ 8% MgO. This likely reflects the sulfur saturation of the Hawaiian magma and the onset of sulfide fractionation at around 8% MgO. Kohala tholeiites with more than 8% MgO and rich in Os have homogeneous 187Os/188Os values likely to represent the mantle signature of Kohala lavas. However, Os isotopic ratios become more radiogenic with decreasing MgO and Os contents in the lavas, which reflects assimilation of local crust material during fractional crystallization processes. Less than 8% upper oceanic crust assimilation could have produced the most radiogenic Os-isotope ratios recorded in the shield lavas. However, these small amounts of upper crust assimilation have only negligible effects on Sr and Nd isotopic ratios and therefore, are not responsible for the Sr and Nd isotopic heterogeneities observed in Kohala lavas. In a second chapter, fractional crystallization and partial melting processes are constrained using major and trace element variations in the same suites of lavas from Kohala Volcano, Hawaii. This inverse modeling approach allows the estimation of most of the trace element composition of the Hawaiian mantle source. The calculated initial trace element pattern shows slight depletion of the concentrations from LREE to the most incompatible elements, which indicates that the incompatible element enrichments described by the Hawaiian melt patterns are entirely produced by partial melting processes. The “Kea trend” signature of lavas from Kohala Volcano is also confirmed, with Kohala lavas having lower Sr/Nd and La/Th ratios than lavas from Mauna Loa Volcano. Finally, the magmatic evolution of Tubuai Island is investigated in a last chapter using the trace element and Sr, Nd, Hf isotopic variations in mafic lava suites. The Sr, Nd and Hf isotopic data are homogeneous and typical for the HIMU-type OIB and confirms the cogenetic nature of the different mafic lavas from Tubuai Island. The trace element patterns show progressive enrichment of incompatible trace elements with increasing alkali content in the lavas, which reflect progressive decrease in the degree of partial melting towards the later volcanic events. In addition, this enrichment of incompatible trace elements is associated with relative depletion of Rb, Ba, K, Nb, Ta and Ti in the lavas, which require the presence of small amount of residual phlogopite and of a Ti-bearing phase (ilmenite or rutile) during formation of the younger analcitic and nephelinitic magmas.
In contrast to formal semantics, the conjunction and is nonsymmetrical in pragmatics. The events in Marc went to bed and fell asleep seem to have occurred chronologically although no explicit time reference is given. As the temporal interpretation appears to be weaker in Mia ate chocolate and drank milk, it seems that the kind and nature of events presented in a context influences the interpretation of the conjunction. This work focuses on contextual influences on the interpretation of the German conjunction und (‘and’). A variety of theoretic approaches are concerned with whether and contributes to the establishment of discourse coherence via pragmatic processes or whether the conjunction has complex semantic meaning. These approaches are discussed with respect to how they explain the temporal and additive interpretation of the conjunction and the role of context in the interpre-tation process. It turned out that most theoretic approaches do not consider the importance of different kinds of context in the interpretation process.rnIn experimental pragmatics there are currently only very few studies that investigate the inter-pretation of the conjunction. As there are no studies that investigate contextual influences on the interpretation of und systematically or investigate preschoolers interpretation of the con-junction, research questions such as How do (preschool) children interpret ‘und’? and Does the kind of events conjoined influence children’s and adults’ interpretation? are yet to be answered. Therefore, this dissertation systematically investigates how different types of context influence children’s interpretation of und. Three auditory comprehension studies were conducted in German. Of special interest was whether and how the order of events introduced in a context contributes to the temporal read-ing of the conjunction und. Results indicate that the interpretation of und is – at least in Ger-man – context-dependent: The conjunction is interpreted temporally more often when events that typical occur in a certain order are connected (typical contexts) compared to events with-out typical event order (neutral contexts). This suggests that the type of events conjoined in-fluences the interpretation process. Moreover, older children and adults interpret the conjunc-tion temporally more often than the younger cohorts if the conjoined events typically occur in a certain order. In neutral contexts, additive interpretations increase with age. 5-year-olds reject reversed order statements more often in typical contexts compared to neutral contexts. However, they have more difficulties with reversed order statements in typical contexts where they perform at chance level. This suggests that not only the type of event but also other age-dependent factors such as knowledge about scripts influence children’s performance. The type of event conjoined influences children’s and adults’ interpretation of the conjunction. There-fore, the influence of different event types and script knowledge on the interpretation process does not only have to be considered in future experimental studies on language acquisition and pragmatics but also in experimental pragmatics in general. In linguistic theories, context has to be given a central role and a commonly agreed definition of context that considers the consequences arising from different event types has to be agreed upon.
Es wurde eine retrograde Analyse von Patientenakten der Schmerzambulanzder Klinik für Anästhesiologie der Universitätsklinik Mainz durchgeführt, indie alle Patienten mit bestimmten Einschlußkriterien derBehandlungsjahrgänge1996 und 1997 aufgenommen wurden.Dies waren die vier Diagnosegruppen multilokuläre Schmerzen,Rückenschmerzen, Phantomschmerz und Morbus Sudeck (SRD). Das Ziel dervorliegenden Arbeit war die Frage nach der Häufigkeit von Psychotherapie alsergänzende Therapieempfehlung seitens der Schmerzambulanz herauszuarbeiten.Psychotherapie (ambulant, stationär, Bestandteil vonRehabilitationsaufenthalten) in vielgestaltiger Weise wurde häufigerempfohlen, 1. je länger die Schmerzerkrankung bestand,2. je jünger die Patienten waren,3. je länger sie arbeitsunfähig waren,4. wenn belastende biographische Ereignisse festgestellt werden konnten5. je höher das Chronifizierungsstadium nach Gerbershagen war. Im Einzelnenspielten die zeitlichen Aspekte der Erkrankung, Lokalisationseinflüsse sowieAspekte vorheriger Behandlungen und schmerzbedingter Krankenhausaufenthalteeine besondere Rolle.6. wenn Patienten nicht berentet waren.