3 resultados para Matrix Metalloproteinases

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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RAGE mediates diverse physiological and pathological effects by binding a variety of ligands. Despite incomplete understanding of RAGE-mediated disorders soluble RAGE (sRAGE) has been identified as a potential biomarker for RAGE-related diseases and possibly represents a hopeful pharmaceutical against RAGE-mediated disorders. Nevertheless, the source of sRAGE remains poorly investigated. Currently sRAGE is thought to be derived exclusively from alternative splicing of mRNA. In this thesis it was investigated whether sRAGE can also be released as a result of ectodomain shedding of full-length RAGE. Using cells overexpressing RAGE as a model system, it was demonstrated clearly that RAGE undergoes ectodomain shedding in both constitutive and regulated manner. Several stimuli including PMA, AMPA, calcium and chelerythrine stimulated the release of sRAGE into cell culture medium. Moreover, possible mechanisms that regulate ectodomain shedding of RAGE were investigated and it was found that shedding of RAGE is likely independent from PKC and MAPK pathways. By using gain of function and loss of function approaches MMP9 but not ADAM10, ADAM17 or MT1-MMP was characterized as the metalloproteinase that mediates shedding of RAGE. Furthermore, it was shown that cytoplasmic domain of RAGE is not essential for shedding of RAGE. In addition, the potential cleavage site of RAGE by MMP9 was investigated and a lack of sequence specificity for the RAGE processing proteinase was demonstrated by mutation analysis. Finally the physiopathological significance of shedding of RAGE is discussed. In conclusion, for the first time ectodomain shedding of human RAGE and the underlying regulatory mechanisms were investigated. The data open a new field for modulation of RAGE shedding as a novel intervention approach against RAGE-mediated diseases.


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Matrix metalloproteinases are the components of the tumour microenvironment which play a crucial role in tumour progression. Matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) is expressed in a variety of tumours and the expression is associated with an aggressive malignant phenotype and poor prognosis. A role for MMP-7 in the immune escape of tumours has been postulated, but the mechanisms are not clearly understood. The present study was focused on identifying physiological inactivators of MMP-7 and also to unravel the mechanisms involved in MMP-7 mediated immune escape. This study shows that human leukocyte elastase (HLE), secreted by polymorphonuclear leukocytes cleaves MMP-7 in the catalytic domain as revealed by N-terminal sequencing. Further analysis demonstrates that the activity of MMP-7 was drastically decreased after HLE treatment in a time and dose dependent manner. MMP-7 induces apoptosis resistance in tumour cells by cleaving CD95 and CD95L. The effect of HLE on MMP-7 mediated apoptosis resistance was analysed. In vitro stimulation of apoptosis by anti-Apo-1 (anti-CD95 antibody) and the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin is reduced by MMP-7. Also tumour specific cytotoxic T cells do not effectively kill tumour cells in the presence of MMP-7. This study revealed that HLE abrogates the negative effect of MMP-7 on apoptosis induced by CD95 stimulation, doxorubicin or cytotoxic T cells and restores apoptosis sensitivity of tumour cells. To gain insight into the possible immune modulatory functions of MMP-7, experiments were performed to identify new immune relevant substrates. The human T cell line, Jurkat, was selected for these studies. Hsc70 which is involved in uncoating of clathrin vesicles was found in the supernatants of the MMP-7 treated cells indicating a modulatory role of MMP-7 on endocytosis. Further studies demonstrated that MMP-7 leads to decreased clathrin staining in HEK293, HepG2, Jurkat, CD4+ T cells and dendritic cells. Results also show MMP-7 treatment increased surface expression of cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated protein-4 (CTLA-4) which accumulated due to inhibition of the clathrin mediated internalization in CD4+CD25+ cells.


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Experimentelle Autoimmunenzephalomyelitis (EAE) ist das Tiermodell für Multiple Sklerose (MS). Es ist bekannt, dass das proinflammatorische Zytokin IL-17A eine wichtige Rolle in MS und EAE spielt. Dieses wird hauptsächlich von einer Subpopulation der T-Helferzellen (Th17 Zellen) exprimiert. Es war bekannt, dass diese am Zusammenbruch der Blut-Hirnschranke (BHS) beteiligt sind. Der Integritätsverlust der BHS ist ein wichtiger und früher Aspekt in der Pathogenese von EAE und MS. Daraufhin können Immunzellen in das zentrale Nervensystem (ZNS) eindringen. Spezifische T-Zellen greifen das Myelin an und führen so zu einer Entzündungsreaktion, Demyelinisierung und axonalem Schaden. In dieser Arbeit konnte ich zeigen, dass durch Hemmung des kontraktilen endothelialen Apparates das BHS Versagen vermindert werden kann und es dadurch zu einem milderen Verlauf der EAE Pathogenese kommt. Wird der Inhibitor der Myosinleichtkettenkinase ML-7 C57/bl6 Mäusen, bei denen EAE induziert wurde, intraperitoneal verabreicht, kommt es zu einem geringeren Phosphorylierungsgrad der leichten Kette des Myosins in Endothelzellen und folglich zu einem verringerten Schrankenversagen. Außerdem konnte ich zeigen, dass weniger reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) gebildet werden. Folglich kommt es zu einer geringeren Infiltration von Immunzellen aus der Peripherie in das ZNS. Somit werden weniger Zytokine und auch Matrixmetalloproteinasen (MMP) ausgeschüttet, wodurch die Entzündungsreaktion weniger stark ausgeprägt ist. Außerdem werden weniger Mikrogliazellen aktiviert. Ich habe den Zusammenhang zwischen Mikrogliazellaktivierung und IL-17A näher untersucht. Dieses proinflammatorische Zytokin aktiviert Mikrogliazellen auch in vitro. Durch IL-17A Stimulation kommt es zur vermehrten ROS Bildung. Folglich kommt es zu einer vermehrten Proliferation und Migration, sowie einer erhöhten Zytokinproduktion. Außerdem konnte ich zeigen, dass der N-Methyl-D-Aspartat (NMDA)-Rezeptor an der Mikrogliaaktivierung beteiligt ist. Abhängig von IL-17A Stimulation kommt es zu einem Kalziumeinstrom über den NMDA-Rezeptor. Werden Inhibitoren des NMDA-Rezeptors eingesetzt, können IL-17A vermittelte Proliferation, Migration, Zytokin-und ROS-Produktion verhindert werden. Der NMDA-Rezeptor ist sehr gut in Neuronen erforscht, wohingegen bisher sehr wenig über seine Funktion in Gliazellen bekannt war. In dieser Arbeit ist es mir gelungen einen Zusammenhang zwischen IL-17A vermittelter Mikrogliaaktivierung und Kalziumeinstrom über den NMDA-Rezeptor herzustellen.