11 resultados para Materials surface modifications

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Grundlage für die hier gezeigte Arbeit stellt die Eigenschaft von amphiphilen Blockcopolymeren dar immer den Block mit der niedrigsten Grenzflächenenergie zum angrenzenden Medium an die Oberfläche zu bringen. Durch einen Austausch des Mediums an der Grenzfläche zum Blockcopolymer kann eine Reorientierung erzwungen werden, wenn die Grenzflächenenergie des anderen Blocks nun die niedrigere Grenzflächenenergie besitzt. Dieses Verhalten von dünnen amphiphilen Blockcopolymerfilmen wurde zur Strukturierung von Oberflächen ausgenutzt und in nachfolgenden Synthesen weiter verstärkt. Um dies zu erreichen wurde das zur Strukturierung erforderliche Poly(4-Octylstyrol)block(4-hydroxystyrol) durch kontrollierte radikalische Polymerisationsmethode mit dem Tempo Unimer (2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-1(1-phenyl-ethoxy)-piperidin) synthetisiert. Für die geplanten Reorientierungen und Modifizierungen von Oberflächen wurden dünne Filme durch Schleuderbeschichtung auf verschiedenen Substraten (Siliziumwafern, Glassubstraten und Goldoberflächen) hergestellt. Das Verhalten der Oberflächen von diesen Filmen wurde durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen untersucht. Auf diese Weise konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Oberfläche von Polymerfilmen nach der Präparation aus dem hydrophoben Block des Polymers gebildet wird. Durch Kontakt des Polymerfilms mit Wasser kann dieser zur Reorientierung gebracht werden, so dass der hydrophile Block des Polymers an der Oberfläche erscheint. Dieses Verhalten wurde zur Strukturierung mit softlithographischen Techniken genutzt. Dazu wurden hydrophil/hydrophob strukturierte Oberflächen durch Aufsetzen von hydrophoben PDMS-Stempeln, die Teile der Oberfläche selektiv abdeckten, und Einbringen von Wasser in die dabei entstehenden Kapillaren hergestellt. Dies ermöglichte es die Oberfläche selektiv im Größenbereich von 500nm bis zu 50µm zu strukturieren und an den reaktiven Bereichen Materialien, wie z.B. Kupfer, Titandioxid, Polyelektrolyte, photonische Kristalle und angegraftete Polymere, mit verschiedenen Methoden selektiv auf die Oberfläche aufzubringen. Um den Reorganisationsprozess der Oberfläche genauer zu studieren, wurde ein für diese Aufgabe besser geeignetes Polymer (Poly(Styrol)-block-poly(essigsäure-2-(2-(4-vinyl-phenoxy)-ethoxy)ethylester)) synthetisiert. Aus diesem Blockcopolymer wurden wieder dünne Filme durch Spincoaten hergestellt. Die Reorientierung dieses Polymers in 70°C warmen Wasser konnte durch Kontaktwinkelmessungen und NEXAFS Spektroskopie nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe der NEXAFS Spektroskopie konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Geschwindigkeit der Reorientierung durch eine exponentielle Funktion beschrieben werden kann. Eine Auswertung der Geschwindigkeitskonstante für die Reorientierung einer hydrophilen zu einer hydrophoben Oberfläche des Polymers bei 60°C führt zu =75min. Aufgrund des exponentiellen Charakters der Reorientierung macht es den Anschein, dass die Reorientierung bei verschiedenen Reorientierungstemperaturen bis zu einem gewissen Grad erfolgt und dann stoppt. Eine weitere Reorientierung scheint erst wieder bei einer Temperaturerhöhung zu beginnen. Aus AFM Messungen ist ein Beginnen der Reorientierung durch Bildung kleiner Löcher in der Polymeroberfläche zu erkennen, die sich zu runden Erhöhungen und Vertiefungen vergrößern, um letztendlich in ein spinodales Entmischungsmuster über zu gehen. Dieses heilt dann im Laufe der Zeit langsam durch Verschwinden der hydrophilen Bereiche langsam aus. Der Beginn des zuvor beschriebenen Reorientierungsprozesses einer hydrophilen Oberfläche in eine hydrophobe konnte sowohl in den AFM, als auch in den NEXAFS-Messungen zu ca. 50°C bestimmt werden.


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Infektiöse Komplikationen im Zusammenhang mit Implantaten stellen einen Großteil aller Krankenhausinfektionen dar und treiben die Gesundheitskosten signifikant in die Höhe. Die bakterielle Kolonisation von Implantatoberflächen zieht schwerwiegende medizinische Konsequenzen nach sich, die unter Umständen tödlich verlaufen können. Trotz umfassender Forschungsaktivitäten auf dem Gebiet der antibakteriellen Oberflächenbeschichtungen ist das Spektrum an wirksamen Substanzen aufgrund der Anpassungsfähigkeit und Ausbildung von Resistenzen verschiedener Mikroorganismen eingeschränkt. Die Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer antibakterieller Materialien ist daher von fundamentaler Bedeutung.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden auf der Basis von Polymernanopartikeln und anorganischen/polymeren Verbundmaterialien verschiedene Systeme als Alternative zu bestehenden antibakteriellen Oberflächenbeschichtungen entwickelt. Polymerpartikel finden Anwendung in vielen verschiedenen Bereichen, da sowohl Größe als auch Zusammensetzung und Morphologie vielseitig gestaltet werden können. Mit Hilfe der Miniemulsionstechnik lassen sich u. A. funktionelle Polymernanopartikel im Größenbereich von 50-500 nm herstellen. Diese wurde im ersten System angewendet, um PEGylierte Poly(styrol)nanopartikel zu synthetisieren, deren anti-adhesives Potential in Bezug auf P. aeruginosa evaluiert wurde. Im zweiten System wurden sog. kontakt-aktive kolloide Dispersionen entwickelt, welche bakteriostatische Eigenschaften gegenüber S. aureus zeigten. In Analogie zum ersten System, wurden Poly(styrol)nanopartikel in Copolymerisation in Miniemulsion mit quaternären Ammoniumgruppen funktionalisiert. Als Costabilisator diente das zuvor quaternisierte, oberflächenaktive Monomer (2-Dimethylamino)ethylmethacrylat (qDMAEMA). Die Optimierung der antibakteriellen Eigenschaften wurde im nachfolgenden System realisiert. Hierbei wurde das oberflächenaktive Monomer qDMAEMA zu einem oberflächenaktiven Polyelektrolyt polymerisiert, welcher unter Anwendung von kombinierter Miniemulsions- und Lösemittelverdampfungstechnik, in entsprechende Polyelektrolytnanopartikel umgesetzt wurde. Infolge seiner oberflächenaktiven Eigenschaften, ließen sich aus dem Polyelektrolyt stabile Partikeldispersionen ohne Zusatz weiterer Tenside ausbilden. Die selektive Toxizität der Polyelektrolytnanopartikel gegenüber S. aureus im Unterschied zu Körperzellen, untermauert ihr vielversprechendes Potential als bakterizides, kontakt-aktives Reagenz. rnAufgrund ihrer antibakteriellen Eigenschaften wurden ZnO Nanopartikel ausgewählt und in verschiedene Freisetzungssysteme integriert. Hochdefinierte eckige ZnO Nanokristalle mit einem mittleren Durchmesser von 23 nm wurden durch thermische Zersetzung des Precursormaterials synthetisiert. Durch die nachfolgende Einkapselung in Poly(L-laktid) Latexpartikel wurden neue, antibakterielle und UV-responsive Hybridnanopartikel entwickelt. Durch die photokatalytische Aktivierung von ZnO mittels UV-Strahlung wurde der Abbau der ZnO/PLLA Hybridnanopartikel signifikant von mehreren Monaten auf mehrere Wochen verkürzt. Die Photoaktivierung von ZnO eröffnet somit die Möglichkeit einer gesteuerten Freisetzung von ZnO. Im nachfolgenden System wurden dünne Verbundfilme aus Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid)-Hydrogelschichten mit eingebetteten ZnO Nanopartikeln hergestellt, die als bakterizide Oberflächenbeschichtungen gegen E. coli zum Einsatz kamen. Mit minimalem Gehalt an ZnO zeigten die Filme eine vergleichbare antibakterielle Aktivität zu Silber-basierten Beschichtungen. Hierbei lässt sich der Gehalt an ZnO relativ einfach über die Filmdicke einstellen. Weiterhin erwiesen sich die Filme mit bakteriziden Konzentrationen an ZnO als nichtzytotoxisch gegenüber Körperzellen. Zusammenfassend wurden mehrere vielversprechende antibakterielle Prototypen entwickelt, die als potentielle Implantatbeschichtungen auf die jeweilige Anwendung weiterhin zugeschnitten und optimiert werden können.


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In dieser Arbeit wurden Oberflächenmodifizierungen entwickelt, die sowohl rnzelladhäsive als auch antimikrobielle Eigenschaften tragen. Rasche Zelladhäsion rnund Wundheilung ist gewünscht für Biomaterialien, da sonst das Material als rnFremdkörper erkannt werden würde und Infektionskeime in die Kavität zwischen rnMaterial und Gewebe eindringen könnten. Plasmapolymerisation dient hierbei als rnBeschichtungsverfahren, da es ein breites Spektrum an Materialien beschichten rnkann unabhängig von dessen Beschaffenheit. Als zelladhäsive Schicht wurde rnplasmapolymerisiertes Allylamin gewählt, da es zellfreundlich ist und dabei rnweitere nasschemische Modifikationen, wie die Anbindung von Fibronektin, rnzulässt. Dabei dient es zugleich als Barriereschicht für darunterliegende zink- und silberhaltige Filme, die der Beschichtung durch Freisetzung von Silber und Zink antimikrobielle Eigenschaften verleihen. Die Schichtsysteme wurden rnspektroskopisch und mikroskopisch untersucht sowie zelladhäsive und rnantimikrobielle Wirkung mit verschiedenen Zell- und Bakterientypen getestet.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war die gezielte Modifizierung von Oberflächen mittels multifunktioneller Polymere, die ausgehend von Aktivesterpolymeren durch polymeranaloge Reaktionen unter milden Bedingungen hergestellt werden konnten. Dazu wurden die neuartigen Akivestermonomere Pentafluorphenylacrylat PFA und Pentafluorphenylmethacrylat PFMA hergestellt und polymerisiert. PFMA konnte unter RAFT-Bedingungen mittels Cumyldithiobenzoat bzw. 4-Cyano-4-((thiobenzoyl)sulfanyl)pentansäure kontrolliert polymerisiert werden. Durch den RAFT-Prozess wurden weiterhin reaktive Blockcopolymere aus PFMA und Methylmethacrylat, N Acryloylmorpholin bzw. N,N Diethylacrylamid synthetisiert. Zur Herstellung alpha, omega-endfunktionalisierter Polymere wurde PFA mit Dithiobenzoesäure-(4-dodecylbenzyl)ester polymerisiert und durch anschließende polymeranaloge Reaktionen zu thermoschaltbaren Polymeren mit unterschiedlichem LCST-Verhalten umgesetzt, die den Aufbau polymerunterstützter Lipiddoppelschichten ermöglichen. Ausgehend von poly(PFA) wurden oberflächenaktiven multifunktionellen Polymeren hergestellt und zur Oberflächenmodifizierung von anorganischen TiO2 Nanopartikeln, TiO2-Nanodrähten und MoS2-Nanopartikeln eingesetzt. Es konnten so lösliche fluoreszierende TiO2-Nanopartikel sowohl durch in situ- als auch post-Funktionalisierung hergestellt werden. Zudem konnte durch Verwendung eines multifunktionellen Polymers mit NTA-Einheiten das Enzym Silicatein auf TiO2-Nanodrähten immobilisert werden, das durch Biokristallisation Aggregate aus TiO2-Nanodrähten und Goldnanopartikeln erzeugte.


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For the last few decades, the interest in functional nanomaterials is steadily increasing. Especially, in biomedicine the range of possible applications of multifunctional nanoparticles including dye-labeled makers and drug loaded carrier systems is extraordinary large. The incorporation of magnetic nanoparticles allows for an additional magnetic detection and manipulation. One promising system on the way to multifunctional nanomaterials is the polyorganosiloxane system. Via polycondensation of silan monomers in aqueous dispersion polyorganosiloxane nanoparticles with particle diameter between 10 and 150 nm can be synthesized. The versatile silane chemistry allows for the design of multifunctional network structures. In this work, hydrophilic iron oxide nanoparticles could be encapsulated into the polymeric particles in a highly efficient process whereat the superparamagnetic nature of the inorganic particles was restrained. The influence of different sized particles as well as the amount of the incorporated material was investigated. Using a core-shell architecture, controlled core and surface modifications could be achieved. An effective fluorescent labeling was performed via incorporation of dye-labeled monomers. Additionally, a hydrophilic surface modification was carried out via a grafting onto process of poly(ethylene glycol). Individual core and surface functionalization was achieved and the influence of the modification on the efficiency of the magnetic loading was tested. The applicability of the multifunctional particles in biological systems was proved via cellular uptake and toxicity testings. Furthermore, biofunctionalized particles were synthesized by EDC coupling using biotin and insulin.rnrn


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The physicochemical properties of nanoparticles make them suitable for biomedical applications. Due to their ‘straight-forward’ synthesis, their known biocompatibility, their strong optical properties, their ability for targeted drug delivery and their uptake potential into cells gold nanoparticles are highly interesting for biomedical applications. In particular, the therapy of brain diseases (neurodegenerative diseases, ischemic stroke) is a challenge for contemporary medicine and gold nanoparticles are currently being studied in the hope of improving drug delivery to the brain.rnIn this thesis three major conclusions from the generated data are emphasized.rn1. After improvement of the isolation protocol and culture conditions, the formation of a monolayer of porcine brain endothelial cells on transwell filters lead to a reproducible and tight in vitro monoculture which exhibited in vivo blood brain barrier (BBB) characteristics. The transport of nanoparticles across the barrier was studied using this model.rn2. Although gold nanoparticles are known to be relatively bioinert, contaminants of the nanoparticle synthesis (i.e. CTAB or sodium citrate) increased the cytotoxicity of gold nanoparticles, as shown by various publications. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that contaminants of the nanoparticle synthesis such as sodium citrate increased the cytotoxicity of the gold nanoparticles in endothelial cells but in a more dramatic manner in epithelial cells. Considering the increased uptake of these particles by epithelial cells compared to endothelial cells it was demonstrated that the observed decrease of cell viability appeared to be related to the amount of internalized gold nanoparticles in combination with the presence of the contaminant.rn3. Systematically synthesized gold nanoparticles of different sizes with a variety of surface modifications (different chemical groups and net charges) were investigated for their uptake behaviour and functional impairment of endothelial cells, one of the major cell types making up the BBB. The targeting of these different nanoparticles to endothelial cells from different parts of the body was investigated in a comparative study of human microvascular dermal and cerebral endothelial cells. In these experiments it was demonstrated that different properties of the nanoparticles resulted in a variety of uptake patterns into cells. Positively charged gold nanoparticles were internalized in high amounts, while PEGylated nanoparticles were not taken up by both cell types. Differences in the uptake behavior were also demonstrated for neutrally charged particles of different sizes, coated with hydroxypropylamine or glucosamine. Endothelial cells of the brain specifically internalized 35nm neutrally charged hydroxypropylamine-coated gold nanoparticles in larger amounts compared to dermal microvascular endothelial cells, indicating a "targeting" for brain endothelial cells. Co-localization studies with flotillin-1 and flotillin-2 showed that the gold nanoparticles were internalized by endocytotic pathways. Furthermore, these nanoparticles exhibited transcytosis across the endothelial cell barrier in an in vitro BBB model generated with primary porcine brain endothelial cells (1.). In conclusion, gold nanoparticles with different sizes and surface characteristics showed different uptake patterns in dermal and cerebral endothelial cells. In addition, gold nanoparticles with a specific size and defined surface modification were able to cross the blood-brain barrier in a porcine in vitro model and may thus be useful for controlled delivery of drugs to the brain.


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In this thesis, elemental research towards the implantation of a diamond-based molecular quantum computer is presented. The approach followed requires linear alignment of endohedral fullerenes on the diamond C(100) surface in the vicinity of subsurface NV-centers. From this, four fundamental experimental challenges arise: 1) The well-controlled deposition of endohedral fullerenes on a diamond surface. 2) The creation of NV-centers in diamond close to the surface. 3) Preparation and characterization of atomically-flat diamondsurfaces. 4) Assembly of linear chains of endohedral fullerenes. First steps to overcome all these challenges were taken in the framework of this thesis. Therefore, a so-called “pulse injection” technique was implemented and tested in a UHV chamber that was custom-designed for this and further tasks. Pulse injection in principle allows for the deposition of molecules from solution onto a substrate and can therefore be used to deposit molecular species that are not stable to sublimation under UHV conditions, such as the endohedral fullerenes needed for a quantum register. Regarding the targeted creation of NV-centers, FIB experiments were carried out in cooperation with the group of Prof. Schmidt-Kaler (AG Quantum, Physics Department, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz). As an entry into this challenging task, argon cations were implanted into (111) surface-oriented CaF2 crystals. The resulting implantation spots on the surface were imaged and characterized using AFM. In this context, general relations between the impact of the ions on the surface and their valency or kinetic energy, respectively, could be established. The main part of this thesis, however, is constituted by NCAFM studies on both, bare and hydrogen-terminated diamond C(100) surfaces. In cooperation with the group of Prof. Dujardin (Molecular Nanoscience Group, ISMO, Université de Paris XI), clean and atomically-flat diamond surfaces were prepared by exposure of the substrate to a microwave hydrogen plasma. Subsequently, both surface modifications were imaged in high resolution with NC-AFM. In the process, both hydrogen atoms in the unit cell of the hydrogenated surface were resolved individually, which was not achieved in previous STM studies of this surface. The NC-AFM images also reveal, for the first time, atomic-resolution contrast on the clean, insulating diamond surface and provide real-space experimental evidence for a (2×1) surface reconstruction. With regard to the quantum computing concept, high-resolution NC-AFM imaging was also used to study the adsorption and self-assembly potential of two different kinds of fullerenes (C60 and C60F48) on aforementioned diamond surfaces. In case of the hydrogenated surface, particular attention was paid to the influence of charge transfer doping on the fullerene-substrate interaction and the morphology emerging from self-assembly. Finally, self-assembled C60 islands on the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface were subject to active manipulation by an NC-AFM tip. Two different kinds of tip-induced island growth modes have been induced and were presented. In conclusion, the results obtained provide fundamental informations mandatory for the realization of a molecular quantum computer. In the process it was shown that NC-AFM is, under proper circumstances, a very capable tool for imaging diamond surfaces with highest resolution, surpassing even what has been achieved with STM up to now. Particular attention was paid to the influence of transfer doping on the morphology of fullerenes on the hydrogenated diamond surface, revealing new possibilities for tailoring the self-assembly of molecules that have a high electron affinity.


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A new class of inorganic-organic hybrid polymers could successfully been prepared by the combination of different polymerization techniques. The access to a broad range of organic polymers incorporated into the hybrid polymer was realized using two independent approaches.rnIn the first approach a functional poly(silsesquioxane) (PSSQ) network was pre-formed, which was capable to initiate a controlled radical polymerization to graft organic vinyl-type monomers from the PSSQ precursor. As controlled radical polymerization techniques atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), as well as reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization could be used after defined tuning of the PSSQ precursor either toward a PSSQ macro-initiator or to a PSSQ macro-chain-transfer-agent. The polymerization pathway, consisting of polycondensation of trialkoxy-silanes followed by grafting-from polymerization of different monomers, allowed synthesis of various functional hybrid polymers. A controlled synthesis of the PSSQ precursors could successfully be performed using a microreactor setup; the molecular weight could be adjusted easily while the polydispersity index could be decreased well below 2.rnThe second approach aimed to incorporate differently derived organic polymers. As examples, polycarbonate and poly(ethylene glycol) were end-group-modified using trialkoxysilanes. After end-group-functionalization these organic polymers could be incorporated into a PSSQ network.rnThese different hybrid polymers showed extraordinary coating abilities. All polymers could be processed from solution by spin-coating or dip-coating. The high amount of reactive silanol moieties in the PSSQ part could be cross-linked after application by annealing at 130° for 1h. Not only cross-linking of the whole film was achieved, which resulted in mechanical interlocking with the substrate, also chemical bonds to metal or metal oxide surfaces were formed. All coating materials showed high stability and adhesion onto various underlying materials, reaching from metals (like steel or gold) and metal oxides (like glass) to plastics (like polycarbonate or polytetrafluoroethylene).rnAs the material and the synthetic pathway were very tolerant toward different functionalities, various functional monomers could be incorporated in the final coating material. The incorporation of N-isopropylacrylamide yielded in temperature-responsive surface coatings, whereas the incorporation of redox-active monomers allowed the preparation of semi-conductive coatings, capable to produce smooth hole-injection layers on transparent conductive electrodes used in optoelectronic devices.rnThe range of possible applications could be increased tremendously by incorporation of reactive monomers, capable to undergo fast and quantitative conversions by polymer-analogous reactions. For example, grafting active esters from a PSSQ precursor yielded a reactive surface coating after application onto numerous substrates. Just by dipping the coated substrate into a solution of a functionalized amine, the desired function could be immobilized at the interface as well as throughout the whole film. The obtained reactive surface coatings could be used as basis for different functional coatings for various applications. The conversion with specifically tuned amines yielded in surfaces with adjustable wetting behaviors, switchable wetting behaviors or as recognition element for surface-oriented bio-analytical devices. The combination of hybrid materials with orthogonal reactivities allowed for the first time the preparation of multi-reactive surfaces which could be functionalized sequentially with defined fractions of different groups at the interface. rnThe introduced concept to synthesis functional hybrid polymers unifies the main requirements on an ideal coating material. Strong adhesion on a wide range of underlying materials was achieved by secondary condensation of the PSSQ part, whereas the organic part allowed incorporation of various functionalities. Thus, a flexible platform to create functional and reactive surface coatings was achieved, which could be applied to different substrates. rn


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Intense research is being done in the field of organic photovoltaics in order to synthesize low band-gap organic molecules. These molecules are electron donors which feature in combination with acceptor molecules, typically fullerene derivarntives, forming an active blend. This active blend has phase separated bicontinuous morphology on a nanometer scale. The highest recorded power conversionrnefficiencies for such cells have been 10.6%. Organic semiconductors differ from inorganic ones due to the presence of tightly bonded excitons (electron-hole pairs)resulting from their low dielectric constant (εr ≈2-4). An additional driving force is required to separate such Frenkel excitons since their binding energy (0.3-1 eV) is too large to be dissociated by an electric field alone. This additional driving force arises from the energy difference between the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the donor and the acceptor materials. Moreover, the efficiency of the cells also depends on the difference between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of the donor and LUMO of the acceptor. Therefore, a precise control and estimation of these energy levels are required. Furthermore any external influences that change the energy levels will cause a degradation of the power conversion efficiency of organic solar cell materials. In particular, the role of photo-induced degradation on the morphology and electrical performance is a major contribution to degradation and needs to be understood on a nanometer scale. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) offers the resolution to image the nanometer scale bicontinuous morphology. In addition SPM can be operated to measure the local contact potential difference (CPD) of materials from which energy levels in the materials can be derived. Thus SPM is an unique method for the characterization of surface morphology, potential changes and conductivity changes under operating conditions. In the present work, I describe investigations of organic photovoltaic materials upon photo-oxidation which is one of the major causes of degradation of these solar cell materials. SPM, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and UV-Vis spectroscopy studies allowed me to identify the chemical reactions occurring inside the active layer upon photo-oxidation. From the measured data, it was possible to deduce the energy levels and explain the various shifts which gave a better understanding of the physics of the device. In addition, I was able to quantify the degradation by correlating the local changes in the CPD and conductivity to the device characteristics, i.e., open circuit voltage and short circuit current. Furthermore, time-resolved electrostatic force microscopy (tr-EFM) allowed us to probe dynamic processes like the charging rate of the individual donor and acceptor domains within the active blend. Upon photo-oxidation, it was observed, that the acceptor molecules got oxidized first preventing the donor polymer from degrading. Work functions of electrodes can be tailored by modifying the interface with monomolecular thin layers of molecules which are made by a chemical reaction in liquids. These modifications in the work function are particularly attractive for opto-electronic devices whose performance depends on the band alignment between the electrodes and the active material. In order to measure the shift in work function on a nanometer scale, I used KPFM in situ, which means in liquids, to follow changes in the work function of Au upon hexadecanethiol adsorption from decane. All the above investigations give us a better understanding of the photo-degradation processes of the active material at the nanoscale. Also, a method to compare various new materials used for organic solar cells for stability is proposed which eliminates the requirement to make fully functional devices saving time and additional engineering efforts.


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Chapter 1 of this thesis comprises a review of polyether polyamines, i.e., combinations of polyether scaffolds with polymers bearing multiple amino moieties. Focus is laid on controlled or living polymerization methods. Furthermore, fields in which the combination of cationic, complexing, and pH-sensitive properties of the polyamines and biocompatibility and water-solubility of polyethers promise enormous potential are presented. Applications include stimuli-responsive polymers with a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) and/or the ability to gel, preparation of shell cross-linked (SCL) micelles, gene transfection, and surface functionalization.rnIn Chapter 2, multiaminofunctional polyethers relying on the class of glycidyl amine comonomers for anionic ring-opening polymerization (AROP) are presented. In Chapter 2.1, N,N-diethyl glycidyl amine (DEGA) is introduced for copolymerization with ethylene oxide (EO). Copolymer microstructure is assessed using online 1H NMR kinetics, 13C NMR triad sequence analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The concurrent copolymerization of EO and DEGA is found to result in macromolecules with a gradient structure. The LCSTs of the resulting copolymers can be tailored by adjusting DEGA fraction or pH value of the environment. Quaternization of the amino moieties by methylation results in polyelectrolytes. Block copolymers are used for PEGylated gold nanoparticle formation. Chapter 2.2 deals with a glycidyl amine monomer with a removable protecting group at the amino moiety, for liberation of primary amines at the polyether backbone, which is N,N-diallyl glycidyl amine (DAGA). Its allyl groups are able to withstand the harsh basic conditions of AROP, but can be cleaved homogeneously after polymerization. Gradient as well as block copolymers poly(ethylene glycol)-PDAGA (PEG-PDAGA) are obtained. They are analyzed regarding their microstructure, LCST behavior, and cleavage of the protecting groups. rnChapter 3 describes applications of multi(amino)functional polyethers for functionalization of inorganic surfaces. In Chapter 3.1, they are combined with an acetal-protected catechol initiator, leading to well-defined PEG and heteromultifunctional PEG analogues. After deprotection, multifunctional PEG ligands capable of attaching to a variety of metal oxide surfaces are obtained. In a cooperative project with the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, JGU Mainz, their potential is demonstrated on MnO nanoparticles, which are promising candidates as T1 contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging. The MnO nanoparticles are solubilized in aqueous solution upon ligand exchange. In Chapter 3.2, a concept for passivation and functionalization of glass surfaces towards gold nanorods is developed. Quaternized mPEG-b-PqDEGA diblock copolymers are attached to negatively charged glass surfaces via the cationic PqDEGA blocks. The PEG blocks are able to suppress gold nanorod adsorption on the glass in the flow cell, analyzed by dark field microscopy.rnChapter 4 highlights a straightforward approach to poly(ethylene glycol) macrocycles. Starting from commercially available bishydroxy-PEG, cyclic polymers are available by perallylation and ring-closing metathesis in presence of Grubbs’ catalyst. Purification of cyclic PEG is carried out using α-cyclodextrin. This cyclic sugar derivative forms inclusion complexes with remaining unreacted linear PEG in aqueous solution. Simple filtration leads to pure macrocycles, as evidenced by SEC and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. Cyclic polymers from biocompatible precursors are interesting materials regarding their increased blood circulation time compared to their linear counterparts.rnIn the Appendix, A.1, a study of the temperature-dependent water-solubility of polyether copolymers is presented. Macroscopic cloud points, determined by turbidimetry, are compared with microscopic aggregation phenomena, monitored by continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance (CW EPR) spectroscopy in presence of the amphiphilic spin probe and model drug (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yl)oxyl (TEMPO). These thermoresponsive polymers are promising candidates for molecular transport applications. The same techniques are applied in Chapter A.2 to explore the pH-dependence of the cloud points of PEG-PDEGA copolymers in further detail. It is shown that the introduction of amino moieties at the PEG backbone allows for precise manipulation of complex phase transition modes. In Chapter A.3, multi-hydroxyfunctional polysilanes are presented. They are obtained via copolymerization of the acetal-protected dichloro(isopropylidene glyceryl propyl ether)methylsilane monomer. The hydroxyl groups are liberated through acidic work-up, yielding versatile access to new multifunctional polysilanes.