3 resultados para Lepton production

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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This thesis presents an analysis for the search of Supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The final state with one lepton, several coloured particles and large missing transverse energy was chosen. Particular emphasis was placed on the optimization of the requirements for lepton identification. This optimization showed to be particularly useful when combining with multi-lepton selections. The systematic error associated with the higher order QCD diagrams in Monte Carlo production is given particular focus. Methods to verify and correct the energy measurement of hadronic showers are developed. Methods for the identification and removal of mismeasurements caused by the detector are found in the single muon and four jet environment are applied. A new detector simulation system is shown to provide good prospects for future fast Monte Carlo production. The analysis was performed for $35pb^{-1}$ and no significant deviation from the Standard Model is seen. Exclusion limits subchannel for minimal Supergravity. Previous limits set by Tevatron and LEP are extended.


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Spectroscopy of the 1S-2S transition of antihydrogen confined in a neutral atom trap and comparison with the equivalent spectral line in hydrogen will provide an accurate test of CPT symmetry and the first one in a mixed baryon-lepton system. Also, with neutral antihydrogen atoms, the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter can be tested unperturbed by the much stronger Coulomb forces.rnAntihydrogen is regularly produced at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator by three-body-recombination (TBR) of one antiproton and two positrons. The method requires injecting antiprotons into a cloud of positrons, which raises the average temperature of the antihydrogen atoms produced way above the typical 0.5 K trap depths of neutral atom traps. Therefore only very few antihydrogen atoms can be confined at a time. Precision measurements, like laser spectroscopy, will greatly benefit from larger numbers of simultaneously trapped antihydrogen atoms.rnTherefore, the ATRAP collaboration developed a different production method that has the potential to create much larger numbers of cold, trappable antihydrogen atoms. Positrons and antiprotons are stored and cooled in a Penning trap in close proximity. Laser excited cesium atoms collide with the positrons, forming Rydberg positronium, a bound state of an electron and a positron. The positronium atoms are no longer confined by the electric potentials of the Penning trap and some drift into the neighboring cloud of antiprotons where, in a second charge exchange collision, they form antihydrogen. The antiprotons remain at rest during the entire process, so much larger numbers of trappable antihydrogen atoms can be produced. Laser excitation is necessary to increase the efficiency of the process since the cross sections for charge-exchange collisions scale with the fourth power of the principal quantum number n.rnThis method, named double charge-exchange, was demonstrated by ATRAP in 2004. Since then, ATRAP constructed a new combined Penning Ioffe trap and a new laser system. The goal of this thesis was to implement the double charge-exchange method in this new apparatus and increase the number of antihydrogen atoms produced.rnCompared to our previous experiment, we could raise the numbers of positronium and antihydrogen atoms produced by two orders of magnitude. Most of this gain is due to the larger positron and antiproton plasmas available by now, but we could also achieve significant improvements in the efficiencies of the individual steps. We therefore showed that the double charge-exchange can produce comparable numbers of antihydrogen as the TBR method, but the fraction of cold, trappable atoms is expected to be much higher. Therefore this work is an important step towards precision measurements with trapped antihydrogen atoms.


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Im Jahr 2011 wurde am Large Hadron Collider mit dem ATLAS Experiment ein Datensatz von 4.7 inversen Femtobarn bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 7 TeV aufgezeichnet. Teil des umfangreichen Physikprogrammes des ATLAS Experiments ist die Suche nach Physik jenseits des Standardmodells. Supersymmetrie - eine neue Symmetrie zwischen Bosonen und Fermionen - wird als aussichtsreichester Kandidat für neue Physik angesehen, und zahlreiche direkte und indirekte Suchen nach Supersymmetrie wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten bereits durchgeführt. In der folgenden Arbeit wird eine direkte Suche nach Supersymmetrie in Endzuständen mit Jets, fehlender Transversalenergie und genau einem Elektron oder Myon durchgeführt. Der analysierte Datensatz von 4.7 inversen Femtobarn umfasst die gesamte Datenmenge, welche am ATLAS Experiment bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 7 TeV aufgezeichnet wurde. Die Ergebnisse der Analyse werden mit verschiedenen anderen leptonischen Suchkanälen kombiniert, um die Sensitivität auf diversen supersymmetrischen Produktions- und Zerfallsmodi zu maximieren. Die gemessenen Daten sind kompatibel mit der Standardmodellerwartung, und neue Ausschlussgrenzen in verschiedenen supersymmetrischen Modellen werden berechnet.