5 resultados para Lattices codes
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
This thesis reports on the experimental investigation of controlled spin dependent interactions in a sample of ultracold Rubidium atoms trapped in a periodic optical potential. In such a situation, the most basic interaction between only two atoms at one common potential well, forming a micro laboratory for this atom pair, can be investigated. Spin dependent interactions between the atoms can lead to an intriguing time evolution of the system. In this work, we present two examples of such spin interaction induced dynamics. First, we have been able to observe and control a coherent spin changing interaction. Second, we have achieved to examine and manipulate an interaction induced time evolution of the relative phase of a spin 1/2-system, both in the case of particle pairs and in the more general case of N interacting particles. The first part of this thesis elucidates the spin-changing interaction mechanism underlying many fascinating effects resulting from interacting spins at ultracold temperatures. This process changes the spin states of two colliding particles, while preserving total magnetization. If initial and final states have almost equal energy, this process is resonant and leads to large amplitude oscillations between different spin states. The measured coupling parameters of such a process allow to precisely infer atomic scattering length differences, that e.g. determine the nature of the magnetic ground state of the hyperfine states in Rubidium. Moreover, a method to tune the spin oscillations at will based on the AC-Zeeman effect has been implemented. This allowed us to use resonant spin changing collisions as a quantitative and non-destructive particle pair probe in the optical lattice. This led to a series of experiments shedding light on the Bosonic superfluid to Mott insulator transition. In a second series of experiments we have been able to coherently manipulate the interaction induced time evolution of the relative phase in an ensemble of spin 1/2-systems. For two particles, interactions can lead to an entanglement oscillation of the particle pair. For the general case of N interacting particles, the ideal time evolution leads to the creation of spin squeezed states and even Schrödinger cat states. In the experiment we have been able to control the underlying interactions by a Feshbach resonance. For particle pairs we could directly observe the entanglement oscillations. For the many particle case we have been able to observe and reverse the interaction induced dispersion of the relative phase. The presented results demonstrate how correlated spin states can be engineered through control of atomic interactions. Moreover, the results point towards the possibility to simulate quantum magnetism phenomena with ultracold atoms in optical traps, and to realize and analyze many novel quantum spin states which have not been experimentally realized so far.
This thesis describes experiments which investigate ultracold atom ensembles in an optical lattice. Such quantum gases are powerful models for solid state physics. Several novel methods are demonstrated that probe the special properties of strongly correlated states in lattice potentials. Of these, quantum noise spectroscopy reveals spatial correlations in such states, which are hidden when using the usual methods of probing atomic gases. Another spectroscopic technique makes it possible to demonstrate the existence of a shell structure of regions with constant densities. Such coexisting phases separated by sharp boundaries had been theoretically predicted for the Mott insulating state. The tunneling processes in the optical lattice in the strongly correlated regime are probed by preparing the ensemble in an optical superlattice potential. This allows the time-resolved observation of the tunneling dynamics, and makes it possible to directly identify correlated tunneling processes.
In this thesis, we investigate mixtures of quantum degenerate Bose and Fermi gases of neutral atoms in threedimensional optical lattices. Feshbach resonances allow to control interspecies interactions in these systems precisely, by preparing suitable combinations of internal atomic states and applying external magnetic fields. This way, the system behaviour can be tuned continuously from mutual transparency to strongly interacting correlated phases, up to the stability boundary.rnThe starting point for these investigations is the spin-polarized fermionic band insulator. The properties of this non-interacting system are fully determined by the Pauli exclusion principle for the occupation of states in the lattice. A striking demonstration of the latter can be found in the antibunching of the density-density correlation of atoms released from the lattice. If bosonic atoms are added to this system, isolated heteronuclear molecules can be formed on the lattice sites via radio-frequency stimulation. The efficiency of this process hints at a modification of the atom number distribution over the lattice caused by interspecies interaction.rnIn the following, we investigate systems with tunable interspecies interaction. To this end, a method is developed which allows to assess the various contributions to the system Hamiltonian both qualitatively and quantitatively by following the quantum phase diffusion of the bosonic matter wave.rnBesides a modification of occupation number statistics, these measurements show a significant renormalization of the bosonic Hubbard parameters. The final part of the thesis considers the implications of this renormalization effect on the many particle physics in the mixture. Here, we demonstrate how the quantum phase transition from a bosonic superfluid to a Mott insulator state is shifted towards considerably shallower lattices due to renormalization.
This thesis reports on the creation and analysis of many-body states of interacting fermionic atoms in optical lattices. The realized system can be described by the Fermi-Hubbard hamiltonian, which is an important model for correlated electrons in modern condensed matter physics. In this way, ultra-cold atoms can be utilized as a quantum simulator to study solid state phenomena. The use of a Feshbach resonance in combination with a blue-detuned optical lattice and a red-detuned dipole trap enables an independent control over all relevant parameters in the many-body hamiltonian. By measuring the in-situ density distribution and doublon fraction it has been possible to identify both metallic and insulating phases in the repulsive Hubbard model, including the experimental observation of the fermionic Mott insulator. In the attractive case, the appearance of strong correlations has been detected via an anomalous expansion of the cloud that is caused by the formation of non-condensed pairs. By monitoring the in-situ density distribution of initially localized atoms during the free expansion in a homogeneous optical lattice, a strong influence of interactions on the out-of-equilibrium dynamics within the Hubbard model has been found. The reported experiments pave the way for future studies on magnetic order and fermionic superfluidity in a clean and well-controlled experimental system.
Die Entstehung und Evolution des genetischen Codes, der die Nukleotidsequenz der mRNA in die Aminosäuresequenz der Proteine übersetzt, zählen zu den größten Rätseln der Biologie. Die ersten Organismen, die vor etwa 3,8 Milliarden Jahren auf der Erde auftraten, nutzten einen ursprünglichen genetischen Code, der vermutlich ausschließlich abiotisch verfügbare Aminosäuren terrestrischer oder extraterrestrischer Herkunft umfasste. Neue Aminosäuren wurden sukzessive biosynthetisiert und selektiv in den Code aufgenommen, welcher in der modernen Form aus bis zu 22 Aminosäuren besteht. Die Ursachen für die Selektion und die Chronologie ihrer Aufnahme sind bis heute unbekannt und sollten im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erforscht werden. Auf Grundlage quanten-chemischer Berechnungen konnte in dieser Arbeit zunächst ein Zusammenhang zwischen der HOMO-LUMO-Energiedifferenz (H-L-Distanz), die ein inverses quanten-chemisches Korrelat für allgemeine chemische Reaktivität darstellt, und der chronologischen Aufnahme der Aminosäuren in den genetischen Code aufgezeigt werden. Demnach sind ursprüngliche Aminosäuren durch große H-L-Distanzen und neue Aminosäuren durch kleine H-L-Distanzen gekennzeichnet. Bei einer Analyse des Metabolismus von Tyrosin und Tryptophan, bei denen es sich um die beiden jüngsten Standard-Aminosäuren handelt, wurde ihre Bedeutung als Vorläufer von Strukturen ersichtlich, die sich durch eine hohe Redox-Aktivität auszeichnen und deren Synthese gleichzeitig molekularen Sauerstoff erfordert. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Redox-Aktivitäten der 20 Standard-Aminosäuren gegenüber Peroxylradikalen und weiteren Radikalen getestet. Die Untersuchungen ergaben eine Korrelation zwischen evolutionärem Auftreten und chemischer Reaktivität der jeweiligen Aminosäure, die sich insbesondere in der effizienten Reaktion zwischen Tryptophan bzw. Tyrosin und Peroxylradikalen widerspiegelte. Dies indizierte eine potentielle Bedeutung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) bei der Konstituierung des genetischen Codes. Signifikante Mengen an ROS wurden erst zu Beginn der Oxygenierung der Geobiosphäre, die als Great Oxidation Event (GOE) bezeichnet wird und vor circa 2,3 Milliarden Jahren begann, gebildet und müssen zur oxidativen Schädigung vulnerabler, zellulärer Strukturen geführt haben. Aus diesem Grund wurde das antioxidative Potential von Aminosäuren beim Prozess der Lipidperoxidation untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass lipophile Derivate von Tryptophan und Tyrosin befähigt sind, die Peroxidation von Rattenhirnmembranen zu verhindern und humane Fibroblasten vor oxidativem Zelltod zu schützen. Daraus gründete sich das in dieser Arbeit aufgestellte Postulat eines Selektionsvorteils primordialer Organismen während des GOEs, die Tryptophan und Tyrosin als redox-aktive Aminosäuren in Membranproteine einbauen konnten und somit vor Oxidationsprozessen geschützt waren. Demzufolge wurde die biochemische Reaktivität als Selektionsparameter sowie oxidativer Stress als prägender Faktor der Evolution des genetischen Codes identifiziert.