em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Abstract In this study structural and finite strain data are used to explore the tectonic evolution and the exhumation history of the Chilean accretionary wedge. The Chilean accretionary wedge is part of a Late Paleozoic subduction complex that developed during subduction of the Pacific plate underneath South America. The wedge is commonly subdivided into a structurally lower Western Series and an upper Eastern Series. This study shows the progressive development of structures and finite strain from the least deformed rocks in the eastern part of the Eastern Series of the accretionary wedge to higher grade schist of the Western Series at the Pacific coast. Furthermore, this study reports finite-strain data to quantify the contribution of vertical ductile shortening to exhumation. Vertical ductile shortening is, together with erosion and normal faulting, a process that can aid the exhumation of high-pressure rocks. In the east, structures are characterized by upright chevron folds of sedimentary layering which are associated with a penetrative axial-plane foliation, S1. As the F1 folds became slightly overturned to the west, S1 was folded about recumbent open F2 folds and an S2 axial-plane foliation developed. Near the contact between the Western and Eastern Series S2 represents a prominent subhorizontal transposition foliation. Towards the structural deepest units in the west the transposition foliation became progressively flat lying. Finite-strain data as obtained by Rf/Phi and PDS analysis in metagreywacke and X-ray texture goniometry in phyllosilicate-rich rocks show a smooth and gradual increase in strain magnitude from east to west. There are no evidences for normal faulting or significant structural breaks across the contact of Eastern and Western Series. The progressive structural and strain evolution between both series can be interpreted to reflect a continuous change in the mode of accretion in the subduction wedge. Before ~320-290 Ma the rocks of the Eastern Series were frontally accreted to the Andean margin. Frontal accretion caused horizontal shortening and upright folds and axial-plane foliations developed. At ~320-290 Ma the mode of accretion changed and the rocks of the Western Series were underplated below the Andean margin. This basal accretion caused a major change in the flow field within the wedge and gave rise to vertical shortening and the development of the penetrative subhorizontal transposition foliation. To estimate the amount that vertical ductile shortening contributed to the exhumation of both units finite strain is measured. The tensor average of absolute finite strain yield Sx=1.24, Sy=0.82 and Sz=0.57 implying an average vertical shortening of ca. 43%, which was compensated by volume loss. The finite strain data of the PDS measurements allow to calculate an average volume loss of 41%. A mass balance approximates that most of the solved material stays in the wedge and is precipitated in quartz veins. The average of relative finite strain is Sx=1.65, Sy=0.89 and Sz=0.59 indicating greater vertical shortening in the structurally deeper units. A simple model which integrates velocity gradients along a vertical flow path with a steady-state wedge is used to estimate the contribution of deformation to ductile thinning of the overburden during exhumation. The results show that vertical ductile shortening contributed 15-20% to exhumation. As no large-scale normal faults have been mapped the remaining 80-85% of exhumation must be due to erosion.


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Zusammenfassung:Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist ein besseres Verständnis von der Art und Weise wie sich Formregelungsgefüge entwicklen. Auf dieser Basis wird der Nutzen von Formregelungsgefügen für die Geologie evaluiert. Untersuchungsmethoden sind Geländearbeit und -auswertung, numerische Simulationen und Analogexperimente. Untersuchungen an Formregelungsgefügen in Gesteinen zeigen, daß ein Formregelungsgefüge nur zu einem begrenzten Grad als Anzeiger für die Stärke der Verformung benutzt werden kann. Der angenommene Grund hierfür ist der Einfluß des Verhältnisses von ursprünglicher zu rekristallisierter Korngröße auf die Gefügeentwicklung und von der Art und Weise wie dynamische Rekristallisation ein Gefüge verändert. Um diese Beobachtung zu evaluieren, wurden verschiedene numerische Simulationen von dynamischer Rekristallisation durchgeführt. Ein neuer Deformationsapparat, mit dem generelle Fließregime modelliert werden können, wurde entwickelt. Die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Materialien, die für solche Experimente benutzt werden, wurden untersucht und diskutiert. Ergebnisse von Analogexperimenten zeigen, daß die Intensität eines Formregelungsgefüges positiv mit der Abnahme der 'kinematic vorticity number' und einem nicht-Newtonianischen, 'power law' Verhalten des Materixmaterials korreliert ist. Experimente, in denen die Formveränderung von viskosen Einschlüssen während der progressiven Verformung modelliert werden, zeigen, daß verschiedene Viskositätskontraste zwischen Matrix- und Einschlußmaterial in charakteristische Formgefüge resultieren.


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Zusammenfassung:In dieser Studie werden Deformationsprozesse im mesozoischen Torlesse Akkretionskeil (Neuseeland) quantifiziert, um Aufschluß über die Dynamik in Akkretionskeilen zu erhalten. Absolute und relative Verformungsmessungen zeigen sowohl im lokalen als auch regionalen Maßstab eine stark heterogene Deformation des Torlesse Keils. Die regionale Deformation wurde mit Hilfe einer Tensordurchschnittsberechnung, unter Benutzung einzelner lokaler Verformungsdaten, als uniaxiale Verkürzung entlang einer subvertikalen, maximalen Verkürzungsachse charakterisiert. Absolute Verformungsmessungen an niedriggradigen Metasandsteinen belegen darüber hinaus durchschnittliche Volumenverluste von ca. 20% SiO2. Volumenveränderungen in tieferkrustalen Aufschlüssen wurden mittels einer geochemischen Massenbilanzanalyse abgeschätzt. Chemische Zusammensetzungen höhergradiger Zonen weichen je nach Grad der Volumenverformung von der Protolitzusammensetzung ab und zeigen somit Verluste von 15% SiO2 an. Da Speicherorte für das gelöste Material nicht bekannt sind, muss angenommen werden, dass das Material aus dem Keil abtransportiert wurde. Die Verformungsergebnisse geben weiterhin Aufschluß über den Grad der Kopplung zwischen Akkretionskeil und subduzierter Platte. Die ermittelten Scherwerte in den Gesteinen liegen deutlich unter den zu erwartenden Scherwerten, die mittels eines einfachen Modells berechnet wurden, das sowohl verschiedene Konvergenzgeschwindigkeiten als auch Exhumierungsraten berücksichtigt. Dies belegt, dass der Torlesse Keil stark von der subduzierten pazifischen Platte entkoppelt war und die Deformation hauptsächlich durch den Fluß der Sedimente in und aus dem Keil bestimmt wurde.


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A finite-strain study in the Gran Paradiso massif of the Italian Western Alps has been carried out to elucidate whether ductile strain shows a relationship to nappe contacts and to shed light on the nature of the subhorizontal foliation typical of the gneiss nappes in the Alps. The Rf/_ and Fry methods used on feldspar porphyroclasts from 143 augengneiss and 11 conglomerate samples of the Gran Paradiso unit (upper tectonic unit of the Gran Paradiso massif), as well as, 9 augengneiss (Erfaulet granite) and 3 quartzite conglomerate samples from the underlying Erfaulet unit (lower unit of the Gran Paradiso massif), and 1 sample from mica schist. Microstructures and thermobarometric data show that feldspar ductility at temperatures >~450°C occurred only during high-pressure metamorphism, when the rocks were underplated beneath the overriding Adriatic plate. Therefore, the finite-strain data can be related to high-pressure metamorphism in the Alpine subduction zone. The augen gneiss was heterogeneously deformed and axial ratios of the strain ellipse in XZ sections range from 2.1 to 69.8. The long axes of the finite-strain ellipsoids trend W/WNW and the short axes are subvertical associated with a subhorizontal foliation. The strain magnitudes do not increase towards the nappe contacts. Geochemical work shows that the accumulation of finite strain was not associated with any significant volume strain. Hence, the data indicate flattening strain type in the Gran Paradiso unit and constrictional strain type in the Erfaulet unit and prove deviations from simple shear. In addition, electron microprobe work was undertaken to determine if the analysed fabrics formed during high-P metamorphism. The chemistry of phengites in the studied samples suggests that deformation and final structural juxtaposition of the Gran Paradiso unit against the Erfaulet took place during high-pressure metamorphism. On the other hand, nappe stacking occurred early during subduction probably by brittle imbrication and that ductile strain was superimposed on and modified the nappe structure during high-pressure underplating in the Alpine subduction zone. The accumulation of ductile strain during underplating was not by simple shear and involved a component of vertical shortening, which caused the subhorizontal foliation in the Gran Paradiso massif. It is concluded that this foliation formed during thrusting of the nappes onto each other suggesting that nappe stacking was associated with vertical shortening. The primary evidence for this interpretation is an attenuated metamorphic section with high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Gran Paradiso unit juxtaposed against the Erfaulet unit. Therefore, the exhumation during high-pressure metamorphism in the Alpine subduction zone involved a component of vertical shortening, which is responsible for the subhorizontal foliation within the nappes.


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In the present study, pterosaur skull constructions were analysed using a combined approach of finite element analysis (FEA), static investigations as well as applying classical beam theory and lever mechanics. The study concentrates on the operating regime „bite“, where loads are distributed via the dentition or a keratinous rhamphotheca into the skull during jaw occlusion. As a first step, pterosaur tooth constructions were analysed. The different morphologies of the tooth construction determine specific operational ranges, in which the teeth perform best (= greatest resistance against failure). The incomplete enamel-covering of the pterosaur tooth constructions thereby leads to a reduction of strain and stress and to a greater lateral elasticity than for a complete enamel cover. This permits the development of high and lateral compressed tooth constructions. Further stress-absorption occurs in the periodontal membrane, although its mechanical properties can not be clarified unambiguously. A three-dimensionally preserved skull of Anhanguera was chosen as a case-study for the investigation of the skull constructions. CT-scans were made to get information about the internal architecture, supplemented by thin-sections of a rostrum of a second Anhanguera specimen. These showed that the rostrum can be approximated as a double-walled triangular tube with a large central vacuity and an average wall-thickness of the bony layers of about 1 mm. On base of the CT-scans, a stereolithography of the skull of Anhanguera was made on which the jaw adductor and abductor muscles were modelled, permitting to determine muscular forces. The values were used for the lever mechanics, cantilever and space frame analysis. These studies and the FEA show, that the jaw reaction forces are critical for the stability of the skull construction. The large jugal area ventral to the orbita and the inclined occipital region act as buttresses against these loads. In contrast to the orbitotemporal region which is subject to varying loading conditions, the pattern in the rostrum is less complex. Here, mainly bending in dorsal direction and torsion occur. The hollow rostrum leads to a reduction of weight of the skull and to a high bending and torsional resistance. Similar to the Anhanguera skull construction, the skulls of those pterosaur taxa were analysed, from which enough skull material is know to permit a reliable reconstruction. Furthermore, FEA were made from five selected taxa. The comparison of the biomechanical behaviour of the different skull constructions results in major transformational processes: elongation of rostra, inclination of the occipital region, variation of tooth morphology, reduction of the dentition and replacement of teeth by a keratinous hook or rhamphotheca, fusion of naris and antorbital fenestra, and the development of bony and soft-tissue crests. These processes are discussed for their biomechanical effects during bite. Certain optional operational ranges for feeding are assigned to the different skull constructions and previous hypotheses (e.g. skimming) are verified. Using the principle of economisation, these processes help to establish irreversible transformations and to define possible evolutionary pathways. The resulting constructional levels and the structural variations within these levels are interpreted in light of a greater feeding efficiency and reduction of bony mass combined with an increased stability against the various loads. The biomechanical conclusive pathways are used for comparison and verification of recent hypothesis of the phylogenetic systematics of pterosaurs.