4 resultados para Keller, Laurent: Queen number and sociality in insects
em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Tauglichkeit von Hybridmaterialien auf der Basis von Zinkphosphathydrat-Zementen zum Einsatz als korrosionshemmende anorganische Pigmente oder zur prothetischen und konservierenden Knochen- und Zahntherapie wird weltweit empirisch seit den neunziger Jahren intensiv erforscht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zuerst Referenzproben, d.h. alpha-und beta-Hopeite (Abk. a-,b-ZPT) dank eines hydrothermalen Kristallisationsverfahrens in wässerigem Milieu bei 20°C und 90°C hergestellt. Die Kristallstruktur beider Polymorphe des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats Zn3(PO4)2 4 H2O wurde komplett bestimmt. Einkristall-strukturanalyse zeigt, daß der Hauptunterschied zwischen der alpha-und beta-Form des Zinkphosphattetrahydrats in zwei verschiedenen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken liegt. Die entsprechenden drei- und zweidimensionalen Anordnungen der Wasserstoffbrücken der a-und b-ZPT induzieren jeweils unterschiedliches thermisches Verhalten beim Aufwärmen. Während die alpha-Form ihr Kristallwasser in zwei definierten Stufen verliert, erzeugt die beta-Form instabile Dehydratationsprodukt. Dieses entspricht zwei unabhängigen, aber nebeneinander ablaufenden Dehydratationsmechanismen: (i) bei niedrigen Heizraten einen zweidimensionalen Johnson-Mehl-Avrami (JMA) Mechanismus auf der (011) Ebene, der einerseits bevorzugt an Kristallkanten stattfindet und anderseits von existierenden Kristalldefekten auf Oberflächen gesteuert wird; (ii) bei hohen Heizraten einem zweidimensionalen Diffusionsmechanismus (D2), der zuerst auf der (101) Ebene und dann auf der (110) Ebene erfolgt. Durch die Betrachtung der ZPT Dehydratation als irreversibele heterogene Festkörperstufenreaktion wurde dank eines „ähnlichen Endprodukt“-Protokolls das Dehydratationsphasendiagramm aufgestellt. Es beschreibt die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen den verschiedenen Hydratationszuständen und weist auf die Existenz eines Übergangszustandes um 170°C (d.h. Reaktion b-ZPT a-ZPT) hin. Daneben wurde auch ein gezieltes chemisches Ätzverfahren mit verdünnten H3PO4- und NH3 Lösungen angewendet, um die ersten Stufe des Herauslösens von Zinkphosphat genau zu untersuchen. Allerdings zeigen alpha- und beta-Hopeite charakteristische hexagonale und kubische Ätzgruben, die sich unter kristallographischer Kontrolle verbreitern. Eine zuverlässige Beschreibung der Oberfächenchemie und Topologie konnte nur durch AFM und FFM Experimente erfolgen. Gleichzeitig konnte in dieser Weise die Oberflächendefektdichte und-verteilung und die Volumenauflösungsrate von a-ZPT und b-ZPT bestimmt werden. Auf einem zweiten Weg wurde eine innovative Strategie zur Herstellung von basischen Zinkphosphatpigmenten erster und zweiter Generation (d.h. NaZnPO4 1H2O und Na2ZnPO4(OH) 2H2O) mit dem Einsatz von einerseits oberflächenmodifizierten Polystyrolatices (z.B. produziert durch ein Miniemulsionspolymerisationsverfahren) und anderseits von Dendrimeren auf der Basis von Polyamidoamid (PAMAM) beschritten. Die erhaltene Zeolithstruktur (ZPO) hat in Abhängigkeit von steigendem Natrium und Wassergehalt unterschiedliche kontrollierte Morphologie: hexagonal, würfelförmig, herzförmig, sechsarmige Sterne, lanzettenförmige Dendrite, usw. Zur quantitativen Evaluierung des Polymereinbaus in der Kristallstruktur wurden carboxylierte fluoreszenzmarkierte Latices eingesetzt. Es zeigt sich, daß Polymeradditive nicht nur das Wachstum bis zu 8 µm.min-1 reduzierten. Trotzdem scheint es auch als starker Nukleationsbeschleuniger zu wirken. Dank der Koordinationschemie (d.h. Bildung eines sechszentrigen Komplexes L-COO-Zn-PO4*H2O mit Ligandenaustausch) konnten zwei einfache Mechanismen zur Wirkung von Latexpartikeln bei der ZPO Kristallisation aufgezeigt werden: (i) ein Intrakorona- und (ii) ein Extrakorona-Keimbildungsmechanismus. Weiterhin wurde die Effizienz eines Kurzzeit- und Langzeitkorrosionschutzes durch maßgeschneiderte ZPO/ZPT Pigmente und kontrollierte Freisetzung von Phosphationen in zwei Näherungen des Auslösungsgleichgewichts abgeschätzt: (i) durch eine Auswaschungs-methode (thermodynamischer Prozess) und (ii) durch eine pH-Impulsmethode (kinetischer Prozess. Besonders deutlich wird der Ausflösungs-Fällungsmechanismus (d.h. der Metamorphismus). Die wesentliche Rolle den Natriumionen bei der Korrosionshemmung wird durch ein passendes zusammensetzungsabhängiges Auflösungsmodell (ZAAM) beschrieben, das mit dem Befund des Salzsprühteste und der Feuchtigkeitskammertests konsistent ist. Schließlich zeigt diese Arbeit das herausragende Potential funktionalisierter Latices (Polymer) bei der kontrollierten Mineralisation zur Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Zinkphosphat Materialien. Solche Hybridmaterialien werden dringend in der Entwicklung umweltfreundlicher Korrosionsschutzpigmente sowie in der Dentalmedizin benötigt.
The global mid-ocean ridge system creates oceanic crust and lithosphere that covers more than two-thirds of the Earth. Basalts are volumetrically the most important rock type sampled at mid-ocean ridges. For this reason, our present understanding of upper mantle dynamics and the chemical evolution of the earth is strongly influenced by the study of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). However, MORB are aggregates of polybarically generated small melt increments that can undergo a variety of physical and chemical processes during their ascent and consequently affect their derivative geochemical composition. Therefore, MORB do not represent “direct” windows to the underlying upper mantle. Abyssal peridotites, upper mantle rocks recovered from the ocean floor, are the residual complement to MORB melting and provide essential information on melt extraction from the upper mantle. In this study, abyssal peridotites are examined to address these overarching questions posed by previous studies of MORB: How are basaltic melts formed in the mantle, how are they extracted from the mantle and what physical and chemical processes control mantle melting? The number of studies on abyssal peridotites is small compared to those on basalts, in part because seafloor exposures of abyssal peridotites are relatively rare. For this reason, abyssal peridotite characteristics need to be considered in the context of subaerially exposed peridotites associated with ophiolites, orogenic peridotite bodies and basalt-hosted xenoliths. However, orogenic peridotite bodies are mainly associated with passive continental margins, most ophiolites are formed in supra-subduction zone settings, and peridotite xenoliths are often contaminated by their host magma. Therefore, studies of abyssal peridotites are essential to understanding the primary characteristics of the oceanic upper mantle free from the influence of continental rifting, subduction and tectonic emplacement processes. Nevertheless, numerous processes such as melt stagnation and cooling-induced, inter-mineral exchange can affect residual abyssal peridotite compositions after the cessation of melting. The aim of this study is to address these post-melting modifications of abyssal peridotites from a petrological-geochemical perspective. The samples in this study were dredged along the axis of the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean within the “Sparsely Magmatic Zone”, a 100 km ridge section where only mantle rocks are exposed. During two expeditions (ARK XVII-2 in 2001 and ARK XX-2 in 2004), exceptionally fresh peridotites were recovered. The boulders and cobbles collected cover a range of mantle rock compositions, with most characterized as plagioclase-free spinel peridotites or plagioclase- spinel peridotites. This thesis investigates melt stagnation and cooling processes in the upper mantle and is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on processes in the stability field of spinel peridotites (>10 kb) such as melt refertilization and cooling related trace element exchange, while the second part investigates processes in the stability field of plagioclase peridotites (< 10 kb) such as reactive melt migration and melt stagnation. The dissertation chapters are organized to follow the theoretical ascent of a mantle parcel upwelling beneath the location where the samples were collected.
Copper and Zn are essential micronutrients for plants, animals, and humans; however, they may also be pollutants if they occur at high concentrations in soil. Therefore, knowledge of Cu and Zn cycling in soils is required both for guaranteeing proper nutrition and to control possible risks arising from pollution.rnThe overall objective of my study was to test if Cu and Zn stable isotope ratios can be used to investigate into the biogeochemistry, source and transport of these metals in soils. The use of stable isotope ratios might be especially suitable to trace long-term processes occurring during soil genesis and transport of pollutants through the soil. In detail, I aimed to answer the questions, whether (1) Cu stable isotopes are fractionated during complexation with humic acid, (2) 65Cu values can be a tracer for soil genetic processes in redoximorphic soils (3) 65Cu values can help to understand soil genetic processes under oxic weathering conditions, and (4) 65Cu and 66Zn values can act as tracers of sources and transport of Cu and Zn in polluted soils.rnTo answer these questions, I ran adsorption experiments at different pH values in the laboratory and modelled Cu adsorption to humic acid. Furthermore, eight soils were sampled representing different redox and weathering regimes of which two were influenced by stagnic water, two by groundwater, two by oxic weathering (Cambisols), and two by podzolation. In all horizons of these soils, I determined selected basic soil properties, partitioned Cu into seven operationally defined fractions and determined Cu concentrations and Cu isotope ratios (65Cu values). Finally, three additional soils were sampled along a deposition gradient at different distances to a Cu smelter in Slovakia and analyzed together with bedrock and waste material from the smelter for selected basic soil properties, Cu and Zn concentrations and 65Cu and 66Zn values.rnMy results demonstrated that (1) Copper was fractionated during adsorption on humic acid resulting in an isotope fractionation between the immobilized humic acid and the solution (65CuIHA-solution) of 0.26 ± 0.11‰ (2SD) and that the extent of fractionation was independent of pH and involved functional groups of the humic acid. (2) Soil genesis and plant cycling causes measurable Cu isotope fractionation in hydromorphic soils. The results suggested that an increasing number of redox cycles depleted 63Cu with increasing depth resulting in heavier 65Cu values. (3) Organic horizons usually had isotopically lighter Cu than mineral soils presumably because of the preferred uptake and recycling of 63Cu by plants. (4) In a strongly developed Podzol, eluviation zones had lighter and illuviation zones heavier 65Cu values because of the higher stability of organo-65Cu complexes compared to organo-63Cu complexes. In the Cambisols and a little developed Podzol, oxic weathering caused increasingly lighter 65Cu values with increasing depth, resulting in the opposite depth trend as in redoximorphic soils, because of the preferential vertical transport of 63Cu. (5) The 66Zn values were fractionated during the smelting process and isotopically light Zn was emitted allowing source identification of Zn pollution while 65Cu values were unaffected by the smelting and Cu emissions isotopically indistinguishable from soil. The 65Cu values in polluted soils became lighter down to a depth of 0.4 m indicating isotope fractionation during transport and a transport depth of 0.4 m in 60 years. 66Zn values had an opposite depth trend becoming heavier with depth because of fractionation by plant cycling, speciation changes, and mixing of native and smelter-derived Zn. rnCopper showed measurable isotope fractionation of approximately 1‰ in unpolluted soils, allowing to draw conclusions on plant cycling, transport, and redox processes occurring during soil genesis and 65Cu and 66Zn values in contaminated soils allow for conclusions on sources (in my study only possible for Zn), biogeochemical behavior, and depth of dislocation of Cu and Zn pollution in soil. I conclude that stable Cu and Zn isotope ratios are a suitable novel tool to trace long-term processes in soils which are difficult to assess otherwise.rn
Mineral dust is an important component of the Earth's climate system and provides essential nutrientsrnto oceans and rain forests. During atmospheric transport, dust particles directly and indirectly influencernweather and climate. The strength of dust sources and characteristics of the transport, in turn, mightrnbe subject to climatic changes. Earth system models help for a better understanding of these complexrnmechanisms.rnrnThis thesis applies the global climate model ECHAM5/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) for simulationsrnof the mineral dust cycle under different climatic conditions. The prerequisite for suitable modelrnresults is the determination of the model setup reproducing the most realistic dust cycle in the recentrnclimate. Simulations with this setup are used to gain new insights into properties of the transatlanticrndust transport from Africa to the Americas and adaptations of the model's climate forcing factors allowrnfor investigations of the impact of climatic changes on the dust cycle.rnrnIn the first part, the most appropriate model setup is determined through a number of sensitivity experiments.rnIt uses the dust emission parametrisation from Tegen et al. 2002 and a spectral resolutionrnof T85, corresponding to a horizontal grid spacing of about 155 km. Coarser resolutions are not able tornaccurately reproduce emissions from important source regions such as the Bodele Depression in Chad orrnthe Taklamakan Desert in Central Asia. Furthermore, the representation of ageing and wet deposition ofrndust particles in the model requires a basic sulphur chemical mechanism. This setup is recommended forrnfuture simulations with EMAC focusing on mineral dust.rnrnOne major branch of the global dust cycle is the long-range transport from the world's largest dustrnsource, the Sahara, across the Atlantic Ocean. Seasonal variations of the main transport pathways to thernAmazon Basin in boreal winter and to the Caribbean during summer are well known and understood,rnand corroborated in this thesis. Both Eulerian and Lagrangian methods give estimates on the typicalrntransport times from the source regions to the deposition on the order of nine to ten days. Previously, arnhuge proportion of the dust transported across the Atlantic Ocean has been attributed to emissions fromrnthe Bodele Depression. However, the contribution of this hot spot to the total transport is very low inrnthe present results, although the overall emissions from this region are comparable. Both model resultsrnand data sets analysed earlier, such as satellite products, involve uncertainties and this controversy aboutrndust transport from the Bodele Depression calls for future investigations and clarification.rnrnAforementioned characteristics of the transatlantic dust transport just slightly change in simulationsrnrepresenting climatic conditions of the Little Ice Age in the middle of the last millennium with meanrnnear-surface cooling of 0.5 to 1 K. However, intensification of the West African summer monsoon duringrnthe Little Ice Age is associated with higher dust emissions from North African source regions and wetterrnconditions in the Sahel. Furthermore, the Indian Monsoon and dust emissions from the Arabian Peninsula,rnwhich are affected by this circulation, are intensified during the Little Ice Age, whereas the annual globalrndust budget is similar in both climate epochs. Simulated dust emission fluxes are particularly influencedrnby the surface parameters. Modifications of the model do not affect those in this thesis, to be able tornascribe all differences in the results to changed forcing factors, such as greenhouse gas concentrations.rnDue to meagre comparison data sets, the verification of results presented here is problematic. Deeperrnknowledge about the dust cycle during the Little Ice Age can be obtained by future simulations, based onrnthis work, and additionally using improved reconstructions of surface parameters. Better evaluation ofrnsuch simulations would be possible by refining the temporal resolution of reconstructed dust depositionrnfluxes from existing ice and marine sediment cores.