19 resultados para Insoluble

em ArchiMeD - Elektronische Publikationen der Universität Mainz - Alemanha


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Zusammenfassung der DoktorarbeitDie MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionisation–Time Of Flight) ist in der Lage, Moleküle mit einem Molekulargewicht bis zu mehreren Hunderttausend Da intakt in die Gasphase zu überführen. Dabei wird die Fragmentierung des Analyten stark eingeschränkt bzw. gänzlich vermieden. Diese Methode findet daher zunehmend Verwendung für die Charakterisierung von Biopolymeren und synthetischen Polymeren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, die MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie zur Charakterisierung von Makromolekülen einzusetzen, bei denen die konventionellen polymeranalytischen Methoden nur unzureichende Informationen oder gar falsche bzw. gar keine Ergebnisse liefern. Mittels einer methodischen Entwicklung der MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrometrie gelang es, die bisherigen Grenzen der Methode zu erweitern und neue Anwendungsbereiche der Polymeranalytik aufzuzeigen. Anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse wurden darüber hinaus neue Erklärungsansätze formuliert, die zu einem besseren Verständnis des noch immer ungeklärten MALDI-Prozesses beitragen können. Besonders vielversprechend sind zum einen die Ergebnisse der Fragmentionenanalyse synthetischer Polymere und zum anderen die Charakterisierung von unlöslichen PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). Die Möglichkeiten und Aussagekraft der Fragmentionenanalyse wurde an synthetischen Polymeren getestet. Mit Hilfe dieser neuen Technik konnte die komplizierte Endgruppenverteilung einer Polycarbonat-Probe sowie die Zusammensetzung eines Poly-para-phenylenethynylen-b-Polyethylenoxid-Diblock-Copolymers eindeutig bestimmen werden, während die konventionellen MALDI-Massenspektren nur über einen wesentlich geringeren Informationsgehalt verfügten. Auf dem Gebiet der Analytik von unlöslichen PAHs wurde mit der Entwicklung einer neuen MALDI-Probenvorbereitung eine Methode gefunden, die über die PAH Analytik hinaus von großem Nutzen ist. Diese erstmalig angewendete Probenvorbereitung unterscheidet sich von den üblichen MALDI-Probenpräparationen, indem sie auf die Beteiligung eines Lösungsmittels vollkommen verzichtet. Damit konnte speziell ein unlöslicher, zuvor nicht nachweisbarer PAH von ca. 2700 Da mit MALDI eindeutig charakterisiert werden.


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In the present work a series of thiophene oligomers of three and six thiophene units were synthesized, starting from thiophene, and characterized. Polymers containing these electroative side groups were then prepared by two strategies. The oligomers were attached to existing polymer systems and were connected to a polymerizable unit leading to monomer containing the oligothiophenes as side groups. Subsequently the properties of the monomers and the polymers were investigated. A butylcellulose derivative carrying terthienyl side chains (BCTTE, 26) was synthesized starting from cellulose acetate and 5-(2-chloroethyl)-2,2':5',2'-terthiophene (4). The polymer had a degree of substitution (DS) of the butyl and terthienyl side chains of DSbutyl = 1.9 and DSterth = 0.35, respectively. It was successfully spread on a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) trough and then transferred to several solid substrates. X-rays reflectometry showed an ordered architecture of the cellulose backbones. However, the terthiophene side groups were found as isotropically aligned by polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. When used as anode material in the electropolymerization of 3-pentylthiophene (28), polythiophene was grafted onto the cellulose backbone through the terthienyl side groups. The polythiophene chains showed an average anisotropic alignment of 20 % along the LB dipping direction, calculated by means of polarized UV-Vis spectroscopy. A second butylcellulose derivative carrying sexithienyl side chains (BCST) was synthesized and investigated, starting from butylcellulose and 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl p-toluensulfonate (7). The polymer showed formation of stable LB monolayers at the air-water interface, but its transfer onto solid substrates was not successful. A poly(p-phenylene-ethynylene) bearing sexithienyl side chains (BzAcST, 31) was prepared by reaction of the two monomers 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diiodobenzoate (15) and 2-[b', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl 2,5-diethynylbenzoate (18). The polymer was obtained as insoluble product. Upon oxidation with FeCl3 (doping) of the polymer suspension, BzAcST showed an electrical conductivity of ó = 2.5 . 10 -6 S/cm, a typical value for semiconductors. The IR spectrum of the doped polymer presented the diagnostic bands of oxidized sexithiophene in good agreement with literature results. Along with the monomer and polymer synthesis, an a,a '-disubstituted sexithiophene, b ', b ''-dipentyl-5,5'''-bis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophene (6a),was synthesized and characterized. The UV-Vis absorption of the chromophore wasinvestigated as a function of temperature and different solvents, showing a blue-shift of the absorption maximum with increasing temperature and a red-shift changing the solvent from hexane to ethanol to toluene. Monitoring the change of the UV-Vis spectrum upon electrochemical oxidation, the oxidized chromophore showed a new broad absorption band, red shifted with respect to the p -p* transition of the neutral state. Upon reduction, the new band disappeared and the UV-Vis spectrum of the chromophore was restored. Such oxidation-reduction cycles were totally reversible. This feature, together with the absorption maximum falling in the visible region, makes this chromophore a suitable compound for the development of an electrochemical sensor.Attempts to polymerize acrylic monomers carrying sexythienyl side chains both via radical polymerization, as in the case of 2-[b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2,2': 5',2':5',2'':5'',2'':5'',2'''-sexithiophen-5-yl]-ethyl acrylate (8), and anionic polymerization, as in the case of 2-{b ', b ''-dipentyl-5'''-[2-(tertbutyldimethylsiloxy)ethyl]-2,2':5',2':5',2'':5'',2'': 5'',2''' -sexithiophen-5-yl}-ethylacrylate (29), were not successful, probably due to the steric hindrance of the oligothiophene side group. However, due to the time consuming and therefore restricted availability of the monomers, a screening of the polymerization conditions towards the formation of polymeric material was not possible.


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Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit beschreibt die Synthese und Eigenschaften von formtreuen organischen Makrocyclen mit intraannularen polaren Gruppen. Dabei wurden zunächst entsprechende bifunktionalisierte Acetylenbausteine (Halbringe) hergestellt, welche anschließend in einer oxidativen Glaser-Eglington Kupplung zu den Makrocyclen umgesetzt wurden.Am Anfang wurden Sulfonat-funktionalisierte Makrocyclen untersucht. Diese ließen sich mittels der Templatmethode in hohen Ausbeuten synthetisieren. Nach der Abspaltung des Templatbausteins, der gleichzeitig als Schutzgruppe für die Sulfonsäure diente, erhielt man den entsprechenden Makrocyclus als Tetra-n-butylammonium-Salz. Vor dem Hintergrund ionenleitfähige Materialien zu erhalten, wurde anschließend das organische Kation durch anorganische Kationen (z.B. Li+, Na+) ausgetauscht. Dies führte jedoch zur Bildung unlöslicher Produkte, die sich nicht eindeutig charakterisierten ließen.Ein anderer Ansatz zu löslichen Makrocyclen mit polarem Innenraum zu gelangen war die Synthese eines Dipeptid-funktionalisierten Makrocyclus. Dies geschah im Hinblick auf die eventuelle Eignung der Makrocyclen als Rezeptormoleküle für Gäste biologischen Ursprungs. Dabei ließen sich die entsprechenden Dipeptid-funktionalisierten Halbringe auf einfache Weise darstellen, jedoch trat bei der anschließenden Glaser-Kupplung, wahrscheinlich bedingt durch den hohen molaren Überschuß an Kupfersalzen, als Hauptreaktion die Abspaltung des Peptidrests auf. Daher wurde sich nun der Carbonsäuregruppe als polaren Baustein im Inneren der Ringe zugewandt. Diese sollten eine anschließende Peptidankupplung zulassen.Es wurden vier verschiedene Makrocyclen mit intraannularen Carboxylatgruppen synthetisiert. Auch hier waren die Makrocyclen in Form ihrer Methylester noch gut, in Form der Säuren oder deren Salze oftmals nur noch sehr gering löslich. Um die Löslichkeit zu verbessern, wurde dabei die Polaritätsverteilung am Ring (polarer Innenraum, unpolarer Außenraum) durch das Anbringen von löslichkeits-vermittelnden Gruppen zum Teil aufgegeben. Dabei hat sich gezeigt, daß es erst durch die Verwendung von verzweigten (S)-Methylbutoxy-Gruppen innerhalb des Rings oder langen Alkoxyketten außerhalb des Rings möglich war, zu löslichen Systemen zu gelangen. Im ersten Fall ist es zum ersten Mal gelungen, einen löslichen Makrocyclus mit zwei freien intra-annnularen Carbonsäuregruppen zu erhalten. Durch die Optimierung der Syntheseroute ist es nunmehr möglich, den Ring im Grammmaßstab herzustellen. Außerdem wurden als Testreaktion beide Säuregruppen mit Methylamin zum Säureamid vollständig umgesetzt. Somit wurde ein System entwickelt, an das sich in Zukunft beliebige Aminosäuren an den Ring anbinden lassen sollten. Zusätzlich sollte sich die Chiralität der (S)-Methylbutoxygruppen auf das Erkennen von chiralen Gästen auswirken.Im zweiten Fall wurden durch das Anbringen von vier Tris(hexadecyloxy)-benzol- oder Tris(dodecyloxy)-benzol- Gruppen an der Peripherie der Ringe nach Hydrolyse der Methylestergruppen ebenfalls lösliche, Carboxylat-funktionalisierte Makrocyclen erhalten. Eine eingehende Untersuchung der Methylester-geschützten Ringe ergab, daß diese beim Schmelzen das Auftreten einer thermotropen flüssigkristallinen Phase zeigen. Die Natur der Mesophase konnte mittels Polarisations-Lichtmikroskopie sowie Röntgenbeugungsmethoden eindeutig als kolumnar-schiefwinklig (colob) charakterisiert werden. Hierbei ist zu bemerken, daß bei ähnlichen Makrocyclen, die über keinen polar gefüllten Innenraum verfügen, keine Mesophase auftritt. Das bedeutet, daß die Raumerfüllung im Inneren der Makrocyclen, bedingt durch die polaren Gruppen, zur Ausbildung einer flüssigkristallinen Phase unbedingt notwendig ist.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die durch das Enzym Horseradish Peroxidase katalysierte oxidative Polymerisation substituierter Phenole gewährt einen bequemen Zugang zu funktionalisierten Phenolpolymeren, deren Anwendung als Ersatz für konventionelle Phenol-Formaldehyd-Harze zur Zeit intensiv erforscht wird. Zur Zeit werden Polymerisation dieser Art in Mischungen aus organischen Lösungsmitteln (z.B. 1,4-Dioxan) und Puffer durchgeführt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde eine HRP-katalysierte Phenolpolymerisation von wasserunlöslichen Methacryloyl- und Maleinimid-substituierten Phenolen in 100% Pufferlösung durch die Verwendung von 2,6-methylierten Cyclodextrinen als carrier erreicht. Die so hergestellten Oligomere wurden mit Styrol und MMA copolymerisiert. Weitere Untersuchungen hatten die Synthese photoreaktiver Phenolpolymere mit Zimtsäure- oder Nitrongruppen in der Seitenkette, die Synthese thermisch vernetzbarer Phenolcopolymere aus Furan-2-carboxylsäure-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-amid und N-methacryloyl-11-aminoundecanoyl-4-hydroxyanilid sowie die Synthese eines Redoxpolymeren ausgehend von 4-Aminophenol zum Ziel. Daneben wurden Strategien zur enzymatisch katalysierten Synthese von Poly[para-phenylenen], hyperverzweigten Phenolpolymeren und biologisch aktiven Phenolpolymeren entwickelt, und detaillierte Untersuchungen zum Polymerisationsmechanismus und zur Struktur der entstehenden Phenolpolymere vorgestellt. Die vorgestellten Phenolpolymere bestehen hoechstwahrscheinlich aus polyaromatischen Helices, da diese p-substituierten Phenole während des Rekombinationsprozesses bevorzugt an den ortho-Positionen rekombinieren.


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Die hygroskopischen Eigenschaften sind wichtige Parameter des atmosphärischen Aerosols. Sie beeinflussen sowohl direkt über den Strahlungsantrieb, als auch indirekt über die Wechselwirkung von Aerosol und Wolken die globale Strahlungsbilanz und somit das Klima. Auch die Sichtweiteveränderung ist von ihnen abhängig. Sie beeinflussen die Partikeldeposition in der Lunge und müssen zur Vermeidung von Artefaktbildung bei der Aerosolmessung berücksichtigt werden.
Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet Messungen des wasserlöslichen Volumenanteils und des hygroskopischen Wachstumsfaktors des atmosphärischen Aerosols. Mit diesen Untersuchungen konnte der überwiegende Teil (50 nm bis 4 µm Partikeldurchmesser) des für atmosphärische Prozesse relevanten Größenbereichs gleichzeitig größenaufgelöst und detailliert erfasst werden. Messungen wurden in ruralen, semi-urbanen und frei-troposphärischen Luftmassen durchgeführt. Messverfahren sind die SoFA (Water-Soluble Fraction of Large and Giant Atmospheric Particles)-Methode und der HTDMA (Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer). Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die SoFA-Methode weiterentwickelt.
Ein umfangreiches Messprogramm zeigt, dass der mittlere lösliche Volumenanteil des Aerosols mit Werten von ca. 59 % geringe Variationen zwischen den Messstandorten aufweist, lediglich in frei-troposphärischen Luftmassen liegt er mit 66 % erwartungsgemäß höher. Betrachtet man die Daten größenaufgelöst, so zeigt sich, dass im Größenbereich zwischen 200 und 500 nm Partikeldurchmesser der lösliche Volumenanteil ein Maximum aufweist. Ein in semi-urbanem Aerosol gemessener Jahresgang weist, vor allem für Partikel kleiner 300 nm, im Sommer geringere Werte als im Winter auf. Unterhalb 300 nm Partikeldurchmesser treten üblicherweise zwei, oberhalb bis zu drei Partikeltypen unterschiedlicher Hygroskopizität auf: der fast unlösliche Partikeltyp mit löslichen Volumenanteilen bis 12 %, der wahrscheinlich aus Ruß, sekundärem organischem, mineralischem und biologischem Material besteht; der teilweise lösliche Partikeltyp (50 bis 75 %), der als Mischpartikel anzusprechen ist; schließlich der überwiegend lösliche Partikeltyp (ca. 90 %), der wahrscheinlich durch Wolkenprozessierung entsteht. Der Unterschied zwischen den Messstandorten ist auch hier gering. Üblicherweise dominieren die löslicheren Partikeltypen mit relativen Anteilen von 60 bis 95 %, wobei sich ein Minimum der Häufigkeit der löslicheren Partikel zwischen 1.5 und 2.5 µm zeigt. Abschließende größenaufgelöste Modellrechnungen zum Aerosol-Feuchtewachstum unterstreichen die Relevanz dieser Untersuchungen für Strahlungs- und Wolkenprozesse.


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A series of new columnar discotic liquid crystalline materials based on the superphenalene (C96) core has been synthesized by oxidative cyclodehydrogenation with iron(III) chloride of suitable three-dimensional oligophenylene precursors. These compounds were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarized optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), and showed highly ordered supramolecular arrays and mesophase behavior over a broad temperature range. Good solubility, through the introduction of long alkyl chains, and the fact that these new superphenalene derivatives were found to be liquid crystalline at room temperature enabled the formation of highly ordered films (using the zone-casting technique), a requirement for application in organic electronic devices. The one-dimensional, intracolumnar charge carrier mobilities of superphenalene derivatives were determined using the pulse-radiolysis time-resolved microwave conductivity technique (PR-TRMC). Electrical properties of different C96-C12 architectures on mica surfaces were examined by using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM). Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (C42) derivatives substituted at the periphery with six branched alkyl ether chains were also synthesized. It was found that the introduction of ether groups within the side chains enhances the affinity of the discotic molecules towards polar surfaces, resulting in homeotropic self-assembly (as shown by POM and 2D-WAXS) when the compounds are processed from the isotropic state between two surfaces. A new, insoluble, superphenalene building block bearing six reactive sites was prepared, and was further used for the preparation of dendronized superphenalenes with bulky dendritic substituents around the core. UV/Vis and fluorescence experiments suggest reduced π-π stacking of the superphenalene cores as a result of steric hindrance between the peripheral dendritic units. A new family of graphitic molecules with partial ”zig-zag” periphery has been established. The incorporation of ”zig-zag” edges was shown to have a strong influence on the electronic properties of the new molecules (as studied by solution and solid-state UV/Vis, and fluorescence spectroscopy), leading to a significant bathochromic shift with respect to the parent PAHs (C42 and C96). The reactivity of the additional double bonds was examined. The attachment of long alkyl chains to a ”zig-zag” superphenalene core afforded a new, processable, liquid crystalline material.


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A series of oligo-phenylene dendronised conjugated polymers was prepared. The divergent synthetic approach adopted allowed for the facile synthesis of a range of dendronised monomers from a common intermediate, e.g. first and second generation fluorene. Only the polymerisation of the first generation and alkylarylamine substituted dendronised fluorene monomers yielded high molecular weight materials, attributed to the low solubility of the remaining dendronised monomers. The alkylarylamine substituted dendronised poly(fluorene) was incorporated into an organic light emitting diode (OLED) and exhibited an increased colour stability in air compared to other poly(fluorenes). The concept of dendronisation was extended to poly(fluorenone), a previously insoluble material. The synthesis of the first soluble poly(fluorenone) was achieved by the incorporation of oligo-phenylene dendrons at the 4-position of fluorenone. The dendronisation of fluorenone allowed for a polymer with an Mn of 4.1 x 104 gmol-1 to be prepared. Cyclic voltammetry of the dendronised poly(fluorenone) showed that the electron affinity of the polymer was high and that the polymer is a promising n-type material. A dimer and trimer of indenofluorene (IF) were prepared from the monobromo IF. These oligomers were investigated by 2-dimensional wide angle x-ray spectroscopy (2D-WAXS), polarised optical microscopy (POM) and dielectric spectroscopy, and found to form highly ordered smetic phases. By attaching perylene dye as the end-capper on the IF oligomers, molecules that exhibited efficient Förster energy transfer were obtained. Indenofluorene monoketone, a potential defect structure for IF based OLED’s, was synthesised. The synthesis of this model defect structure allowed for the long wavelength emission in OLED’s to be identified as ketone defects. The long wavelength emission from the indenofluorene monoketone was found to be concentration dependent, and suggests that aggregate formation is occurring. An IF linked hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) dimer was synthesised. The 2D-WAXS images of this HBC dimer demonstrate that the molecule exhibits intercolumnar organisation perpendicular to the extrusion direction. POM images of mixtures of the HBC dimer mixed with an HBC with a low isotropic temperature demonstrated that the HBC dimer is mixing with the isotropic HBC.


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In this thesis, we investigated the evaporation of sessile microdroplets on different solid substrates. Three major aspects were studied: the influence of surface hydrophilicity and heterogeneity on the evaporation dynamics for an insoluble solid substrate, the influence of external process parameters and intrinsic material properties on microstructuring of soluble polymer substrates and the influence of an increased area to volume ratio in a microfluidic capillary, when evaporation is hindered. In the first part, the evaporation dynamics of pure sessile water drops on smooth self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiols or disulfides on gold on mica was studied. With increasing surface hydrophilicity the drop stayed pinned longer. Thus, the total evaporation time of a given initial drop volume was shorter, since the drop surface, through which the evaporation occurs, stays longer large. Usually, for a single drop the volume decreased linearly with t1.5, t being the evaporation time, for a diffusion-controlled evaporation process. However, when we measured the total evaporation time, ttot, for multiple droplets with different initial volumes, V0, we found a scaling of the form V0 = attotb. The more hydrophilic the substrate was, the more showed the scaling exponent a tendency to an increased value up to 1.6. This can be attributed to an increasing evaporation rate through a thin water layer in the vicinity of the drop. Under the assumption of a constant temperature at the substrate surface a cooling of the droplet and thus a decreased evaporation rate could be excluded as a reason for the different scaling exponent by simulations performed by F. Schönfeld at the IMM, Mainz. In contrast, for a hairy surface, made of dialkyldisulfide SAMs with different chain lengths and a 1:1 mixture of hydrophilic and hydrophobic end groups (hydroxy versus methyl group), the scaling exponent was found to be ~ 1.4. It increased to ~ 1.5 with increasing hydrophilicity. A reason for this observation can only be speculated: in the case of longer hydrophobic alkyl chains the formation of an air layer between substrate and surface might be favorable. Thus, the heat transport to the substrate might be reduced, leading to a stronger cooling and thus decreased evaporation rate. In the second part, the microstructuring of polystyrene surfaces by drops of toluene, a good solvent, was investigated. For this a novel deposition technique was developed, with which the drop can be deposited with a syringe. The polymer substrate is lying on a motorized table, which picks up the pendant drop by an upward motion until a liquid bridge is formed. A consecutive downward motion of the table after a variable delay, i.e. the contact time between drop and polymer, leads to the deposition of the droplet, which can evaporate. The resulting microstructure is investigated in dependence of the processes parameters, i.e. the approach and the retraction speed of the substrate and the delay between them, and in dependence of the intrinsic material properties, i.e. the molar mass and the type of the polymer/solvent system. The principal equivalence with the microstructuring by the ink-jet technique was demonstrated. For a high approach and retraction speed of 9 mm/s and no delay between them, a concave microtopology was observed. In agreement with the literature, this can be explained by a flow of solvent and the dissolved polymer to the rim of the pinned droplet, where polymer is accumulated. This effect is analogue to the well-known formation of ring-like stains after the evaporation of coffee drops (coffee-stain effect). With decreasing retraction speed down to 10 µm/s the resulting surface topology changes from concave to convex. This can be explained with the increasing dissolution of polymer into the solvent drop prior to the evaporation. If the polymer concentration is high enough, gelation occurs instead of a flow to the rim and the shape of the convex droplet is received. With increasing delay time from below 0 ms to 1s the depth of the concave microwells decreases from 4.6 µm to 3.2 µm. However, a convex surface topology could not be obtained, since for longer delay times the polymer sticks to the tip of the syringe. Thus, by changing the delay time a fine-tuning of the concave structure is accomplished, while by changing the retraction speed a principal change of the microtopolgy can be achieved. We attribute this to an additional flow inside the liquid bridge, which enhanced polymer dissolution. Even if the pendant drop is evaporating about 30 µm above the polymer surface without any contact (non-contact mode), concave structures were observed. Rim heights as high as 33 µm could be generated for exposure times of 20 min. The concave structure exclusively lay above the flat polymer surface outside the structure even after drying. This shows that toluene is taken up permanently. The increasing rim height, rh, with increasing exposure time to the solvent vapor obeys a diffusion law of rh = rh0  tn, with n in the range of 0.46 ~ 0.65. This hints at a non-Fickian swelling process. A detailed analysis showed that the rim height of the concave structure is modulated, unlike for the drop deposition. This is due to the local stress relaxation, which was initiated by the increasing toluene concentration in the extruded polymer surface. By altering the intrinsic material parameters i.e. the polymer molar mass and the polymer/solvent combination, several types of microstructures could be formed. With increasing molar mass from 20.9 kDa to 1.44 MDa the resulting microstructure changed from convex, to a structure with a dimple in the center, to concave, to finally an irregular structure. This observation can be explained if one assumes that the microstructuring is dominated by two opposing effects, a decreasing solubility with increasing polymer molar mass, but an increasing surface tension gradient leading to instabilities of Marangoni-type. Thus, a polymer with a low molar mass close or below the entanglement limit is subject to a high dissolution rate, which leads to fast gelation compared to the evaporation rate. This way a coffee-rim like effect is eliminated early and a convex structure results. For high molar masses the low dissolution rate and the low polymer diffusion might lead to increased surface tension gradients and a typical local pile-up of polymer is found. For intermediate polymer masses around 200 kDa, the dissolution and evaporation rate are comparable and the typical concave microtopology is found. This interpretation was supported by a quantitative estimation of the diffusion coefficient and the evaporation rate. For a different polymer/solvent system, polyethylmethacrylate (PEMA)/ethylacetate (EA), exclusively concave structures were found. Following the statements above this can be interpreted with a lower dissolution rate. At low molar masses the concentration of PEMA in EA most likely never reaches the gelation point. Thus, a concave instead of a convex structure occurs. At the end of this section, the optically properties of such microstructures for a potential application as microlenses are studied with laser scanning confocal microscopy. In the third part, the droplet was confined into a glass microcapillary to avoid evaporation. Since here, due to an increased area to volume ratio, the surface properties of the liquid and the solid walls became important, the influence of the surface hydrophilicity of the wall on the interfacial tension between two immiscible liquid slugs was investigated. For this a novel method for measuring the interfacial tension between the two liquids within the capillary was developed. This technique was demonstrated by measuring the interfacial tensions between slugs of pure water and standard solvents. For toluene, n-hexane and chloroform 36.2, 50.9 and 34.2 mN/m were measured at 20°C, which is in a good agreement with data from the literature. For a slug of hexane in contact with a slug of pure water containing ethanol in a concentration range between 0 and 70 (v/v %), a difference of up to 6 mN/m was found, when compared to commercial ring tensiometry. This discrepancy is still under debate.


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Feste Lösungen homogen dispergierter Wirkstoffmoleküle in amorphen Polymermatrizen sind wichtige Materialien in vielen pharmazeutischen Anwendungen, bei denen eine kontrollierte Abgabe wasserunlöslicher Wirkstoffe in wässrige Systeme eine Rolle spielt. Die intermolekulare Bindungs-stärke zwischen Polymer- und Wirkstoffmolekülgruppen bestimmt die Stabilität der festen Lösung und steuert somit die biologische Aktivität der Wirkstoffmoleküle. In festen Lösungen, die aus acryl-säurehaltigen Copolymeren (Protonendonoren) und basischen Wirkstoffmolekülen (Protonenakzepto-ren) hergestellt werden, sind intermolekulare Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen den Systemkomponenten Triebkraft für die Bildung einer stabilen homogenen Dispersion und für die Entstehung struktureller Merkmale zwischen den Molekülgruppen der Systemkomponenten. Zudem ist die Bindungsstärke der Wasserstoffbrücken im Hinblick auf die kontrollierte Abgabe der Wirkstoffe von Bedeutung. Da dynamische chemische Gleichgewichte bei der Bildung der Wasserstoffbrücken eine wichtige Rolle spielen müssen neben strukturellen Parametern auch dynamische Faktoren beleuchtet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist neben der Ermittlung von intermolekularen Bindungsstärken vor allem die Identifika-tion struktureller Verhältnisse zwischen den Systemkomponenten auf molekularer Ebene. Die Be-stimmung der Abhängigkeit dieser Parameter von der Struktur der verwendeten Polymere und einer Vielzahl weiterer Einflüsse wie z.B. Feuchtigkeit, Lagerdauer oder Wirkstoffkonzentration soll ein kontrolliertes Design fester Lösungen mit definierten anwendungsspezifischen Eigenschaften ermögli-chen. Temperaturabhängige 1H-Festkörper-MAS-NMR (Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) Experimente an festen Lösungen mit unterschiedlichen Copolymer-Zusammensetzungen weisen die Existenz dynamischer chemischer Gleichgewichte in den komplexen Wasserstoffbrücken-netzwerken nach. Veränderungen in der chemischen Verschiebung und in der Linienform der Reso-nanzlinien acider Protonen erlauben einen tiefen Einblick in die Architektur dieser Netzwerke und legen die Bindungsverhältnisse unter Berücksichtigung der Polymerchemie und der Mobilität der Systemkomponenten dar, wobei die Befunde mithilfe quantenchemischer Rechnungen untermauert werden können. Die Gegenwart acider Protonen ermöglicht einen einfachen 1H-2H-Austausch, wor-aufhin mithilfe rotorsynchronisierter temperaturabhängiger 2H-MAS-NMR Experimente die Wasser-stoffbrückenbindungsstärke bestimmt werden kann. Mit 1H-1H-Korrelationsexperimenten (Doppelquantenspektroskopie) stehen Methoden für die Bestimmung homonuklearer dipolarer 1H-1H-Kopplungen zur Verfügung, die strukturelle Aussagen aufgrund von bevorzugten räumlichen Kontak-ten bestimmter Molekülgruppen ermöglichen. Weiterhin können diese Experimente verwendet werden, um Wasserstoffbrücken zwischen Polymergruppen von Polymer-Wirkstoff-Wasserstoffbrücken zu unterscheiden, wodurch eine quantitative Beschreibung des Bindungsnetzwerks und der Konkurrenz-prozesse zwischen den einzelnen wasserstoffverbrückten Spezies ermöglicht wird. Eine Kristallisation der Wirkstoffmoleküle ist in vielen Anwendungen unerwünscht, da sie die biologische Verfügbarkeit des Wirkstoffs reduzieren. Mit 1H-Festkörper-MAS-NMR Experimenten können kristalline von amorph dispergierten Wirkstoffmolekülen unterschieden werden, wodurch eine Quantifizierung der Destabilisierungsprozesse ermöglicht wird, die durch Exposition der festen Lösungen mit Wasserdampf ausgelöst werden können. Die Zeit- und Konzentrationsabhängigkeit der Wasseraufnahme kann mit NMR-Experimenten verfolgt werden, wobei unterschiedlich mobile Was-serspezies an unterschiedlichen Bindungsorten identifiziert werden können, was zum molekularen Verständnis der Destabilisierungsprozesse beiträgt. Zusätzlich wird die Mobilität der Wirkstoffmole-küle bestimmt, die sich – wie auch die Wirkstoffkonzentration - als wichtige Größe in der Beschrei-bung der Destabilisierung erweist. Aufbauend auf den Beobachtungen wird ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Copolymerzusammensetzung und einer kritischen Wirkstoffkonzentration hergestellt, der für die Anwendungen amorpher fester Lösungen in biologischen Systemen von großer Bedeutung ist.


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Iodine chemistry plays an important role in the tropospheric ozone depletion and the new particle formation in the Marine Boundary Layer (MBL). The sources, reaction pathways, and the sinks of iodine are investigated using lab experiments and field observations. The aims of this work are, firstly, to develop analytical methods for iodine measurements of marine aerosol samples especially for iodine speciation in the soluble iodine; secondly, to apply the analytical methods in field collected aerosol samples, and to estimate the characteristics of aerosol iodine in the MBL. Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was the technique used for iodine measurements. Offline methods using water extraction and Tetra-methyl-ammonium-hydroxide (TMAH) extraction were applied to measure total soluble iodine (TSI) and total insoluble iodine (TII) in the marine aerosol samples. External standard calibration and isotope dilution analysis (IDA) were both conducted for iodine quantification and the limits of detection (LODs) were both 0.1 μg L-1 for TSI and TII measurements. Online couplings of Ion Chromatography (IC)-ICP-MS and Gel electrophoresis (GE)-ICP-MS were both developed for soluble iodine speciation. Anion exchange columns were adopted for IC-ICP-MS systems. Iodide, iodate, and unknown signal(s) were observed in these methods. Iodide and iodate were separated successfully and the LODs were 0.1 and 0.5 μg L-1, respectively. Unknown signals were soluble organic iodine species (SOI) and quantified by the calibration curve of iodide, but not clearly identified and quantified yet. These analytical methods were all applied to the iodine measurements of marine aerosol samples from the worldwide filed campaigns. The TSI and TII concentrations (medians) in PM2.5 were found to be 240.87 pmol m-3 and 105.37 pmol m-3 at Mace Head, west coast of Ireland, as well as 119.10 pmol m-3 and 97.88 pmol m-3 in the cruise campaign over the North Atlantic Ocean, during June – July 2006. Inorganic iodine, namely iodide and iodate, was the minor iodine fraction in both campaigns, accounting for 7.3% (median) and 5.8% (median) in PM2.5 iodine at Mace Head and over the North Atlantic Ocean, respectively. Iodide concentrations were higher than iodate in most of the samples. In the contrast, more than 90% of TSI was SOI and the SOI concentration was correlated significantly with the iodide concentration. The correlation coefficients (R2) were both higher than 0.5 at Mace Head and in the first leg of the cruise. Size fractionated aerosol samples collected by 5 stage Berner impactor cascade sampler showed similar proportions of inorganic and organic iodine. Significant correlations were obtained in the particle size ranges of 0.25 – 0.71 μm and 0.71 – 2.0 μm between SOI and iodide, and better correlations were found in sunny days. TSI and iodide existed mainly in fine particle size range (< 2.0 μm) and iodate resided in coarse range (2.0 – 10 μm). Aerosol iodine was suggested to be related to the primary iodine release in the tidal zone. Natural meteorological conditions such as solar radiation, raining etc were observed to have influence on the aerosol iodine. During the ship campaign over the North Atlantic Ocean (January – February 2007), the TSI concentrations (medians) ranged 35.14 – 60.63 pmol m-3 among the 5 stages. Likewise, SOI was found to be the most abundant iodine fraction in TSI with a median of 98.6%. Significant correlation also presented between SOI and iodide in the size range of 2.0 – 5.9 μm. Higher iodate concentration was again found in the higher particle size range, similar to that at Mace Head. Airmass transport from the biogenic bloom region and the Antarctic ice front sector was observed to play an important role in aerosol iodine enhancement. The TSI concentrations observed along the 30,000 km long cruise round trip from East Asia to Antarctica during November 2005 – March 2006 were much lower than in the other campaigns, with a median of 6.51 pmol m-3. Approximately 70% of the TSI was SOI on average. The abundances of inorganic iodine including iodine and iodide were less than 30% of TSI. The median value of iodide was 1.49 pmol m-3, which was more than four fold higher than that of iodate (median, 0.28 pmol m-3). Spatial variation indicated highest aerosol iodine appearing in the tropical area. Iodine level was considerably lower in coastal Antarctica with the TSI median of 3.22 pmol m-3. However, airmass transport from the ice front sector was correlated with the enhance TSI level, suggesting the unrevealed source of iodine in the polar region. In addition, significant correlation between SOI and iodide was also shown in this campaign. A global distribution in aerosol was shown in the field campaigns in this work. SOI was verified globally ubiquitous due to the presence in the different sampling locations and its high proportion in TSI in the marine aerosols. The correlations between SOI and iodide were obtained not only in different locations but also in different seasons, implying the possible mechanism of iodide production through SOI decomposition. Nevertheless, future studies are needed for improving the current understanding of iodine chemistry in the MBL (e.g. SOI identification and quantification as well as the update modeling involving organic matters).


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The land-atmosphere exchange of atmospheric trace gases is sensitive to meteorological conditions and climate change. It contributes in turn to the atmospheric radiative forcing through its effects on tropospheric chemistry. The interactions between the hydrological cycle and atmospheric processes are intricate and often involve different levels of feedbacks. The Earth system model EMAC is used in this thesis to assess the direct role of the land surface components of the terrestrial hydrological cycle in the emissions, deposition and transport of key trace gases that control tropospheric chemistry. It is also used to examine its indirect role in changing the tropospheric chemical composition through the feedbacks between the atmospheric and the terrestrial branches of the hydrological cycle. Selected features of the hydrological cycle in EMAC are evaluated using observations from different data sources. The interactions between precipitation and the water vapor column, from the atmospheric branch of the hydrological cycle, and evapotranspiration, from its terrestrial branch, are assessed specially for tropical regions. The impacts of changes in the land surface hydrology on surface exchanges and the oxidizing chemistry of the atmosphere are assessed through two sensitivity simulations. In the first, a new parametrization for rainfall interception in the densely vegetated areas in the tropics is implemented, and its effects are assessed. The second study involves the application of a soil moisture forcing that replaces the model calculated soil moisture. Both experiments have a large impact on the local hydrological cycle, dry deposition of soluble and insoluble gases, emissions of isoprene through changes in surface temperature and the Planetary Boundary Layer height. Additionally the soil moisture forcing causes changes in local vertical transport and large-scale circulation. The changes in trace gas exchanges affect the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere through changes in OH, O$_3$, NO$_x$ concentrations.


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Within this PhD thesis matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) has been used as a reliable tool for the quantitative characterization of giant molecules, such as alkyl substituted and unsubstituted large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which cannot be characterized by conventional analytic techniques due to their lack of solubility. The use of the MALDI solvent-free technique for the sample preparation and the application of the standard addition method have allowed the quantitative characterization of synthetic PAH mixtures. The knowledge, acquired by studying these representative systems, has been then transferred to the quantitative analyses of complex and slightly soluble natural PAH mixtures, such as mesophase pitch. Moreover, the possibility to ionize intractable and insoluble molecules via mass spectrometry has been recognized to be not only a powerful analytical method, but also to represent a unique change to handle giant aromatic systems and to deposit them on a surface for further investigations, in a process, which is defined as “soft-landing”. Within this novel deposition technique, ions of the desired analytes or analyte mixtures are generated by means of an MS ionization source, discriminated by their different mass to charge ratios via a mass analyzer and landed with retention of their structure on a desired surface. This soft-deposition is guaranteed by the use of decelerating potentials, which have in this work been recognized to influence the final packing of the analyte molecules reaching the landing surface. For a more detailed study of the electrical field action on disc-like and rod-like molecules, soft-landing-independent experiments have been additionally carried out. As a result unidirectionally ordered films of the analyte molecules have been obtained due to the application of an external electrical strength. This versatile alignment technique has then been used for obtaining ordered layers of semiconducting materials for the fabrication of organic field effect transistors (OFET) with improved performances.


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Many age-related neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and polyglutamine disorders, including Huntington’s disease, are associated with the aberrant formation of protein aggregates. These protein aggregates and/or their precursors are believed to be causally linked to the pathogenesis of such protein conformation disorders, also referred to as proteinopathies. The accumulation of protein aggregates, frequently under conditions of an age-related increase in oxidative stress, implies the failure of protein quality control and the resulting proteome instability as an upstream event of proteinopathies. As aging is a main risk factor of many proteinopathies, potential alterations of protein quality control pathways that accompany the biological aging process could be a crucial factor for the onset of these disorders.rnrnThe focus of this dissertation lies on age-related alterations of protein quality control mechanisms that are regulated by the co-chaperones of the BAG (Bcl-2-associated athanogene) family. BAG proteins are thought to promote nucleotide exchange on Hsc/Hsp70 and to couple the release of chaperone-bound substrates to distinct down-stream cellular processes. The present study demonstrates that BAG1 and BAG3 are reciprocally regulated during aging leading to an increased BAG3 to BAG1 ratio in cellular models of replicative senescence as well as in neurons of the aging rodent brain. Furthermore, BAG1 and BAG3 were identified as key regulators of protein degradation pathways. BAG1 was found to be essential for effective degradation of polyubiquitinated proteins by the ubiquitin/proteasome system, possibly by promoting Hsc/Hsp70 substrate transfer to the 26S proteasome. In contrast, BAG3 was identified to stimulate the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins by macroautophagy, a catabolic process mediated by lysosomal hydrolases. BAG3-regulated protein degradation was found to depend on the function of the ubiquitin-receptor protein SQSTM1 which is known to sequester polyubiquitinated proteins for macroautophagic degradation. It could be further demonstrated that SQSTM1 expression is tightly coupled to BAG3 expression and that BAG3 can physically interact with SQSTM1. Moreover, immunofluorescence-based microscopic analyses revealed that BAG3 co-localizes with SQSTM1 in protein sequestration structures suggesting a direct role of BAG3 in substrate delivery to SQSTM1 for macroautophagic degradation. Consistent with these findings, the age-related switch from BAG1 to BAG3 was found to determine that aged cells use the macroautophagic system more intensely for the turnover of polyubiquitinated proteins, in particular of insoluble, aggregated quality control substrates. Finally, in vivo expression analysis of macroautophagy markers in young and old mice as well as analysis of the lysosomal enzymatic activity strongly indicated that the macroautophagy pathway is also recruited in the nervous system during the organismal aging process.rnrnTogether these findings suggest that protein turnover by macroautophagy is gaining importance during the aging process as insoluble quality control substrates are increasingly produced that cannot be degraded by the proteasomal system. For this reason, a switch from the proteasome regulator BAG1 to the macroautophagy stimulator BAG3 occurs during cell aging. Hence, it can be concluded that the BAG3-mediated recruitment of the macroauto-phagy pathway is an important adaptation of the protein quality control system to maintain protein homeostasis in the presence of an enhanced pro-oxidant and aggregation-prone milieu characteristic of aging. Future studies will explore whether an impairment of this adaptation process may contribute to age-related proteinopathies.


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In the present study of sponge-bacterial association, the presence of a marine bacterium which has not seen to be associated previously with the Mediterranean sponge Suberites domuncula was investigated. The marine sponge S. domuncula was chosen as the subject of investigation, for the identification of potential symbiotic microorganisms, since it can be kept under controlled laboratory conditions for over five years. By the use of specialized media assisting in the growth of a metal oxidizing bacterium, the manganese oxidizing bacterium was isolated from the surface of the marine sponge. The bacterium so isolated was characterized for its growth characteristics by microbiological and biochemical techniques, a detailed analysis of which showed that the bacterium followed a life cycle where the culture showed the presence of spore forming bacteria. This was correlated to the manganese oxidation activity of the bacteria and it was found that both stages are interdependent.The action of the protein responsible for carrying out the manganese (Mn) oxidation was studied by an in-gel oxidation assay, and the presence of a multi copper oxidase was confirmed by the use of copper chelators in the buffer. In parallel the effect of addition of copper was observed on the manganese oxidation by the bacteria thus supporting the observations. The manganese oxidation reaction by the bacteria was determined in the culture medium and on the surface of the cells, and it could be concluded that the oxidation was facilitated by the presence of the polysaccharides and proteins on the surface of the cells.Thus the presence of a bacterium capable of oxidizing the manganese from the surroundings was confirmed to be symbiotically associated with the marine sponge S. domuncula by monitoring its growth in axenic cultures. The reasons behind this association were studied.This bacterium displays a crucial role in the physiology/metabolism of the sponge by acting as a reversible Mn store in S. domuncula. According to this view, the presence of SubDo-03 bacteria is required as a protection against higher, toxic concentrations of Mn in the environment; manganese (II) after undergoing oxidation to manganese (IV), becomes an insoluble ion. Since only minute levels of manganese exist in the surrounding seawater a substantial accumulation of manganese has to arise, or a release by the bacterial-precipitated manganese (IV) is implicated to maintain the reversible balance. The other possible benefits provided by the bacterial association to the sponge could be in preventing cellular oxygen toxicity, help in nutrient scavenging and detoxification.


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Die Ursache der neurodegenerativen Erkrankung Spinozerebelläre Ataxie Typ 2 (SCA2) ist eine expandierte Polyglutamin-Domäne im humanen ATXN2-Gen von normalerweise 22 auf über 31 CAGs. Von der Degeneration sind vorwiegend die zerebellären Purkinje Neuronen betroffen, in denen zunehmend zytoplasmatische Aggregate sichtbar werden. Auch wenn die genaue Funktion von ATXN2 und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen noch immer ungeklärt sind, werden ein toxischer Funktionsgewinn sowie der Verlust der normalen Proteinfunktion als mögliche Ursachen diskutiert.rnUm ein wirklichkeitsgetreues Tiermodell für die SCA2 zu haben, wurde eine knock-in Maus generiert, deren einzelnes CAG im Atxn2-Gen durch 42 CAGs ersetzt wurde. Dieses Mausmodell ist durch eine stabile Vererbung der Expansion charakterisiert. Weiterhin zeigt sie ein verringertes Körpergewicht sowie eine spät beginnende motorische Inkoordination, was dem Krankheitsbild von SCA2 entspricht. rnIm Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass, obwohl die Atxn2 mRNA-Spiegel in Großhirn und Kleinhirn erhöht waren, die Menge an löslichem ATXN2 im Laufe der Zeit abnahm und dies mit einem Auftreten an unlöslichem ATXN2 korrelierte. Dieser im Kleinhirn progressive Prozess resultierte schließlich in zytoplasmatischen Aggregaten innerhalb der Purkinje Neuronen alter Mäuse. Der Verlust an löslichem ATXN2 könnte Effekte erklären, die auf einen partiellen Funktionsverlust von ATXN2 zurückzuführen sind, wobei die Aggregatbildung einen toxischen Funktionsgewinn wiederspiegeln könnte. Neben ATXN2 wurde auch sein Interaktor PABPC1 zunehmend unlöslich. Während dies im Großhirn eine Erhöhung der PABPC1 mRNA- und löslichen Proteinspiegel zur Folge hatte, konnte keine kompensatorische Veränderung seiner mRNA und zudem eine Verminderung an löslichem PABPC1 im Kleinhirn beobachtet werden. Auch PABPC1 wurde in Aggregate sequestriert. Diese Unterschiede zwischen Großhirn und Kleinhirn könnten zu der spezifischen Vulnerabilität des Kleinhirns beitragen.rnUm die Folgen auf mRNA-Prozessierung zu untersuchen, wurde ein Transkriptomprofil im mittleren sowie fortgeschrittenen Alter der Mäuse erstellt. Hierbei war eine erhöhte Expression von Fbxw8 im Kleinhirn alter Mäuse auffällig. Als Komponente eines Ubiquitin-E3-Ligase-Komplexes, hilft FBXW8 in der Degradierung von Zielproteinen und könnte somit die Toxizität des expandieren ATXN2 verringern. rnZur näheren Beschreibung der physiologischen Funktion von ATXN2, konnte in ATXN2-knock-out Mäusen gezeigt werden, dass das Fehlen von ATXN2 zu einer reduzierten globalen Proteinsyntheserate führte und somit eine Rolle als Translationsaktivator möglich erscheint. Kompensatorisch wurde eine erhöhte S6-Phosphorylierung gemessen.